Teacher Demands Her Students Deny the Existence of God

Robert Frost, 1874 - 1963

I found a dimpled spider, fat and white,
On a white heal-all, holding up a moth
Like a white piece of rigid satin cloth--
Assorted characters of death and blight
Mixed ready to begin the morning right,
Like the ingredients of a witches’ broth--
A snow-drop spider, a flower like a froth,
And dead wings carried like a paper kite.

What had that flower to do with being white,
The wayside blue and innocent heal-all?
What brought the kindred spider to that height,
Then steered the white moth thither in the night?
What but design of darkness to appall?--
If design govern in a thing so small.

Design | Academy of American Poets
What's this?


To a rational mind it's some lines and dots. To your mind, it's a horse. Your mind imposes its own reality instead of dealing with what is reality, which is why you believe in design, and a designer known as God.
The universe can be described by elegant equations. Those equations would hold true even if there were no human minds to notice the equations.
The universe we cannot even begin understand. At the very small or the very large our math falls apart. It's good enough to get us to the moon and back, but not good for much beyond that. Regardless, just because we can make the math work doesn't mean the universe was created.

More accurately, we can't get the math of the very small to work with the math of the very large. In their own domains the respective maths are actually pretty good. But we know that we're at least a little wrong.
The anti-Godists are simply so desperate to disprove the existence of God, but they can't.

false analogy. The burden of proof is on the believer. If I believe in Santa Claus it's up to me to prove it, not you to prove he doesn't exist. You're the one making the claim, it's yours to prove....
The teacher “started telling kids they were completely wrong and that when kids argued we were told we would get in trouble. When I tried to argue, she told me to prove it, and I tried to reference things such as the Bible and stories I have read before from people who have died and went to heaven but came back and told their stories, and she told me both were just things people were doing to get attention.”

A large 300 lb steroid using Resource Officer should have rushed in immediately and knocked some sense into those Christian kids head.
..just grab them by the throat flip their desk and toss the little miscreants...I think is a failure of parenting for those kids to be arguing with the teacher...she is the authority figure...

Today I was given an assignment in school that questioned my faith and told me that God was not real. Our teacher had started off saying that the assignment had been giving problems all day. We were asked to take a poll to say whether God is fact, opinion or a myth and she told anyone who said fact or opinion was wrong and God was only a myth,” Wooley told board members,” according to EAG News.

The teacher “started telling kids they were completely wrong and that when kids argued we were told we would get in trouble. When I tried to argue, she told me to prove it, and I tried to reference things such as the Bible and stories I have read before from people who have died and went to heaven but came back and told their stories, and she told me both were just things people were doing to get attention.”

“I know it wasn’t just me who was affected by it. My friend, she went home and started crying. She was supposed to come with me but she didn’t know if she could” because she was so upset, Wooley said.”

The march of radical Marxist ass holes has only just begun. This is just a start, much worse is yet to come.

Seems a teacher got kids to think.
The anti-Godists are simply so desperate to disprove the existence of God, but they can't.

false analogy. The burden of proof is on the believer. If I believe in Santa Claus it's up to me to prove it, not you to prove he doesn't exist. You're the one making the claim, it's yours to prove....
It's up to you to determine whether you believe me. You cannot disprove that God exists. The original affirmations have been that He does not. Your problem, not mine.

Today I was given an assignment in school that questioned my faith and told me that God was not real. Our teacher had started off saying that the assignment had been giving problems all day. We were asked to take a poll to say whether God is fact, opinion or a myth and she told anyone who said fact or opinion was wrong and God was only a myth,” Wooley told board members,” according to EAG News.

The teacher “started telling kids they were completely wrong and that when kids argued we were told we would get in trouble. When I tried to argue, she told me to prove it, and I tried to reference things such as the Bible and stories I have read before from people who have died and went to heaven but came back and told their stories, and she told me both were just things people were doing to get attention.”

“I know it wasn’t just me who was affected by it. My friend, she went home and started crying. She was supposed to come with me but she didn’t know if she could” because she was so upset, Wooley said.”

The march of radical Marxist ass holes has only just begun. This is just a start, much worse is yet to come.

You should tell your children that Karl Marx did not really exist.

Two can play at this game
The Human conceptualization of God is not God.... we do not have the neural capacity to contain God in our conceptualization....
Hey kids complete your homework assignment if you don't complete your homework assignment you can't have pudding...

In the simplest of term this is my paradigm for god...in this model the bright points of lights are us and the base in the middle would be God...its a monolith...the different dogma bound conceptualizations of God seem to have been incorporated into mechanism of social control...God is an overwhelming Responsibility[Cats are on the upgrade]..... we are apart from God but not really...we are in Space time continuum but the super-strings that run through everything is God flesh....those super strings go through an assembly point that becomes our familiar bipodal human form....as long as the connection to source is intact we shine........after we are back to base...we did not go anywhere ........we were always the light

The legends (worded in
the ancient tribal hymn)
lie cradled in the seagull's call.
this space reserved for God[the Ancient one]

Kids listen to the teacher or God sends in a large man in uniform ....
The Human conceptualization of God is not God.... we do not have the neural capacity to contain God in our conceptualization....

We don't have the neural capacity to contain the actual size of the solar system in our conceptualization. We can merely contain a symbol for it.

God would presumably be more difficult still.
The Human conceptualization of God is not God.... we do not have the neural capacity to contain God in our conceptualization....
Another argument that Man cannot disprove the existence of God.

Nor can man disprove the existence of the Easter Bunny. But that doesn't make it likely to actually exist either.
Skylar is a master of the fallacy of false equivalency. Study mythology and fable, the purpose and wherefor, please. Or disprove God.

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