Ted Cruz: Gay community is waging a “jihad” against people of faith

Nice way to weasel through the tiny loophole you created to defend Cruz. He did characterize the backlash against religious liberty laws as " jihad".

Nice of you to prove the point for me.

You will notice he never accused the gay community. The Salon article is a lie.

Thank you.


Yes, loopholer, the gay community was in no way protesting or a target of religious liberty laws. Right?
I think the larger point is that a presidential candidate is characterizing fellow Americans as terrorists.

gays attack christian - Google Search

Not terrorists? Yeah, right.

At least you admit that's what Cruz meant.
Do you think a presidential candidate ought to refer to fellow Americans as terrorists?

didn't bother you all when Obama and his gang referred to us as terrorist, hostage takers, flat earther, teabaggers, birther, deniers, etc. so drop the drama. Jihad is a war that is waged. not a reference to terrorist. If it is then you should inform Obama

When did "Obama and his gang" refer to anyone as terrorists? Who is "us"?
A birther, etc. is the same as jihadist now?

Jihad is a holy war, not just any war.
But you know that already. I think you also know that those who we call terrorists believe they are waging a jihad against us.
Nice way to weasel through the tiny loophole you created to defend Cruz. He did characterize the backlash against religious liberty laws as " jihad".

Nice of you to prove the point for me.

You will notice he never accused the gay community. The Salon article is a lie.

Thank you.


Yes, loopholer, the gay community was in no way protesting or a target of religious liberty laws. Right?
I think the larger point is that a presidential candidate is characterizing fellow Americans as terrorists.

No, the larger point is that Salon is trying to characterize a presidential candidate by accusing him of saying something he did not say.


By invoking the word "jihad", Cruz did not mean to infer that his fellow Americans are in some way equivalent to terrorists?

Deflection is not your best game. Your projection is much better.


Deflection like not answering any of my questions?
Nice of you to prove the point for me.

You will notice he never accused the gay community. The Salon article is a lie.

Thank you.


Yes, loopholer, the gay community was in no way protesting or a target of religious liberty laws. Right?
I think the larger point is that a presidential candidate is characterizing fellow Americans as terrorists.

No, the larger point is that Salon is trying to characterize a presidential candidate by accusing him of saying something he did not say.


By invoking the word "jihad", Cruz did not mean to infer that his fellow Americans are in some way equivalent to terrorists?

Deflection is not your best game. Your projection is much better.


Deflection like not answering any of my questions?

Your questions are the deflections. You cannot admit the lie.

That's ok though. You have a lot of company in that department. You are not alone.

Nice of you to prove the point for me.

You will notice he never accused the gay community. The Salon article is a lie.

Thank you.


Yes, loopholer, the gay community was in no way protesting or a target of religious liberty laws. Right?
I think the larger point is that a presidential candidate is characterizing fellow Americans as terrorists.

No, the larger point is that Salon is trying to characterize a presidential candidate by accusing him of saying something he did not say.


By invoking the word "jihad", Cruz did not mean to infer that his fellow Americans are in some way equivalent to terrorists?

Deflection is not your best game. Your projection is much better.


another leftie spreading lies or another paid troll for the DNC

Lie? The video is right in front of you and I'M the one lying?

Too funny. I've gotten a great look at the fringe elements of the base this rhetoric is designed to inspire.
Ted Cruz has officially had his hat in the ring for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination for less than three weeks, and no, his campaign has not ended yet. But perhaps it should, given that the Texas senator seems to think he can get elected by unflinchingly demonizing the LGBT community. It’s an interesting strategy.

At a presidential candidate forum in Iowa on Thursday, Cruz doubled down on his support for controversial “religious freedom” laws in states such as Indiana and Arkansas, from which other potential GOP nominees Jeb Bush and Rand Paul have already attempted to distance themselves. The laws are widely considered to sanction discrimination, particularly against LGBT individuals, but Cruz seems to think that’s just fine — because the gay community has launched a “jihad” against christians.

Flanked by former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, the GOP hopeful told a crowd of homeschooling activists to beware “the jihad that is being waged right now in Indiana and Arkansas, going after people of faith who respect the biblical teaching that marriage is the union of one man and one woman.”

“We need to bring people together,” Cruz said, adding that Republicans and Democrats used to be in agreement about religious liberty and, he implies, condoning discrimination. “This election needs to be about bringing together that consensus again, and that’s got to come from the people.”

Ted Cruz Gay community is waging a jihad against people of faith - Salon.com

So, if I support LBGT rights, I'm a jihadist?

Oh, yeah, I forgot, supporting LBGT rights is also going to make me Gay as well.

Well, does being a Gay Jihadist mean I develop as sense of style? I know my wife would like that part since she's had to deal with me for 15 years.

If you approve and/or actively support the destruction of businesses run by Christians because their faith does not allow them to participant to activities they consider a sin against God, then yes you are a jihadist no different than ISIS.
Cruz can't help being a dick

He has to declare gays to be the enemy of Conservatives
Salon didn't lie about what Cruz said.

How do you define the word 'lie'? Read the headline and then watch the videos. Cruz never accused the gay community of conducting a jihad.

It is a lie.


Nice way to weasel through the tiny loophole you created to defend Cruz. He did characterize the backlash against religious liberty laws as " jihad".

Nice of you to prove the point for me.

You will notice he never accused the gay community. The Salon article is a lie.

Thank you.


Yes, loopholer, the gay community was in no way protesting or a target of religious liberty laws. Right?
I think the larger point is that a presidential candidate is characterizing fellow Americans as terrorists.

gays attack christian - Google Search

Not terrorists? Yeah, right.

Which thread are you talking about? This one:

The Christian Do-Gooders Secretly Attacking Gays - The Daily Beast

It was the second one from your link.
How do you define the word 'lie'? Read the headline and then watch the videos. Cruz never accused the gay community of conducting a jihad.

It is a lie.


Nice way to weasel through the tiny loophole you created to defend Cruz. He did characterize the backlash against religious liberty laws as " jihad".

Nice of you to prove the point for me.

You will notice he never accused the gay community. The Salon article is a lie.

Thank you.


Yes, loopholer, the gay community was in no way protesting or a target of religious liberty laws. Right?
I think the larger point is that a presidential candidate is characterizing fellow Americans as terrorists.

gays attack christian - Google Search

Not terrorists? Yeah, right.

Which thread are you talking about? This one:

The Christian Do-Gooders Secretly Attacking Gays - The Daily Beast

It was the second one from your link.

And you missed all those other ones about gays attacking Christians? Enough said. I think it's past time to add you to my ignore list. Good riddance.
Nice way to weasel through the tiny loophole you created to defend Cruz. He did characterize the backlash against religious liberty laws as " jihad".

Nice of you to prove the point for me.

You will notice he never accused the gay community. The Salon article is a lie.

Thank you.


Yes, loopholer, the gay community was in no way protesting or a target of religious liberty laws. Right?
I think the larger point is that a presidential candidate is characterizing fellow Americans as terrorists.

gays attack christian - Google Search

Not terrorists? Yeah, right.

Which thread are you talking about? This one:

The Christian Do-Gooders Secretly Attacking Gays - The Daily Beast

It was the second one from your link.

And you missed all those other ones about gays attacking Christians? Enough said. I think it's past time to add you to my ignore list. Good riddance.

I think that would be a record. only two weeks. lol
just more nonsense lies that drones on and on and on
Nice of you to prove the point for me.

You will notice he never accused the gay community. The Salon article is a lie.

Thank you.


Yes, loopholer, the gay community was in no way protesting or a target of religious liberty laws. Right?
I think the larger point is that a presidential candidate is characterizing fellow Americans as terrorists.
gays attack christian - Google Search

Not terrorists? Yeah, right.
Which thread are you talking about? This one:

The Christian Do-Gooders Secretly Attacking Gays - The Daily Beast

It was the second one from your link.
And you missed all those other ones about gays attacking Christians? Enough said. I think it's past time to add you to my ignore list. Good riddance.

I think that would be a record. only two weeks. lol
just more nonsense lies that drones on and on and on
I try to give people a chance before I decide to ignore them. He has proven that it's not worth the time it takes to read his posts, let alone reply to them.
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Yes, loopholer, the gay community was in no way protesting or a target of religious liberty laws. Right?
I think the larger point is that a presidential candidate is characterizing fellow Americans as terrorists.
gays attack christian - Google Search

Not terrorists? Yeah, right.
Which thread are you talking about? This one:

The Christian Do-Gooders Secretly Attacking Gays - The Daily Beast

It was the second one from your link.
And you missed all those other ones about gays attacking Christians? Enough said. I think it's past time to add you to my ignore list. Good riddance.

I think that would be a record. only two weeks. lol
just more nonsense lies that drones on and on and on
I try to people a chance before I decide to ignore them. He has proven that he is not worth the time it takes to read his posts, let alone reply to them.

I did too. but anymore they come on with the some ole bs. Doesn't long to figure it out
they figure if they argue you to death you will admit their lies they spew. lol
Since the majority of America is firmly in support of marriage equality, Cruz is either principled or foolish. Since he is never the first, we have ordered an arrangement of clown costumes for his campaign trail.
...snip... if Cruz were elected president, do you believe he should use the federal anti-terror statutes to go after civil rights activists?
Yes! They are troublemakers. Blacks have civil rights. Same as everyone else. Homosexuality is not a civil right that has to be protected anymore than heterosexuality. Therefore no special concessions for that lifestyle. No forcing the public to accommodate that lifestyle either.
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Ted Cruz has officially had his hat in the ring for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination for less than three weeks, and no, his campaign has not ended yet. But perhaps it should, given that the Texas senator seems to think he can get elected by unflinchingly demonizing the LGBT community. It’s an interesting strategy.

At a presidential candidate forum in Iowa on Thursday, Cruz doubled down on his support for controversial “religious freedom” laws in states such as Indiana and Arkansas, from which other potential GOP nominees Jeb Bush and Rand Paul have already attempted to distance themselves. The laws are widely considered to sanction discrimination, particularly against LGBT individuals, but Cruz seems to think that’s just fine — because the gay community has launched a “jihad” against christians.

Flanked by former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, the GOP hopeful told a crowd of homeschooling activists to beware “the jihad that is being waged right now in Indiana and Arkansas, going after people of faith who respect the biblical teaching that marriage is the union of one man and one woman.”

“We need to bring people together,” Cruz said, adding that Republicans and Democrats used to be in agreement about religious liberty and, he implies, condoning discrimination. “This election needs to be about bringing together that consensus again, and that’s got to come from the people.”

Ted Cruz Gay community is waging a jihad against people of faith - Salon.com

So, if I support LBGT rights, I'm a jihadist?

Oh, yeah, I forgot, supporting LBGT rights is also going to make me Gay as well.

Well, does being a Gay Jihadist mean I develop as sense of style? I know my wife would like that part since she's had to deal with me for 15 years.

Usually when people say they support LBGT rights, that also includes forcing everyone else into the same belief, and not allowing people to practice their own beliefs such as not condoning homosexuality.

You see, I don't care if you support LBGT rights, I'm not asking the government to force you to do business with people you disagree with.

But LBGT types are asking the government to force others to do business with people that offends their beliefs.
Since the majority of America is firmly in support of marriage equality, Cruz is either principled or foolish. Since he is never the first, we have ordered an arrangement of clown costumes for his campaign trail.
I tend to believe he's principled, a concept unfamiliar to most Democrats and as it turns out, You.

Since I am not a Democrat, Lumpy, and you are not mainstream, I am glad to see salute the great, pragmatic cold warrior.

The far right must realize that it's Puritanism, debarked from the Mayflower and Arbella onto the shores of New England, and its fascination with witchcraft, magic, and demonology no longer holds America Christianity in its grasp. You folks no longer and never again will dictate social norms in America.

Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, will deal with this in His own time and way, but He will not use the far right social Christian conservatives as His tool.
Since the majority of America is firmly in support of marriage equality, Cruz is either principled or foolish. Since he is never the first, we have ordered an arrangement of clown costumes for his campaign trail.
I tend to believe he's principled, a concept unfamiliar to most Democrats and as it turns out, You.

View attachment 39502

It didn't take them long to throw that out the window. the same they did MLK and I have a dream. Progressive/dem party and their followers has brought this country down.
Yes, loopholer, the gay community was in no way protesting or a target of religious liberty laws. Right?
I think the larger point is that a presidential candidate is characterizing fellow Americans as terrorists.
gays attack christian - Google Search

Not terrorists? Yeah, right.
Which thread are you talking about? This one:

The Christian Do-Gooders Secretly Attacking Gays - The Daily Beast

It was the second one from your link.
And you missed all those other ones about gays attacking Christians? Enough said. I think it's past time to add you to my ignore list. Good riddance.

I think that would be a record. only two weeks. lol
just more nonsense lies that drones on and on and on
I try to give people a chance before I decide to ignore them. He has proven that it's not worth the time it takes to read his posts, let alone reply to them.
You don't want to learn anything. A man goes to a gathering of gays. He doesn't know any of them. He wasn't invited and through nasty and disturbing rhetoric they never ask for, he attacks them. But he's the good guy. I'm guess you think hungry children is a good thing. And let them die is a good health care policy. Stop and think about it and you will realize what an ass you are. Or not. I don't think you're smart enough. No. I take that back. Clearly, you aren't smart enough.

My father the hate preacher Nate Phelps on escaping Westboro Baptist Church - Telegraph

I'm guessing you felt a tragic loss over the death of Fred Phelps.
Mr.Right simplyis one track and cannot objectively consider critical evidence

He know what he knows, and that all he knows.

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