Team Trump's Collusion Denials...

Here's how their story changed from the very beginning (of the campaign) to now...
  1. No contact
  2. Okay contacts, but not planned
  3. Oay planned, but not via the campaign
  4. Okay via the campaign, but not meaningful or useful
  5. "Collusion" is not a crime
  6. Well, you can't collude if you don't know Putin
  7. Repeat 5
  8. Okay, maybe someone colluded, but not Trump though
Are you Trumpees and Trumpettes starting to get it yet, or are you still holding on to the lies?

It's not going to end well folks. It's simply not. Going. To. End. Well.
Not end well for Trump where he’s voted out of office in 2020 – and thankfully so.
This won't end well for anyone in America.

trump and republicans have done so much very bad damage to our nation in so many different ways it's just incredible.

Every time republicans get control of our nation they do horrible damage to us. Usually it's economic. This time it's on so many levels. I don't know which is worse.

I didn't support impeaching trump. I wanted proper checks and balances on him then be voted out of office.

However after all that's coming out and all that trump has done, maybe impeachment is the only responsible solution.

The totally frightening thing is there's nothing anyone can do or say, no truthful and factual evidence can be presented to trump supporters that will get them to see what's in front of their faces. Or if they do see it, they will never admit it. Those of us who were paying attention and remember the bush boy years, will see that the same people did the same with the bush boy. To this day no amount of factual evidence will ever show them what the bush boy honestly was and did. The man is a war criminal. He tortured people. Then lied about it.

The right wing propaganda machine has them brainwashed so much that they prefer a communist in russia over their fellow Americans here in the United States. The sad thing is that when those same republicans need help, putin won't help them. Their fellow Americans who they hate so much will.

There's no question Russia meddled, and there's no question that Russia was inside Trump's campaign. And Rudy just admitted it, in case any Trumpbot was still tempted to deny the truth of the matter. The only questons now are how close were the ties, and is there any avenue for Trump to claim he was not part of it.
So true.

Sad, but true.


Mexico is paying for the wall
Replace Obamacare
Draining the swamp

Probably his 3 biggest campaign promises. None have been achieved.
Moreover, the very OPPOSITE of what he promised has occurred...
  1. Trump is pushing to get TAXPAYERS to pay for the wall.
  2. Obamacare is getting more and more popular (also leading to fast-track to a single payer system, or at a minimum Medicare for all)
  3. The political swamp has more than quad rippled with the amount of seedy politicians and corrupt businessman that Trump ushered in, led by himself of course.
Yah, Trump-supporters have really had the wool pulled over their eyes.
Here's how their story changed from the very beginning (of the campaign) to now...
  1. No contact
  2. Okay contacts, but not planned
  3. Oay planned, but not via the campaign
  4. Okay via the campaign, but not meaningful or useful
  5. "Collusion" is not a crime
  6. Well, you can't collude if you don't know Putin
  7. Repeat 5
  8. Okay, maybe someone colluded, but not Trump though
Are you Trumpees and Trumpettes starting to get it yet, or are you still holding on to the lies?

It's not going to end well folks. It's simply not. Going. To. End. Well.
Not end well for Trump where he’s voted out of office in 2020 – and thankfully so.

I thought all you Loons said you’d have him out or he’d resign before the end of his first term...hahaha
What is that Trump won the election, you race baiting childish troll.
I don't know what nonsense you're talking about hack, but is this your admission that you've ACCEPTED his lies?

Doesn’t matter what you accept or do not accept. All people lie. Most of all you. And he won. Live with it. Grow the F@ck up Marc. Be a man for once in your life.
What is that Trump won the election, you race baiting childish troll.
I don't know what nonsense you're talking about hack, but is this your admission that you've ACCEPTED his lies?

Doesn’t matter what you accept or do not accept. All people lie. Most of all you. And he won. Live with it. Grow the F@ck up Marc. Be a man for once in your life.
The FBI is going to get to the bottom of it all and we'll see what, if any, criminal activities your Dear Leader engaged in.

Then they'll take the appropriate actions.

And you. Will. Deal.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
What is that Trump won the election, you race baiting childish troll.
I don't know what nonsense you're talking about hack, but is this your admission that you've ACCEPTED his lies?

Doesn’t matter what you accept or do not accept. All people lie. Most of all you. And he won. Live with it. Grow the F@ck up Marc. Be a man for once in your life.
The FBI is going to get to the bottom of it all and we'll see what, if any, criminal activities your Dear Leader engaged in.

Then they'll take the appropriate actions.

And you. Will. Deal.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

FBI? Like Comey and Strzok and Page? Man you need to get a grip. Your TDS is funny
Meanwhile the Mexicrat Party “colludes” with Mexico daily...begging them to stack more Mexicrat voting wetbacks on top of the tens of millions already here.....but like a retarded parrot would, the filth continue to cry “RUSSIA”!
So fucking weird.
You will not get a straight answer from Trumpers because they have no answer. If they had the courage to face the truth, they would acknowledge they were conned and deceived by Trump. That would take character though and self-reflection. Way too much to ask for from the typical Trumper.

Funny thing they know Trump is a charlatan and they never cared...

They just did not want his corrupt friend to win...
Here's how their story changed from the very beginning (of the campaign) to now...
  1. No contact
  2. Okay contacts, but not planned
  3. Oay planned, but not via the campaign
  4. Okay via the campaign, but not meaningful or useful
  5. "Collusion" is not a crime
  6. Well, you can't collude if you don't know Putin
  7. Repeat 5
  8. Okay, maybe someone colluded, but not Trump though
Are you Trumpees and Trumpettes starting to get it yet, or are you still holding on to the lies?

It's not going to end well folks. It's. Not. Going. To. End. Well.

Meanwhile the Mexicrat Party “colludes” with Mexico daily...begging them to stack more Mexicrat voting wetbacks on top of the tens of millions already here.....but like a retarded parrot would, the filth continue to cry “RUSSIA”!
So fucking weird.
Voting for what?

The election is over fool.

And GOP election fraud is being investigated.
if there was fraud it should be punished. I don't care the party. how about you? why are you and the left afraid of investigating voter fraud?

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