Team Trump's Collusion Denials...

Beating the same straw man again? I NEVER, not once claimed one investigates because I feel like it, for fun or for whatever other bogus thing you can come up with. I said you investigate if there is REASON TO BELIEVE. You can claim otherwise as much as you want, but you will find no such claim from me here, or in any other post. I dare you to show otherwise.
I said you investigate if there is REASON TO BELIEVE
Believe what?
Believe that a crime is being committed. Or in the case of counterespionage that a foreign power is doing nefarious acts in a country. Something that doesn't even require criminal acts. A nation would investigate such matters, if for no other reason as protecting itself against such acts.
Manafort's lawyers made a formatting error in a new court filing and accidentally revealed a slew of bombshells about his alleged lies to Mueller
I don't see any denial of the relevant facts.
Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting
pretty undeniable.
Hmms quite a few witches here.
Bombshell report reveals new details about Trump's Oval Office meeting with Russians after he fired Comey
Not exactly being denied either.
-I'm not even considering several people in the campaign who simply pleaded guilty.
WITCH HUNT, it's what i said. I'm still waiting on the crime. what is the crime? what is the evidence of that crime. still not mentioned here.
It actually is you just choose to not acknowledge it.
COUNT ONE (Conspiracy to Commit an Offense Against the United States)
COUNTS TWO THROUGH NINE (Aggravated Identity Theft)
COUNT TEN (Conspiracy to Launder Money)
COUNT ELEVEN (Conspiracy to Commit an Offense Against the United States)
I said you investigate if there is REASON TO BELIEVE
Believe what?
Believe that a crime is being committed. Or in the case of counterespionage that a foreign power is doing nefarious acts in a country. Something that doesn't even require criminal acts. A nation would investigate such matters, if for no other reason as protecting itself against such acts.
Manafort's lawyers made a formatting error in a new court filing and accidentally revealed a slew of bombshells about his alleged lies to Mueller
I don't see any denial of the relevant facts.
Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting
pretty undeniable.
Hmms quite a few witches here.
Bombshell report reveals new details about Trump's Oval Office meeting with Russians after he fired Comey
Not exactly being denied either.
-I'm not even considering several people in the campaign who simply pleaded guilty.
WITCH HUNT, it's what i said. I'm still waiting on the crime. what is the crime? what is the evidence of that crime. still not mentioned here.
It actually is you just choose to not acknowledge it.
COUNT ONE (Conspiracy to Commit an Offense Against the United States)
COUNTS TWO THROUGH NINE (Aggravated Identity Theft)
COUNT TEN (Conspiracy to Launder Money)
COUNT ELEVEN (Conspiracy to Commit an Offense Against the United States)
I don't acknowledge witch hunts. they are evil things, and unconstitutional from the old salem days. I know you wouldn't want one on your self. there is no end to one. it will exist until something is found, anything, doesn't matter, the justification is in the witch hunt itself to prove the ah ha moment. too fking funny though gimlet.
Believe that a crime is being committed. Or in the case of counterespionage that a foreign power is doing nefarious acts in a country. Something that doesn't even require criminal acts. A nation would investigate such matters, if for no other reason as protecting itself against such acts.
Manafort's lawyers made a formatting error in a new court filing and accidentally revealed a slew of bombshells about his alleged lies to Mueller
I don't see any denial of the relevant facts.
Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting
pretty undeniable.
Hmms quite a few witches here.
Bombshell report reveals new details about Trump's Oval Office meeting with Russians after he fired Comey
Not exactly being denied either.
-I'm not even considering several people in the campaign who simply pleaded guilty.
WITCH HUNT, it's what i said. I'm still waiting on the crime. what is the crime? what is the evidence of that crime. still not mentioned here.
It actually is you just choose to not acknowledge it.
COUNT ONE (Conspiracy to Commit an Offense Against the United States)
COUNTS TWO THROUGH NINE (Aggravated Identity Theft)
COUNT TEN (Conspiracy to Launder Money)
COUNT ELEVEN (Conspiracy to Commit an Offense Against the United States)
I don't acknowledge witch hunts. they are evil things, and unconstitutional from the old salem days. I know you wouldn't want one on your self. there is no end to one. it will exist until something is found, anything, doesn't matter, the justification is in the witch hunt itself to prove the ah ha moment. too fking funny though gimlet.
As I said, you wouldn't acknowledge Trump giving a blowjob to Putin, with or without cigar, if it was caught on tape. Doesn't really matter, keep on retreating into a smaller and smaller hole of justification. It just show how far you are willing to go in order to have Trump in office.
Putin won.
You cannot be serious.
Putin wanted Trump and Putin got Trump. There's a question as to whether Putin's motive was Trump is in Putin's back pocket or Putin just viewed Trump as sowing the same disunity Putin sowed in the UK, France, Germany, Poland and the Czech Rep ... to name a few.

Did Putin want Trump or did Putin want pure chaos in America? OR both?

Putin wanted Trump and Putin got Trump. There's a question as to whether Putin's motive was Trump is in Putin's back pocket or Putin just viewed Trump as sowing the same disunity Putin sowed in the UK, France, Germany, Poland and the Czech Rep ... to name a few.

Did Putin want Trump or did Putin want pure chaos in America? OR both?
you mean did the DNC want trump or chaos?

I don't think Putin cared who won so long as half the country would be severely deranged with anger. He got what he wanted.
naw, he didn't give a flying fk. now the leftists who lost wanted chaos. they got it. so american minded. not.

Progressive Left is as equally dangerous as the Alt Right.

Yep. But the alt right has a body count.
WITCH HUNT, it's what i said. I'm still waiting on the crime. what is the crime? what is the evidence of that crime. still not mentioned here.
It actually is you just choose to not acknowledge it.
COUNT ONE (Conspiracy to Commit an Offense Against the United States)
COUNTS TWO THROUGH NINE (Aggravated Identity Theft)
COUNT TEN (Conspiracy to Launder Money)
COUNT ELEVEN (Conspiracy to Commit an Offense Against the United States)
I don't acknowledge witch hunts. they are evil things, and unconstitutional from the old salem days. I know you wouldn't want one on your self. there is no end to one. it will exist until something is found, anything, doesn't matter, the justification is in the witch hunt itself to prove the ah ha moment. too fking funny though gimlet.
As I said, you wouldn't acknowledge Trump giving a blowjob to Putin, with or without cigar, if it was caught on tape. Doesn't really matter, keep on retreating into a smaller and smaller hole of justification. It just show how far you are willing to go in order to have Trump in office.
dude, you are clueless. a simpleton easily manipulated by the left. you eat their shit. I laugh.
Here's how their story changed from the very beginning (of the campaign) to now...
  1. No contact
  2. Okay contacts, but not planned
  3. Oay planned, but not via the campaign
  4. Okay via the campaign, but not meaningful or useful
  5. "Collusion" is not a crime
  6. Well, you can't collude if you don't know Putin
  7. Repeat 5
  8. Okay, maybe someone colluded, but not Trump though
Are you Trumpees and Trumpettes starting to get it yet, or are you still holding on to the lies?

It's not going to end well folks. It's simply not. Going. To. End. Well.
Trumpeies rude awaking = Nixon didn’t break into the hotel himself...
Did Putin want Trump or did Putin want pure chaos in America? OR both?
you mean did the DNC want trump or chaos?

I don't think Putin cared who won so long as half the country would be severely deranged with anger. He got what he wanted.
naw, he didn't give a flying fk. now the leftists who lost wanted chaos. they got it. so american minded. not.

Progressive Left is as equally dangerous as the Alt Right.

Yep. But the alt right has a body count.

So does the Prog Left. Look at Israel.
WITCH HUNT, it's what i said. I'm still waiting on the crime. what is the crime? what is the evidence of that crime. still not mentioned here.
It actually is you just choose to not acknowledge it.
COUNT ONE (Conspiracy to Commit an Offense Against the United States)
COUNTS TWO THROUGH NINE (Aggravated Identity Theft)
COUNT TEN (Conspiracy to Launder Money)
COUNT ELEVEN (Conspiracy to Commit an Offense Against the United States)
I don't acknowledge witch hunts. they are evil things, and unconstitutional from the old salem days. I know you wouldn't want one on your self. there is no end to one. it will exist until something is found, anything, doesn't matter, the justification is in the witch hunt itself to prove the ah ha moment. too fking funny though gimlet.
As I said, you wouldn't acknowledge Trump giving a blowjob to Putin, with or without cigar, if it was caught on tape. Doesn't really matter, keep on retreating into a smaller and smaller hole of justification. It just show how far you are willing to go in order to have Trump in office.
dude, you are clueless. a simpleton easily manipulated by the left. you eat their shit. I laugh.
A jury of his peers convicted him. He had a lawyer and a trial judge.

When you go into kookoo land to deny things that actually happened to defend a guy who lies quite a bit...youre probably not the best human to be telling people when theyre being manipulated. The conspiracy must be deep.
WITCH HUNT, it's what i said. I'm still waiting on the crime. what is the crime? what is the evidence of that crime. still not mentioned here.
It actually is you just choose to not acknowledge it.
COUNT ONE (Conspiracy to Commit an Offense Against the United States)
COUNTS TWO THROUGH NINE (Aggravated Identity Theft)
COUNT TEN (Conspiracy to Launder Money)
COUNT ELEVEN (Conspiracy to Commit an Offense Against the United States)
I don't acknowledge witch hunts. they are evil things, and unconstitutional from the old salem days. I know you wouldn't want one on your self. there is no end to one. it will exist until something is found, anything, doesn't matter, the justification is in the witch hunt itself to prove the ah ha moment. too fking funny though gimlet.
As I said, you wouldn't acknowledge Trump giving a blowjob to Putin, with or without cigar, if it was caught on tape. Doesn't really matter, keep on retreating into a smaller and smaller hole of justification. It just show how far you are willing to go in order to have Trump in office.
dude, you are clueless. a simpleton easily manipulated by the left. you eat their shit. I laugh.
A jury of his peers convicted him. He had a lawyer and a trial judge.

When you go into kookoo land to deny things that actually happened to defend a guy who lies quite a bit...youre probably not the best human to be telling people when theyre being manipulated. The conspiracy must be deep.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::dunno::dunno: not sure your point here. clarify!
Meanwhile the Mexicrat Party “colludes” with Mexico daily...begging them to stack more Mexicrat voting wetbacks on top of the tens of millions already here.....but like a retarded parrot would, the filth continue to cry “RUSSIA”!
So fucking weird.
You will not get a straight answer from Trumpers because they have no answer. If they had the courage to face the truth, they would acknowledge they were conned and deceived by Trump. That would take character though and self-reflection. Way too much to ask for from the typical Trumper.

In what way has Donald Trump "conned" the people that voted for him? Which President do you think fulfilled more of his campaign promises...Barack Obama or Donald Trump?

You may not like his agenda but the people who voted for him did so BECAUSE of that agenda and one by one he's checking those things off. So who were really the people who got "conned"?
It actually is you just choose to not acknowledge it.
COUNT ONE (Conspiracy to Commit an Offense Against the United States)
COUNTS TWO THROUGH NINE (Aggravated Identity Theft)
COUNT TEN (Conspiracy to Launder Money)
COUNT ELEVEN (Conspiracy to Commit an Offense Against the United States)
I don't acknowledge witch hunts. they are evil things, and unconstitutional from the old salem days. I know you wouldn't want one on your self. there is no end to one. it will exist until something is found, anything, doesn't matter, the justification is in the witch hunt itself to prove the ah ha moment. too fking funny though gimlet.
As I said, you wouldn't acknowledge Trump giving a blowjob to Putin, with or without cigar, if it was caught on tape. Doesn't really matter, keep on retreating into a smaller and smaller hole of justification. It just show how far you are willing to go in order to have Trump in office.
dude, you are clueless. a simpleton easily manipulated by the left. you eat their shit. I laugh.
A jury of his peers convicted him. He had a lawyer and a trial judge.

When you go into kookoo land to deny things that actually happened to defend a guy who lies quite a bit...youre probably not the best human to be telling people when theyre being manipulated. The conspiracy must be deep.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::dunno::dunno: not sure your point here. clarify!
Pull the evidence out of the Court documents and dispute the charges better than Manafort's personally selected Lawyers could, dipshit.
Rudy had a good debate with Cuomo on CNN last night. Cuomo threw all the dems' bullshit at Rudy, and Rudy shot them all down. It all depends on what Mueller can prove in his report. Based on the law, the "criminal" investigation should not have even started, because the deep state fucks did not find any evidence of wrongdoing for the FBI's "counter-intelligence" investigation. The entire mess was apparently FBI payback for firing Comey.
Do you even get what you are saying? You need EVIDENCE to start an INVESTIGATION??? Do you get that the purpose of an INVESTIGATION is to gather EVIDENCE? If I suspect a kid is being abused do I need evidence to tell the police about my suspicions, and does the police need evidence to look into it?

If your suspicion is based on nothing more than your dislike of the kid's parents and you've gone to the Police with evidence that you've made up to start an investigation...then YOU should be the person who is investigated!
I don't acknowledge witch hunts. they are evil things, and unconstitutional from the old salem days. I know you wouldn't want one on your self. there is no end to one. it will exist until something is found, anything, doesn't matter, the justification is in the witch hunt itself to prove the ah ha moment. too fking funny though gimlet.
As I said, you wouldn't acknowledge Trump giving a blowjob to Putin, with or without cigar, if it was caught on tape. Doesn't really matter, keep on retreating into a smaller and smaller hole of justification. It just show how far you are willing to go in order to have Trump in office.
dude, you are clueless. a simpleton easily manipulated by the left. you eat their shit. I laugh.
A jury of his peers convicted him. He had a lawyer and a trial judge.

When you go into kookoo land to deny things that actually happened to defend a guy who lies quite a bit...youre probably not the best human to be telling people when theyre being manipulated. The conspiracy must be deep.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::dunno::dunno: not sure your point here. clarify!
Pull the evidence out of the Court documents and dispute the charges better than Manafort's personally selected Lawyers could, dipshit.
again, not sure what point you're trying to make? Manafort is charged with something that happened years before trump. so please, the witch hunt found this and was acted on. still don't know where you're headed here.
Meanwhile the Mexicrat Party “colludes” with Mexico daily...begging them to stack more Mexicrat voting wetbacks on top of the tens of millions already here.....but like a retarded parrot would, the filth continue to cry “RUSSIA”!
So fucking weird.
You will not get a straight answer from Trumpers because they have no answer. If they had the courage to face the truth, they would acknowledge they were conned and deceived by Trump. That would take character though and self-reflection. Way too much to ask for from the typical Trumper.

In what way has Donald Trump "conned" the people that voted for him? Which President do you think fulfilled more of his campaign promises...Barack Obama or Donald Trump?

You may not like his agenda but the people who voted for him did so BECAUSE of that agenda and one by one he's checking those things off. So who were really the people who got "conned"?
Obamacare repealed and Wall built. Mission accomplished
Meanwhile the Mexicrat Party “colludes” with Mexico daily...begging them to stack more Mexicrat voting wetbacks on top of the tens of millions already here.....but like a retarded parrot would, the filth continue to cry “RUSSIA”!
So fucking weird.
You will not get a straight answer from Trumpers because they have no answer. If they had the courage to face the truth, they would acknowledge they were conned and deceived by Trump. That would take character though and self-reflection. Way too much to ask for from the typical Trumper.

In what way has Donald Trump "conned" the people that voted for him? Which President do you think fulfilled more of his campaign promises...Barack Obama or Donald Trump?

You may not like his agenda but the people who voted for him did so BECAUSE of that agenda and one by one he's checking those things off. So who were really the people who got "conned"?

Mexico is paying for the wall
Replace Obamacare
Draining the swamp

Probably his 3 biggest campaign promises. None have been achieved.
Meanwhile the Mexicrat Party “colludes” with Mexico daily...begging them to stack more Mexicrat voting wetbacks on top of the tens of millions already here.....but like a retarded parrot would, the filth continue to cry “RUSSIA”!
So fucking weird.
You will not get a straight answer from Trumpers because they have no answer. If they had the courage to face the truth, they would acknowledge they were conned and deceived by Trump. That would take character though and self-reflection. Way too much to ask for from the typical Trumper.

In what way has Donald Trump "conned" the people that voted for him? Which President do you think fulfilled more of his campaign promises...Barack Obama or Donald Trump?

You may not like his agenda but the people who voted for him did so BECAUSE of that agenda and one by one he's checking those things off. So who were really the people who got "conned"?
Obamacare repealed and Wall built. Mission accomplished
obammycare merely took money out of fine citizens hands and handed to evil leftists. wow.
As I said, you wouldn't acknowledge Trump giving a blowjob to Putin, with or without cigar, if it was caught on tape. Doesn't really matter, keep on retreating into a smaller and smaller hole of justification. It just show how far you are willing to go in order to have Trump in office.
dude, you are clueless. a simpleton easily manipulated by the left. you eat their shit. I laugh.
A jury of his peers convicted him. He had a lawyer and a trial judge.

When you go into kookoo land to deny things that actually happened to defend a guy who lies quite a bit...youre probably not the best human to be telling people when theyre being manipulated. The conspiracy must be deep.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::dunno::dunno: not sure your point here. clarify!
Pull the evidence out of the Court documents and dispute the charges better than Manafort's personally selected Lawyers could, dipshit.
again, not sure what point you're trying to make? Manafort is charged with something that happened years before trump. so please, the witch hunt found this and was acted on. still don't know where you're headed here.
Thats a false narrative, and you bought it. SOME of his crimes were from the past, and SOME were related to this very campaign.

You shouldnt use propoganda sources as your go-to. You were spoon fed some "truthiness" and you sprinted with it. Take some fucking intellectual responsibility, and go through the documents YOURSELF ..not someones report about them.

the fak
dude, you are clueless. a simpleton easily manipulated by the left. you eat their shit. I laugh.
A jury of his peers convicted him. He had a lawyer and a trial judge.

When you go into kookoo land to deny things that actually happened to defend a guy who lies quite a bit...youre probably not the best human to be telling people when theyre being manipulated. The conspiracy must be deep.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::dunno::dunno: not sure your point here. clarify!
Pull the evidence out of the Court documents and dispute the charges better than Manafort's personally selected Lawyers could, dipshit.
again, not sure what point you're trying to make? Manafort is charged with something that happened years before trump. so please, the witch hunt found this and was acted on. still don't know where you're headed here.
Thats a false narrative, and you bought it. SOME of his crimes were from the past, and SOME were related to this very campaign.

You shouldnt use propoganda sources as your go-to. You were spoon fed some "truthiness" and you sprinted with it. Take some fucking intellectual responsibility, and go through the documents YOURSELF ..not someones report about them.

the fak
no, that is what's called the truth. and the court records show it is the truth. so not sure where you're going again.
Rudy had a good debate with Cuomo on CNN last night. Cuomo threw all the dems' bullshit at Rudy, and Rudy shot them all down. It all depends on what Mueller can prove in his report. Based on the law, the "criminal" investigation should not have even started, because the deep state fucks did not find any evidence of wrongdoing for the FBI's "counter-intelligence" investigation. The entire mess was apparently FBI payback for firing Comey.
Do you even get what you are saying? You need EVIDENCE to start an INVESTIGATION??? Do you get that the purpose of an INVESTIGATION is to gather EVIDENCE? If I suspect a kid is being abused do I need evidence to tell the police about my suspicions, and does the police need evidence to look into it?

If your suspicion is based on nothing more than your dislike of the kid's parents and you've gone to the Police with evidence that you've made up to start an investigation...then YOU should be the person who is investigated!
Of course, they call it defamation and if such a thing can be proven it is punishable under the law. Now point to this being the case in the Mueller probe?

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