Ted Cruz Unwittingly Helps Democrats


Cruz attended high school at Faith West Academy in Katy, Texas,[32] and later graduated from Second Baptist High School in Houston as valedictorian in 1988.[17] During high school, Cruz participated in a Houston-based group called the Free Market Education Foundation where Cruz learned about free-market economic philosophers such as Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, Frédéric Bastiat and Ludwig von Mises.[26] The program was run by Rolland Storey and Cruz entered the program at the age of 13.[24]

Cruz graduated cum laude from Princeton University with a Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy[33] from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs in 1992.[6][5] While at Princeton, he competed for the American Whig-Cliosophic Society's Debate Panel and won the top speaker award at both the 1992 U.S. National Debating Championship and the 1992 North American Debating Championship.[34] In 1992, he was named U.S. National Speaker of the Year and Team of the Year (with his debate partner, David Panton).[34] Cruz was also a semi-finalist at the 1995 World Universities Debating Championship, making him Princeton’s highest-ranked debater at the championship.[35][36] Princeton's debate team later named their annual novice championship after Cruz.[35]

Cruz's senior thesis on the separation of powers, titled "Clipping the Wings of Angels," draws its inspiration from a passage attributed to President James Madison: "If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary." Cruz argued that the drafters of the Constitution intended to protect the rights of their constituents, and the last two items in the Bill of Rights offered an explicit stop against an all-powerful state. Cruz wrote: "They simply do so from different directions. The Tenth stops new powers, and the Ninth fortifies all other rights, or non-powers."[31][37]

After graduating from Princeton, Cruz attended Harvard Law School, graduating magna cum laude in 1995 with a Juris Doctor degree.[6][38] While at Harvard Law, Cruz was a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review, and executive editor of theHarvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, and a founding editor of the Harvard Latino Law Review.[5] Referring to Cruz's time as a student at Harvard Law, Professor Alan Dershowitz said, "Cruz was off-the-charts brillian
t." At Harvard Law, Cruz was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics.[44]

Ted Cruz s file PolitiFact Texas

66% of what Cruz says is false!
This is good, I don't like Cruz anyway. Rubio's the better Republican, by far.
You hear about Rubio's role in pushing through a bill to construct a palace for judges in Tallahassee that left the taxpayers on the hook? RKMBrown

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
Palace? huh? Link?
Just posted it. He's not the "outsider" that's he's been presented to you Righties to be. He's just another repub-insider, crony :thup:

E-mail names heroes who got legislative funding for Taj Mahal courthouse Tampa Bay Times

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

This from your link.....and they want us to believe they are the party that wants to cut spending........what a load of bs.

The $48 million courthouse for the 1st District Court of Appeal has been panned for its opulence at a time when money is tight. Plans initially called for each judge to get a 60-inch flat-screen TV in his or her mahogany-paneled chambers, and for each judge to get a private bathroom and kitchen, with granite countertops. Some extras were scrapped after the negative publicity.
Ted Cruz s file PolitiFact Texas

66% of what Cruz says is false!
This is good, I don't like Cruz anyway. Rubio's the better Republican, by far.
You hear about Rubio's role in pushing through a bill to construct a palace for judges in Tallahassee that left the taxpayers on the hook? RKMBrown

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
Palace? huh? Link?
Just posted it. He's not the "outsider" that's he's been presented to you Righties to be. He's just another repub-insider, crony :thup:

E-mail names heroes who got legislative funding for Taj Mahal courthouse Tampa Bay Times

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
Total BULLSHIT. Rubio didn't design that courthouse you dumb ass. That article is a political hit piece written by democrats to try to blame Rubio for some dumb ass who decided to fit the courthouse with big screen tvs for judges, and shock, plant expensive trees in the courtyard. Rubio voted for a transportation bill Floridian's needed some politcal hacks/democrats hid this gem in the bill to have something to blame Rubio for.

Yeah cause to you senator means do nothing and piss no one off and constantly run for office by spouting bull shit campaign slogans.

How about a senator that's been in as long as Rubio, make wise moves and do all he can to do his job right and quit trying to steal the limelight?
Rubio has book smarts but isn't very bright politically. In that respect he is just like Cruz. They are both neophytes and making some really dumb rookie mistakes. Rubio might be capable of learning from his mistakes which puts him a notch above Cruz.

The biggest neophyte surprise is Rand Paul. He is a fast learner and has found a way to occupy the middle ground between the extreme right and the establishment right. In that respect he is actually a strong contender in the primaries in my opinion.
Bullshit. Cruz and Rubio disagree on a great many topics. Cruz is not Rubio.

Rubio is the real deal... a conservative that loves his country, thinks about what he's doing, what's best for the country then moves forward. No, he's not like Cruz at all. Cruz is a pure politician, does and says what he thinks will move him closer to power.

What "mistake" by Rubio? The one about him supporting the immigration reform bill that he crafted? The one where illegals get work visa's if they are working jobs american's supposedly won't take or booted if not? The one where they pay taxes but don't get in line for citizenship till after some ten years or so, then they have to get in line behind with everyone else? The only problem with the immigration reform bill he crafted was republicans like Cruz that decided to piss on it for political gain.

Rand's ok, but he's not Ron. Rubio's better for the country. Rand's not very charismatic, and appears to be more apt to accept compromise solutions that sink the ship if it gets him closer to the power. Sort of like Bush Jr. & Sr. They'll claim no more taxes read my lips, then start seeing points of light everywhere.
Bullshit.. Although i do like Rubio for the most part, he let himself get sucked into the immigration muck, and was used, and played by the dems. A rookie mistake by a rookie

Oh, so you are saying that Rubio's immigration plan was a ruse, eh? That is wasn't genuine, eh?


Close the friken borders. Sure he was genuine, but he got sucked into the liberal political games and used
Rubio was assigned to the committee. Certainly republicans wanted Rubio to be assigned to the committee. Why? Because they wanted to burn Rubio for simply proposing anything of reason to do with immigration reform. The republican retard stance on immigration reform is no change, just keep doing what we are doing, cause that's been working so well. They don't want to kick the illegals out, they don't want to protect the border... they just want to bitch and moan.
Gee. I wonder why Republicans had Rubio in Visier like that. Lol. ...

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Why Ted Cruz Is Making a Name for Himself on Gay Marriage
He's separating himself from other Republican 2016ers.
By Rebecca Nelson

Sen. Ted Cruz speaks at the Values Voter Summit in Washington on Sept. 26.(Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
October 7, 2014 Republicans used to have unquestioned, slam-dunk planks. No abortion rights. Fewer gun restrictions. Smaller government. Now, one of the party's former most basic values—marriage defined as between one man and one woman—seems to be slipping into GOP purgatory. Likely presidential contender Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, is hell-bent on stopping that slide.
Same-sex marriage has rapidly become less of a touchstone for Republicans to rally around. Sixty-one percent of the party's voters ages 18-29 say they support the issue, and eight congressional Republicans back it, including possible 2016er Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio. That coalition has the potential to grow: More Republicans running for Congress this year support gay marriage than ever before.
Cruz has never been one to follow popular establishment sentiment. At the Values Voter summit last month, he made a point of sermonizing traditional marriage as a GOP value—and was one of the only prominent Republicans to do so. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., another likely 2016er, declined to mention marriage at all at the summit.
The Supreme Court's decision Monday not to hear the same-sex marriage appeals they were faced with—effectively legalizing it in at least five more states—rocked the country. Responding to this latest development in a shifting tide toward same-sex marriage's legalization, Republican Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin acknowledged that the fight in his state was "over." Rather than claim defeat, most Republicans remained silent.
Not Cruz. On Monday, his office released a statement blasting the Supreme Court's decision as "tragic and indefensible."
Why Ted Cruz Is Making a Name for Himself on Gay Marriage - NationalJournal.com
I really thought Politico was joking when they ran a story recently saying this man, this idiot, Ted Cruz, would run for President of the United States. It’s beyond belief that he really feels he could become President. In the first place, he was born in a foreign country (Canada). If Republicans believe Hawaii is a foreign country, or an annexation of it, or part of Kenya, then they can’t possibly believe that Canada is a US State. Then there is the matter of Ted Cruz being stupid as fuck.
Which brings up this point:
Republicans in general are stupid as fuck. I realized this today when reading about what they think about net neutrality. They are also as dishonest as fuck.

Ted Cruz
I really thought Politico was joking when they ran a story recently saying this man, this idiot, Ted Cruz, would run for President of the United States. It’s beyond belief that he really feels he could become President. In the first place, he was born in a foreign country (Canada). If Republicans believe Hawaii is a foreign country, or an annexation of it, or part of Kenya, then they can’t possibly believe that Canada is a US State. Then there is the matter of Ted Cruz being stupid as fuck.
Which brings up this point:
Republicans in general are stupid as fuck. I realized this today when reading about what they think about net neutrality. They are also as dishonest as fuck.

Ted Cruz

That article was too funny.....it's also sad but true....:(
I really thought Politico was joking when they ran a story recently saying this man, this idiot, Ted Cruz, would run for President of the United States. It’s beyond belief that he really feels he could become President. In the first place, he was born in a foreign country (Canada). If Republicans believe Hawaii is a foreign country, or an annexation of it, or part of Kenya, then they can’t possibly believe that Canada is a US State. Then there is the matter of Ted Cruz being stupid as fuck.
Which brings up this point:
Republicans in general are stupid as fuck. I realized this today when reading about what they think about net neutrality. They are also as dishonest as fuck.

Ted Cruz
Please provide the class your evidence for the generalization that Republicans in general are stupid as fuck. Or are you just dumb ass troll?
This is the GOP Presidential hopeful.....you can't get any dumber than this guy. I'm sure in his mind he thought he was doing something spectacular for the Republican Party and would be greatly rewarded.....instead he has angered a few of his peers. And for what?

In a rare Saturday session, the United States Senate ended up passing the $1.1 Trillion spending package that will keep most of the Federal Government funded through the end of the Fiscal Year, but not before a late Friday night political manuver by Texas Senator Ted Cruz allowed Democrats to spend most of Saturday easily confirming nominations that Republicans had long been blocking:

The vote concluded a long day of brinkmanship, spurred by a legislative challenge to Mr. Obama’s executive action on immigration by Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, who helped force the Senate into a weekend session. By the end of the day, Mr. Cruz found himself isolated even from members of his own party.

“I don’t see what we’re achieving here,” Senator Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, said of Mr. Cruz’s strategy.

Speaking of symbolic standoffs, it was thanks largely to an effort by Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee to create a symbolic standoff on the immigration issue that Democrats were able to spend the better part of yesterday pushing through a whole host of nomination that had been bottle necked for months:

Senior Republicans say there’s a problem with Cruz’s strategy: The GOP lacks the votes to stop Obama on immigration now, the $1.1 trillion spending package was speeding to passage, and they won’t resort to shutting down the government to mount their objections. Plus, the weekend session could allow Obama to get even more of his nominees confirmed.

So while Cruz and Lee argue they’re taking a hard stand against Obama, the result might allow Democrats to end the year with more of their priorities advanced — and the two conservatives getting nothing.

Senate Passes Spending Bill As Ted Cruz Maneuver Helps Democrats Pass Nominations
It's so amazing and funny at the same time. How could they not stop him somehow before Dems had all they wanted? We have posters here denying that Palin ever did anything stupid as recently as last night and this guy just jumps right in with two feet and mucks up the works like it was his job...
2000 2005* 2008 2012
State Population State Population State Population State Population
1. California 2,510,000 1. California 2,770,000 1. California 2,850,000 1. California 2,820,000
2. Texas 1,090,000 2. Texas 1,360,000 2. Texas 1,680,000 2. Texas 1,830,000
3. Florida 800,000 3. Florida 850,000 3. Florida 840,000 3. Florida 730,000
4. New York 540,000 4. New York 560,000 4. New York 640,000 4. New York 580,000
5. Illinois 440,000 5. Illinois 520,000 5. Arizona 560,000 5. Illinois 540,000
6. New Jersey 350,000 6. Arizona 480,000 6. Illinois 550,000 6. New Jersey 430,000
7. Arizona 330,000 7. Georgia 470,000 7. Georgia 460,000 7. Georgia 400,000
8. North Carolina 260,000 8. New Jersey 380,000 8. New Jersey 400,000 8. North Carolina 360,000
9. Georgia 220,000 9. North Carolina 360,000 9. North Carolina 380,000 9. Arizona 350,000
10. Nevada 170,000 10. Nevada 240,000 10. Nevada 280,000 10. Washington 270,000
40 other states 1,750,000 40 other states 2,510,000 40 other states 2,950,000 40 other states 3,110,000
Total 8,460,000 Total 10,500,000 Total 11,600,000 Total 11,430,000

Differant numbers, but still the same trend, fewer illegals now than under Bush.
I don't know how many times I have had a Republican tell me with a straight face that President Obama opened the flood gates for illegal immagration. Yet when you look at the numbers you can that is just the opposite from the truth. And, sadly, the GOP stance on so many things right now fall into the same category.
Rubio has book smarts but isn't very bright politically. In that respect he is just like Cruz. They are both neophytes and making some really dumb rookie mistakes. Rubio might be capable of learning from his mistakes which puts him a notch above Cruz.

The biggest neophyte surprise is Rand Paul. He is a fast learner and has found a way to occupy the middle ground between the extreme right and the establishment right. In that respect he is actually a strong contender in the primaries in my opinion.
Bullshit. Cruz and Rubio disagree on a great many topics. Cruz is not Rubio.

Rubio is the real deal... a conservative that loves his country, thinks about what he's doing, what's best for the country then moves forward. No, he's not like Cruz at all. Cruz is a pure politician, does and says what he thinks will move him closer to power.

What "mistake" by Rubio? The one about him supporting the immigration reform bill that he crafted? The one where illegals get work visa's if they are working jobs american's supposedly won't take or booted if not? The one where they pay taxes but don't get in line for citizenship till after some ten years or so, then they have to get in line behind with everyone else? The only problem with the immigration reform bill he crafted was republicans like Cruz that decided to piss on it for political gain.

Rand's ok, but he's not Ron. Rubio's better for the country. Rand's not very charismatic, and appears to be more apt to accept compromise solutions that sink the ship if it gets him closer to the power. Sort of like Bush Jr. & Sr. They'll claim no more taxes read my lips, then start seeing points of light everywhere.
Bullshit.. Although i do like Rubio for the most part, he let himself get sucked into the immigration muck, and was used, and played by the dems. A rookie mistake by a rookie

If by rookie mistake you mean doing the right thing for an important topic... well yeah many republicans don't want to do the right thing on any topic, they just want to bitch and moan.
Nothing? Secure the border first is nothing to people like you. :cuckoo:
Secure the border first is an empty campaign slogan.

Then you're an empty headed idiot. The border can and will be secured before any immigration reform. No border no country understand?
2000 2005* 2008 2012
State Population State Population State Population State Population
1. California 2,510,000 1. California 2,770,000 1. California 2,850,000 1. California 2,820,000
2. Texas 1,090,000 2. Texas 1,360,000 2. Texas 1,680,000 2. Texas 1,830,000
3. Florida 800,000 3. Florida 850,000 3. Florida 840,000 3. Florida 730,000
4. New York 540,000 4. New York 560,000 4. New York 640,000 4. New York 580,000
5. Illinois 440,000 5. Illinois 520,000 5. Arizona 560,000 5. Illinois 540,000
6. New Jersey 350,000 6. Arizona 480,000 6. Illinois 550,000 6. New Jersey 430,000
7. Arizona 330,000 7. Georgia 470,000 7. Georgia 460,000 7. Georgia 400,000
8. North Carolina 260,000 8. New Jersey 380,000 8. New Jersey 400,000 8. North Carolina 360,000
9. Georgia 220,000 9. North Carolina 360,000 9. North Carolina 380,000 9. Arizona 350,000
10. Nevada 170,000 10. Nevada 240,000 10. Nevada 280,000 10. Washington 270,000
40 other states 1,750,000 40 other states 2,510,000 40 other states 2,950,000 40 other states 3,110,000
Total 8,460,000 Total 10,500,000 Total 11,600,000 Total 11,430,000

Differant numbers, but still the same trend, fewer illegals now than under Bush.

Illegals are " In the shadows" they are not all counted you moron. And Bush's amnesty was defeated by conservatives as well. So spare us your bullshit numbers
Bullshit. Cruz and Rubio disagree on a great many topics. Cruz is not Rubio.

Rubio is the real deal... a conservative that loves his country, thinks about what he's doing, what's best for the country then moves forward. No, he's not like Cruz at all. Cruz is a pure politician, does and says what he thinks will move him closer to power.

What "mistake" by Rubio? The one about him supporting the immigration reform bill that he crafted? The one where illegals get work visa's if they are working jobs american's supposedly won't take or booted if not? The one where they pay taxes but don't get in line for citizenship till after some ten years or so, then they have to get in line behind with everyone else? The only problem with the immigration reform bill he crafted was republicans like Cruz that decided to piss on it for political gain.

Rand's ok, but he's not Ron. Rubio's better for the country. Rand's not very charismatic, and appears to be more apt to accept compromise solutions that sink the ship if it gets him closer to the power. Sort of like Bush Jr. & Sr. They'll claim no more taxes read my lips, then start seeing points of light everywhere.
Bullshit.. Although i do like Rubio for the most part, he let himself get sucked into the immigration muck, and was used, and played by the dems. A rookie mistake by a rookie

If by rookie mistake you mean doing the right thing for an important topic... well yeah many republicans don't want to do the right thing on any topic, they just want to bitch and moan.
Nothing? Secure the border first is nothing to people like you. :cuckoo:
Secure the border first is an empty campaign slogan.

Then you're an empty headed idiot. The border can and will be secured before any immigration reform. No border no country understand?
We have not protected our border since the war with mexico, and even then we did not protect our border from immigration. So by your rules we have never been a country.

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