Ted Cruz ROCKS NRA Convention

So a moron appeals to a crowd of like-minded morons and we should all be impressed by this?
Cruz is five times more educated than you are, yet you don't see the irony of you calling him a moron.
Perhaps you can explain to me what this man with 5 degrees has planned for leading the country. Besides repealing ObamaCare, what else is there?

Can you read?
So rather than answering the question you ask me an obvious, irrelevant question?

Just admit you have no idea.
So a moron appeals to a crowd of like-minded morons and we should all be impressed by this?
Cruz is five times more educated than you are, yet you don't see the irony of you calling him a moron.
Perhaps you can explain to me what this man with 5 degrees has planned for leading the country. Besides repealing ObamaCare, what else is there?

Can you read?
So rather than answering the question you ask me an obvious, irrelevant question?

Just admit you have no idea.
You're the one wanting to know.

I suggest you start with google and find out what his ideas for America are instead of thinking you've managed to ask a gotcha question.

Just remember. You're disagreeing with his vision is NOT the same thing as not having one. Kapeesh?
So a moron appeals to a crowd of like-minded morons and we should all be impressed by this?
Cruz is five times more educated than you are, yet you don't see the irony of you calling him a moron.
Perhaps you can explain to me what this man with 5 degrees has planned for leading the country. Besides repealing ObamaCare, what else is there?

Can you read?
So rather than answering the question you ask me an obvious, irrelevant question?

Just admit you have no idea.
You're the one wanting to know.

I suggest you start with google and find out what his ideas for America are instead of thinking you've managed to ask a gotcha question.

Just remember. You're disagreeing with his vision is NOT the same thing as not having one. Kapeesh?

I'm wondering what Hillary's "vision" is? The same BS Obama has pulled the last 6 1/2 years? No thanks
So a moron appeals to a crowd of like-minded morons and we should all be impressed by this?
Cruz is five times more educated than you are, yet you don't see the irony of you calling him a moron.
Perhaps you can explain to me what this man with 5 degrees has planned for leading the country. Besides repealing ObamaCare, what else is there?

Can you read?
So rather than answering the question you ask me an obvious, irrelevant question?

Just admit you have no idea.
You're the one wanting to know.

I suggest you start with google and find out what his ideas for America are instead of thinking you've managed to ask a gotcha question.

Just remember. You're disagreeing with his vision is NOT the same thing as not having one. Kapeesh?
Why would I do that when you can just tell me? What are you waiting for?
Are there large numbers of NRA members who normally vote Democrat that Cruz is going to lure over to the GOP?
Cruz is five times more educated than you are, yet you don't see the irony of you calling him a moron.
Perhaps you can explain to me what this man with 5 degrees has planned for leading the country. Besides repealing ObamaCare, what else is there?

Can you read?
So rather than answering the question you ask me an obvious, irrelevant question?

Just admit you have no idea.
You're the one wanting to know.

I suggest you start with google and find out what his ideas for America are instead of thinking you've managed to ask a gotcha question.

Just remember. You're disagreeing with his vision is NOT the same thing as not having one. Kapeesh?

I'm wondering what Hillary's "vision" is? The same BS Obama has pulled the last 6 1/2 years? No thanks

Of course it is. He started tearing us down and she plans on driving in the last nail on our coffins and country
Cruz is five times more educated than you are, yet you don't see the irony of you calling him a moron.
Perhaps you can explain to me what this man with 5 degrees has planned for leading the country. Besides repealing ObamaCare, what else is there?

Can you read?
So rather than answering the question you ask me an obvious, irrelevant question?

Just admit you have no idea.
You're the one wanting to know.

I suggest you start with google and find out what his ideas for America are instead of thinking you've managed to ask a gotcha question.

Just remember. You're disagreeing with his vision is NOT the same thing as not having one. Kapeesh?
Why would I do that when you can just tell me? What are you waiting for?
I'm waiting to hear something intelligent from you...but then, I've been waiting for that for months now..

Still, I"ll make a you a deal. Since you refuse to go find out for yourself what it is that Cruz believes in and what he wants to try and do as the President, each time you criticize him that I see, I'm gong to call you on your ignorance of not doing any research. In fact, I encourage everyone, and they don't have to be for Cruz (I'm not), to call you on your intentional stupidity.

Are there large numbers of NRA members who normally vote Democrat that Cruz is going to lure over to the GOP?
Good, then you won't care what he does at any of these speeches. After all, its not like they'll be filled with the brethren progressives looking to change their vote.....
Cruz is five times more educated than you are, yet you don't see the irony of you calling him a moron.
Perhaps you can explain to me what this man with 5 degrees has planned for leading the country. Besides repealing ObamaCare, what else is there?

Can you read?
So rather than answering the question you ask me an obvious, irrelevant question?

Just admit you have no idea.
You're the one wanting to know.

I suggest you start with google and find out what his ideas for America are instead of thinking you've managed to ask a gotcha question.

Just remember. You're disagreeing with his vision is NOT the same thing as not having one. Kapeesh?

I'm wondering what Hillary's "vision" is? The same BS Obama has pulled the last 6 1/2 years? No thanks
Well, I think she articulated that vision back in the mid 1990's...so its a definite hunt to find it.
So, Crazy Commie Cruz "rocks" the NRA NaziCon Convention. That's like saying Charles Manson "rocks" a psychiatric ward. Gee, what a surprise...
Perhaps you can explain to me what this man with 5 degrees has planned for leading the country. Besides repealing ObamaCare, what else is there?

Can you read?
So rather than answering the question you ask me an obvious, irrelevant question?

Just admit you have no idea.
You're the one wanting to know.

I suggest you start with google and find out what his ideas for America are instead of thinking you've managed to ask a gotcha question.

Just remember. You're disagreeing with his vision is NOT the same thing as not having one. Kapeesh?
Why would I do that when you can just tell me? What are you waiting for?
I'm waiting to hear something intelligent from you...but then, I've been waiting for that for months now..

Still, I"ll make a you a deal. Since you refuse to go find out for yourself what it is that Cruz believes in and what he wants to try and do as the President, each time you criticize him that I see, I'm gong to call you on your ignorance of not doing any research. In fact, I encourage everyone, and they don't have to be for Cruz (I'm not), to call you on your intentional stupidity.

You're the one making this overly complicated. I ask you a straight up question that you should be able to easily answer and you respond by telling me to get the info from somewhere else. I won't do research on information that does not exist. He has no agenda besides future ridiculous tax breaks and repealing ObamaCare. He like any republican is a joke. All fluff and no policies.
So a moron appeals to a crowd of like-minded morons and we should all be impressed by this?

Go figure, a bed wetter who probably fainted on cue for a stuttering dumbfuck isn't impressed by a man who can actually give a speech on his own. It's because of parasites like this that I encourage liberals to abort their offspring.
What exactly is Cruz's agenda? Why do you like him? Be specific.

Because bed wetters like you hate him. You don't qualify for more specifics.
You have some kind of fetish for bed wetting?
So a moron appeals to a crowd of like-minded morons and we should all be impressed by this?
Cruz is five times more educated than you are, yet you don't see the irony of you calling him a moron.
Perhaps you can explain to me what this man with 5 degrees has planned for leading the country. Besides repealing ObamaCare, what else is there?


Do you have 5 degrees? If not, you are a far bigger moron than Senator Cruz.
So a moron appeals to a crowd of like-minded morons and we should all be impressed by this?
Cruz is five times more educated than you are, yet you don't see the irony of you calling him a moron.
Perhaps you can explain to me what this man with 5 degrees has planned for leading the country. Besides repealing ObamaCare, what else is there?


Do you have 5 degrees? If not, you are a far bigger moron than Senator Cruz.
Apparently that would make you a moron too.
So a moron appeals to a crowd of like-minded morons and we should all be impressed by this?
Cruz is five times more educated than you are, yet you don't see the irony of you calling him a moron.
Perhaps you can explain to me what this man with 5 degrees has planned for leading the country. Besides repealing ObamaCare, what else is there?


Do you have 5 degrees? If not, you are a far bigger moron than Senator Cruz.
Apparently that would make you a moron too.

Only if I referred to him - like you had the nerve to - a moron, MORON!
I admit that Cruz seems academically brilliant - but he's a social moron. Could someone please explain to me how they think he could possibly win the 2016 General Election? His looney NaziCon base isn't big enough to put him in the White House. Cruz has embraced every radical far-right position - which means he can't "credibly" swing far enough left to pick up enough votes without alienating his NaziCon base. So, how's he gonna do it?
Can you read?
So rather than answering the question you ask me an obvious, irrelevant question?

Just admit you have no idea.
You're the one wanting to know.

I suggest you start with google and find out what his ideas for America are instead of thinking you've managed to ask a gotcha question.

Just remember. You're disagreeing with his vision is NOT the same thing as not having one. Kapeesh?
Why would I do that when you can just tell me? What are you waiting for?
I'm waiting to hear something intelligent from you...but then, I've been waiting for that for months now..

Still, I"ll make a you a deal. Since you refuse to go find out for yourself what it is that Cruz believes in and what he wants to try and do as the President, each time you criticize him that I see, I'm gong to call you on your ignorance of not doing any research. In fact, I encourage everyone, and they don't have to be for Cruz (I'm not), to call you on your intentional stupidity.

You're the one making this overly complicated. I ask you a straight up question that you should be able to easily answer and you respond by telling me to get the info from somewhere else. I won't do research on information that does not exist. He has no agenda besides future ridiculous tax breaks and repealing ObamaCare. He like any republican is a joke. All fluff and no policies.
So on top of that, you're a liar too.

I have already told you, disagreeing with his vision is not the same thing as not having a vision...

I'm making nothing complicated. When I want information about a subject, the last place I'd want to get it is from people who have agenda's...and because your proving your stupidity, that means from people like you.....just so there is no mistake of what I'm talking about.

Your track record of ignoring information you don't like is to blame for you being confused, as this isn't complicated at all. I'll not do the work you refuse to do, as it is a waste of time. My time is much more valuable than your time.
So rather than answering the question you ask me an obvious, irrelevant question?

Just admit you have no idea.
You're the one wanting to know.

I suggest you start with google and find out what his ideas for America are instead of thinking you've managed to ask a gotcha question.

Just remember. You're disagreeing with his vision is NOT the same thing as not having one. Kapeesh?
Why would I do that when you can just tell me? What are you waiting for?
I'm waiting to hear something intelligent from you...but then, I've been waiting for that for months now..

Still, I"ll make a you a deal. Since you refuse to go find out for yourself what it is that Cruz believes in and what he wants to try and do as the President, each time you criticize him that I see, I'm gong to call you on your ignorance of not doing any research. In fact, I encourage everyone, and they don't have to be for Cruz (I'm not), to call you on your intentional stupidity.

You're the one making this overly complicated. I ask you a straight up question that you should be able to easily answer and you respond by telling me to get the info from somewhere else. I won't do research on information that does not exist. He has no agenda besides future ridiculous tax breaks and repealing ObamaCare. He like any republican is a joke. All fluff and no policies.
So on top of that, you're a liar too.

I have already told you, disagreeing with his vision is not the same thing as not having a vision...

I'm making nothing complicated. When I want information about a subject, the last place I'd want to get it is from people who have agenda's...and because your proving your stupidity, that means from people like you.....just so there is no mistake of what I'm talking about.

Your track record of ignoring information you don't like is to blame for you being confused, as this isn't complicated at all. I'll not do the work you refuse to do, as it is a waste of time. My time is much more valuable than your time.
It would really simplify things to admit you have no idea what his vision is.
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I'm waiting to hear something intelligent from you...but then, I've been waiting for that for months now..

Still, I"ll make a you a deal. Since you refuse to go find out for yourself what it is that Cruz believes in and what he wants to try and do as the President, each time you criticize him that I see, I'm gong to call you on your ignorance of not doing any research. In fact, I encourage everyone, and they don't have to be for Cruz (I'm not), to call you on your intentional stupidity.


I know I don't have to tell you this, but I'm going to post it for posterity's sake.

Liberals are deliberately ignorant. They're dedicated to their ignorance. These troglodytes not only resist thinking independently, they actively work to prevent the spread of information that might cause critical analysis of the policies they're programmed to support. I am not joking or being facetious is any way at all when I say that the left has weaponized stupidity. They are literally using hordes of mindless, vapid, self absorbed imbeciles to vote for criminally insane authoritarian sociopaths in spite of the best interests of these poor duped slobs themselves.

Observing the behavior of these parasites removes any mystery about how monsters like stalin, hitler, mao, pol pot (insert marxist despotic mass murders here) et al, have managed to not only rise to power and slaughter so many millions of people, but have sniveling, servile, tools still promoting the same agendas. If it wasn't for child proof lids on drano and the many other excessive safety measures we have, oxygen thieves like these would have died under kitchen sinks a long time ago.

I can not articulate the vast depth of contempt I have for these putrid, evil, genetic disasters known as liberals effectively with all the vulgarity of every language on earth. I celebrate their abortions, and grieve that they're not wasting themselves fast enough. To say that I hate liberals would be a love song.

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