Team Trump's Collusion Denials...

Putin won.
You cannot be serious.
Putin wanted Trump and Putin got Trump. There's a question as to whether Putin's motive was Trump is in Putin's back pocket or Putin just viewed Trump as sowing the same disunity Putin sowed in the UK, France, Germany, Poland and the Czech Rep ... to name a few.

Did Putin want Trump or did Putin want pure chaos in America? OR both?
you mean did the DNC want trump or chaos?
Putin won.
You cannot be serious.
Putin wanted Trump and Putin got Trump. There's a question as to whether Putin's motive was Trump is in Putin's back pocket or Putin just viewed Trump as sowing the same disunity Putin sowed in the UK, France, Germany, Poland and the Czech Rep ... to name a few.

Did Putin want Trump or did Putin want pure chaos in America? OR both?
you mean did the DNC want trump or chaos?

I don't think Putin cared who won so long as half the country would be severely deranged with anger. He got what he wanted.
Putin won.
You cannot be serious.
Putin wanted Trump and Putin got Trump. There's a question as to whether Putin's motive was Trump is in Putin's back pocket or Putin just viewed Trump as sowing the same disunity Putin sowed in the UK, France, Germany, Poland and the Czech Rep ... to name a few.

Did Putin want Trump or did Putin want pure chaos in America? OR both?
you mean did the DNC want trump or chaos?

I don't think Putin cared who won so long as half the country would be severely deranged with anger. He got what he wanted.
naw, he didn't give a flying fk. now the leftists who lost wanted chaos. they got it. so american minded. not.
You cannot be serious.
Putin wanted Trump and Putin got Trump. There's a question as to whether Putin's motive was Trump is in Putin's back pocket or Putin just viewed Trump as sowing the same disunity Putin sowed in the UK, France, Germany, Poland and the Czech Rep ... to name a few.

Did Putin want Trump or did Putin want pure chaos in America? OR both?
you mean did the DNC want trump or chaos?

I don't think Putin cared who won so long as half the country would be severely deranged with anger. He got what he wanted.
naw, he didn't give a flying fk. now the leftists who lost wanted chaos. they got it. so american minded. not.

Progressive Left is as equally dangerous as the Alt Right.
Putin wanted Trump and Putin got Trump. There's a question as to whether Putin's motive was Trump is in Putin's back pocket or Putin just viewed Trump as sowing the same disunity Putin sowed in the UK, France, Germany, Poland and the Czech Rep ... to name a few.
Man. I thought the David Duke endorsement-association calls of racism was bunch of nonsense.

This is even better. This is like Reductio ad Hitlerum but with a Russian twist. Reductio ad Putinum.

It's a bad thing that Trump won, because (maybe, but it's all speculation) Putin wanted Trump to win?

Therefore, Trump is Putin. Putin is the POTUS.


It could have easily been the fact that Putin hates Hillary and did not want to deal with that insane bitch.

I hate Hillary and did not want to deal with that insane bitch as my president.

Putin wanted Trump and Putin got Trump. There's a question as to whether Putin's motive was Trump is in Putin's back pocket or Putin just viewed Trump as sowing the same disunity Putin sowed in the UK, France, Germany, Poland and the Czech Rep ... to name a few.

Did Putin want Trump or did Putin want pure chaos in America? OR both?
you mean did the DNC want trump or chaos?

I don't think Putin cared who won so long as half the country would be severely deranged with anger. He got what he wanted.
naw, he didn't give a flying fk. now the leftists who lost wanted chaos. they got it. so american minded. not.

Progressive Left is as equally dangerous as the Alt Right.
I have no idea who is alt right or what that is.
Did Putin want Trump or did Putin want pure chaos in America? OR both?
you mean did the DNC want trump or chaos?

I don't think Putin cared who won so long as half the country would be severely deranged with anger. He got what he wanted.
naw, he didn't give a flying fk. now the leftists who lost wanted chaos. they got it. so american minded. not.

Progressive Left is as equally dangerous as the Alt Right.
I have no idea who is alt right or what that is.

Alt Right are the Neo Nazis like David Duke.
you mean did the DNC want trump or chaos?

I don't think Putin cared who won so long as half the country would be severely deranged with anger. He got what he wanted.
naw, he didn't give a flying fk. now the leftists who lost wanted chaos. they got it. so american minded. not.

Progressive Left is as equally dangerous as the Alt Right.
I have no idea who is alt right or what that is.

Alt Right are the Neo Nazis like David Duke.
so you think the entire leftist party is equal to david duke? he was a demoloser. that's redundant.
I don't think Putin cared who won so long as half the country would be severely deranged with anger. He got what he wanted.
naw, he didn't give a flying fk. now the leftists who lost wanted chaos. they got it. so american minded. not.

Progressive Left is as equally dangerous as the Alt Right.
I have no idea who is alt right or what that is.

Alt Right are the Neo Nazis like David Duke.
so you think the entire leftist party is equal to david duke?

Equal or worse. Not the Democrats but Progressive Leftists, yes. Like the pro BDS Kamala Harris and AOC.
naw, he didn't give a flying fk. now the leftists who lost wanted chaos. they got it. so american minded. not.

Progressive Left is as equally dangerous as the Alt Right.
I have no idea who is alt right or what that is.

Alt Right are the Neo Nazis like David Duke.
so you think the entire leftist party is equal to david duke?

Equal or worse. Not the Democrats but Progressive Leftists, yes. Like the pro BDS Kamala Harris and AOC.
well until I see a demoloser who rejects the progressive leftists, they are all leftists.
Here's how their story changed from the very beginning (of the campaign) to now...
  1. No contact
  2. Okay contacts, but not planned
  3. Oay planned, but not via the campaign
  4. Okay via the campaign, but not meaningful or useful
  5. "Collusion" is not a crime
  6. Well, you can't collude if you don't know Putin
  7. Repeat 5
  8. Okay, maybe someone colluded, but not Trump though
Are you Trumpees and Trumpettes starting to get it yet, or are you still holding on to the lies?

It's not going to end well folks. It's simply not. Going. To. End. Well.

This won't end well for anyone in America.

trump and republicans have done so much very bad damage to our nation in so many different ways it's just incredible.

Every time republicans get control of our nation they do horrible damage to us. Usually it's economic. This time it's on so many levels. I don't know which is worse.

I didn't support impeaching trump. I wanted proper checks and balances on him then be voted out of office.

However after all that's coming out and all that trump has done, maybe impeachment is the only responsible solution.

The totally frightening thing is there's nothing anyone can do or say, no truthful and factual evidence can be presented to trump supporters that will get them to see what's in front of their faces. Or if they do see it, they will never admit it. Those of us who were paying attention and remember the bush boy years, will see that the same people did the same with the bush boy. To this day no amount of factual evidence will ever show them what the bush boy honestly was and did. The man is a war criminal. He tortured people. Then lied about it.

The right wing propaganda machine has them brainwashed so much that they prefer a communist in russia over their fellow Americans here in the United States. The sad thing is that when those same republicans need help, putin won't help them. Their fellow Americans who they hate so much will.
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Rudy had a good debate with Cuomo on CNN last night. Cuomo threw all the dems' bullshit at Rudy, and Rudy shot them all down. It all depends on what Mueller can prove in his report. Based on the law, the "criminal" investigation should not have even started, because the deep state fucks did not find any evidence of wrongdoing for the FBI's "counter-intelligence" investigation. The entire mess was apparently FBI payback for firing Comey.
Do you even get what you are saying? You need EVIDENCE to start an INVESTIGATION??? Do you get that the purpose of an INVESTIGATION is to gather EVIDENCE? If I suspect a kid is being abused do I need evidence to tell the police about my suspicions, and does the police need evidence to look into it?

Yes you need evidence to start an investigation, that is the LAW.

When the police ask you why you think the kid is being abused, what do you tell them? I don't have any evidence, but that guy just looks mean?
Maybe the kid is acting in a strange manner, being unusually withdrawn. Maybe it has bruises. Maybe I see it cringe inexplicably when the kid sees the father. Maybe all of the above. None of it is evidence but it is suspicious. In order for the FBI to start an investigation suspicion is sufficient. There is no such thing in the law that states that one has to have evidence before an investigation can take place. The only thing the law says is that just cause is required.Just Cause Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
Just cause is not evidence. It is simply stated a "reason to suspect."

Yes, what you're describing is what's required for an investigation. Probable cause.

A child with behavior as you described is very much probable cause of abuse. So an investigation is initiated to gather evidenced of abuse or evidence of no abuse.

You're dealing with people who don't know how our justice system works. It's just sad that we have so many people in our nation who have no concept of how our nation and justice system is supposed to work.
Putin won.
You cannot be serious.
Putin wanted Trump and Putin got Trump. There's a question as to whether Putin's motive was Trump is in Putin's back pocket or Putin just viewed Trump as sowing the same disunity Putin sowed in the UK, France, Germany, Poland and the Czech Rep ... to name a few.

Did Putin want Trump or did Putin want pure chaos in America? OR both?


He even admitted he wanted trump and interfered in our election in Helsinki.

Here he is admitting it to all of the world in Helsinki:

putin helsinki wanted trump to win - Bing video
That's not what I said at all. I said that starting an investigation on the suspicion of a crime is perfectly normal. In the case of a murder a better way to put it would be that you can investigate who committed a murder before you have evidence that a particular person committed it.
yes, you can investigate who committed a murder before you have evidence, it happens everyday.

There is a crime, someone was killed. that means there is a person who did it if the dead person didn't commit suicide. But they are investigating the murder. that's all.

you are saying you have no crime and are just investigating someone cause it's fun!! that's what you're saying. Cause we've asked you for the crime, so far, there hasn't been one defined. I'm still waiting. I'm waiting on the FBI to tell me the crime. still we have no crime. Therefore, I can say with confidence what Mueller is conducting is a witch hunt.
Again using a straw man. No I didn't say you should investigate someone for "fun". I said you should investigate someone if you suspect they committed a crime. Is that all you got, misstating my posts?
well fk everyone should be investigated with that statement. too fking funny. really you are dishonest as the day is long. that is called a witch hunt, no other word for it.
Really, everyone can be suspected from committing a crime? What crime do you have reason to believe I committed? Besides being habitually dishonest I can't name one I have reason to believe you committed.
well we won't know until we investigate you. that's what you said. we have to find the evidence of a crime to charge you. so basically, we need a witch hunt too!!

:auiqs.jpg: honest to fking god, you can't make up the leftists stupid. :auiqs.jpg:
Beating the same straw man again? I NEVER, not once claimed one investigates because I feel like it, for fun or for whatever other bogus thing you can come up with. I said you investigate if there is REASON TO BELIEVE. You can claim otherwise as much as you want, but you will find no such claim from me here or in any other post. I dare you to show otherwise.
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yes, you can investigate who committed a murder before you have evidence, it happens everyday.

There is a crime, someone was killed. that means there is a person who did it if the dead person didn't commit suicide. But they are investigating the murder. that's all.

you are saying you have no crime and are just investigating someone cause it's fun!! that's what you're saying. Cause we've asked you for the crime, so far, there hasn't been one defined. I'm still waiting. I'm waiting on the FBI to tell me the crime. still we have no crime. Therefore, I can say with confidence what Mueller is conducting is a witch hunt.
Again using a straw man. No I didn't say you should investigate someone for "fun". I said you should investigate someone if you suspect they committed a crime. Is that all you got, misstating my posts?
well fk everyone should be investigated with that statement. too fking funny. really you are dishonest as the day is long. that is called a witch hunt, no other word for it.
Really, everyone can be suspected from committing a crime? What crime do you have reason to believe I committed? Besides being habitually dishonest I can't name one I have reason to believe you committed.
well we won't know until we investigate you. that's what you said. we have to find the evidence of a crime to charge you. so basically, we need a witch hunt too!!

:auiqs.jpg: honest to fking god, you can't make up the leftists stupid. :auiqs.jpg:
Beating the same straw man again? I NEVER, not once claimed one investigates because I feel like, for fun or for whatever other bogus thing you can come up with. I said you investigate if there is REASON TO BELIEVE. You can claim otherwise as much as you want, but you will find no such claim from me here or in any other post. I dare you to show otherwise.
I said you investigate if there is REASON TO BELIEVE

Believe what?

what you said and again is, if I have a reason to believe I can start a witch hunt. I have a reason to believe everyone has done something, therefore it doesn't matter. if I have a reason, and that reason is undefined i can investigate. no strawman your words.
Again using a straw man. No I didn't say you should investigate someone for "fun". I said you should investigate someone if you suspect they committed a crime. Is that all you got, misstating my posts?
well fk everyone should be investigated with that statement. too fking funny. really you are dishonest as the day is long. that is called a witch hunt, no other word for it.
Really, everyone can be suspected from committing a crime? What crime do you have reason to believe I committed? Besides being habitually dishonest I can't name one I have reason to believe you committed.
well we won't know until we investigate you. that's what you said. we have to find the evidence of a crime to charge you. so basically, we need a witch hunt too!!

:auiqs.jpg: honest to fking god, you can't make up the leftists stupid. :auiqs.jpg:
Beating the same straw man again? I NEVER, not once claimed one investigates because I feel like it, for fun or for whatever other bogus thing you can come up with. I said you investigate if there is REASON TO BELIEVE. You can claim otherwise as much as you want, but you will find no such claim from me here, or in any other post. I dare you to show otherwise.
I said you investigate if there is REASON TO BELIEVE
Believe what?
Believe that a crime is being committed. Or in the case of counterespionage that a foreign power is doing nefarious acts in a country. Something that doesn't even require criminal acts. A nation would investigate such matters, if for no other reason as protecting itself against such acts.
There's no question Russia meddled, and there's no question that Russia was inside Trump's campaign. And Rudy just admitted it, in case any Trumpbot was still tempted to deny the truth of the matter. The only questons now are how close were the ties, and is there any avenue for Trump to claim he was not part of it.
well fk everyone should be investigated with that statement. too fking funny. really you are dishonest as the day is long. that is called a witch hunt, no other word for it.
Really, everyone can be suspected from committing a crime? What crime do you have reason to believe I committed? Besides being habitually dishonest I can't name one I have reason to believe you committed.
well we won't know until we investigate you. that's what you said. we have to find the evidence of a crime to charge you. so basically, we need a witch hunt too!!

:auiqs.jpg: honest to fking god, you can't make up the leftists stupid. :auiqs.jpg:
Beating the same straw man again? I NEVER, not once claimed one investigates because I feel like it, for fun or for whatever other bogus thing you can come up with. I said you investigate if there is REASON TO BELIEVE. You can claim otherwise as much as you want, but you will find no such claim from me here, or in any other post. I dare you to show otherwise.
I said you investigate if there is REASON TO BELIEVE
Believe what?
Believe that a crime is being committed. Or in the case of counterespionage that a foreign power is doing nefarious acts in a country. Something that doesn't even require criminal acts. A nation would investigate such matters, if for no other reason as protecting itself against such acts.
Really, everyone can be suspected from committing a crime? What crime do you have reason to believe I committed? Besides being habitually dishonest I can't name one I have reason to believe you committed.
well we won't know until we investigate you. that's what you said. we have to find the evidence of a crime to charge you. so basically, we need a witch hunt too!!

:auiqs.jpg: honest to fking god, you can't make up the leftists stupid. :auiqs.jpg:
Beating the same straw man again? I NEVER, not once claimed one investigates because I feel like it, for fun or for whatever other bogus thing you can come up with. I said you investigate if there is REASON TO BELIEVE. You can claim otherwise as much as you want, but you will find no such claim from me here, or in any other post. I dare you to show otherwise.
I said you investigate if there is REASON TO BELIEVE
Believe what?
Believe that a crime is being committed. Or in the case of counterespionage that a foreign power is doing nefarious acts in a country. Something that doesn't even require criminal acts. A nation would investigate such matters, if for no other reason as protecting itself against such acts.
Manafort's lawyers made a formatting error in a new court filing and accidentally revealed a slew of bombshells about his alleged lies to Mueller
I don't see any denial of the relevant facts.
Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting
pretty undeniable.
Hmms quite a few witches here.
Bombshell report reveals new details about Trump's Oval Office meeting with Russians after he fired Comey
Not exactly being denied either.
-I'm not even considering several people in the campaign who simply pleaded guilty.
well we won't know until we investigate you. that's what you said. we have to find the evidence of a crime to charge you. so basically, we need a witch hunt too!!

:auiqs.jpg: honest to fking god, you can't make up the leftists stupid. :auiqs.jpg:
Beating the same straw man again? I NEVER, not once claimed one investigates because I feel like it, for fun or for whatever other bogus thing you can come up with. I said you investigate if there is REASON TO BELIEVE. You can claim otherwise as much as you want, but you will find no such claim from me here, or in any other post. I dare you to show otherwise.
I said you investigate if there is REASON TO BELIEVE
Believe what?
Believe that a crime is being committed. Or in the case of counterespionage that a foreign power is doing nefarious acts in a country. Something that doesn't even require criminal acts. A nation would investigate such matters, if for no other reason as protecting itself against such acts.
Manafort's lawyers made a formatting error in a new court filing and accidentally revealed a slew of bombshells about his alleged lies to Mueller
I don't see any denial of the relevant facts.
Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting
pretty undeniable.
Hmms quite a few witches here.
Bombshell report reveals new details about Trump's Oval Office meeting with Russians after he fired Comey
Not exactly being denied either.
-I'm not even considering several people in the campaign who simply pleaded guilty.
WITCH HUNT, it's what i said. I'm still waiting on the crime. what is the crime? what is the evidence of that crime. still not mentioned here.

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