Ted Cruz suggests Texas could secede and "take NASA and the military" if Dems "destroy the country"

A few tax advantages????how about because they didn't want their blue governments to put them out of business...."a few tax advantages"...what a joke....
If texas secedes they are out of business. So they will leave.
Millions of people would move out of texas if they seceded. I would say at least half the states population. Texas schools would no longer get federal funding. Texas banks would no longer be insured by the FDIC, creating a run on Texas banks by people fleeing the state. I mean you right wingers talk about secession like you can just opt out and everything stays the same, but it won't. You will face a U.S. embargo and possibly international economic sanctions. Pro sports teams would be forced to leave. This is why I laugh at all this Clint Eastwood don't fuck with texas bullshit. I say go for it. Secede Texas and see what you get.
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Right? But it WOULD be kinda fun to watch the dumbest social experiment in human history ;)
It would would be. They'd end up butchering Bevo and Revielle the dog my possibly hit a grill too.
Even the illegal aliens don;t like commie fags; a lot of them are coming from Venezuela and Nicaragua, where the Sandinstas are running Democrat style 'elections'.
That's a very good point....the dems always screw themselves in the end...the problem is they screw all of us on the way.....
Oh gosh.... we'd have real elections again and our headlines would be "guess who shit his pants again from that 3rd world shithole" and "1500 illegals rounded up and shipped to delaware".... sounds just horrible...
I wish Ted Cruz would secede......


Do they honestly believe they can dredge the main channels at Houston and Corpus with minimum wage unskilled workers with shovels? :heehee:

We are talking about a state that won't take a crow bar to their wallets to build and maintain proper electric grid and system.

The likelihood of Texas raising taxes to dredge a channel is comical.

They are willing to go without electricity and die.

They dredge their own channel?

That's hilarious.
Sorry Ted, that ain't the way it works. If Texas secedes, we take NASA and the military. ALL of it including the Coast Guard. Next hurricane or freeze - No FEMA so you're on your own buddy. And you'll be out of a job after Texas has no more representation in Congress. Maybe you can organize a citizen army and capture Cancun? :)

Sen. Ted Cruz has called on his home state to secede from the U.S. if Democrats "fundamentally destroy the country," adding that Texas should "take" NASA, the military and the country's oil supply along with it.​
"If they pack the Supreme Court, if they make D.C. a state, if they federalize elections and massively expand voter fraud, there may come a point where it's hopeless," Cruz said during a speaking event at Texas A&M last month.​
"We're not there yet, and if there comes a point where it's hopeless, then I think we take NASA, we take the military, we take the oil," the Republican added.​

Frankly,My Dear I Give a damn.Even Brett Butler of - Gone With the Wind - { 1939 }
would have to shriek and keep alert.Unlike the way in the classic he walks off after
seeing the horrors of the Civil War destroy his world view.
Where he tells southern belle Scarlett ... " Frankly My Dear,I don't give a damn ! ".
Which apparently these Democrat scoundrels seem OK with.
Because under the Democrats { who are for sale to the highest Oligarch }
seem in a daze.Totally unconnected to any version of Americana.
Much less a Nuclear Family.Texans learn't an important lesson last winter.
When their state was Denied access to electric grid.That's right.Wind Turbine
farms only account for between 10-15 % of their power.
The Grid in Texas { who decides on how much electricity they receive and
from where { out of state } was Micromanaged by a board of supervisors
where only 1 of 4 were from Texas.And a couple weeks before the Ice storm
hit there was a Federal disaster letter from the New White House stating how
Texas must let the Fed decide how much of the Electric Grid power is allotted
to Texas.There was Electric power available but denied Texas during their Ice
Storm.It was a typical example by the Biden Authoritarians at showcasing their
vengence.Because Texas like Florida was called early and decisively on Tuesday
November 3rd.
Another rant from the mentally ill. Too far gone down the magaturd rabbit hole to see reason. You must think you're on TeeVee or something.
Explain the reason behind anything Biden does.Besides Farting so loud
while seated at the Climate Summitt it was talked about for near a week.
Better still ... Name One sane thing Old Farting Joe and Democrats have
done to make for a better America.

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