Teacher Demands Her Students Deny the Existence of God

God is an opinion, kids, and it's good for kids to know that in a world where God is unknown. This you want a teacher fired for but a football coach leading a prayer, that you admire. This is why the Founders made this a secular nation, people like you.
Ha ha ha. You moron. You spoke too soon. I'm against the coach. It's you who wants to have it both ways. You want the Christian religion banned and the atheist religion promoted.

Tell me, Strangelove, what is the difference between an opinion and a "commonplace assertion"? Is that something our kids should be wasting their time learning?
Learning such a thing is not wasting their time, and if you are opposed, terrific. As for religion, that should be taught (not promoted) in schools. If it's important enough to kill someone over it's important enough to teach.
If it's so important to learn, why can't you answer what's the difference between an opinion and a " commonplace assertion " and why the fuck should I care?
The opinion of the masses is still an opinion...
Then will you admit that the assignment was stupid?

And what was the point of bringing belief in God into it? There were a million other statements that could have been evaluated instead. But this moron teacher chose to wade into those waters in order to promote atheism.

The assignment asked students to label sentences as fact, commonplace assertion or opinion. Jordan was instructed to label "There is a God" as commonplace assertion. She said the teacher then questioned her faith.

"For one, I applaud Jordan's courage," said Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey. "I think the response was prove your point."

He said after Jordan gave her response there was more discussion.

"Well I think this, well you think that. It was not a hostile thing, I don't believe," Frailey said.
According to the superintendent, after the school board conducted an investigation, interviewing students and the teacher, some of the allegations were determined to be unfounded.

Students don't back claim that teacher asked them to deny God exists, Katy ISD says
Now the school district is speaking out and saying none of the girl's classmates are backing up her claim.

Students don't back claim that teacher asked them to deny God exists, Katy ISD says
Looks like she was trying to teach the kids how to use logic to discuss a topic. How awful!
What's the logic behind differentiating "commonplace assertion" from opinion? Face it, the entire assignment was a backdoor Trojan for pushing atheism. That one question "there is a god" was the entire point of the useless assignment.
Now the school district is speaking out and saying none of the girl's classmates are backing up her claim.

Students don't back claim that teacher asked them to deny God exists, Katy ISD says
Looks like she was trying to teach the kids how to use logic to discuss a topic. How awful!
What's the logic behind differentiating "commonplace assertion" from opinion? Face it, the entire assignment was a backdoor Trojan for pushing atheism. That one question "there is a god" was the entire point of the useless assignment.
Buy a dictionary, dimwit.
Now the school district is speaking out and saying none of the girl's classmates are backing up her claim.

Students don't back claim that teacher asked them to deny God exists, Katy ISD says
Looks like she was trying to teach the kids how to use logic to discuss a topic. How awful!
What's the logic behind differentiating "commonplace assertion" from opinion? Face it, the entire assignment was a backdoor Trojan for pushing atheism. That one question "there is a god" was the entire point of the useless assignment.
Buy a dictionary, dimwit.
So you like all the others can't answer the question? Too funny. A hive of morons.
The teacher should change it to the not to common assertion "The Devil is real". or "There is a Devil"

And see what opinions that drums up!

The teacher should change it to the not to common assertion "The Devil is real". or "There is a Devil"

And see what opinions that drums up!

And of course the proper answer to that is "the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled is convincing people he doesn't exist"
Funny that the same people who whine about "PC" are demanding it here.

Why are people so terrified of kids being taught to think for themselves?
The teacher should change it to the not to common assertion "The Devil is real". or "There is a Devil"

And see what opinions that drums up!

And of course the proper answer to that is "the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled is convincing people he doesn't exist"

I was about to comment that the reaction would be the same.

You're proof of that.

Also proof that kids do need to learn how to differentiate between fact and opinion.
Funny that the same people who whine about "PC" are demanding it here.

Why are people so terrified of kids being taught to think for themselves?
Why shouldn't kids be given a choice to pray or not to pray at a football game. That is a chance to think for themselves and assert themselves.
The teacher should change it to the not to common assertion "The Devil is real". or "There is a Devil"

And see what opinions that drums up!

And of course the proper answer to that is "the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled is convincing people he doesn't exist"

I was about to comment that the reaction would be the same.

You're proof of that.

Also proof that kids do need to learn how to differentiate between fact and opinion.
How about the difference between opinion and "commonplace assertion"? Care to boldly go where no man has gone before and take a stab at it?
The teacher should change it to the not to common assertion "The Devil is real". or "There is a Devil"

And see what opinions that drums up!

And of course the proper answer to that is "the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled is convincing people he doesn't exist"

I was about to comment that the reaction would be the same.

You're proof of that.

Also proof that kids do need to learn how to differentiate between fact and opinion.

Teaching that doesn't require touching the third rail that progressives have installed into the school system. You are the idiots that made schools hostile to religion, not just neutral.

Now deal with it.
The teacher should change it to the not to common assertion "The Devil is real". or "There is a Devil"

And see what opinions that drums up!

And of course the proper answer to that is "the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled is convincing people he doesn't exist"

I was about to comment that the reaction would be the same.

You're proof of that.

Also proof that kids do need to learn how to differentiate between fact and opinion.
How about the difference between opinion and "commonplace assertion"? Care to boldly go where no man has gone before and take a stab at it?

"I believe God is real" is an opinion. "The Devil is real" is an assertion.
The teacher should change it to the not to common assertion "The Devil is real". or "There is a Devil"

And see what opinions that drums up!

And of course the proper answer to that is "the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled is convincing people he doesn't exist"

I was about to comment that the reaction would be the same.

You're proof of that.

Also proof that kids do need to learn how to differentiate between fact and opinion.
How about the difference between opinion and "commonplace assertion"? Care to boldly go where no man has gone before and take a stab at it?

"I believe God is real" is an opinion. "The Devil is real" is an assertion.
Wrong. "I believe God is real" is either a fact or a lie. "The Devil is real" is an assertion/opinion (which are the same thing).

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