Ted Cruz For President!!!

Yo, Who are Gays? They are Americans like you and me? Why do they get Special Rights, and we don`t? You are a natural Dumb-Ass!!!

Here Is Your Masters Home For Now! FAG!

Lol, you cant sort your own lies, moron.

Yo, nothing to say Ass-Wipe!

Yo, let the truth be told! Something the others running don`t have!!!

Ted Cruz for President

by THE EDITORS March 11, 2016 11:42 AM

Conservatives have had difficulty choosing a champion in the presidential race in part because it has featured so many candidates with very good claims on our support. As their number has dwindled, the right choice has become clear: Senator Ted Cruz of Texas. We supported Cruz’s campaign in 2012 because we saw in him what conservatives nationwide have come to see as well. Cruz is a brilliant and articulate exponent of our views on the full spectrum of issues. Other Republicans say we should protect the Constitution. Cruz has actually done it; indeed, it has been the animating passion of his career. He is a strong believer in the liberating power of free markets, including free trade (notwithstanding the usual rhetorical hedges). His skepticism about “comprehensive immigration reform” is leading him to a realism about the impact of immigration that has been missing from our policymaking and debate. He favors a foreign policy based on a hard-headed assessment of American interests, one that seeks to strengthen our power but is mindful of its limits. He forthrightly defends religious liberty, the right to life of unborn children, and the role of marriage in connecting children to their parents — causes that reduce too many other Republicans to mumbling.

Cruz is a coward who sided with Black Lies Matter today and blamed Trump for the rally being canceled.

He is not fit for public office.
OKTexas, I have defended Cruz repeatedly on this board and in private conversations with my friends. But his blaming Trump for inciting violence by leftwing thugs that do not like his opinion, is the biggest act of cowardice I have read in this election so far.

Cruz is a disgrace.

I guess you haven't seen the updates, at least one Kasich supporter was in the group of protesters, most were bored college students making an ass of themselves.

Yo, don`t forget Soros? The Organizer!!! The idiots will follow?

I guess you haven't seen the updates, at least one Kasich supporter was in the group of protesters, most were bored college students making an ass of themselves.
And that justifies BLM shutting down Trumps rally how?

Far-Left Anarchists With MoveOn.Org and Bernie Sanders Take Credit For Chicago Political Mayhem…

It doesn't, but if the same thing happened at a Cruz rally, Trump would try to score some points off of it. That's just politics. In fact I will predict it will happen at a Cruz rally, now that the assholes see it can be effective, expect much more.
Yo, let the truth be told! Something the others running don`t have!!!

Ted Cruz for President

by THE EDITORS March 11, 2016 11:42 AM

Conservatives have had difficulty choosing a champion in the presidential race in part because it has featured so many candidates with very good claims on our support. As their number has dwindled, the right choice has become clear: Senator Ted Cruz of Texas. We supported Cruz’s campaign in 2012 because we saw in him what conservatives nationwide have come to see as well. Cruz is a brilliant and articulate exponent of our views on the full spectrum of issues. Other Republicans say we should protect the Constitution. Cruz has actually done it; indeed, it has been the animating passion of his career. He is a strong believer in the liberating power of free markets, including free trade (notwithstanding the usual rhetorical hedges). His skepticism about “comprehensive immigration reform” is leading him to a realism about the impact of immigration that has been missing from our policymaking and debate. He favors a foreign policy based on a hard-headed assessment of American interests, one that seeks to strengthen our power but is mindful of its limits. He forthrightly defends religious liberty, the right to life of unborn children, and the role of marriage in connecting children to their parents — causes that reduce too many other Republicans to mumbling.

Cruz is a coward who sided with Black Lies Matter today and blamed Trump for the rally being canceled.

He is not fit for public office.
OKTexas, I have defended Cruz repeatedly on this board and in private conversations with my friends. But his blaming Trump for inciting violence by leftwing thugs that do not like his opinion, is the biggest act of cowardice I have read in this election so far.

Cruz is a disgrace.

I guess you haven't seen the updates, at least one Kasich supporter was in the group of protesters, most were bored college students making an ass of themselves.

Yo, don`t forget Soros? The Organizer!!! The idiots will follow?

View attachment 66965

As I said in another thread, I think the organizers should be prosecuted for conspiracy to breach the peace.
Yo, let the truth be told! Something the others running don`t have!!!

Ted Cruz for President

by THE EDITORS March 11, 2016 11:42 AM

Conservatives have had difficulty choosing a champion in the presidential race in part because it has featured so many candidates with very good claims on our support. As their number has dwindled, the right choice has become clear: Senator Ted Cruz of Texas. We supported Cruz’s campaign in 2012 because we saw in him what conservatives nationwide have come to see as well. Cruz is a brilliant and articulate exponent of our views on the full spectrum of issues. Other Republicans say we should protect the Constitution. Cruz has actually done it; indeed, it has been the animating passion of his career. He is a strong believer in the liberating power of free markets, including free trade (notwithstanding the usual rhetorical hedges). His skepticism about “comprehensive immigration reform” is leading him to a realism about the impact of immigration that has been missing from our policymaking and debate. He favors a foreign policy based on a hard-headed assessment of American interests, one that seeks to strengthen our power but is mindful of its limits. He forthrightly defends religious liberty, the right to life of unborn children, and the role of marriage in connecting children to their parents — causes that reduce too many other Republicans to mumbling.

Cruz is a coward who sided with Black Lies Matter today and blamed Trump for the rally being canceled.

He is not fit for public office.
OKTexas, I have defended Cruz repeatedly on this board and in private conversations with my friends. But his blaming Trump for inciting violence by leftwing thugs that do not like his opinion, is the biggest act of cowardice I have read in this election so far.

Cruz is a disgrace.

I guess you haven't seen the updates, at least one Kasich supporter was in the group of protesters, most were bored college students making an ass of themselves.

Yo, don`t forget Soros? The Organizer!!! The idiots will follow?

View attachment 66965

As I said in another thread, I think the organizers should be prosecuted for conspiracy to breach the peace.

Yo, like I said in a 100 posts, George Soros is behind every Radical Group in America, thinks he can buy America, along with his cohorts, the Socialist Progressive Democrat Party!!!

This quote from Cruz is his stance on the VA. A great deal of fluff and no action

"We owe our veterans the care we have promised them. Mismanagement in the VA is unacceptable. As a member of the Armed Services Committee, I co-sponsored legislation to make it easier to fire VA senior management for mismanagement and performance failures. We should expand options for their health care so they have more choices and faster service."

Yo, don`t see nothing wrong with that quote?

View attachment 66931
I agree the words are nice however there is no true corrective action

There have been some, not nearly enough, but that's on the dear leader for not using the law the way it was intended, but hey, that's nothing new.
Cannot blame it all on Obama Cruz is in a better position to make things happen. He failed

Bullshit, the administration of the VA falls under the executive branch, not the legislative branch. Congress gave the dear leader the tools to fix the problems and like on too many issues, he's dithering.
Falls under the Executive branch yet Cruz claims to have provided them with the necessary tools to do the job and takers the credit. He must take the responsibility as well. He failed.
I can get on board with Cruz if he wins the nomination. We just have to stop the Hildebeast, or hopefully, Comrade Bernie


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