Ted Cruz has been winning lately.


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
True story. Not only has he grown an awesome mustache, but now he is challenging the larping fascists while as everyone probably knows by now, Biden made sure to praise them as courageous Americans.

"Texas Senator Ted Cruz accused Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler of ordering police to stand down and allow antifa protesters to physically engage conservative activists over the weekend.

Wheeler, who is also the commissioner of the Portland Police Bureau, has been targeted by an onslaught of criticism over the most recent clash between far-right and anti-fascist groups in the city on Saturday. A conservative journalist was reportedly assaulted by anti-fascist protesters during the violent street fighting and Cruz joined several right-wing media figures and politicians in calling for Wheeler to be investigated.

"To federal law enforcement: investigate & bring legal action against a Mayor who has, for political reasons, ordered his police officers to let citizens be attacked by domestic terrorists," Cruz tweeted Saturday, one of several pleas for more media attention and potential prosecution of the anti-fascist protesters.""

Ted Cruz demands federal inquiry of Portland mayor after Antifa attack on conservative journalist | Politics | Dallas News

What kind of an idiot mayor forces the cops stand down as fascists take over the city? He should be behind bars for having caused the hospitalization of young gay journalist, but a fine followed by a real productive job after Americans vote him out will have to do.
Hmmm. Lying Ted didn’t have much to say about Charlottesville.
Hmmm. Lying Ted didn’t have much to say about Charlottesville.

I don't know about that I haven't followed. There too Antifa attacked protesters who were legally protesting the removal of a landmark. There too the police were meddled with, one person died for nothing as the mayor sided with the communists. Very similar... This is the leftist endgame.
Hmmm. Lying Ted didn’t have much to say about Charlottesville.

Nice try

Sen. Ted Cruz blasts white nationalists in Charlottesville as 'idiots'

You know, it's funny. There has been a lengthy conversation about what happened in Portland over the weekend with ANTIFA and plenty of you on the left have commented, but I haven't seen one of you actually condemn what they did or renounce them as the violent thugs they are for your cause. That says a lot, but it's not a surprising result.
Unexpected remarks coming from a man whose father helped kill Kennedy.
Credit where it’s due for Senator Cruz. Kudos
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Apparently, violent liberal WHITES do have white privilege. They take priority over a conservative Asian who is publically beaten.

This is why we respect Lion Ted.

A conservative gay christian republican, now there is a moniker of a species that the Repubs claim to hate because they are deranged perverts that are mentally insane....This is why I do not respect many so called conservatives...
A conservative gay christian republican, now there is a moniker of a species that the Repubs claim to hate because they are deranged perverts that are mentally insane....This is why I do not respect many so called conservatives...
What chew talkin bout Willis
A conservative gay christian republican, now there is a moniker of a species that the Repubs claim to hate because they are deranged perverts that are mentally insane....This is why I do not respect many so called conservatives...
What chew talkin bout Willis
This conservative reporter is a fairy,, a man eater, a "get her don't mind me" homersexual......
This conservative reporter is a fairy,, a man eater, a "get her don't mind me" homersexual......
So, even if true, he deserves to be assaulted by anarchist bullies and pricks from Antifa?
And mind you I say IF true. I don't know what queer grapevines you associate with.
This conservative reporter is a fairy,, a man eater, a "get her don't mind me" homersexual......
So, even if true, he deserves to be assaulted by anarchist bullies and pricks from Antifa?
And mind you I say IF true. I don't know what queer grapevines you associate with.
No but why leave out the 411 on this guy, the right never does when trying to ostracise humans for being gay. With that said when you are a reporter you can get yourself in the middle of a hornets nest, hey it's part of the job...Is it right, no, but shit happens...
A conservative gay christian republican, now there is a moniker of a species that the Repubs claim to hate because they are deranged perverts that are mentally insane....This is why I do not respect many so called conservatives...
What chew talkin bout Willis
This conservative reporter is a fairy,, a man eater, a "get her don't mind me" homersexual......

Contrary to popular belief (and what CNN would tell you), most conservatives do not hate gay people. While we may find their lifestyle distasteful, it is not our life to live so to each his own. However, this acceptance typically ends when they try and cram their agenda down everyone's throats.

If you wanna be gay then by all means be gay - but leave me and mine the fuck out of it. Cross that line and we're going to have problems.
No but why leave out the 411 on this guy, the right never does when trying to ostracise humans for being gay.
So you decided, hey, why not wallow in the mud too?
I don't think this guy's sex habits matter in this context. Bringing it in is just a way of lessening what happened to him (damned queer....he had it coming).

With that said when you are a reporter you can get yourself in the middle of a hornets nest, hey it's part of the job...Is it right, no but shit happens...
Granted. Reporting can be a hairy business. That doesn't excuse the existence of the left's paramilitary goon squads.
These live at home part time thugs and full time cretins have no business in America and would not exist without the complicity of democrat mayors that turn a blind eye to their crimes.
No one forgets that when the FBI was attacked in Portland by Antifa and trapped in their own offices the mayor there refused to lift a finger.

It's time for martial law in America's most fucked up city if political assaults are condoned and enabled there.
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Portland has a criminal mayor. He needs to be dealt with harshly. Innocent people are being assaulted and hes preventing the police from doing their job. Same goes with that criminal running Baltimore.
This conservative reporter is a fairy,, a man eater, a "get her don't mind me" homersexual......
So, even if true, he deserves to be assaulted by anarchist bullies and pricks from Antifa?
And mind you I say IF true. I don't know what queer grapevines you associate with.
No but why leave out the 411 on this guy, the right never does when trying to ostracise humans for being gay. With that said when you are a reporter you can get yourself in the middle of a hornets nest, hey it's part of the job...Is it right, no, but shit happens...
Change the channel. Left wing propaganda MSM says those things about non-lefties regarding homos.

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