Ted Cruz suggests Texas could secede and "take NASA and the military" if Dems "destroy the country"

Ah...no they dont.
Texas is the largest producer in the US and canada is 15.1% of all US imports.
Without biden Texas could produce far more oil than they already do,then comes refineries,which the US has very few of other than in Texas and the South.
Wouldn't be anymore.....we'll just make Canada richer........and point and laugh at The Republic of Texas as you have to create this entire new supply system on your own.
HereWeGoAgain furthermore...are you operating under the strange fantay that Texas will go communist and nationalize their oil industry? That oil will belong to private companies who will sell it to the highest bidder. And that sure as shit won't be the new 3rd world country called Texass.
Wouldn't that be funny......them wanting to nationalize their oil companies............?
My brother-in-law worked for the PRIVATE COMPANY contracted to dredge the channels, dumbfuck.

You should just shut your ignorant cake hole.
Really? And you expect me to believe his company is capable of taking on all the dredging of the main channels? Sure you don't have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell?
Really? And you expect me to believe his company is capable of taking on all the dredging of the main channels? Sure you don't have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell?
That is one of many private companies who will need to CONTINUE that job and a Texas government ready to pay them.

Do I really need to spell it out for you?
That's fine....and how do you get it out to your other customers?

LOL...Texas has one of the biggest ports in the US ya dumbshit.
Not to mention all the refineries and all of the equipment to load oil tankers.
And you also have to take into account all of the southern states like Florida,Louisiana and pretty much every Conservative state in the country who would join Texas in telling you fags to pound sand.
The left is totally surrounded by red states who provide pretty much everything you schmucks need to survive.
Good luck.

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