Ted Cruz Unwittingly Helps Democrats

Let's have some balance and context here.

The demographic shift has been favoring the Dems: to say that it is not so is ignoring reality. But it is amenable to persuasion.

The GOP, this last election, recognized these facts, and reached out, just like I have been saying for years here that the party needed to do so, to women and minority at the expense of the Far Right.

This assumes voting blocs never change, Jake. The data and links I posted above are showing changes in how voting blocs are casting their ballots. That is the entire point.

Dems always assume voting blocs are rigid and do not change. This is a false assumption that is not supported by the facts.
Let's have some balance and context here.

The demographic shift has been favoring the Dems: to say that it is not so is ignoring reality. But it is amenable to persuasion.

The GOP, this last election, recognized these facts, and reached out, just like I have been saying for years here that the party needed to do so, to women and minority at the expense of the Far Right.

This assumes voting blocs never change, Jake. The data and links I posted above are showing changes in how voting blocs are casting their ballots. That is the entire point.

Dems always assume voting blocs are rigid and do not change. This is a false assumption that is not supported by the facts.

Who is saying "always", "rigid and do not change."

Only you.

I was saying that the GOP had to reach out and persuade women and minority if it was to reverse the trend.

That is exactly what it did.
Jeb Bush is a moderate. To call him a socialist is a big stretch. :)
Moderate stretch maybe.
Not at all. Socialist he is not. He is certainly Progressivist, as are you in that you want to use government to create change.
You're an ass hole. Progressivist? I don't want to use government to "create change." WTF does that even mean? You libtards are so damn moronic with your bastardization of the English language. Create change... ROFL.
I've always thought Cruz would be the death of the TP but surprisingly enough, he's still standing just like one of his partners in crime, Palin.

What's it gonna take to bring these idiots down and out of government.


They are not going away until the electorate demographics change sufficiently to shrink their influence to a mere nuisance value. In about 20 years they will be ineffectual. Until then they will continue to be a strident voice of dissent, albeit stupid.

Cruz is a idiot. Both parties have 'em.

As for the demographics....the Democrat Party is screwed. White voters are leaving them in droves.

The Democrat formula for winning elections is 40% of the white vote and 90% of the black vote.

The last election cycle Dems only got 37% of the white vote. Kay Hagan in NC got 33%. Mary Landrieu only got 18%. You cannot win elections that way.

Even Dick Durbin in Illinois...in the bluest of blue states had white support drop 18% since he last ran 6 years ago.

The Dems have lost white male voters...maybe forever. Now white women are also leaving. Support among blacks voters during the last election cycle also seems to be slipping.

The Dems have a huge demographic problem. The divide and conquer strategy of a hyphenated America is no longer working.

Key quote from a recent AP story following the election last month.

"Democratic Senate candidates lost ground among white voters by an average of 10 points compared with 2008. White voters abandoned Democrats in droves in places with heated contests as well as those without much action."

Kay Hagan got just 33% of the white vote.
Mark Warner 37% of the white vote.
Mary Landrieu 18% of the white vote.

Even in blue Illinois: "Democratic Senator Dick Durbin captured 43 percent of the white vote in his successful bid for re-election, that's down 18 points from his support among whites in 2008."

That is a single snapshot for an off year election with a low voter turnout.

Here is what is happening long term demographically;

How bad is the Republicans demographic problem See for yourself Interactive - Yahoo News

View attachment 35076

Those settings are based on the Census Bureau population estimates.

Even though whites might be moving towards the GOP that only applies to the seniors. The Millennial generation isn't following them, rather it is headed towards the Dems since that is a better reflection of themselves.

So you can clearly see that 2016 is going to be a rough year for the GOP which is why they have drafted in Jeb Bush. He is an establishment candidate with strong Hispanic ties and moderate views. If he can avoid having to take an extremist rightwing running mate he might just make it but he will be the underdog in the race.

Furthermore look at what is about to happen in 2015. The Republicans have no choice but to come up with an Immigration bill. Failure to do so will mean that Obama's EO will be in effect. The TP'ers won't vote for a moderate rational bill which means they will be a major PR problem when it comes to passing Immigration Reform. If the GOP does pass a bill that harms Hispanics then Obama can veto it and look like a hero.

In essence it doesn't matter how many AWG's you have on your side they are not enough to beat the Dems. Republicans have to slap the TP'ers down and move to the center if they want to stand a chance in 2016 and beyond.

No.....the demographic trend is definitely against the Dems. The facts are not on your side. To dismiss the severe beating the Dems just took as the result of an off year election does not conform to the facts.

1. Per the AP....The Democrat Party has lost 10% of the white vote since 2008. That is a massive loss that cannot be easily replaced.

2. Less than 1 in 3 white men now vote Democrat.

3. The Millennial support for the Democrat Party dropped 9% from the 2012 election. Young people are starting to move away from the Democrat Party. Their support dropped 4% from the last off year election in 2010.

4. The black vote is also beginning to erode for the Democrat Party per the Washington Post and other sources. Democrats lost 4% of the black vote from 2012 and 2% from the last off year election.

Republicans won 10 percent of the black vote on Tuesday. That 8217 s actually a step in the right direction. - The Washington Post

Key quote:

"In North Carolina, 54 percent of millennials chose Democratic nominee Sen. Kay Hagan -- who won 71 percent of the youth vote in 2008 -- but she lost to Republican state House Speaker Thom Tillis. In Georgia, 59 percent of the youth voted for Democratic candidate Michelle Nunn. But she ultimately lost to Republican candidate David Perdue, who received 39 percent of the youth vote.

In Iowa, Democrat Rep. Bruce Braley received 54 percent of millennials' votes, but lost overall to Republican Sen. Joni Ernst."

Election Results 2014 Most Millennials Voted Democrat But It Didn t Make A Difference In Some Senate Races

The Dems are rapidly losing white voters. They have lost white men....maybe forever. The erosion of support among black voters and the young would have to be very concerning.

Still drowning in denial or do you just have a serious comprehension problem with your own link?

There was an INCREASE in millennial participation in spite of it being an off year election with record low turnout.

Millennials comprised 13 percent of voters, 1 percentage point higher than in 2010, when youth voters made up 12 percent of the electorate.

That means that as Millennials grow older (the majority of them are now of voting age and the oldest will be 38 in 2016) they will become more and more of a factor in future elections. They do vote and they vote Dem in greater numbers than they vote GOP. Same for Hispanics. In the meantime your AWG's are reaching their sell by date and no longer participating in elections. Males die before females and the shifting demographics are a ticking clock that you can't stop.

From the US Census;


The baby boom cohort will experience
a substantial decline in the
coming decades. The population
in the baby boom ages has been
decreasing in size since 2012, and
that pace of decline is expected
to accelerate as the baby boomers
grow older. When the first baby
boomers turned 65 in 2011, there
were just under 77 million baby
boomers in the population. By
2030, when the baby boomers will
be between 66 and 84 years old,
that number is projected to drop to
60 million and decrease further by
2060 to only 2.4 million.

Note that those numbers include minorities. Take out the minorities and whites who vote Dem and you cannot win an election with a dwindling voter base of AWG's. In the meantime the Millennials increase as a voting bloc and minorities have children who become registered voters and the GOP is left with a base that is dying off and nothing to offer that will attract voters to join the ranks of bitter old AWG's.
I really thought Politico was joking when they ran a story recently saying this man, this idiot, Ted Cruz, would run for President of the United States. It’s beyond belief that he really feels he could become President. In the first place, he was born in a foreign country (Canada). If Republicans believe Hawaii is a foreign country, or an annexation of it, or part of Kenya, then they can’t possibly believe that Canada is a US State. Then there is the matter of Ted Cruz being stupid as fuck.
Which brings up this point:
Republicans in general are stupid as fuck. I realized this today when reading about what they think about net neutrality. They are also as dishonest as fuck.

Ted Cruz
Please provide the class your evidence for the generalization that Republicans in general are stupid as fuck. Or are you just dumb ass troll?

nuff said.
I've always thought Cruz would be the death of the TP but surprisingly enough, he's still standing just like one of his partners in crime, Palin.

What's it gonna take to bring these idiots down and out of government.


They are not going away until the electorate demographics change sufficiently to shrink their influence to a mere nuisance value. In about 20 years they will be ineffectual. Until then they will continue to be a strident voice of dissent, albeit stupid.

Cruz is a idiot. Both parties have 'em.

As for the demographics....the Democrat Party is screwed. White voters are leaving them in droves.

The Democrat formula for winning elections is 40% of the white vote and 90% of the black vote.

The last election cycle Dems only got 37% of the white vote. Kay Hagan in NC got 33%. Mary Landrieu only got 18%. You cannot win elections that way.

Even Dick Durbin in Illinois...in the bluest of blue states had white support drop 18% since he last ran 6 years ago.

The Dems have lost white male voters...maybe forever. Now white women are also leaving. Support among blacks voters during the last election cycle also seems to be slipping.

The Dems have a huge demographic problem. The divide and conquer strategy of a hyphenated America is no longer working.

Key quote from a recent AP story following the election last month.

"Democratic Senate candidates lost ground among white voters by an average of 10 points compared with 2008. White voters abandoned Democrats in droves in places with heated contests as well as those without much action."

Kay Hagan got just 33% of the white vote.
Mark Warner 37% of the white vote.
Mary Landrieu 18% of the white vote.

Even in blue Illinois: "Democratic Senator Dick Durbin captured 43 percent of the white vote in his successful bid for re-election, that's down 18 points from his support among whites in 2008."

That is a single snapshot for an off year election with a low voter turnout.

Here is what is happening long term demographically;

How bad is the Republicans demographic problem See for yourself Interactive - Yahoo News

View attachment 35076

Those settings are based on the Census Bureau population estimates.

Even though whites might be moving towards the GOP that only applies to the seniors. The Millennial generation isn't following them, rather it is headed towards the Dems since that is a better reflection of themselves.

So you can clearly see that 2016 is going to be a rough year for the GOP which is why they have drafted in Jeb Bush. He is an establishment candidate with strong Hispanic ties and moderate views. If he can avoid having to take an extremist rightwing running mate he might just make it but he will be the underdog in the race.

Furthermore look at what is about to happen in 2015. The Republicans have no choice but to come up with an Immigration bill. Failure to do so will mean that Obama's EO will be in effect. The TP'ers won't vote for a moderate rational bill which means they will be a major PR problem when it comes to passing Immigration Reform. If the GOP does pass a bill that harms Hispanics then Obama can veto it and look like a hero.

In essence it doesn't matter how many AWG's you have on your side they are not enough to beat the Dems. Republicans have to slap the TP'ers down and move to the center if they want to stand a chance in 2016 and beyond.

No.....the demographic trend is definitely against the Dems. The facts are not on your side. To dismiss the severe beating the Dems just took as the result of an off year election does not conform to the facts.

1. Per the AP....The Democrat Party has lost 10% of the white vote since 2008. That is a massive loss that cannot be easily replaced.

2. Less than 1 in 3 white men now vote Democrat.

3. The Millennial support for the Democrat Party dropped 9% from the 2012 election. Young people are starting to move away from the Democrat Party. Their support dropped 4% from the last off year election in 2010.

4. The black vote is also beginning to erode for the Democrat Party per the Washington Post and other sources. Democrats lost 4% of the black vote from 2012 and 2% from the last off year election.

Republicans won 10 percent of the black vote on Tuesday. That 8217 s actually a step in the right direction. - The Washington Post

Key quote:

"In North Carolina, 54 percent of millennials chose Democratic nominee Sen. Kay Hagan -- who won 71 percent of the youth vote in 2008 -- but she lost to Republican state House Speaker Thom Tillis. In Georgia, 59 percent of the youth voted for Democratic candidate Michelle Nunn. But she ultimately lost to Republican candidate David Perdue, who received 39 percent of the youth vote.

In Iowa, Democrat Rep. Bruce Braley received 54 percent of millennials' votes, but lost overall to Republican Sen. Joni Ernst."

Election Results 2014 Most Millennials Voted Democrat But It Didn t Make A Difference In Some Senate Races

The Dems are rapidly losing white voters. They have lost white men....maybe forever. The erosion of support among black voters and the young would have to be very concerning.

Still drowning in denial or do you just have a serious comprehension problem with your own link?

There was an INCREASE in millennial participation in spite of it being an off year election with record low turnout.

Millennials comprised 13 percent of voters, 1 percentage point higher than in 2010, when youth voters made up 12 percent of the electorate.

That means that as Millennials grow older (the majority of them are now of voting age and the oldest will be 38 in 2016) they will become more and more of a factor in future elections. They do vote and they vote Dem in greater numbers than they vote GOP. Same for Hispanics. In the meantime your AWG's are reaching their sell by date and no longer participating in elections. Males die before females and the shifting demographics are a ticking clock that you can't stop.

From the US Census;


The baby boom cohort will experience
a substantial decline in the
coming decades. The population
in the baby boom ages has been
decreasing in size since 2012, and
that pace of decline is expected
to accelerate as the baby boomers
grow older. When the first baby
boomers turned 65 in 2011, there
were just under 77 million baby
boomers in the population. By
2030, when the baby boomers will
be between 66 and 84 years old,
that number is projected to drop to
60 million and decrease further by
2060 to only 2.4 million.

Note that those numbers include minorities. Take out the minorities and whites who vote Dem and you cannot win an election with a dwindling voter base of AWG's. In the meantime the Millennials increase as a voting bloc and minorities have children who become registered voters and the GOP is left with a base that is dying off and nothing to offer that will attract voters to join the ranks of bitter old AWG's.

No girlfriend. Read again. Kay Hagan lost 17% of the Millennial vote per the Washington Post from the 2008 election. Many other Senate candidates lost a similar amount. This is the precise data from the link provided. It cannot be argued. Facts are facts. :)

3. The Millennial support for the Democrat Party dropped 9% from the 2012 election. Young people are starting to move away from the Democrat Party. Their support dropped 4% from the last off year election in 2010.

The reality is the Democrat Party is rapidly losing white voters. That has been accelerating. Again....that cannot be argued. It is tough for Dems to win elections when almost 2 out of every 3 whites vote against them. The erosion of black and Millennial voters for the Democrat Party can also not be argued. Facts are facts. Sorry. :(

There is a reason the Dems lost so badly last month. They have a major problem with white voters and they are seeing a real erosion among the young and minorities.

The Democrat Party is in trouble right now. If they do not find a way to shore up their base and gain white support they will continue to struggle. Last month the GOP got an aggregate 4.5-5% more votes overall than Dems. No way to spin that in a positive way. There is also no way to suggest the Dems are in a great position in 2016.

Additionally, your census data is a non sequitur. It says absolutely nothing about how people are voting. My data speaks to exactly how people are voting. Even you must understand the difference. Voting blocs are changing. Census data says nothing about those changes. Again....your post = fail. :(
Last edited:
Jeb Bush is a moderate. To call him a socialist is a big stretch. :)
Moderate stretch maybe.
Not at all. Socialist he is not. He is certainly Progressivist, as are you in that you want to use government to create change.
You're an ass hole. Progressivist? I don't want to use government to "create change." WTF does that even mean? You libtards are so damn moronic with your bastardization of the English language. Create change... ROFL.
translation I can't read good.
I really thought Politico was joking when they ran a story recently saying this man, this idiot, Ted Cruz, would run for President of the United States. It’s beyond belief that he really feels he could become President. In the first place, he was born in a foreign country (Canada). If Republicans believe Hawaii is a foreign country, or an annexation of it, or part of Kenya, then they can’t possibly believe that Canada is a US State. Then there is the matter of Ted Cruz being stupid as fuck.
Which brings up this point:
Republicans in general are stupid as fuck. I realized this today when reading about what they think about net neutrality. They are also as dishonest as fuck.

Ted Cruz
Please provide the class your evidence for the generalization that Republicans in general are stupid as fuck. Or are you just dumb ass troll?

nuff said.

wow.. you libs are soooooo damn retarded.

FYI Billy the liar is nothing but a comedian and clearly he knows nothing about the UK.

They are not going away until the electorate demographics change sufficiently to shrink their influence to a mere nuisance value. In about 20 years they will be ineffectual. Until then they will continue to be a strident voice of dissent, albeit stupid.

Cruz is a idiot. Both parties have 'em.

As for the demographics....the Democrat Party is screwed. White voters are leaving them in droves.

The Democrat formula for winning elections is 40% of the white vote and 90% of the black vote.

The last election cycle Dems only got 37% of the white vote. Kay Hagan in NC got 33%. Mary Landrieu only got 18%. You cannot win elections that way.

Even Dick Durbin in Illinois...in the bluest of blue states had white support drop 18% since he last ran 6 years ago.

The Dems have lost white male voters...maybe forever. Now white women are also leaving. Support among blacks voters during the last election cycle also seems to be slipping.

The Dems have a huge demographic problem. The divide and conquer strategy of a hyphenated America is no longer working.

Key quote from a recent AP story following the election last month.

"Democratic Senate candidates lost ground among white voters by an average of 10 points compared with 2008. White voters abandoned Democrats in droves in places with heated contests as well as those without much action."

Kay Hagan got just 33% of the white vote.
Mark Warner 37% of the white vote.
Mary Landrieu 18% of the white vote.

Even in blue Illinois: "Democratic Senator Dick Durbin captured 43 percent of the white vote in his successful bid for re-election, that's down 18 points from his support among whites in 2008."

That is a single snapshot for an off year election with a low voter turnout.

Here is what is happening long term demographically;

How bad is the Republicans demographic problem See for yourself Interactive - Yahoo News

View attachment 35076

Those settings are based on the Census Bureau population estimates.

Even though whites might be moving towards the GOP that only applies to the seniors. The Millennial generation isn't following them, rather it is headed towards the Dems since that is a better reflection of themselves.

So you can clearly see that 2016 is going to be a rough year for the GOP which is why they have drafted in Jeb Bush. He is an establishment candidate with strong Hispanic ties and moderate views. If he can avoid having to take an extremist rightwing running mate he might just make it but he will be the underdog in the race.

Furthermore look at what is about to happen in 2015. The Republicans have no choice but to come up with an Immigration bill. Failure to do so will mean that Obama's EO will be in effect. The TP'ers won't vote for a moderate rational bill which means they will be a major PR problem when it comes to passing Immigration Reform. If the GOP does pass a bill that harms Hispanics then Obama can veto it and look like a hero.

In essence it doesn't matter how many AWG's you have on your side they are not enough to beat the Dems. Republicans have to slap the TP'ers down and move to the center if they want to stand a chance in 2016 and beyond.

No.....the demographic trend is definitely against the Dems. The facts are not on your side. To dismiss the severe beating the Dems just took as the result of an off year election does not conform to the facts.

1. Per the AP....The Democrat Party has lost 10% of the white vote since 2008. That is a massive loss that cannot be easily replaced.

2. Less than 1 in 3 white men now vote Democrat.

3. The Millennial support for the Democrat Party dropped 9% from the 2012 election. Young people are starting to move away from the Democrat Party. Their support dropped 4% from the last off year election in 2010.

4. The black vote is also beginning to erode for the Democrat Party per the Washington Post and other sources. Democrats lost 4% of the black vote from 2012 and 2% from the last off year election.

Republicans won 10 percent of the black vote on Tuesday. That 8217 s actually a step in the right direction. - The Washington Post

Key quote:

"In North Carolina, 54 percent of millennials chose Democratic nominee Sen. Kay Hagan -- who won 71 percent of the youth vote in 2008 -- but she lost to Republican state House Speaker Thom Tillis. In Georgia, 59 percent of the youth voted for Democratic candidate Michelle Nunn. But she ultimately lost to Republican candidate David Perdue, who received 39 percent of the youth vote.

In Iowa, Democrat Rep. Bruce Braley received 54 percent of millennials' votes, but lost overall to Republican Sen. Joni Ernst."

Election Results 2014 Most Millennials Voted Democrat But It Didn t Make A Difference In Some Senate Races

The Dems are rapidly losing white voters. They have lost white men....maybe forever. The erosion of support among black voters and the young would have to be very concerning.

Still drowning in denial or do you just have a serious comprehension problem with your own link?

There was an INCREASE in millennial participation in spite of it being an off year election with record low turnout.

Millennials comprised 13 percent of voters, 1 percentage point higher than in 2010, when youth voters made up 12 percent of the electorate.

That means that as Millennials grow older (the majority of them are now of voting age and the oldest will be 38 in 2016) they will become more and more of a factor in future elections. They do vote and they vote Dem in greater numbers than they vote GOP. Same for Hispanics. In the meantime your AWG's are reaching their sell by date and no longer participating in elections. Males die before females and the shifting demographics are a ticking clock that you can't stop.

From the US Census;


The baby boom cohort will experience
a substantial decline in the
coming decades. The population
in the baby boom ages has been
decreasing in size since 2012, and
that pace of decline is expected
to accelerate as the baby boomers
grow older. When the first baby
boomers turned 65 in 2011, there
were just under 77 million baby
boomers in the population. By
2030, when the baby boomers will
be between 66 and 84 years old,
that number is projected to drop to
60 million and decrease further by
2060 to only 2.4 million.

Note that those numbers include minorities. Take out the minorities and whites who vote Dem and you cannot win an election with a dwindling voter base of AWG's. In the meantime the Millennials increase as a voting bloc and minorities have children who become registered voters and the GOP is left with a base that is dying off and nothing to offer that will attract voters to join the ranks of bitter old AWG's.

No girlfriend. Read again. Kay Hagan lost 17% of the Millennial vote per the Washington Post from the 2008 election. Many other Senate candidates lost a similar amount. This is the precise data from the link provided. It cannot be argued. Facts are facts. :)

3. The Millennial support for the Democrat Party dropped 9% from the 2012 election. Young people are starting to move away from the Democrat Party. Their support dropped 4% from the last off year election in 2010.

The reality is the Democrat Party is rapidly losing white voters. That has been accelerating. Again....that cannot be argued. It is tough for Dems to win elections when almost 2 out of every 3 whites vote against them. The erosion of black and Millennial voters for the Democrat Party can also not be argued. Facts are facts. Sorry. :(

There is a reason the Dems lost so badly last month. They have a major problem with white voters and they are seeing a real erosion among the young and minorities.

The Democrat Party is in trouble right now. If they do not find a way to shore up their base and gain white support they will continue to struggle. Last month the GOP got an aggregate 4.5-5% more votes overall than Dems. No way to spin that in a positive way. There is also no way to suggest the Dems are in a great position in 2016.

Additionally, your census data is a non sequitur. It says absolutely nothing about how people are voting. My data speaks to exactly how people are voting. Even you must understand the difference. Voting blocs are changing. Census data says nothing about those changes. Again....your post = fail. :(

What a dilemma?

Who is more credible?

The US Census data that has no bias or WQ who is basing everything on a single election with a record low voter turnout that favored the right?

Actually this is all pointless because no matter how many aging AWG's vote GOP they are already a dwindling minority while the left leaning Millennials are a growing demographic with a majority that are opposed to everything that the extreme right stands for.

So this is moot. Time will prove WQ is just whistling past the graveyard. He cannot win no matter how much he denies the demographic data.
I really thought Politico was joking when they ran a story recently saying this man, this idiot, Ted Cruz, would run for President of the United States. It’s beyond belief that he really feels he could become President. In the first place, he was born in a foreign country (Canada). If Republicans believe Hawaii is a foreign country, or an annexation of it, or part of Kenya, then they can’t possibly believe that Canada is a US State. Then there is the matter of Ted Cruz being stupid as fuck.
Which brings up this point:
Republicans in general are stupid as fuck. I realized this today when reading about what they think about net neutrality. They are also as dishonest as fuck.

Ted Cruz
Please provide the class your evidence for the generalization that Republicans in general are stupid as fuck. Or are you just dumb ass troll?

nuff said.

wow.. you libs are soooooo damn retarded.

FYI Billy the liar is nothing but a comedian and clearly he knows nothing about the UK.
thanks for once again proving beyond doubt you are3 as stupid as fuck, as to bill Maher and England he is just as savvy to their politics as he is ours .
you know that if you weren't dumb as fuck.
Cruz is a idiot. Both parties have 'em.

As for the demographics....the Democrat Party is screwed. White voters are leaving them in droves.

The Democrat formula for winning elections is 40% of the white vote and 90% of the black vote.

The last election cycle Dems only got 37% of the white vote. Kay Hagan in NC got 33%. Mary Landrieu only got 18%. You cannot win elections that way.

Even Dick Durbin in Illinois...in the bluest of blue states had white support drop 18% since he last ran 6 years ago.

The Dems have lost white male voters...maybe forever. Now white women are also leaving. Support among blacks voters during the last election cycle also seems to be slipping.

The Dems have a huge demographic problem. The divide and conquer strategy of a hyphenated America is no longer working.

Key quote from a recent AP story following the election last month.

"Democratic Senate candidates lost ground among white voters by an average of 10 points compared with 2008. White voters abandoned Democrats in droves in places with heated contests as well as those without much action."

Kay Hagan got just 33% of the white vote.
Mark Warner 37% of the white vote.
Mary Landrieu 18% of the white vote.

Even in blue Illinois: "Democratic Senator Dick Durbin captured 43 percent of the white vote in his successful bid for re-election, that's down 18 points from his support among whites in 2008."

That is a single snapshot for an off year election with a low voter turnout.

Here is what is happening long term demographically;

How bad is the Republicans demographic problem See for yourself Interactive - Yahoo News

View attachment 35076

Those settings are based on the Census Bureau population estimates.

Even though whites might be moving towards the GOP that only applies to the seniors. The Millennial generation isn't following them, rather it is headed towards the Dems since that is a better reflection of themselves.

So you can clearly see that 2016 is going to be a rough year for the GOP which is why they have drafted in Jeb Bush. He is an establishment candidate with strong Hispanic ties and moderate views. If he can avoid having to take an extremist rightwing running mate he might just make it but he will be the underdog in the race.

Furthermore look at what is about to happen in 2015. The Republicans have no choice but to come up with an Immigration bill. Failure to do so will mean that Obama's EO will be in effect. The TP'ers won't vote for a moderate rational bill which means they will be a major PR problem when it comes to passing Immigration Reform. If the GOP does pass a bill that harms Hispanics then Obama can veto it and look like a hero.

In essence it doesn't matter how many AWG's you have on your side they are not enough to beat the Dems. Republicans have to slap the TP'ers down and move to the center if they want to stand a chance in 2016 and beyond.

No.....the demographic trend is definitely against the Dems. The facts are not on your side. To dismiss the severe beating the Dems just took as the result of an off year election does not conform to the facts.

1. Per the AP....The Democrat Party has lost 10% of the white vote since 2008. That is a massive loss that cannot be easily replaced.

2. Less than 1 in 3 white men now vote Democrat.

3. The Millennial support for the Democrat Party dropped 9% from the 2012 election. Young people are starting to move away from the Democrat Party. Their support dropped 4% from the last off year election in 2010.

4. The black vote is also beginning to erode for the Democrat Party per the Washington Post and other sources. Democrats lost 4% of the black vote from 2012 and 2% from the last off year election.

Republicans won 10 percent of the black vote on Tuesday. That 8217 s actually a step in the right direction. - The Washington Post

Key quote:

"In North Carolina, 54 percent of millennials chose Democratic nominee Sen. Kay Hagan -- who won 71 percent of the youth vote in 2008 -- but she lost to Republican state House Speaker Thom Tillis. In Georgia, 59 percent of the youth voted for Democratic candidate Michelle Nunn. But she ultimately lost to Republican candidate David Perdue, who received 39 percent of the youth vote.

In Iowa, Democrat Rep. Bruce Braley received 54 percent of millennials' votes, but lost overall to Republican Sen. Joni Ernst."

Election Results 2014 Most Millennials Voted Democrat But It Didn t Make A Difference In Some Senate Races

The Dems are rapidly losing white voters. They have lost white men....maybe forever. The erosion of support among black voters and the young would have to be very concerning.

Still drowning in denial or do you just have a serious comprehension problem with your own link?

There was an INCREASE in millennial participation in spite of it being an off year election with record low turnout.

Millennials comprised 13 percent of voters, 1 percentage point higher than in 2010, when youth voters made up 12 percent of the electorate.

That means that as Millennials grow older (the majority of them are now of voting age and the oldest will be 38 in 2016) they will become more and more of a factor in future elections. They do vote and they vote Dem in greater numbers than they vote GOP. Same for Hispanics. In the meantime your AWG's are reaching their sell by date and no longer participating in elections. Males die before females and the shifting demographics are a ticking clock that you can't stop.

From the US Census;


The baby boom cohort will experience
a substantial decline in the
coming decades. The population
in the baby boom ages has been
decreasing in size since 2012, and
that pace of decline is expected
to accelerate as the baby boomers
grow older. When the first baby
boomers turned 65 in 2011, there
were just under 77 million baby
boomers in the population. By
2030, when the baby boomers will
be between 66 and 84 years old,
that number is projected to drop to
60 million and decrease further by
2060 to only 2.4 million.

Note that those numbers include minorities. Take out the minorities and whites who vote Dem and you cannot win an election with a dwindling voter base of AWG's. In the meantime the Millennials increase as a voting bloc and minorities have children who become registered voters and the GOP is left with a base that is dying off and nothing to offer that will attract voters to join the ranks of bitter old AWG's.

No girlfriend. Read again. Kay Hagan lost 17% of the Millennial vote per the Washington Post from the 2008 election. Many other Senate candidates lost a similar amount. This is the precise data from the link provided. It cannot be argued. Facts are facts. :)

3. The Millennial support for the Democrat Party dropped 9% from the 2012 election. Young people are starting to move away from the Democrat Party. Their support dropped 4% from the last off year election in 2010.

The reality is the Democrat Party is rapidly losing white voters. That has been accelerating. Again....that cannot be argued. It is tough for Dems to win elections when almost 2 out of every 3 whites vote against them. The erosion of black and Millennial voters for the Democrat Party can also not be argued. Facts are facts. Sorry. :(

There is a reason the Dems lost so badly last month. They have a major problem with white voters and they are seeing a real erosion among the young and minorities.

The Democrat Party is in trouble right now. If they do not find a way to shore up their base and gain white support they will continue to struggle. Last month the GOP got an aggregate 4.5-5% more votes overall than Dems. No way to spin that in a positive way. There is also no way to suggest the Dems are in a great position in 2016.

Additionally, your census data is a non sequitur. It says absolutely nothing about how people are voting. My data speaks to exactly how people are voting. Even you must understand the difference. Voting blocs are changing. Census data says nothing about those changes. Again....your post = fail. :(

What a dilemma?

Who is more credible?

The US Census data that has no bias or WQ who is basing everything on a single election with a record low voter turnout that favored the right?

Actually this is all pointless because no matter how many aging AWG's vote GOP they are already a dwindling minority while the left leaning Millennials are a growing demographic with a majority that are opposed to everything that the extreme right stands for.

So this is moot. Time will prove WQ is just whistling past the graveyard. He cannot win no matter how much he denies the demographic data.
Yeah cause Millennials will never grow up to stand for personal responsibility, hard work, and success!
I really thought Politico was joking when they ran a story recently saying this man, this idiot, Ted Cruz, would run for President of the United States. It’s beyond belief that he really feels he could become President. In the first place, he was born in a foreign country (Canada). If Republicans believe Hawaii is a foreign country, or an annexation of it, or part of Kenya, then they can’t possibly believe that Canada is a US State. Then there is the matter of Ted Cruz being stupid as fuck.
Which brings up this point:
Republicans in general are stupid as fuck. I realized this today when reading about what they think about net neutrality. They are also as dishonest as fuck.

Ted Cruz
Please provide the class your evidence for the generalization that Republicans in general are stupid as fuck. Or are you just dumb ass troll?

nuff said.

wow.. you libs are soooooo damn retarded.

FYI Billy the liar is nothing but a comedian and clearly he knows nothing about the UK.
thanks for once again proving beyond doubt you are3 as stupid as fuck, as to bill Maher and England he is just as savvy to their politics as he is ours .
you know that if you weren't dumb as fuck.

ROFL your idea of savy is a quite literally a joke.

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