Ted Cruz says deal will 'facilitate and accelerate' Iran getting a nuclear bomb


Registered Democrat.
Aug 9, 2015
Yeah, anyone who believes this is a special kind of :cuckoo:
Ted Cruz says deal will 'facilitate and accelerate' Iran getting a nuclear bomb
Along with Donald Trump and the Tea Party Patriots, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, spoke out harshly against a nuclear agreement with Iran at the U.S. Capitol. When the rally was over, Cruz followed up by tweeting out video clips of some of his comments.

"The #IranDeal will facilitate and accelerate the nation of Iran acquiring nuclear weapons," he saidin a tweet on Sept. 9, 2015.

His comment caught our attention. We wondered whether it was accurate that the agreement would actually make it easier -- not harder -- for Iran to get a nuclear weapon.

What the deal will do

First, let’s recap what the deal would do. Broadly speaking, Iran would agree to accept strict curbs on nuclear technologies and intrusive access by nuclear-weapons inspectors for 10 to 25 years, with a pledge to abide by existing international treaties limiting its nuclear ambitions in perpetuity. In exchange, international economic sanctions against Iran would be lifted, as long as Iran doesn’t cheat. If Iran did cheat, sanctions could be reimposed.

Specifically, the deal requires Iran to give up 97 percent of its stockpile of highly enriched uranium, the kind needed to make nuclear weapons, as well as most of the centrifuges it can use to enrich uranium. In addition, Iran agrees to only enrich uranium to a level unsuitable for weapons for 15 years, and to cease production of plutonium, the other element that can be used to build a bomb. Known nuclear sites would be monitored for 15 years to confirm compliance, and inspectors would have the ability to enter undeclared sites suspected of nuclear use, though with possible delays of up to 24 days.

If Iran were to abide by these rules for 10 years, scientists say it would take them at least 12 months to build a weapon.

Cruz's case

Cruz’s staff did not respond to inquiries for this story, and we could find only one nuclear-policy expert who thought Cruz’s claim may have some merit.
"First, let’s recap what the deal would do. Broadly speaking, Iran would agree to accept strict curbs on nuclear technologies and intrusive access by nuclear-weapons inspectors for 10 to 25 years, with a pledge to abide by existing international treaties limiting its nuclear ambitions in perpetuity. In exchange, international economic sanctions against Iran would be lifted, as long as Iran doesn’t cheat. If Iran did cheat, sanctions could be reimposed.

Specifically, the deal requires Iran to give up 97 percent of its stockpile of highly enriched uranium, the kind needed to make nuclear weapons, as well as most of the centrifuges it can use to enrich uranium. In addition, Iran agrees to only enrich uranium to a level unsuitable for weapons for 15 years, and to cease production of plutonium, the other element that can be used to build a bomb. Known nuclear sites would be monitored for 15 years to confirm compliance, and inspectors would have the ability to enter undeclared sites suspected of nuclear use, though with possible delays of up to 24 days.

If Iran were to abide by these rules for 10 years, scientists say it would take them at least 12 monthsto build a weapon."
Doesn't seem like Criz knows what the terms accelerate or facilitate means
So you "think" (I know you're actually unable to do so) that your messiah's deal will stop Iran any better than Clinton's deal with North Korea?

You are the illustration of Weapons Grade Stupid.

Abort yourself retroactively now for the best interest of humanity and global cooling.


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