Teamsters members overwhelmingly support Trump over Harris

Companies fail for many reasons. Some fail because they are covered with leeches who do not understand that it is possible to suck the host to death. That's what happened to Hostess. The unions were warned that their blood sucking had reached the point where the company was in peril. They didn't care so the company went under.

"Covered with leeches", you mean the workers who produced their products, and shipped them to their customers????? Or the CEO's CFO's and other highly paid executives???

The President of Hostess was paid over $6,250,000 in 2022 to run the company into bankrtuptcy. Maybe he should have been paid less for his failures.
Who committed treason? Republicans invented, pushed and voted for NAFTA.
The Republicans that invented, pushed and voted for NAFTA are what are known as neocons today. They are the reason so many people were happy when Perot, Buchanon, Trumpy, the tea party, America first and MAGA came along and made the party put the people first. The rat ass neocons are now a thing of the past, except in Democrat circles where the Cheneys are revered by many, the Lincoln projectors are financially supporting Democrat candidates as long as they're globalist, establishment elitists who love war, and the Obamas love W. On its face, that looks like a lot of strange crossbreeding but upon further inspection, they share the characteristics of greed, the lust for power and the mindset that they are superior to the American people. I don't like those kinds of people. MAGA
"Covered with leeches", you mean the workers who produced their products, and shipped them to their customers????? Or the CEO's CFO's and other highly paid executives???

The President of Hostess was paid over $6,250,000 in 2022 to run the company into bankrtuptcy. Maybe he should have been paid less for his failures.
Ho Ho
Bizz Skule Bozos

You pathetic bootlickers childishly and desperately search for infallible father-figures, grasping at the delusion that those in management are far superior in ability to the lower-level employees. So with your idols on top, you babble that a company can fail only because of those on the bottom.
Who used the word "only?"
"Covered with leeches", you mean the workers who produced their products, and shipped them to their customers????? Or the CEO's CFO's and other highly paid executives???

The President of Hostess was paid over $6,250,000 in 2022 to run the company into bankrtuptcy. Maybe he should have been paid less for his failures.
Can be both or either. And some leadership are paid so much because of their proven skill set or because of the price to keep them working for someone else. I remember, some "workers" for a software company were paid a lot to not work just to keep them from not working for competitors. They found value in that, even though they didn't need them to produce anything themselves.

Leadership are often paid stock options as an incentive to increasing company value, and that can drastically increase individual compensation amounts.

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