Ted Cruz Unwittingly Helps Democrats

Bullshit.. Although i do like Rubio for the most part, he let himself get sucked into the immigration muck, and was used, and played by the dems. A rookie mistake by a rookie

If by rookie mistake you mean doing the right thing for an important topic... well yeah many republicans don't want to do the right thing on any topic, they just want to bitch and moan.
Nothing? Secure the border first is nothing to people like you. :cuckoo:
Secure the border first is an empty campaign slogan.

Then you're an empty headed idiot. The border can and will be secured before any immigration reform. No border no country understand?
We've never protected our border, so by your rules we've never had a country.
Bullshit we have not had open borders here until recently get a clue. People who immigrate here should be a benefit to the country, not a drag on it. unless of course they are running for their lives. Then they may qualify for asylum
I've always thought Cruz would be the death of the TP but surprisingly enough, he's still standing just like one of his partners in crime, Palin.

What's it gonna take to bring these idiots down and out of government.


They are not going away until the electorate demographics change sufficiently to shrink their influence to a mere nuisance value. In about 20 years they will be ineffectual. Until then they will continue to be a strident voice of dissent, albeit stupid.

Cruz is a idiot. Both parties have 'em.

As for the demographics....the Democrat Party is screwed. White voters are leaving them in droves.

The Democrat formula for winning elections is 40% of the white vote and 90% of the black vote.

The last election cycle Dems only got 37% of the white vote. Kay Hagan in NC got 33%. Mary Landrieu only got 18%. You cannot win elections that way.

Even Dick Durbin in Illinois...in the bluest of blue states had white support drop 18% since he last ran 6 years ago.

The Dems have lost white male voters...maybe forever. Now white women are also leaving. Support among blacks voters during the last election cycle also seems to be slipping.

The Dems have a huge demographic problem. The divide and conquer strategy of a hyphenated America is no longer working.

Key quote from a recent AP story following the election last month.

"Democratic Senate candidates lost ground among white voters by an average of 10 points compared with 2008. White voters abandoned Democrats in droves in places with heated contests as well as those without much action."

Kay Hagan got just 33% of the white vote.
Mark Warner 37% of the white vote.
Mary Landrieu 18% of the white vote.

Even in blue Illinois: "Democratic Senator Dick Durbin captured 43 percent of the white vote in his successful bid for re-election, that's down 18 points from his support among whites in 2008."
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If by rookie mistake you mean doing the right thing for an important topic... well yeah many republicans don't want to do the right thing on any topic, they just want to bitch and moan.
Nothing? Secure the border first is nothing to people like you. :cuckoo:
Secure the border first is an empty campaign slogan.

Then you're an empty headed idiot. The border can and will be secured before any immigration reform. No border no country understand?
We've never protected our border, so by your rules we've never had a country.
Bullshit we have not had open borders here until recently get a clue. People who immigrate here should be a benefit to the country, not a drag on it. unless of course they are running for their lives. Then they may qualify for asylum
Only ignorant people would believe what you just said. Maybe you should read up about the history of immigration to this country before sticking your foot in your mouth.

Our "first" immigration law was not until 1875. Ironically it was to exclude cheap Chinese laborers. Now we out source to China for cheap Chinese laborers.
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I really thought Politico was joking when they ran a story recently saying this man, this idiot, Ted Cruz, would run for President of the United States. It’s beyond belief that he really feels he could become President. In the first place, he was born in a foreign country (Canada). If Republicans believe Hawaii is a foreign country, or an annexation of it, or part of Kenya, then they can’t possibly believe that Canada is a US State. Then there is the matter of Ted Cruz being stupid as fuck.
Which brings up this point:
Republicans in general are stupid as fuck. I realized this today when reading about what they think about net neutrality. They are also as dishonest as fuck.

Ted Cruz
Please provide the class your evidence for the generalization that Republicans in general are stupid as fuck. Or are you just dumb ass troll?
Well Cruz and his shenanagans can be noted and none of them tried to stop him. They let all of their loose cannons out without muzzles all the time. :lol:

Cruz attended high school at Faith West Academy in Katy, Texas,[32] and later graduated from Second Baptist High School in Houston as valedictorian in 1988.[17] During high school, Cruz participated in a Houston-based group called the Free Market Education Foundation where Cruz learned about free-market economic philosophers such as Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, Frédéric Bastiat and Ludwig von Mises.[26] The program was run by Rolland Storey and Cruz entered the program at the age of 13.[24]

Cruz graduated cum laude from Princeton University with a Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy[33] from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs in 1992.[6][5] While at Princeton, he competed for the American Whig-Cliosophic Society's Debate Panel and won the top speaker award at both the 1992 U.S. National Debating Championship and the 1992 North American Debating Championship.[34] In 1992, he was named U.S. National Speaker of the Year and Team of the Year (with his debate partner, David Panton).[34] Cruz was also a semi-finalist at the 1995 World Universities Debating Championship, making him Princeton’s highest-ranked debater at the championship.[35][36] Princeton's debate team later named their annual novice championship after Cruz.[35]

Cruz's senior thesis on the separation of powers, titled "Clipping the Wings of Angels," draws its inspiration from a passage attributed to President James Madison: "If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary." Cruz argued that the drafters of the Constitution intended to protect the rights of their constituents, and the last two items in the Bill of Rights offered an explicit stop against an all-powerful state. Cruz wrote: "They simply do so from different directions. The Tenth stops new powers, and the Ninth fortifies all other rights, or non-powers."[31][37]

After graduating from Princeton, Cruz attended Harvard Law School, graduating magna cum laude in 1995 with a Juris Doctor degree.[6][38] While at Harvard Law, Cruz was a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review, and executive editor of theHarvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, and a founding editor of the Harvard Latino Law Review.[5] Referring to Cruz's time as a student at Harvard Law, Professor Alan Dershowitz said, "Cruz was off-the-charts brillian
t." At Harvard Law, Cruz was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics.[44]

Ted Cruz s file PolitiFact Texas

66% of what Cruz says is false!
This is good, I don't like Cruz anyway. Rubio's the better Republican, by far.
Rubio is a panderer and a tool. Not very bright either.
Panderer my ass. Not bright.... ROFL BSPS from Florida, cum laude JD from Miami. I guess your definition of bright is based on whether the guy agrees with you on 100% of all topics or not.

Rubio has book smarts but isn't very bright politically. In that respect he is just like Cruz. They are both neophytes and making some really dumb rookie mistakes. Rubio might be capable of learning from his mistakes which puts him a notch above Cruz.

The biggest neophyte surprise is Rand Paul. He is a fast learner and has found a way to occupy the middle ground between the extreme right and the establishment right. In that respect he is actually a strong contender in the primaries in my opinion.

I am thinking more and more that Rand Paul will be in the top tier of candidates for the GOP nomination in 2016 and could possibly pull it off.
Nothing? Secure the border first is nothing to people like you. :cuckoo:
Secure the border first is an empty campaign slogan.

Then you're an empty headed idiot. The border can and will be secured before any immigration reform. No border no country understand?
We've never protected our border, so by your rules we've never had a country.
Bullshit we have not had open borders here until recently get a clue. People who immigrate here should be a benefit to the country, not a drag on it. unless of course they are running for their lives. Then they may qualify for asylum
Only ignorant people would believe what you just said. Maybe you should read up about the history of immigration to this country before sticking your foot in your mouth.

Our "first" immigration law was not until 1875. Ironically it was to exclude cheap Chinese laborers. Now we out source to China for cheap Chinese laborers.
This is the 21st century genius, not the 19th century. We don't need cheap, unskilled, labor use your friken head
I really thought Politico was joking when they ran a story recently saying this man, this idiot, Ted Cruz, would run for President of the United States. It’s beyond belief that he really feels he could become President. In the first place, he was born in a foreign country (Canada). If Republicans believe Hawaii is a foreign country, or an annexation of it, or part of Kenya, then they can’t possibly believe that Canada is a US State. Then there is the matter of Ted Cruz being stupid as fuck.
Which brings up this point:
Republicans in general are stupid as fuck. I realized this today when reading about what they think about net neutrality. They are also as dishonest as fuck.

Ted Cruz
Please provide the class your evidence for the generalization that Republicans in general are stupid as fuck. Or are you just dumb ass troll?
Well Cruz and his shenanagans can be noted and none of them tried to stop him. They let all of their loose cannons out without muzzles all the time. :lol:
What makes you think "they," whoever the hell "they" are, can stop Cruz from exercising his right as a congressman?
Secure the border first is an empty campaign slogan.

Then you're an empty headed idiot. The border can and will be secured before any immigration reform. No border no country understand?
We've never protected our border, so by your rules we've never had a country.
Bullshit we have not had open borders here until recently get a clue. People who immigrate here should be a benefit to the country, not a drag on it. unless of course they are running for their lives. Then they may qualify for asylum
Only ignorant people would believe what you just said. Maybe you should read up about the history of immigration to this country before sticking your foot in your mouth.

Our "first" immigration law was not until 1875. Ironically it was to exclude cheap Chinese laborers. Now we out source to China for cheap Chinese laborers.
This is the 21st century genius, not the 19th century. We don't need cheap, unskilled, labor use your friken head
So you think we can afford to shut down every American industry that uses cheap laborers? ROFL Or are you trying to say that we can afford to double/triple the pay of every labor job to entice the welfare addicts of America to enter the "labor" market?
Last edited:
Then you're an empty headed idiot. The border can and will be secured before any immigration reform. No border no country understand?
We've never protected our border, so by your rules we've never had a country.
Bullshit we have not had open borders here until recently get a clue. People who immigrate here should be a benefit to the country, not a drag on it. unless of course they are running for their lives. Then they may qualify for asylum
Only ignorant people would believe what you just said. Maybe you should read up about the history of immigration to this country before sticking your foot in your mouth.

Our "first" immigration law was not until 1875. Ironically it was to exclude cheap Chinese laborers. Now we out source to China for cheap Chinese laborers.
This is the 21st century genius, not the 19th century. We don't need cheap, unskilled, labor use your friken head
So you think we can afford to shut down every American industry that uses cheap laborers? ROFL Or are you trying to say that we can afford to double/triple the pay of every labor job to entice the welfare addicts of America to enter the "labor" market?
if we actually keep jobs here instead of forcing them out with all these stupid taxes and regulations by the leftist more business will stay here. Thats not the case at the moment.
Nothing? Secure the border first is nothing to people like you. :cuckoo:
Secure the border first is an empty campaign slogan.

Then you're an empty headed idiot. The border can and will be secured before any immigration reform. No border no country understand?
We've never protected our border, so by your rules we've never had a country.
Bullshit we have not had open borders here until recently get a clue. People who immigrate here should be a benefit to the country, not a drag on it. unless of course they are running for their lives. Then they may qualify for asylum
Only ignorant people would believe what you just said. Maybe you should read up about the history of immigration to this country before sticking your foot in your mouth.

Our "first" immigration law was not until 1875. Ironically it was to exclude cheap Chinese laborers. Now we out source to China for cheap Chinese laborers.

It seems you need to read up on our first immigration laws.
The Chinese exclusion Act was passed in 1882 not 1875.
I usually do not like putting up links to Wikipedia, but they are completely correct on this issue.
History of laws concerning immigration and naturalization in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The United States Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787. Article I, section 8, clause 4 of the Constitution expressly gives the United States Congress the power to establish a uniform rule of naturalization.
Pursuant to this power, Congress in 1790 passed the first naturalization law for the United States, the Naturalization Act of 1790. The law enabled those who had resided in the country for two years and had kept their current state of residence for a year to apply for citizenship. However it restricted naturalization to "free white persons" of "good moral character".
The Naturalization Act of 1795 increased the residency requirement to five years residence and added a requirement to give a three years notice of intention to apply for citizenship, and the Naturalization Act of 1798 further increased the residency requirement to 14 years and required five years notice of intent to apply for citizenship.
The Naturalization Law of 1802 repealed the Naturalization Act of 1798.
The Fourteenth Amendment, passed in 1868, protects children born in the United States. The phrase: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside" was interpreted by the Supreme Court in the 1898 case United States v. Wong Kim Ark as covering everyone born in the U.S. regardless of the parents' citizenship, with the exception of the children of diplomats. See the articles jus soli (birthplace) and jus sanguinis (bloodline) for further discussion.
In 1870, the law was broadened to allow African Americans to be naturalized. Asian immigrants were excluded from naturalization but not from living in the United States. There were also significant restrictions on some Asians at the state level; in California, for example, non-citizen Asians were not allowed to own land.
After the immigration of 123,000 Chinese in the 1870s, who joined the 105,000 who had immigrated between 1850 and 1870, Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 which specifically limited further Chinese immigration. Chinese had immigrated to the Western United States as a result of unsettled conditions in China, the availability of jobs working on railroads, and the Gold Rush that was going on at that time in California. The xenophobic "Yellow Peril" expression became popular to justify racism against Asians
We've never protected our border, so by your rules we've never had a country.
Bullshit we have not had open borders here until recently get a clue. People who immigrate here should be a benefit to the country, not a drag on it. unless of course they are running for their lives. Then they may qualify for asylum
Only ignorant people would believe what you just said. Maybe you should read up about the history of immigration to this country before sticking your foot in your mouth.

Our "first" immigration law was not until 1875. Ironically it was to exclude cheap Chinese laborers. Now we out source to China for cheap Chinese laborers.
This is the 21st century genius, not the 19th century. We don't need cheap, unskilled, labor use your friken head
So you think we can afford to shut down every American industry that uses cheap laborers? ROFL Or are you trying to say that we can afford to double/triple the pay of every labor job to entice the welfare addicts of America to enter the "labor" market?
if we actually keep jobs here instead of forcing them out with all these stupid taxes and regulations by the leftist more business will stay here. Thats not the case at the moment.
What makes you think we can boot the leftists of this country? What makes you think the right is gonna cut any regulations? What makes you think industry investors will come to a country that does not have cheap labor? Why pay Americans 5-10 times more to assemble iphones than the Chinese will do it for? Why plant strawberries in America when there's no one willing to pick them?

What do you think will happen to the price of American products when we triple the pay for employees "just in America" and the price remains low "everywhere" else but America? You think Americans will pay double even triple for American strawberries?
Secure the border first is an empty campaign slogan.

Then you're an empty headed idiot. The border can and will be secured before any immigration reform. No border no country understand?
We've never protected our border, so by your rules we've never had a country.
Bullshit we have not had open borders here until recently get a clue. People who immigrate here should be a benefit to the country, not a drag on it. unless of course they are running for their lives. Then they may qualify for asylum
Only ignorant people would believe what you just said. Maybe you should read up about the history of immigration to this country before sticking your foot in your mouth.

Our "first" immigration law was not until 1875. Ironically it was to exclude cheap Chinese laborers. Now we out source to China for cheap Chinese laborers.

It seems you need to read up on our first immigration laws.
The Chinese exclusion Act was passed in 1882 not 1875.
I usually do not like putting up links to Wikipedia, but they are completely correct on this issue.
History of laws concerning immigration and naturalization in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The United States Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787. Article I, section 8, clause 4 of the Constitution expressly gives the United States Congress the power to establish a uniform rule of naturalization.
Pursuant to this power, Congress in 1790 passed the first naturalization law for the United States, the Naturalization Act of 1790. The law enabled those who had resided in the country for two years and had kept their current state of residence for a year to apply for citizenship. However it restricted naturalization to "free white persons" of "good moral character".
The Naturalization Act of 1795 increased the residency requirement to five years residence and added a requirement to give a three years notice of intention to apply for citizenship, and the Naturalization Act of 1798 further increased the residency requirement to 14 years and required five years notice of intent to apply for citizenship.
The Naturalization Law of 1802 repealed the Naturalization Act of 1798.
The Fourteenth Amendment, passed in 1868, protects children born in the United States. The phrase: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside" was interpreted by the Supreme Court in the 1898 case United States v. Wong Kim Ark as covering everyone born in the U.S. regardless of the parents' citizenship, with the exception of the children of diplomats. See the articles jus soli (birthplace) and jus sanguinis (bloodline) for further discussion.
In 1870, the law was broadened to allow African Americans to be naturalized. Asian immigrants were excluded from naturalization but not from living in the United States. There were also significant restrictions on some Asians at the state level; in California, for example, non-citizen Asians were not allowed to own land.
After the immigration of 123,000 Chinese in the 1870s, who joined the 105,000 who had immigrated between 1850 and 1870, Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 which specifically limited further Chinese immigration. Chinese had immigrated to the Western United States as a result of unsettled conditions in China, the availability of jobs working on railroads, and the Gold Rush that was going on at that time in California. The xenophobic "Yellow Peril" expression became popular to justify racism against Asians
Try again....

Page Act of 1875 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Bullshit we have not had open borders here until recently get a clue. People who immigrate here should be a benefit to the country, not a drag on it. unless of course they are running for their lives. Then they may qualify for asylum
Only ignorant people would believe what you just said. Maybe you should read up about the history of immigration to this country before sticking your foot in your mouth.

Our "first" immigration law was not until 1875. Ironically it was to exclude cheap Chinese laborers. Now we out source to China for cheap Chinese laborers.
This is the 21st century genius, not the 19th century. We don't need cheap, unskilled, labor use your friken head
So you think we can afford to shut down every American industry that uses cheap laborers? ROFL Or are you trying to say that we can afford to double/triple the pay of every labor job to entice the welfare addicts of America to enter the "labor" market?
if we actually keep jobs here instead of forcing them out with all these stupid taxes and regulations by the leftist more business will stay here. Thats not the case at the moment.
What makes you think we can boot the leftists of this country? What makes you think the right is gonna cut any regulations? What makes you think industry investors will come to a country that does not have cheap labor? Why pay Americans 5-10 times more to assemble iphones than the Chinese will do it for? Why plant strawberries in America when there's no one willing to pick them?

What do you think will happen to the price of American products when we triple the pay for employees "just in America" and the price remains low "everywhere" else but America? You think Americans will pay double even triple for American strawberries?

The Obama administration proposed a draft air pollution rule on Wednesday that business groups charge could be the costliest regulations of all time

Read more: The most expensive regulation ever - Erica Martinson - POLITICO
Only ignorant people would believe what you just said. Maybe you should read up about the history of immigration to this country before sticking your foot in your mouth.

Our "first" immigration law was not until 1875. Ironically it was to exclude cheap Chinese laborers. Now we out source to China for cheap Chinese laborers.
This is the 21st century genius, not the 19th century. We don't need cheap, unskilled, labor use your friken head
So you think we can afford to shut down every American industry that uses cheap laborers? ROFL Or are you trying to say that we can afford to double/triple the pay of every labor job to entice the welfare addicts of America to enter the "labor" market?
if we actually keep jobs here instead of forcing them out with all these stupid taxes and regulations by the leftist more business will stay here. Thats not the case at the moment.
What makes you think we can boot the leftists of this country? What makes you think the right is gonna cut any regulations? What makes you think industry investors will come to a country that does not have cheap labor? Why pay Americans 5-10 times more to assemble iphones than the Chinese will do it for? Why plant strawberries in America when there's no one willing to pick them?

What do you think will happen to the price of American products when we triple the pay for employees "just in America" and the price remains low "everywhere" else but America? You think Americans will pay double even triple for American strawberries?

The Obama administration proposed a draft air pollution rule on Wednesday that business groups charge could be the costliest regulations of all time

Read more: The most expensive regulation ever - Erica Martinson - POLITICO
Let there be no doubt, the democrats are trying to destroy this country. But booting all the cheap labor isn't the panacea you are looking for. All you'll end up doing is shutting those business down. We live in a world wide economy and foreign cheap labor is a part of that economy.
Then you're an empty headed idiot. The border can and will be secured before any immigration reform. No border no country understand?
We've never protected our border, so by your rules we've never had a country.
Bullshit we have not had open borders here until recently get a clue. People who immigrate here should be a benefit to the country, not a drag on it. unless of course they are running for their lives. Then they may qualify for asylum
Only ignorant people would believe what you just said. Maybe you should read up about the history of immigration to this country before sticking your foot in your mouth.

Our "first" immigration law was not until 1875. Ironically it was to exclude cheap Chinese laborers. Now we out source to China for cheap Chinese laborers.

It seems you need to read up on our first immigration laws.
The Chinese exclusion Act was passed in 1882 not 1875.
I usually do not like putting up links to Wikipedia, but they are completely correct on this issue.
History of laws concerning immigration and naturalization in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The United States Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787. Article I, section 8, clause 4 of the Constitution expressly gives the United States Congress the power to establish a uniform rule of naturalization.
Pursuant to this power, Congress in 1790 passed the first naturalization law for the United States, the Naturalization Act of 1790. The law enabled those who had resided in the country for two years and had kept their current state of residence for a year to apply for citizenship. However it restricted naturalization to "free white persons" of "good moral character".
The Naturalization Act of 1795 increased the residency requirement to five years residence and added a requirement to give a three years notice of intention to apply for citizenship, and the Naturalization Act of 1798 further increased the residency requirement to 14 years and required five years notice of intent to apply for citizenship.
The Naturalization Law of 1802 repealed the Naturalization Act of 1798.
The Fourteenth Amendment, passed in 1868, protects children born in the United States. The phrase: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside" was interpreted by the Supreme Court in the 1898 case United States v. Wong Kim Ark as covering everyone born in the U.S. regardless of the parents' citizenship, with the exception of the children of diplomats. See the articles jus soli (birthplace) and jus sanguinis (bloodline) for further discussion.
In 1870, the law was broadened to allow African Americans to be naturalized. Asian immigrants were excluded from naturalization but not from living in the United States. There were also significant restrictions on some Asians at the state level; in California, for example, non-citizen Asians were not allowed to own land.
After the immigration of 123,000 Chinese in the 1870s, who joined the 105,000 who had immigrated between 1850 and 1870, Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 which specifically limited further Chinese immigration. Chinese had immigrated to the Western United States as a result of unsettled conditions in China, the availability of jobs working on railroads, and the Gold Rush that was going on at that time in California. The xenophobic "Yellow Peril" expression became popular to justify racism against Asians
Try again....

Page Act of 1875 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Then you should have said the Page Act.
I thought you were referring the Chinese Exclusion Act.
I really thought Politico was joking when they ran a story recently saying this man, this idiot, Ted Cruz, would run for President of the United States. It’s beyond belief that he really feels he could become President. In the first place, he was born in a foreign country (Canada). If Republicans believe Hawaii is a foreign country, or an annexation of it, or part of Kenya, then they can’t possibly believe that Canada is a US State. Then there is the matter of Ted Cruz being stupid as fuck.
Which brings up this point:
Republicans in general are stupid as fuck. I realized this today when reading about what they think about net neutrality. They are also as dishonest as fuck.

Ted Cruz
Please provide the class your evidence for the generalization that Republicans in general are stupid as fuck. Or are you just dumb ass troll?

First of all they troll like you do.

Second you are stupid as fuck.

Third Cruz deliberately helped the GOP. It was no mistake. Boehner is blackmailing Cruz.
Bullshit. Cruz and Rubio disagree on a great many topics. Cruz is not Rubio.

Rubio is the real deal... a conservative that loves his country, thinks about what he's doing, what's best for the country then moves forward. No, he's not like Cruz at all. Cruz is a pure politician, does and says what he thinks will move him closer to power.

What "mistake" by Rubio? The one about him supporting the immigration reform bill that he crafted? The one where illegals get work visa's if they are working jobs american's supposedly won't take or booted if not? The one where they pay taxes but don't get in line for citizenship till after some ten years or so, then they have to get in line behind with everyone else? The only problem with the immigration reform bill he crafted was republicans like Cruz that decided to piss on it for political gain.

Rand's ok, but he's not Ron. Rubio's better for the country. Rand's not very charismatic, and appears to be more apt to accept compromise solutions that sink the ship if it gets him closer to the power. Sort of like Bush Jr. & Sr. They'll claim no more taxes read my lips, then start seeing points of light everywhere.
Bullshit.. Although i do like Rubio for the most part, he let himself get sucked into the immigration muck, and was used, and played by the dems. A rookie mistake by a rookie

If by rookie mistake you mean doing the right thing for an important topic... well yeah many republicans don't want to do the right thing on any topic, they just want to bitch and moan.
Nothing? Secure the border first is nothing to people like you. :cuckoo:
Secure the border first is an empty campaign slogan.

Then you're an empty headed idiot. The border can and will be secured before any immigration reform. No border no country understand?

No further border control without business reform and an immigration path into citizenship.

It must be done together, or it won't be done.
Secure the border first is an empty campaign slogan.

Then you're an empty headed idiot. The border can and will be secured before any immigration reform. No border no country understand?
We've never protected our border, so by your rules we've never had a country.
Bullshit we have not had open borders here until recently get a clue. People who immigrate here should be a benefit to the country, not a drag on it. unless of course they are running for their lives. Then they may qualify for asylum
Only ignorant people would believe what you just said. Maybe you should read up about the history of immigration to this country before sticking your foot in your mouth.

Our "first" immigration law was not until 1875. Ironically it was to exclude cheap Chinese laborers. Now we out source to China for cheap Chinese laborers.
This is the 21st century genius, not the 19th century. We don't need cheap, unskilled, labor use your friken head

The agribusinesses would say you are full of crap.
We've never protected our border, so by your rules we've never had a country.
Bullshit we have not had open borders here until recently get a clue. People who immigrate here should be a benefit to the country, not a drag on it. unless of course they are running for their lives. Then they may qualify for asylum
Only ignorant people would believe what you just said. Maybe you should read up about the history of immigration to this country before sticking your foot in your mouth.

Our "first" immigration law was not until 1875. Ironically it was to exclude cheap Chinese laborers. Now we out source to China for cheap Chinese laborers.

It seems you need to read up on our first immigration laws.
The Chinese exclusion Act was passed in 1882 not 1875.
I usually do not like putting up links to Wikipedia, but they are completely correct on this issue.
History of laws concerning immigration and naturalization in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The United States Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787. Article I, section 8, clause 4 of the Constitution expressly gives the United States Congress the power to establish a uniform rule of naturalization.
Pursuant to this power, Congress in 1790 passed the first naturalization law for the United States, the Naturalization Act of 1790. The law enabled those who had resided in the country for two years and had kept their current state of residence for a year to apply for citizenship. However it restricted naturalization to "free white persons" of "good moral character".
The Naturalization Act of 1795 increased the residency requirement to five years residence and added a requirement to give a three years notice of intention to apply for citizenship, and the Naturalization Act of 1798 further increased the residency requirement to 14 years and required five years notice of intent to apply for citizenship.
The Naturalization Law of 1802 repealed the Naturalization Act of 1798.
The Fourteenth Amendment, passed in 1868, protects children born in the United States. The phrase: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside" was interpreted by the Supreme Court in the 1898 case United States v. Wong Kim Ark as covering everyone born in the U.S. regardless of the parents' citizenship, with the exception of the children of diplomats. See the articles jus soli (birthplace) and jus sanguinis (bloodline) for further discussion.
In 1870, the law was broadened to allow African Americans to be naturalized. Asian immigrants were excluded from naturalization but not from living in the United States. There were also significant restrictions on some Asians at the state level; in California, for example, non-citizen Asians were not allowed to own land.
After the immigration of 123,000 Chinese in the 1870s, who joined the 105,000 who had immigrated between 1850 and 1870, Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 which specifically limited further Chinese immigration. Chinese had immigrated to the Western United States as a result of unsettled conditions in China, the availability of jobs working on railroads, and the Gold Rush that was going on at that time in California. The xenophobic "Yellow Peril" expression became popular to justify racism against Asians
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Page Act of 1875 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Then you should have said the Page Act.
I thought you were referring the Chinese Exclusion Act.
Yeah the Page act was just the first of many anti-Asian (primarily anti-Chinese labor) immigration laws. The Page Act essentially banned Chinese women (so no families). The Exclusion act banned Chinese male labor immigration.

I find it somewhat humorous that all these years later we are sending our investments in labor jobs to china.
Yeah, no thanks to Nixon, very stupid move.
I didn't like it when he did it and I still don't like now.

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