Team Trump's Collusion Denials...


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Here's how their story changed from the very beginning (of the campaign) to now...
  1. No contact
  2. Okay contacts, but not planned
  3. Oay planned, but not via the campaign
  4. Okay via the campaign, but not meaningful or useful
  5. "Collusion" is not a crime
  6. Well, you can't collude if you don't know Putin
  7. Repeat 5
  8. Okay, maybe someone colluded, but not Trump though
Are you Trumpees and Trumpettes starting to get it yet, or are you still holding on to the lies?

It's not going to end well folks. It's simply not. Going. To. End. Well.
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Here's how their story changed from the very beginning (of the campaign) to now...
  1. No contact
  2. Okay contacts, but not planned
  3. Oay planned, but not via the campaign
  4. Okay via the campaign, but not meaningful or useful
  5. "Collusion" is not a crime
  6. Well, you can't collude if you don't know Putin
  7. Repeat 5
  8. Okay, maybe someone colluded, but not Trump though
Are you Trumpees and Trumpettes starting to get it yet, or are you still holding on to the lies?

It's not going to end well folks. It's. Not. Going. To. End. Well.

Meanwhile the Mexicrat Party “colludes” with Mexico daily...begging them to stack more Mexicrat voting wetbacks on top of the tens of millions already here.....but like a retarded parrot would, the filth continue to cry “RUSSIA”!
So fucking weird.
QUOTE="BrokeLoser, post: 21623312, member: 59273"]
Here's how their story changed from the very beginning (of the campaign) to now...
  1. No contact
  2. Okay contacts, but not planned
  3. Oay planned, but not via the campaign
  4. Okay via the campaign, but not meaningful or useful
  5. "Collusion" is not a crime
  6. Well, you can't collude if you don't know Putin
  7. Repeat 5
  8. Okay, maybe someone colluded, but not Trump though
Are you Trumpees and Trumpettes starting to get it yet, or are you still holding on to the lies?

It's not going to end well folks. It's. Not. Going. To. End. Well.

Meanwhile the Mexicrat Party “colludes” with Mexico daily...begging them to stack more Mexicrat voting wetbacks on top of the tens of millions already here.....but like a retarded parrot would, the filth continue to cry “RUSSIA”!
So fucking weird.[/QUOTE]

^^^^^^^^^dude, EXACTLY!!!!!!!!! ^^^^^^^^^
Rudy had a good debate with Cuomo on CNN last night. Cuomo threw all the dems' bullshit at Rudy, and Rudy shot them all down. It all depends on what Mueller can prove in his report. Based on the law, the "criminal" investigation should not have even started, because the deep state fucks did not find any evidence of wrongdoing for the FBI's "counter-intelligence" investigation. The entire mess was apparently FBI payback for firing Comey.
Here's how their story changed from the very beginning (of the campaign) to now...
  1. No contact
  2. Okay contacts, but not planned
  3. Oay planned, but not via the campaign
  4. Okay via the campaign, but not meaningful or useful
  5. "Collusion" is not a crime
  6. Well, you can't collude if you don't know Putin
  7. Repeat 5
  8. Okay, maybe someone colluded, but not Trump though
Are you Trumpees and Trumpettes starting to get it yet, or are you still holding on to the lies?

It's not going to end well folks. It's. Not. Going. To. End. Well.
That's what
Here's how their story changed from the very beginning (of the campaign) to now...
  1. No contact
  2. Okay contacts, but not planned
  3. Oay planned, but not via the campaign
  4. Okay via the campaign, but not meaningful or useful
  5. "Collusion" is not a crime
  6. Well, you can't collude if you don't know Putin
  7. Repeat 5
  8. Okay, maybe someone colluded, but not Trump though
Are you Trumpees and Trumpettes starting to get it yet, or are you still holding on to the lies?

It's not going to end well folks. It's. Not. Going. To. End. Well.

Meanwhile the Mexicrat Party “colludes” with Mexico daily...begging them to stack more Mexicrat voting wetbacks on top of the tens of millions already here.....but like a retarded parrot would, the filth continue to cry “RUSSIA”!
So fucking weird.
Repeating rwnj propaganda does not make it true.
Meanwhile the Mexicrat Party “colludes” with Mexico daily...begging them to stack more Mexicrat voting wetbacks on top of the tens of millions already here.....but like a retarded parrot would, the filth continue to cry “RUSSIA”!
So fucking weird.
Meanwhile the Mexicrat Party “colludes” with Mexico daily...begging them to stack more Mexicrat voting wetbacks on top of the tens of millions already here.....but like a retarded parrot would, the filth continue to cry “RUSSIA”!
So fucking weird.
You will not get a straight answer from Trumpers because they have no answer. If they had the courage to face the truth, they would acknowledge they were conned and deceived by Trump. That would take character though and self-reflection. Way too much to ask for from the typical Trumper.
Meanwhile the Mexicrat Party “colludes” with Mexico daily...begging them to stack more Mexicrat voting wetbacks on top of the tens of millions already here.....but like a retarded parrot would, the filth continue to cry “RUSSIA”!
So fucking weird.
You will not get a straight answer from Trumpers because they have no answer. If they had the courage to face the truth, they would acknowledge they were conned and deceived by Trump. That would take character though and self-reflection. Way too much to ask for from the typical Trumper.
what is it that was deflected exactly? you all want mexicans to vote, that is no different than if a russian voted. we're merely asking you to define how it's different?
Rudy had a good debate with Cuomo on CNN last night. Cuomo threw all the dems' bullshit at Rudy, and Rudy shot them all down. It all depends on what Mueller can prove in his report. Based on the law, the "criminal" investigation should not have even started, because the deep state fucks did not find any evidence of wrongdoing for the FBI's "counter-intelligence" investigation. The entire mess was apparently FBI payback for firing Comey.
Do you even get what you are saying? You need EVIDENCE to start an INVESTIGATION??? Do you get that the purpose of an INVESTIGATION is to gather EVIDENCE? If I suspect a kid is being abused do I need evidence to tell the police about my suspicions, and does the police need evidence to look into it?
Here's how their story changed from the very beginning (of the campaign) to now...
  1. No contact
  2. Okay contacts, but not planned
  3. Oay planned, but not via the campaign
  4. Okay via the campaign, but not meaningful or useful
  5. "Collusion" is not a crime
  6. Well, you can't collude if you don't know Putin
  7. Repeat 5
  8. Okay, maybe someone colluded, but not Trump though
Are you Trumpees and Trumpettes starting to get it yet, or are you still holding on to the lies?

It's not going to end well folks. It's. Not. Going. To. End. Well.

Meanwhile the Mexicrat Party “colludes” with Mexico daily...begging them to stack more Mexicrat voting wetbacks on top of the tens of millions already here.....but like a retarded parrot would, the filth continue to cry “RUSSIA”!
So fucking weird.

OK. So right or wrong with the Democrats part, you are telling me Trump colluded?
Rudy had a good debate with Cuomo on CNN last night. Cuomo threw all the dems' bullshit at Rudy, and Rudy shot them all down. It all depends on what Mueller can prove in his report. Based on the law, the "criminal" investigation should not have even started, because the deep state fucks did not find any evidence of wrongdoing for the FBI's "counter-intelligence" investigation. The entire mess was apparently FBI payback for firing Comey.
Do you even get what you are saying? You need EVIDENCE to start an INVESTIGATION??? Do you get that the purpose of an INVESTIGATION is to gather EVIDENCE? If I suspect a kid is being abused do I need evidence to tell the police about my suspicions, and does the police need evidence to look into it?

This is a logic trap.

When someone is murdered the investigation starts TO get evidence.
Meanwhile the Mexicrat Party “colludes” with Mexico daily...begging them to stack more Mexicrat voting wetbacks on top of the tens of millions already here.....but like a retarded parrot would, the filth continue to cry “RUSSIA”!
So fucking weird.
You will not get a straight answer from Trumpers because they have no answer. If they had the courage to face the truth, they would acknowledge they were conned and deceived by Trump. That would take character though and self-reflection. Way too much to ask for from the typical Trumper.

Let’s make a deal....we’ll get all excited about Russia meddling just as soon as you Mexicrats get all excited by Mexico meddling....DEAL?
Rudy had a good debate with Cuomo on CNN last night. Cuomo threw all the dems' bullshit at Rudy, and Rudy shot them all down. It all depends on what Mueller can prove in his report. Based on the law, the "criminal" investigation should not have even started, because the deep state fucks did not find any evidence of wrongdoing for the FBI's "counter-intelligence" investigation. The entire mess was apparently FBI payback for firing Comey.
Do you even get what you are saying? You need EVIDENCE to start an INVESTIGATION??? Do you get that the purpose of an INVESTIGATION is to gather EVIDENCE? If I suspect a kid is being abused do I need evidence to tell the police about my suspicions, and does the police need evidence to look into it?

Yes you need evidence to start an investigation, that is the LAW.

When the police ask you why you think the kid is being abused, what do you tell them? I don't have any evidence, but that guy just looks mean?
Here's how their story changed from the very beginning (of the campaign) to now...
  1. No contact
  2. Okay contacts, but not planned
  3. Oay planned, but not via the campaign
  4. Okay via the campaign, but not meaningful or useful
  5. "Collusion" is not a crime
  6. Well, you can't collude if you don't know Putin
  7. Repeat 5
  8. Okay, maybe someone colluded, but not Trump though
Are you Trumpees and Trumpettes starting to get it yet, or are you still holding on to the lies?

It's not going to end well folks. It's simply not. Going. To. End. Well.
Here's how their story changed from the very beginning (of the campaign) to now...
  1. No contact
  2. Okay contacts, but not planned
  3. Oay planned, but not via the campaign
  4. Okay via the campaign, but not meaningful or useful
  5. "Collusion" is not a crime
  6. Well, you can't collude if you don't know Putin
  7. Repeat 5
  8. Okay, maybe someone colluded, but not Trump though
Are you Trumpees and Trumpettes starting to get it yet, or are you still holding on to the lies?

It's not going to end well folks. It's. Not. Going. To. End. Well.

Meanwhile the Mexicrat Party “colludes” with Mexico daily...begging them to stack more Mexicrat voting wetbacks on top of the tens of millions already here.....but like a retarded parrot would, the filth continue to cry “RUSSIA”!
So fucking weird.

OK. So right or wrong with the Democrats part, you are telling me Trump colluded?

If Trump had committed a crime we would have known about it long ago.
Bobby Mueller isn’t proud of himself for spending tens of millions of taxpayer dollars all to issue a few speeding tickets to me. If he had anything we would have known.
It’s so obvious but Mueller is still investigating so we can’t really know if he colluded or not. Make up your damn minds.
Rudy had a good debate with Cuomo on CNN last night. Cuomo threw all the dems' bullshit at Rudy, and Rudy shot them all down. It all depends on what Mueller can prove in his report. Based on the law, the "criminal" investigation should not have even started, because the deep state fucks did not find any evidence of wrongdoing for the FBI's "counter-intelligence" investigation. The entire mess was apparently FBI payback for firing Comey.
Do you even get what you are saying? You need EVIDENCE to start an INVESTIGATION??? Do you get that the purpose of an INVESTIGATION is to gather EVIDENCE? If I suspect a kid is being abused do I need evidence to tell the police about my suspicions, and does the police need evidence to look into it?

Yes you need evidence to start an investigation, that is the LAW.

When the police ask you why you think the kid is being abused, what do you tell them? I don't have any evidence, but that guy just looks mean?
Maybe the kid is acting in a strange manner, being unusually withdrawn. Maybe it has bruises. Maybe I see it cringe inexplicably when the kid sees the father. Maybe all of the above. None of it is evidence but it is suspicious. In order for the FBI to start an investigation suspicion is sufficient. There is no such thing in the law that states that one has to have evidence before an investigation can take place. The only thing the law says is that just cause is required.Just Cause Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
Just cause is not evidence. It is simply stated a "reason to suspect."
Here's how their story changed from the very beginning (of the campaign) to now...
  1. No contact
  2. Okay contacts, but not planned
  3. Oay planned, but not via the campaign
  4. Okay via the campaign, but not meaningful or useful
  5. "Collusion" is not a crime
  6. Well, you can't collude if you don't know Putin
  7. Repeat 5
  8. Okay, maybe someone colluded, but not Trump though
Are you Trumpees and Trumpettes starting to get it yet, or are you still holding on to the lies?

It's not going to end well folks. It's. Not. Going. To. End. Well.

Meanwhile the Mexicrat Party “colludes” with Mexico daily...begging them to stack more Mexicrat voting wetbacks on top of the tens of millions already here.....but like a retarded parrot would, the filth continue to cry “RUSSIA”!
So fucking weird.

OK. So right or wrong with the Democrats part, you are telling me Trump colluded?

If Trump had committed a crime we would have known about it long ago.
Bobby Mueller isn’t proud of himself for spending tens of millions of taxpayer dollars all to issue a few speeding tickets to me. If he had anything we would have known.

By this logic if Hillary or Bill had committed a crime they'd be in jail by now.

I am not asking you to say the Clinton's aren't crooked or Bill didn't sleep with Monica or Trump didn't do Stormy or whatever.

The cheerleader like posts of ultimate good vs evil kinda hit my snowflake spot. There are crooks on both sides.
Rudy had a good debate with Cuomo on CNN last night. Cuomo threw all the dems' bullshit at Rudy, and Rudy shot them all down. It all depends on what Mueller can prove in his report. Based on the law, the "criminal" investigation should not have even started, because the deep state fucks did not find any evidence of wrongdoing for the FBI's "counter-intelligence" investigation. The entire mess was apparently FBI payback for firing Comey.
Do you even get what you are saying? You need EVIDENCE to start an INVESTIGATION??? Do you get that the purpose of an INVESTIGATION is to gather EVIDENCE? If I suspect a kid is being abused do I need evidence to tell the police about my suspicions, and does the police need evidence to look into it?

Yes you need evidence to start an investigation, that is the LAW.

When the police ask you why you think the kid is being abused, what do you tell them? I don't have any evidence, but that guy just looks mean?
Maybe the kid is acting in a strange manner, being unusually withdrawn. Maybe it has bruises. Maybe I see it cringe inexplicably when the kid sees the father. Maybe all of the above. None of it is evidence but it is suspicious. In order for the FBI to start an investigation suspicion is sufficient. There is no such thing in the law that states that one has to have evidence before an investigation can take place. The only thing the law says is that just cause is required.Just Cause Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
Just cause is not evidence. It is simply stated a "reason to suspect."

I'm outside my lane here, I'm just posting what Rudy Guiliani said on CNN. Rudy was an FBI prosecutor and knows the Law. Rudy said that the Mueller investigation did not have adequate legal justification because McCabe and Strzok said that they had no evidence.
"I can speak only to the president, not the campaign," Giuliani told MSNBC on Thursday morning, according to a tweet from the network. "I have no knowledge that anyone on the campaign colluded, but obviously I cannot speak for everyone on the campaign."
Rudy clarifies. LOL

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