Ted Cruz Unwittingly Helps Democrats

Look it up left wing idiots. The senate is still a democrat majority until Jan. 20th of next year.

You don't get it, do you? Ted Cruz's stupid antic allowed "more" time for Democrats to get more of Obama's nominations confirmed than they would have had time to do so, if Cruz hadn't expanded the time in session.
Thanks, Ted Cruz.....:) Guess Ted Cruz is the real idiot......and maybe you, for not understanding.

As Talking Points Memo noted, Cruz’s delay meant Democrats could get to work:

The extra time over the weekend gave Reid the opportunity to, through the Senate’s executive session, file cloture on the nominations and move them sooner than they would have under the deal Reid and McConnell had planned on and that Cruz and Lee blocked. Under the original deal Reid would have had to schedule votes on the nominees later in the upcoming week, when Democrats may not have wanted to stick around to vote.

Ted Cruz Accidentally Helps Democrats Confirm Obama Nominees All-len-All
Illegals are " In the shadows" they are not all counted you moron.

But you were able to count them when Bush was in office to know there were less.........right! Gotcha!
Make no doubt about it, the libertarians ar trying to destroy this country.
I've always thought Cruz would be the death of the TP but surprisingly enough, he's still standing just like one of his partners in crime, Palin.

What's it gonna take to bring these idiots down and out of government.


They are not going away until the electorate demographics change sufficiently to shrink their influence to a mere nuisance value. In about 20 years they will be ineffectual. Until then they will continue to be a strident voice of dissent, albeit stupid.

Cruz is a idiot. Both parties have 'em.

As for the demographics....the Democrat Party is screwed. White voters are leaving them in droves.

The Democrat formula for winning elections is 40% of the white vote and 90% of the black vote.

The last election cycle Dems only got 37% of the white vote. Kay Hagan in NC got 33%. Mary Landrieu only got 18%. You cannot win elections that way.

Even Dick Durbin in Illinois...in the bluest of blue states had white support drop 18% since he last ran 6 years ago.

The Dems have lost white male voters...maybe forever. Now white women are also leaving. Support among blacks voters during the last election cycle also seems to be slipping.

The Dems have a huge demographic problem. The divide and conquer strategy of a hyphenated America is no longer working.

Key quote from a recent AP story following the election last month.

"Democratic Senate candidates lost ground among white voters by an average of 10 points compared with 2008. White voters abandoned Democrats in droves in places with heated contests as well as those without much action."

Kay Hagan got just 33% of the white vote.
Mark Warner 37% of the white vote.
Mary Landrieu 18% of the white vote.

Even in blue Illinois: "Democratic Senator Dick Durbin captured 43 percent of the white vote in his successful bid for re-election, that's down 18 points from his support among whites in 2008."

That is a single snapshot for an off year election with a low voter turnout.

Here is what is happening long term demographically;

How bad is the Republicans demographic problem See for yourself Interactive - Yahoo News


Those settings are based on the Census Bureau population estimates.

Even though whites might be moving towards the GOP that only applies to the seniors. The Millennial generation isn't following them, rather it is headed towards the Dems since that is a better reflection of themselves.

So you can clearly see that 2016 is going to be a rough year for the GOP which is why they have drafted in Jeb Bush. He is an establishment candidate with strong Hispanic ties and moderate views. If he can avoid having to take an extremist rightwing running mate he might just make it but he will be the underdog in the race.

Furthermore look at what is about to happen in 2015. The Republicans have no choice but to come up with an Immigration bill. Failure to do so will mean that Obama's EO will be in effect. The TP'ers won't vote for a moderate rational bill which means they will be a major PR problem when it comes to passing Immigration Reform. If the GOP does pass a bill that harms Hispanics then Obama can veto it and look like a hero.

In essence it doesn't matter how many AWG's you have on your side they are not enough to beat the Dems. Republicans have to slap the TP'ers down and move to the center if they want to stand a chance in 2016 and beyond.
Ted Cruz s file PolitiFact Texas

66% of what Cruz says is false!
This is good, I don't like Cruz anyway. Rubio's the better Republican, by far.
Rubio is a panderer and a tool. Not very bright either.
Panderer my ass. Not bright.... ROFL BSPS from Florida, cum laude JD from Miami. I guess your definition of bright is based on whether the guy agrees with you on 100% of all topics or not.

Rubio has book smarts but isn't very bright politically. In that respect he is just like Cruz. They are both neophytes and making some really dumb rookie mistakes. Rubio might be capable of learning from his mistakes which puts him a notch above Cruz.

The biggest neophyte surprise is Rand Paul. He is a fast learner and has found a way to occupy the middle ground between the extreme right and the establishment right. In that respect he is actually a strong contender in the primaries in my opinion.

I am thinking more and more that Rand Paul will be in the top tier of candidates for the GOP nomination in 2016 and could possibly pull it off.

Now that Jeb has declared I believe that Rand Paul could end up as his running mate.
This is the GOP Presidential hopeful.....you can't get any dumber than this guy. I'm sure in his mind he thought he was doing something spectacular for the Republican Party and would be greatly rewarded.....instead he has angered a few of his peers. And for what?

In a rare Saturday session, the United States Senate ended up passing the $1.1 Trillion spending package that will keep most of the Federal Government funded through the end of the Fiscal Year, but not before a late Friday night political manuver by Texas Senator Ted Cruz allowed Democrats to spend most of Saturday easily confirming nominations that Republicans had long been blocking:

The vote concluded a long day of brinkmanship, spurred by a legislative challenge to Mr. Obama’s executive action on immigration by Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, who helped force the Senate into a weekend session. By the end of the day, Mr. Cruz found himself isolated even from members of his own party.

“I don’t see what we’re achieving here,” Senator Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, said of Mr. Cruz’s strategy.

Speaking of symbolic standoffs, it was thanks largely to an effort by Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee to create a symbolic standoff on the immigration issue that Democrats were able to spend the better part of yesterday pushing through a whole host of nomination that had been bottle necked for months:

Senior Republicans say there’s a problem with Cruz’s strategy: The GOP lacks the votes to stop Obama on immigration now, the $1.1 trillion spending package was speeding to passage, and they won’t resort to shutting down the government to mount their objections. Plus, the weekend session could allow Obama to get even more of his nominees confirmed.

So while Cruz and Lee argue they’re taking a hard stand against Obama, the result might allow Democrats to end the year with more of their priorities advanced — and the two conservatives getting nothing.

Senate Passes Spending Bill As Ted Cruz Maneuver Helps Democrats Pass Nominations

And Elizabeth Warren isn't grandstanding?
I think the strategy that seems to be working with Obama is letting his crap policies become law so everyone can discover just how damaging they are. Preventing them only gives Democrats something to score political points over. We'll see how this all works out. Realistically, the worst thing that can happen to Democrats is letting Obama have everything he wants. By the time he's done they'll be stuck in the minority for at least a decade or more.
This is good, I don't like Cruz anyway. Rubio's the better Republican, by far.
Rubio is a panderer and a tool. Not very bright either.
Panderer my ass. Not bright.... ROFL BSPS from Florida, cum laude JD from Miami. I guess your definition of bright is based on whether the guy agrees with you on 100% of all topics or not.

Rubio has book smarts but isn't very bright politically. In that respect he is just like Cruz. They are both neophytes and making some really dumb rookie mistakes. Rubio might be capable of learning from his mistakes which puts him a notch above Cruz.

The biggest neophyte surprise is Rand Paul. He is a fast learner and has found a way to occupy the middle ground between the extreme right and the establishment right. In that respect he is actually a strong contender in the primaries in my opinion.

I am thinking more and more that Rand Paul will be in the top tier of candidates for the GOP nomination in 2016 and could possibly pull it off.

Now that Jeb has declared I believe that Rand Paul could end up as his running mate.
ROFL... Jeb lost his chance when Bush Jr declared war against Iraq.
This is the GOP Presidential hopeful.....you can't get any dumber than this guy. I'm sure in his mind he thought he was doing something spectacular for the Republican Party and would be greatly rewarded.....instead he has angered a few of his peers. And for what?

In a rare Saturday session, the United States Senate ended up passing the $1.1 Trillion spending package that will keep most of the Federal Government funded through the end of the Fiscal Year, but not before a late Friday night political manuver by Texas Senator Ted Cruz allowed Democrats to spend most of Saturday easily confirming nominations that Republicans had long been blocking:

The vote concluded a long day of brinkmanship, spurred by a legislative challenge to Mr. Obama’s executive action on immigration by Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, who helped force the Senate into a weekend session. By the end of the day, Mr. Cruz found himself isolated even from members of his own party.

“I don’t see what we’re achieving here,” Senator Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, said of Mr. Cruz’s strategy.

Speaking of symbolic standoffs, it was thanks largely to an effort by Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee to create a symbolic standoff on the immigration issue that Democrats were able to spend the better part of yesterday pushing through a whole host of nomination that had been bottle necked for months:

Senior Republicans say there’s a problem with Cruz’s strategy: The GOP lacks the votes to stop Obama on immigration now, the $1.1 trillion spending package was speeding to passage, and they won’t resort to shutting down the government to mount their objections. Plus, the weekend session could allow Obama to get even more of his nominees confirmed.

So while Cruz and Lee argue they’re taking a hard stand against Obama, the result might allow Democrats to end the year with more of their priorities advanced — and the two conservatives getting nothing.

Senate Passes Spending Bill As Ted Cruz Maneuver Helps Democrats Pass Nominations

And Elizabeth Warren isn't grandstanding?

Show us where Elizabeth Warren has made a fool of herself and cost our party embarrassment and given Republicans an opportunity to get something they wouldn't otherwise have gotten?

Apparently you are one that doesn't get it, either.........:)
I think the strategy that seems to be working with Obama is letting his crap policies become law so everyone can discover just how damaging they are. Preventing them only gives Democrats something to score political points over. We'll see how this all works out. Realistically, the worst thing that can happen to Democrats is letting Obama have everything he wants. By the time he's done they'll be stuck in the minority for at least a decade or more.

Dream on....
It is good to see the far right only slipping further behind, not getting any traction on their anti-American agenda.
This is the GOP Presidential hopeful.....you can't get any dumber than this guy. I'm sure in his mind he thought he was doing something spectacular for the Republican Party and would be greatly rewarded.....instead he has angered a few of his peers. And for what?

In a rare Saturday session, the United States Senate ended up passing the $1.1 Trillion spending package that will keep most of the Federal Government funded through the end of the Fiscal Year, but not before a late Friday night political manuver by Texas Senator Ted Cruz allowed Democrats to spend most of Saturday easily confirming nominations that Republicans had long been blocking:

The vote concluded a long day of brinkmanship, spurred by a legislative challenge to Mr. Obama’s executive action on immigration by Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, who helped force the Senate into a weekend session. By the end of the day, Mr. Cruz found himself isolated even from members of his own party.

“I don’t see what we’re achieving here,” Senator Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, said of Mr. Cruz’s strategy.

Speaking of symbolic standoffs, it was thanks largely to an effort by Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee to create a symbolic standoff on the immigration issue that Democrats were able to spend the better part of yesterday pushing through a whole host of nomination that had been bottle necked for months:

Senior Republicans say there’s a problem with Cruz’s strategy: The GOP lacks the votes to stop Obama on immigration now, the $1.1 trillion spending package was speeding to passage, and they won’t resort to shutting down the government to mount their objections. Plus, the weekend session could allow Obama to get even more of his nominees confirmed.

So while Cruz and Lee argue they’re taking a hard stand against Obama, the result might allow Democrats to end the year with more of their priorities advanced — and the two conservatives getting nothing.

Senate Passes Spending Bill As Ted Cruz Maneuver Helps Democrats Pass Nominations

And Elizabeth Warren isn't grandstanding?

Show us where Elizabeth Warren has made a fool of herself and cost our party embarrassment and given Republicans an opportunity to get something they wouldn't otherwise have gotten?

Apparently you are one that doesn't get it, either.........:)

I get it.

Elizabeth Warren, according to the liberal media, is standing up to the establishment. She's a champion, a giant, a God, just for mouthing off in the Senate. Ted Cruz, however, is an idiot for doing the same exact thing.

No ... I fully understand.
This "I think the strategy that seems to be working with Obama is letting his crap policies become law so everyone can discover just how damaging they are" is a silly as what RKMBrown is writing above.

Jeb and Rand would stand a good chance against the Dems in 2016.
This "I think the strategy that seems to be working with Obama is letting his crap policies become law so everyone can discover just how damaging they are" is a silly as what RKMBrown is writing above.

Jeb and Rand would stand a good chance against the Dems in 2016.
ROFL... Jeb Bush for President. ROFL The only reason you like Jeb is his socialist views. The day Rand joins up with Jeb is the day I eat my hat.
I've always thought Cruz would be the death of the TP but surprisingly enough, he's still standing just like one of his partners in crime, Palin.

What's it gonna take to bring these idiots down and out of government.


They are not going away until the electorate demographics change sufficiently to shrink their influence to a mere nuisance value. In about 20 years they will be ineffectual. Until then they will continue to be a strident voice of dissent, albeit stupid.

Cruz is a idiot. Both parties have 'em.

As for the demographics....the Democrat Party is screwed. White voters are leaving them in droves.

The Democrat formula for winning elections is 40% of the white vote and 90% of the black vote.

The last election cycle Dems only got 37% of the white vote. Kay Hagan in NC got 33%. Mary Landrieu only got 18%. You cannot win elections that way.

Even Dick Durbin in Illinois...in the bluest of blue states had white support drop 18% since he last ran 6 years ago.

The Dems have lost white male voters...maybe forever. Now white women are also leaving. Support among blacks voters during the last election cycle also seems to be slipping.

The Dems have a huge demographic problem. The divide and conquer strategy of a hyphenated America is no longer working.

Key quote from a recent AP story following the election last month.

"Democratic Senate candidates lost ground among white voters by an average of 10 points compared with 2008. White voters abandoned Democrats in droves in places with heated contests as well as those without much action."

Kay Hagan got just 33% of the white vote.
Mark Warner 37% of the white vote.
Mary Landrieu 18% of the white vote.

Even in blue Illinois: "Democratic Senator Dick Durbin captured 43 percent of the white vote in his successful bid for re-election, that's down 18 points from his support among whites in 2008."

That is a single snapshot for an off year election with a low voter turnout.

Here is what is happening long term demographically;

How bad is the Republicans demographic problem See for yourself Interactive - Yahoo News

View attachment 35076

Those settings are based on the Census Bureau population estimates.

Even though whites might be moving towards the GOP that only applies to the seniors. The Millennial generation isn't following them, rather it is headed towards the Dems since that is a better reflection of themselves.

So you can clearly see that 2016 is going to be a rough year for the GOP which is why they have drafted in Jeb Bush. He is an establishment candidate with strong Hispanic ties and moderate views. If he can avoid having to take an extremist rightwing running mate he might just make it but he will be the underdog in the race.

Furthermore look at what is about to happen in 2015. The Republicans have no choice but to come up with an Immigration bill. Failure to do so will mean that Obama's EO will be in effect. The TP'ers won't vote for a moderate rational bill which means they will be a major PR problem when it comes to passing Immigration Reform. If the GOP does pass a bill that harms Hispanics then Obama can veto it and look like a hero.

In essence it doesn't matter how many AWG's you have on your side they are not enough to beat the Dems. Republicans have to slap the TP'ers down and move to the center if they want to stand a chance in 2016 and beyond.

No.....the demographic trend is definitely against the Dems. The facts are not on your side. To dismiss the severe beating the Dems just took as the result of an off year election does not conform to the facts.

1. Per the AP....The Democrat Party has lost 10% of the white vote since 2008. That is a massive loss that cannot be easily replaced.

2. Less than 1 in 3 white men now vote Democrat.

3. The Millennial support for the Democrat Party dropped 9% from the 2012 election. Young people are starting to move away from the Democrat Party. Their support dropped 4% from the last off year election in 2010.

4. The black vote is also beginning to erode for the Democrat Party per the Washington Post and other sources. Democrats lost 4% of the black vote from 2012 and 2% from the last off year election.

Republicans won 10 percent of the black vote on Tuesday. That 8217 s actually a step in the right direction. - The Washington Post

Key quote:

"In North Carolina, 54 percent of millennials chose Democratic nominee Sen. Kay Hagan -- who won 71 percent of the youth vote in 2008 -- but she lost to Republican state House Speaker Thom Tillis. In Georgia, 59 percent of the youth voted for Democratic candidate Michelle Nunn. But she ultimately lost to Republican candidate David Perdue, who received 39 percent of the youth vote.

In Iowa, Democrat Rep. Bruce Braley received 54 percent of millennials' votes, but lost overall to Republican Sen. Joni Ernst."

Election Results 2014 Most Millennials Voted Democrat But It Didn t Make A Difference In Some Senate Races

The Dems are rapidly losing white voters. They have lost white men....maybe forever. The erosion of support among black voters and the young would have to be very concerning.
Jeb is not a socialist, and you are not a patriot.
Florida's government budget grew by 27% during Bush's terms in office.
Jeb said "Bank bailouts were needed to avoid financial unraveling."
Jeb received $4m in the 1990 S&L bailout."
Jeb forced AA for trial judges.
Jeb forced AA for minority contracts and college admissions.
Jeb removed the Confederate battle flag from the Florida Capitol.
Jeb used $310M in stimulus money to start the Scripps biotech facility.
Jeb is pro Common Core in education (aka socialist education for our children).
Jeb is pro No Child Left Behind (socialism as the model for education of our children).
Jeb is pro economic cooperation between US and China (china yeah that communist country where we are off-shoring our jobs.)
Jeb is a christian war hawk.
Jeb is pro free trade with 3rd world countries.
See kidcare, and medikids programs for Examples of Jeb's socialist leanings.
ROFL Jeb calls illegal immigration an "act of love."
Jeb bush: "If you're born poor, the odds are stacked against you."
Let's have some balance and context here.

The demographic shift has been favoring the Dems: to say that it is not so is ignoring reality. But it is amenable to persuasion.

The GOP, this last election, recognized these facts, and reached out, just like I have been saying for years here that the party needed to do so, to women and minority at the expense of the Far Right.
Pro immigration is not socialist: only a dolt thinks so.

Common Core is state developed and not socialist: only a dolt would think so.

Expanding health care opportunities through the private health care system is not socialist: only a dolt would think so.

Libertarianism is unpatriotic and unAmerican: only a dolt would not know this.

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