Teacher Demands Her Students Deny the Existence of God

What report? Who reported it? And a lack of denial from the teacher? :lol:

I am not your secretary. Follow the thread, read the links.
I have followed all three threads on this and have even googled news articles from there and the statement from the school district and the video of the 7th grader in front of the school board.

What we have is a 7th grader telling us what happened....and what the school district said what happened....and they don't jive.

Now....were you there? Can you tell us EXACTLY what happened?
What report? Who reported it? And a lack of denial from the teacher? :lol:

I am not your secretary. Follow the thread, read the links.
I have followed all three threads on this and have even googled news articles from there and the statement from the school district and the video of the 7th grader in front of the school board.

What we have is a 7th grader telling us what happened....and what the school district said what happened....and they don't jive.

Now....were you there? Can you tell us EXACTLY what happened?

No, but having dealt with school officials and boards in the past, I, without further available evidence, side with the 7th grader who has no reason to hide agendas and protect employees.
And where's the proof proving he is real? School suppose to be teaching facts and reality....


Please post the fact indicating God does not exist.

Have fun! We'll wait.

How about you use your critical thinking skills and explain how to prove a negative.


One cannot prove a negative prior to providing a positive, of course, and in matters of faith, neither can one prove a positive.
And where's the proof proving he is real? School suppose to be teaching facts and reality....


Please post the fact indicating God does not exist.

Have fun! We'll wait.

How about you use your critical thinking skills and explain how to prove a negative.


One cannot prove a negative prior to providing a positive, of course, and in matters of faith, neither can one prove a positive.

So you don't object to kids being taught how to tell the difference between fact and opinion.

Doesn't mean they can't choose opinion over fact but it does mean they might be able to tell the difference in the future.
Of course negatives can be proven and, yes, positives in faith can be proven. The issue is that induction, based on the premises, lead to probability not absolutes. LN, an anti-Godist (to be honest), is correct that critical thinking exercises are worthwhile.

Today I was given an assignment in school that questioned my faith and told me that God was not real. Our teacher had started off saying that the assignment had been giving problems all day. We were asked to take a poll to say whether God is fact, opinion or a myth and she told anyone who said fact or opinion was wrong and God was only a myth,” Wooley told board members,” according to EAG News.

The teacher “started telling kids they were completely wrong and that when kids argued we were told we would get in trouble. When I tried to argue, she told me to prove it, and I tried to reference things such as the Bible and stories I have read before from people who have died and went to heaven but came back and told their stories, and she told me both were just things people were doing to get attention.”

“I know it wasn’t just me who was affected by it. My friend, she went home and started crying. She was supposed to come with me but she didn’t know if she could” because she was so upset, Wooley said.”

The march of radical Marxist ass holes has only just begun. This is just a start, much worse is yet to come.

Now you have an idea of what millions of people, including myself, who nearly daily are told that our god isn't real. That only the christian god is real and everyone else is wrong.

Non christians go through it constantly.

I'm not saying that what happened is right. I'm saying why is it ok for christians to force their god on everyone else?

This is just another reason why religion and state must stay separate. Religion has no place in public schools. Whether it's christian or any other religion or it's atheism.

Those kids are there to learn math, science, literature, history and a long list of subjects. Religion in any form shouldn't be included.

Religion belongs in church or chosen house of worship .

The Lord's Prayer applies to Jews and Christians. Those are the only two religions that matter since they pray to the same God. Muslims don't. Their allah isn't our God. The Mormon's Jesus and their God isn't either..

If you want to keep bringing your god into school classrooms then you better be prepared for other religions and other gods to be brought there too.

You people have been trying to force your religion on our nation for decades and I for one am sick of it.

I'm not christian or jewish or muslim.

So if you want to continue to force your god on everyone in America you better be prepared to accept that people of other faiths can do exactly what you conservatives have been doing since the 80s.

How would you like it if some teacher in a school started to teach your children paganism? How insulted would you be if someone taught your child about the Mother Goddess and our Mother Earth? While at the same time teaching your child that the christian god doesn't exist, the bible is nothing but lies and the only way to heaven is through the Mother Goddess? Or that you didn't love your children because you baptized them christian and didn't raise them as a pagan?

Or how would you feel if some muslim taught your child that mohammed is the profit for god and the koran is the only word of god? How would you like it if someone brought a prayer rug to the school and had your child recite muslim prayers on it?

I have absolutely no sympathy for those kids. They act like it's some sort of crime to not believe in the christian god or to be told that the christian god doesn't exist. It's not.

If you all have the freedom to try to force your faith on innocent children and adults then we have the freedom to tell you that your god doesn't exist.

See how that works? It's called freedom of religion. You might have heard of it if you had actually read and studied the constitution when you were supposed to. Obviously you didn't.
Reason 12,473 why homeschooling is the only option.

Student: Teacher taught 'God is not real'
The question was: Is God Fact or Opinion? It's opinion, kiddos. Hardly a denial of God eh?
Student said both fact and opinion were marked as wrong. Which leads to the conclusion that "There is a God" was deemed a "commonplace assertion" which leads me to the question: what's the difference between an opinion and a "commonplace assertion"? And who the fuck cares?

I rate the teacher as a moron who should be constrained to teaching to the standardized test rather than inventing nonsense and testing kids on their ability to learn such nonsense.

Or better yet ... fired.

Bottom line, "There is a God" should have in no way been one of the questions on that test. Unnecessary and pointless other than an attempt by a state employee to respect the establishment of the atheist religion
... which is unconstitutional.

Today I was given an assignment in school that questioned my faith and told me that God was not real. Our teacher had started off saying that the assignment had been giving problems all day. We were asked to take a poll to say whether God is fact, opinion or a myth and she told anyone who said fact or opinion was wrong and God was only a myth,” Wooley told board members,” according to EAG News.

The teacher “started telling kids they were completely wrong and that when kids argued we were told we would get in trouble. When I tried to argue, she told me to prove it, and I tried to reference things such as the Bible and stories I have read before from people who have died and went to heaven but came back and told their stories, and she told me both were just things people were doing to get attention.”

“I know it wasn’t just me who was affected by it. My friend, she went home and started crying. She was supposed to come with me but she didn’t know if she could” because she was so upset, Wooley said.”

The march of radical Marxist ass holes has only just begun. This is just a start, much worse is yet to come.

I wonder if they also teach that Gravity is not real.

There is scientific proof of gravity.

There is absolutely no proof, scientific or otherwise, of the christian god.

You're free to worship and believe in whatever god you want.

So is everyone else.

I don't believe in your christian god and there's absolutely no way I ever will. I have that right. It's called Freedom of Religion. You would know about it if you had actually read and learned about our constitution. Obviously you didn't.
The teacher shouldnt do that. And nobody should think God is fact. Because "he" isnt
Reason 12,473 why homeschooling is the only option.

Student: Teacher taught 'God is not real'
The question was: Is God Fact or Opinion? It's opinion, kiddos. Hardly a denial of God eh?
Student said both fact and opinion were marked as wrong. Which leads to the conclusion that "There is a God" was deemed a "commonplace assertion" which leads me to the question: what's the difference between an opinion and a "commonplace assertion"? And who the fuck cares?

I rate the teacher as a moron who should be constrained to teaching to the standardized test rather than inventing nonsense and testing kids on their ability to learn such nonsense.

Or better yet ... fired.

Bottom line, "There is a God" should have in no way been one of the questions on that test. Unnecessary and pointless other than an attempt by a state employee to respect the establishment of the atheist religion
... which is unconstitutional.
God is an opinion, kids, and it's good for kids to know that in a world where God is unknown. This you want a teacher fired for but a football coach leading a prayer, that you admire. This is why the Founders made this a secular nation, people like you.
Reason 12,473 why homeschooling is the only option.

Student: Teacher taught 'God is not real'
The question was: Is God Fact or Opinion? It's opinion, kiddos. Hardly a denial of God eh?
Student said both fact and opinion were marked as wrong. Which leads to the conclusion that "There is a God" was deemed a "commonplace assertion" which leads me to the question: what's the difference between an opinion and a "commonplace assertion"? And who the fuck cares?

I rate the teacher as a moron who should be constrained to teaching to the standardized test rather than inventing nonsense and testing kids on their ability to learn such nonsense.

Or better yet ... fired.

Bottom line, "There is a God" should have in no way been one of the questions on that test. Unnecessary and pointless other than an attempt by a state employee to respect the establishment of the atheist religion
... which is unconstitutional.
God is an opinion, kids, and it's good for kids to know that in a world where God is unknown. This you want a teacher fired for but a football coach leading a prayer, that you admire. This is why the Founders made this a secular nation, people like you.
Ha ha ha. You moron. You spoke too soon. I'm against the coach. It's you who wants to have it both ways. You want the Christian religion banned and the atheist religion promoted.

Tell me, Strangelove, what is the difference between an opinion and a "commonplace assertion"? Is that something our kids should be wasting their time learning?
Reason 12,473 why homeschooling is the only option.

Student: Teacher taught 'God is not real'
The school's investigation, however, found that the seventh-grader was neither forced to deny God nor threatened with a lower or a failing grade if she did not, Frailey said Wednesday. The district also maintained that the teacher used the phrase "commonplace assertion" rather than "myth." He maintained that the assignment was not graded.

^Tried to teach critical thinking but instead the kid learned to be a victim to get what she wants. Priceless.
Reason 12,473 why homeschooling is the only option.

Student: Teacher taught 'God is not real'
The question was: Is God Fact or Opinion? It's opinion, kiddos. Hardly a denial of God eh?
Student said both fact and opinion were marked as wrong. Which leads to the conclusion that "There is a God" was deemed a "commonplace assertion" which leads me to the question: what's the difference between an opinion and a "commonplace assertion"? And who the fuck cares?

I rate the teacher as a moron who should be constrained to teaching to the standardized test rather than inventing nonsense and testing kids on their ability to learn such nonsense.

Or better yet ... fired.

Bottom line, "There is a God" should have in no way been one of the questions on that test. Unnecessary and pointless other than an attempt by a state employee to respect the establishment of the atheist religion
... which is unconstitutional.
God is an opinion, kids, and it's good for kids to know that in a world where God is unknown. This you want a teacher fired for but a football coach leading a prayer, that you admire. This is why the Founders made this a secular nation, people like you.
Ha ha ha. You moron. You spoke too soon. I'm against the coach. It's you who wants to have it both ways. You want the Christian religion banned and the atheist religion promoted.

Tell me, Strangelove, what is the difference between an opinion and a "commonplace assertion"? Is that something our kids should be wasting their time learning?
Learning such a thing is not wasting their time, and if you are opposed, terrific. As for religion, that should be taught (not promoted) in schools. If it's important enough to kill someone over it's important enough to teach.
Reason 12,473 why homeschooling is the only option.

Student: Teacher taught 'God is not real'
The school's investigation, however, found that the seventh-grader was neither forced to deny God nor threatened with a lower or a failing grade if she did not, Frailey said Wednesday. The district also maintained that the teacher used the phrase "commonplace assertion" rather than "myth." He maintained that the assignment was not graded.

^Tried to teach critical thinking but instead the kid learned to be a victim to get what she wants. Priceless.
Tell me, what's the difference between a "commonplace assertion " and an opinion and why the fuck should I care?
Reason 12,473 why homeschooling is the only option.

Student: Teacher taught 'God is not real'
The question was: Is God Fact or Opinion? It's opinion, kiddos. Hardly a denial of God eh?
Student said both fact and opinion were marked as wrong. Which leads to the conclusion that "There is a God" was deemed a "commonplace assertion" which leads me to the question: what's the difference between an opinion and a "commonplace assertion"? And who the fuck cares?

I rate the teacher as a moron who should be constrained to teaching to the standardized test rather than inventing nonsense and testing kids on their ability to learn such nonsense.

Or better yet ... fired.

Bottom line, "There is a God" should have in no way been one of the questions on that test. Unnecessary and pointless other than an attempt by a state employee to respect the establishment of the atheist religion
... which is unconstitutional.
God is an opinion, kids, and it's good for kids to know that in a world where God is unknown. This you want a teacher fired for but a football coach leading a prayer, that you admire. This is why the Founders made this a secular nation, people like you.
Ha ha ha. You moron. You spoke too soon. I'm against the coach. It's you who wants to have it both ways. You want the Christian religion banned and the atheist religion promoted.

Tell me, Strangelove, what is the difference between an opinion and a "commonplace assertion"? Is that something our kids should be wasting their time learning?
Learning such a thing is not wasting their time, and if you are opposed, terrific. As for religion, that should be taught (not promoted) in schools. If it's important enough to kill someone over it's important enough to teach.
If it's so important to learn, why can't you answer what's the difference between an opinion and a " commonplace assertion " and why the fuck should I care?
The question was: Is God Fact or Opinion? It's opinion, kiddos. Hardly a denial of God eh?
Student said both fact and opinion were marked as wrong. Which leads to the conclusion that "There is a God" was deemed a "commonplace assertion" which leads me to the question: what's the difference between an opinion and a "commonplace assertion"? And who the fuck cares?

I rate the teacher as a moron who should be constrained to teaching to the standardized test rather than inventing nonsense and testing kids on their ability to learn such nonsense.

Or better yet ... fired.

Bottom line, "There is a God" should have in no way been one of the questions on that test. Unnecessary and pointless other than an attempt by a state employee to respect the establishment of the atheist religion
... which is unconstitutional.
God is an opinion, kids, and it's good for kids to know that in a world where God is unknown. This you want a teacher fired for but a football coach leading a prayer, that you admire. This is why the Founders made this a secular nation, people like you.
Ha ha ha. You moron. You spoke too soon. I'm against the coach. It's you who wants to have it both ways. You want the Christian religion banned and the atheist religion promoted.

Tell me, Strangelove, what is the difference between an opinion and a "commonplace assertion"? Is that something our kids should be wasting their time learning?
Learning such a thing is not wasting their time, and if you are opposed, terrific. As for religion, that should be taught (not promoted) in schools. If it's important enough to kill someone over it's important enough to teach.
If it's so important to learn, why can't you answer what's the difference between an opinion and a " commonplace assertion " and why the fuck should I care?
The opinion of the masses is still an opinion...
Student said both fact and opinion were marked as wrong. Which leads to the conclusion that "There is a God" was deemed a "commonplace assertion" which leads me to the question: what's the difference between an opinion and a "commonplace assertion"? And who the fuck cares?

I rate the teacher as a moron who should be constrained to teaching to the standardized test rather than inventing nonsense and testing kids on their ability to learn such nonsense.

Or better yet ... fired.

Bottom line, "There is a God" should have in no way been one of the questions on that test. Unnecessary and pointless other than an attempt by a state employee to respect the establishment of the atheist religion
... which is unconstitutional.
God is an opinion, kids, and it's good for kids to know that in a world where God is unknown. This you want a teacher fired for but a football coach leading a prayer, that you admire. This is why the Founders made this a secular nation, people like you.
Ha ha ha. You moron. You spoke too soon. I'm against the coach. It's you who wants to have it both ways. You want the Christian religion banned and the atheist religion promoted.

Tell me, Strangelove, what is the difference between an opinion and a "commonplace assertion"? Is that something our kids should be wasting their time learning?
Learning such a thing is not wasting their time, and if you are opposed, terrific. As for religion, that should be taught (not promoted) in schools. If it's important enough to kill someone over it's important enough to teach.
If it's so important to learn, why can't you answer what's the difference between an opinion and a " commonplace assertion " and why the fuck should I care?
The opinion of the masses is still an opinion...
Then will you admit that the assignment was stupid?

And what was the point of bringing belief in God into it? There were a million other statements that could have been evaluated instead. But this moron teacher chose to wade into those waters in order to promote atheism.

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