Ted Cruz Unwittingly Helps Democrats

This is the GOP Presidential hopeful.....you can't get any dumber than this guy. I'm sure in his mind he thought he was doing something spectacular for the Republican Party and would be greatly rewarded.....instead he has angered a few of his peers. And for what?

Cruz attended high school at Faith West Academy in Katy, Texas,[32] and later graduated from Second Baptist High School in Houston as valedictorian in 1988.[17] During high school, Cruz participated in a Houston-based group called the Free Market Education Foundation where Cruz learned about free-market economic philosophers such as Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, Frédéric Bastiat and Ludwig von Mises.[26] The program was run by Rolland Storey and Cruz entered the program at the age of 13.[24]

Cruz graduated cum laude from Princeton University with a Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy[33] from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs in 1992.[6][5] While at Princeton, he competed for the American Whig-Cliosophic Society's Debate Panel and won the top speaker award at both the 1992 U.S. National Debating Championship and the 1992 North American Debating Championship.[34] In 1992, he was named U.S. National Speaker of the Year and Team of the Year (with his debate partner, David Panton).[34] Cruz was also a semi-finalist at the 1995 World Universities Debating Championship, making him Princeton’s highest-ranked debater at the championship.[35][36] Princeton's debate team later named their annual novice championship after Cruz.[35]

Cruz's senior thesis on the separation of powers, titled "Clipping the Wings of Angels," draws its inspiration from a passage attributed to President James Madison: "If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary." Cruz argued that the drafters of the Constitution intended to protect the rights of their constituents, and the last two items in the Bill of Rights offered an explicit stop against an all-powerful state. Cruz wrote: "They simply do so from different directions. The Tenth stops new powers, and the Ninth fortifies all other rights, or non-powers."[31][37]

After graduating from Princeton, Cruz attended Harvard Law School, graduating magna cum laude in 1995 with a Juris Doctor degree.[6][38] While at Harvard Law, Cruz was a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review, and executive editor of theHarvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, and a founding editor of the Harvard Latino Law Review.[5] Referring to Cruz's time as a student at Harvard Law, Professor Alan Dershowitz said, "Cruz was off-the-charts brillian
t." At Harvard Law, Cruz was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics.[44]

Ted Cruz s file PolitiFact Texas

66% of what Cruz says is false!
This is good, I don't like Cruz anyway. Rubio's the better Republican, by far.
You hear about Rubio's role in pushing through a bill to construct a palace for judges in Tallahassee that left the taxpayers on the hook? RKMBrown

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
Palace? huh? Link?
Just posted it. He's not the "outsider" that's he's been presented to you Righties to be. He's just another repub-insider, crony :thup:

E-mail names heroes who got legislative funding for Taj Mahal courthouse Tampa Bay Times

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
Ted Cruz s file PolitiFact Texas

66% of what Cruz says is false!
This is good, I don't like Cruz anyway. Rubio's the better Republican, by far.
Rubio is a panderer and a tool. Not very bright either.
Panderer my ass. Not bright.... ROFL BSPS from Florida, cum laude JD from Miami. I guess your definition of bright is based on whether the guy agrees with you on 100% of all topics or not.

Rubio has book smarts but isn't very bright politically. In that respect he is just like Cruz. They are both neophytes and making some really dumb rookie mistakes. Rubio might be capable of learning from his mistakes which puts him a notch above Cruz.

The biggest neophyte surprise is Rand Paul. He is a fast learner and has found a way to occupy the middle ground between the extreme right and the establishment right. In that respect he is actually a strong contender in the primaries in my opinion.
Bullshit. Cruz and Rubio disagree on a great many topics. Cruz is not Rubio.

Rubio is the real deal... a conservative that loves his country, thinks about what he's doing, what's best for the country then moves forward. No, he's not like Cruz at all. Cruz is a pure politician, does and says what he thinks will move him closer to power.

What "mistake" by Rubio? The one about him supporting the immigration reform bill that he crafted? The one where illegals get work visa's if they are working jobs american's supposedly won't take or booted if not? The one where they pay taxes but don't get in line for citizenship till after some ten years or so, then they have to get in line behind with everyone else? The only problem with the immigration reform bill he crafted was republicans like Cruz that decided to piss on it for political gain.

Rand's ok, but he's not Ron. Rubio's better for the country. Rand's not very charismatic, and appears to be more apt to accept compromise solutions that sink the ship if it gets him closer to the power. Sort of like Bush Jr. & Sr. They'll claim no more taxes read my lips, then start seeing points of light everywhere.
Bullshit.. Although i do like Rubio for the most part, he let himself get sucked into the immigration muck, and was used, and played by the dems. A rookie mistake by a rookie

Cruz attended high school at Faith West Academy in Katy, Texas,[32] and later graduated from Second Baptist High School in Houston as valedictorian in 1988.[17] During high school, Cruz participated in a Houston-based group called the Free Market Education Foundation where Cruz learned about free-market economic philosophers such as Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, Frédéric Bastiat and Ludwig von Mises.[26] The program was run by Rolland Storey and Cruz entered the program at the age of 13.[24]

Cruz graduated cum laude from Princeton University with a Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy[33] from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs in 1992.[6][5] While at Princeton, he competed for the American Whig-Cliosophic Society's Debate Panel and won the top speaker award at both the 1992 U.S. National Debating Championship and the 1992 North American Debating Championship.[34] In 1992, he was named U.S. National Speaker of the Year and Team of the Year (with his debate partner, David Panton).[34] Cruz was also a semi-finalist at the 1995 World Universities Debating Championship, making him Princeton’s highest-ranked debater at the championship.[35][36] Princeton's debate team later named their annual novice championship after Cruz.[35]

Cruz's senior thesis on the separation of powers, titled "Clipping the Wings of Angels," draws its inspiration from a passage attributed to President James Madison: "If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary." Cruz argued that the drafters of the Constitution intended to protect the rights of their constituents, and the last two items in the Bill of Rights offered an explicit stop against an all-powerful state. Cruz wrote: "They simply do so from different directions. The Tenth stops new powers, and the Ninth fortifies all other rights, or non-powers."[31][37]

After graduating from Princeton, Cruz attended Harvard Law School, graduating magna cum laude in 1995 with a Juris Doctor degree.[6][38] While at Harvard Law, Cruz was a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review, and executive editor of theHarvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, and a founding editor of the Harvard Latino Law Review.[5] Referring to Cruz's time as a student at Harvard Law, Professor Alan Dershowitz said, "Cruz was off-the-charts brillian
t." At Harvard Law, Cruz was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics.[44]

Ted Cruz s file PolitiFact Texas

66% of what Cruz says is false!
This is good, I don't like Cruz anyway. Rubio's the better Republican, by far.
You hear about Rubio's role in pushing through a bill to construct a palace for judges in Tallahassee that left the taxpayers on the hook? RKMBrown

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
Palace? huh? Link?
Just posted it. He's not the "outsider" that's he's been presented to you Righties to be. He's just another repub-insider, crony :thup:

E-mail names heroes who got legislative funding for Taj Mahal courthouse Tampa Bay Times

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
Total BULLSHIT. Rubio didn't design that courthouse you dumb ass. That article is a political hit piece written by democrats to try to blame Rubio for some dumb ass who decided to fit the courthouse with big screen tvs for judges, and shock, plant expensive trees in the courtyard. Rubio voted for a transportation bill Floridian's needed some politcal hacks/democrats hid this gem in the bill to have something to blame Rubio for.
This is good, I don't like Cruz anyway. Rubio's the better Republican, by far.
Rubio is a panderer and a tool. Not very bright either.
Panderer my ass. Not bright.... ROFL BSPS from Florida, cum laude JD from Miami. I guess your definition of bright is based on whether the guy agrees with you on 100% of all topics or not.

Rubio has book smarts but isn't very bright politically. In that respect he is just like Cruz. They are both neophytes and making some really dumb rookie mistakes. Rubio might be capable of learning from his mistakes which puts him a notch above Cruz.

The biggest neophyte surprise is Rand Paul. He is a fast learner and has found a way to occupy the middle ground between the extreme right and the establishment right. In that respect he is actually a strong contender in the primaries in my opinion.
Bullshit. Cruz and Rubio disagree on a great many topics. Cruz is not Rubio.

Rubio is the real deal... a conservative that loves his country, thinks about what he's doing, what's best for the country then moves forward. No, he's not like Cruz at all. Cruz is a pure politician, does and says what he thinks will move him closer to power.

What "mistake" by Rubio? The one about him supporting the immigration reform bill that he crafted? The one where illegals get work visa's if they are working jobs american's supposedly won't take or booted if not? The one where they pay taxes but don't get in line for citizenship till after some ten years or so, then they have to get in line behind with everyone else? The only problem with the immigration reform bill he crafted was republicans like Cruz that decided to piss on it for political gain.

Rand's ok, but he's not Ron. Rubio's better for the country. Rand's not very charismatic, and appears to be more apt to accept compromise solutions that sink the ship if it gets him closer to the power. Sort of like Bush Jr. & Sr. They'll claim no more taxes read my lips, then start seeing points of light everywhere.
Bullshit.. Although i do like Rubio for the most part he let himself get sucked into the immigration muck and was used and played by the dems a rookie mistake by a rookie
Or a dumb mistake by a dummy. He's supposed to be a senator by now, not a rookie.
This is good, I don't like Cruz anyway. Rubio's the better Republican, by far.
Rubio is a panderer and a tool. Not very bright either.
Panderer my ass. Not bright.... ROFL BSPS from Florida, cum laude JD from Miami. I guess your definition of bright is based on whether the guy agrees with you on 100% of all topics or not.

Rubio has book smarts but isn't very bright politically. In that respect he is just like Cruz. They are both neophytes and making some really dumb rookie mistakes. Rubio might be capable of learning from his mistakes which puts him a notch above Cruz.

The biggest neophyte surprise is Rand Paul. He is a fast learner and has found a way to occupy the middle ground between the extreme right and the establishment right. In that respect he is actually a strong contender in the primaries in my opinion.
Bullshit. Cruz and Rubio disagree on a great many topics. Cruz is not Rubio.

Rubio is the real deal... a conservative that loves his country, thinks about what he's doing, what's best for the country then moves forward. No, he's not like Cruz at all. Cruz is a pure politician, does and says what he thinks will move him closer to power.

What "mistake" by Rubio? The one about him supporting the immigration reform bill that he crafted? The one where illegals get work visa's if they are working jobs american's supposedly won't take or booted if not? The one where they pay taxes but don't get in line for citizenship till after some ten years or so, then they have to get in line behind with everyone else? The only problem with the immigration reform bill he crafted was republicans like Cruz that decided to piss on it for political gain.

Rand's ok, but he's not Ron. Rubio's better for the country. Rand's not very charismatic, and appears to be more apt to accept compromise solutions that sink the ship if it gets him closer to the power. Sort of like Bush Jr. & Sr. They'll claim no more taxes read my lips, then start seeing points of light everywhere.
Bullshit.. Although i do like Rubio for the most part, he let himself get sucked into the immigration muck, and was used, and played by the dems. A rookie mistake by a rookie

If by rookie mistake you mean doing the right thing for an important topic... well yeah many republicans don't want to do the right thing on any topic, they just want to bitch and moan.
Rubio is a panderer and a tool. Not very bright either.
Panderer my ass. Not bright.... ROFL BSPS from Florida, cum laude JD from Miami. I guess your definition of bright is based on whether the guy agrees with you on 100% of all topics or not.

Rubio has book smarts but isn't very bright politically. In that respect he is just like Cruz. They are both neophytes and making some really dumb rookie mistakes. Rubio might be capable of learning from his mistakes which puts him a notch above Cruz.

The biggest neophyte surprise is Rand Paul. He is a fast learner and has found a way to occupy the middle ground between the extreme right and the establishment right. In that respect he is actually a strong contender in the primaries in my opinion.
Bullshit. Cruz and Rubio disagree on a great many topics. Cruz is not Rubio.

Rubio is the real deal... a conservative that loves his country, thinks about what he's doing, what's best for the country then moves forward. No, he's not like Cruz at all. Cruz is a pure politician, does and says what he thinks will move him closer to power.

What "mistake" by Rubio? The one about him supporting the immigration reform bill that he crafted? The one where illegals get work visa's if they are working jobs american's supposedly won't take or booted if not? The one where they pay taxes but don't get in line for citizenship till after some ten years or so, then they have to get in line behind with everyone else? The only problem with the immigration reform bill he crafted was republicans like Cruz that decided to piss on it for political gain.

Rand's ok, but he's not Ron. Rubio's better for the country. Rand's not very charismatic, and appears to be more apt to accept compromise solutions that sink the ship if it gets him closer to the power. Sort of like Bush Jr. & Sr. They'll claim no more taxes read my lips, then start seeing points of light everywhere.
Bullshit.. Although i do like Rubio for the most part he let himself get sucked into the immigration muck and was used and played by the dems a rookie mistake by a rookie
Or a dumb mistake by a dummy. He's supposed to be a senator by now, not a rookie.
Yeah cause to you senator means do nothing and piss no one off and constantly run for office by spouting bull shit campaign slogans.
And one again, Calgary Cruz proves that even an idiot is good for something now and again.


Actually, it goes a little deeper than this.

2 years ago, in the transition period between Pres. Obama's sucessful re-election and the inauguration, before congress went out of session, Harry Reid also had the floor alone for a number of hours and got through a number of nominations. In some ways, this tradition of "Kulanz" has been going on for a long time, so I find it good to see that the GOP has at least not sunk any farther into the muck and mire of gridlock. Rachel Maddow did a good segment showing Harry Reid standing alone and the well of the Senate, putting through one nomination after another. Experienced parliamentarians like Reid and Mitch McConnell know how this works.

Those nominations were going through anyway. Just a stupid talking point for the haters to soak up and spew out. Ted Cruz has ten times the intellect of any of you morons, who marvel at the cronyism and these politicians who play the system and hand out their special deals. Quite pathetic actually.

Oh, so you agree that all the grandstanding of "no" voting from the Republicans is just a charade? They are just wasting tax payer's money? It's good to know the magnitude of ignorance that supports them.

Some people do have principles and stand for them other people pander. It's better to stand up for the Constitution. At least the leftist do stand up for their big tyrannical government they so admire. Most Republicans these days don't stand for shit, but their own, personal, power
Ted Cruz s file PolitiFact Texas

66% of what Cruz says is false!
This is good, I don't like Cruz anyway. Rubio's the better Republican, by far.
You hear about Rubio's role in pushing through a bill to construct a palace for judges in Tallahassee that left the taxpayers on the hook? RKMBrown

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
Palace? huh? Link?
Just posted it. He's not the "outsider" that's he's been presented to you Righties to be. He's just another repub-insider, crony :thup:

E-mail names heroes who got legislative funding for Taj Mahal courthouse Tampa Bay Times

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
Total BULLSHIT. Rubio didn't design that courthouse you dumb ass. That article is a political hit piece written by democrats to try to blame Rubio for some dumb ass who decided to fit the courthouse with big screen tvs for judges, and shock, plant expensive trees in the courtyard. Rubio voted for a transportation bill Floridian's needed some politcal hacks/democrats hid this gem in the bill to have something to blame Rubio for.
You are an idiot. He pushed that monstrosity through & now feigns ignorance. Stop being a hack IF you are able.

Feel free to dispute the press release contained on this page. I'll wait

Marco Rubio lord of the Taj Mahal The Reid Report Blog

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
Rubio is a panderer and a tool. Not very bright either.
Panderer my ass. Not bright.... ROFL BSPS from Florida, cum laude JD from Miami. I guess your definition of bright is based on whether the guy agrees with you on 100% of all topics or not.

Rubio has book smarts but isn't very bright politically. In that respect he is just like Cruz. They are both neophytes and making some really dumb rookie mistakes. Rubio might be capable of learning from his mistakes which puts him a notch above Cruz.

The biggest neophyte surprise is Rand Paul. He is a fast learner and has found a way to occupy the middle ground between the extreme right and the establishment right. In that respect he is actually a strong contender in the primaries in my opinion.
Bullshit. Cruz and Rubio disagree on a great many topics. Cruz is not Rubio.

Rubio is the real deal... a conservative that loves his country, thinks about what he's doing, what's best for the country then moves forward. No, he's not like Cruz at all. Cruz is a pure politician, does and says what he thinks will move him closer to power.

What "mistake" by Rubio? The one about him supporting the immigration reform bill that he crafted? The one where illegals get work visa's if they are working jobs american's supposedly won't take or booted if not? The one where they pay taxes but don't get in line for citizenship till after some ten years or so, then they have to get in line behind with everyone else? The only problem with the immigration reform bill he crafted was republicans like Cruz that decided to piss on it for political gain.

Rand's ok, but he's not Ron. Rubio's better for the country. Rand's not very charismatic, and appears to be more apt to accept compromise solutions that sink the ship if it gets him closer to the power. Sort of like Bush Jr. & Sr. They'll claim no more taxes read my lips, then start seeing points of light everywhere.
Bullshit.. Although i do like Rubio for the most part, he let himself get sucked into the immigration muck, and was used, and played by the dems. A rookie mistake by a rookie

If by rookie mistake you mean doing the right thing for an important topic... well yeah many republicans don't want to do the right thing on any topic, they just want to bitch and moan.
Nothing? Secure the border first is nothing to people like you. :cuckoo:
Last edited:
Panderer my ass. Not bright.... ROFL BSPS from Florida, cum laude JD from Miami. I guess your definition of bright is based on whether the guy agrees with you on 100% of all topics or not.

Rubio has book smarts but isn't very bright politically. In that respect he is just like Cruz. They are both neophytes and making some really dumb rookie mistakes. Rubio might be capable of learning from his mistakes which puts him a notch above Cruz.

The biggest neophyte surprise is Rand Paul. He is a fast learner and has found a way to occupy the middle ground between the extreme right and the establishment right. In that respect he is actually a strong contender in the primaries in my opinion.
Bullshit. Cruz and Rubio disagree on a great many topics. Cruz is not Rubio.

Rubio is the real deal... a conservative that loves his country, thinks about what he's doing, what's best for the country then moves forward. No, he's not like Cruz at all. Cruz is a pure politician, does and says what he thinks will move him closer to power.

What "mistake" by Rubio? The one about him supporting the immigration reform bill that he crafted? The one where illegals get work visa's if they are working jobs american's supposedly won't take or booted if not? The one where they pay taxes but don't get in line for citizenship till after some ten years or so, then they have to get in line behind with everyone else? The only problem with the immigration reform bill he crafted was republicans like Cruz that decided to piss on it for political gain.

Rand's ok, but he's not Ron. Rubio's better for the country. Rand's not very charismatic, and appears to be more apt to accept compromise solutions that sink the ship if it gets him closer to the power. Sort of like Bush Jr. & Sr. They'll claim no more taxes read my lips, then start seeing points of light everywhere.
Bullshit.. Although i do like Rubio for the most part he let himself get sucked into the immigration muck and was used and played by the dems a rookie mistake by a rookie
Or a dumb mistake by a dummy. He's supposed to be a senator by now, not a rookie.
Yeah cause to you senator means do nothing and piss no one off and constantly run for office by spouting bull shit campaign slogans.
Not sure how you're coming up with that nonsense but no, that is not what I think.
Some people do have principles and stand for them. Other people pander. It's better to stand up for the Constitution. At least the leftist do stand up for their big, tyrannical, government, they so admire. Most Republicans these days don't stand for shit, but their own, personal, power
Ted sides with liberty sometimes... and when he does I'll give him credit for it.

Don't you mean....

Ted sides with Libertarians sometimes...
What's the difference?

Liberty is realistic practical achievable concept.

Libertarians believe in an impractical unrealistic utopia.
Just like democrats and republican, there are many "factions" within libterarians. While some libertarians may be for routing for some impractical unrealistic utopia, others are not. I find more often than not that people pissing on liberty, are authoritarian. That would be you, correct?

Thank you for disqualifying yourself from any further meaningful participation in this topic. Have a nice day.
It got the far left ideologies nominated.
Lets see how well the people like the new Surgeon General with the radical idea that guns are a public health issue on par with heart disease.

Do you mean "ideologues" instead of "ideologies"?

Actually, most of the nominees who got through are pretty middle of the road. You do realize this, right?

Any middle of the road nominee is considered a "flaming liberal" by those of the extreme right.

Yes, this is how bad it has gotten within the GOP. Poor sops.
This is good, I don't like Cruz anyway. Rubio's the better Republican, by far.
Rubio is a panderer and a tool. Not very bright either.
Panderer my ass. Not bright.... ROFL BSPS from Florida, cum laude JD from Miami. I guess your definition of bright is based on whether the guy agrees with you on 100% of all topics or not.

Rubio has book smarts but isn't very bright politically. In that respect he is just like Cruz. They are both neophytes and making some really dumb rookie mistakes. Rubio might be capable of learning from his mistakes which puts him a notch above Cruz.

The biggest neophyte surprise is Rand Paul. He is a fast learner and has found a way to occupy the middle ground between the extreme right and the establishment right. In that respect he is actually a strong contender in the primaries in my opinion.
Bullshit. Cruz and Rubio disagree on a great many topics. Cruz is not Rubio.

Rubio is the real deal... a conservative that loves his country, thinks about what he's doing, what's best for the country then moves forward. No, he's not like Cruz at all. Cruz is a pure politician, does and says what he thinks will move him closer to power.

What "mistake" by Rubio? The one about him supporting the immigration reform bill that he crafted? The one where illegals get work visa's if they are working jobs american's supposedly won't take or booted if not? The one where they pay taxes but don't get in line for citizenship till after some ten years or so, then they have to get in line behind with everyone else? The only problem with the immigration reform bill he crafted was republicans like Cruz that decided to piss on it for political gain.

Rand's ok, but he's not Ron. Rubio's better for the country. Rand's not very charismatic, and appears to be more apt to accept compromise solutions that sink the ship if it gets him closer to the power. Sort of like Bush Jr. & Sr. They'll claim no more taxes read my lips, then start seeing points of light everywhere.
Bullshit.. Although i do like Rubio for the most part, he let himself get sucked into the immigration muck, and was used, and played by the dems. A rookie mistake by a rookie

Oh, so you are saying that Rubio's immigration plan was a ruse, eh? That is wasn't genuine, eh?

Rubio is a panderer and a tool. Not very bright either.
Panderer my ass. Not bright.... ROFL BSPS from Florida, cum laude JD from Miami. I guess your definition of bright is based on whether the guy agrees with you on 100% of all topics or not.

Rubio has book smarts but isn't very bright politically. In that respect he is just like Cruz. They are both neophytes and making some really dumb rookie mistakes. Rubio might be capable of learning from his mistakes which puts him a notch above Cruz.

The biggest neophyte surprise is Rand Paul. He is a fast learner and has found a way to occupy the middle ground between the extreme right and the establishment right. In that respect he is actually a strong contender in the primaries in my opinion.
Bullshit. Cruz and Rubio disagree on a great many topics. Cruz is not Rubio.

Rubio is the real deal... a conservative that loves his country, thinks about what he's doing, what's best for the country then moves forward. No, he's not like Cruz at all. Cruz is a pure politician, does and says what he thinks will move him closer to power.

What "mistake" by Rubio? The one about him supporting the immigration reform bill that he crafted? The one where illegals get work visa's if they are working jobs american's supposedly won't take or booted if not? The one where they pay taxes but don't get in line for citizenship till after some ten years or so, then they have to get in line behind with everyone else? The only problem with the immigration reform bill he crafted was republicans like Cruz that decided to piss on it for political gain.

Rand's ok, but he's not Ron. Rubio's better for the country. Rand's not very charismatic, and appears to be more apt to accept compromise solutions that sink the ship if it gets him closer to the power. Sort of like Bush Jr. & Sr. They'll claim no more taxes read my lips, then start seeing points of light everywhere.
Bullshit.. Although i do like Rubio for the most part, he let himself get sucked into the immigration muck, and was used, and played by the dems. A rookie mistake by a rookie

Oh, so you are saying that Rubio's immigration plan was a ruse, eh? That is wasn't genuine, eh?


Close the friken borders. Sure he was genuine, but he got sucked into the liberal political games and used
This is good, I don't like Cruz anyway. Rubio's the better Republican, by far.
You hear about Rubio's role in pushing through a bill to construct a palace for judges in Tallahassee that left the taxpayers on the hook? RKMBrown

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
Palace? huh? Link?
Just posted it. He's not the "outsider" that's he's been presented to you Righties to be. He's just another repub-insider, crony :thup:

E-mail names heroes who got legislative funding for Taj Mahal courthouse Tampa Bay Times

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
Total BULLSHIT. Rubio didn't design that courthouse you dumb ass. That article is a political hit piece written by democrats to try to blame Rubio for some dumb ass who decided to fit the courthouse with big screen tvs for judges, and shock, plant expensive trees in the courtyard. Rubio voted for a transportation bill Floridian's needed some politcal hacks/democrats hid this gem in the bill to have something to blame Rubio for.
You are an idiot. He pushed that monstrosity through & now feigns ignorance. Stop being a hack IF you are able.

Feel free to dispute the press release contained on this page. I'll wait

Marco Rubio lord of the Taj Mahal The Reid Report Blog

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
You're a LYING POS retard.
Panderer my ass. Not bright.... ROFL BSPS from Florida, cum laude JD from Miami. I guess your definition of bright is based on whether the guy agrees with you on 100% of all topics or not.

Rubio has book smarts but isn't very bright politically. In that respect he is just like Cruz. They are both neophytes and making some really dumb rookie mistakes. Rubio might be capable of learning from his mistakes which puts him a notch above Cruz.

The biggest neophyte surprise is Rand Paul. He is a fast learner and has found a way to occupy the middle ground between the extreme right and the establishment right. In that respect he is actually a strong contender in the primaries in my opinion.
Bullshit. Cruz and Rubio disagree on a great many topics. Cruz is not Rubio.

Rubio is the real deal... a conservative that loves his country, thinks about what he's doing, what's best for the country then moves forward. No, he's not like Cruz at all. Cruz is a pure politician, does and says what he thinks will move him closer to power.

What "mistake" by Rubio? The one about him supporting the immigration reform bill that he crafted? The one where illegals get work visa's if they are working jobs american's supposedly won't take or booted if not? The one where they pay taxes but don't get in line for citizenship till after some ten years or so, then they have to get in line behind with everyone else? The only problem with the immigration reform bill he crafted was republicans like Cruz that decided to piss on it for political gain.

Rand's ok, but he's not Ron. Rubio's better for the country. Rand's not very charismatic, and appears to be more apt to accept compromise solutions that sink the ship if it gets him closer to the power. Sort of like Bush Jr. & Sr. They'll claim no more taxes read my lips, then start seeing points of light everywhere.
Bullshit.. Although i do like Rubio for the most part, he let himself get sucked into the immigration muck, and was used, and played by the dems. A rookie mistake by a rookie

Oh, so you are saying that Rubio's immigration plan was a ruse, eh? That is wasn't genuine, eh?


Close the friken borders. Sure he was genuine, but he got sucked into the liberal political games and used
Rubio was assigned to the committee. Certainly republicans wanted Rubio to be assigned to the committee. Why? Because they wanted to burn Rubio for simply proposing anything of reason to do with immigration reform. The republican retard stance on immigration reform is no change, just keep doing what we are doing, cause that's been working so well. They don't want to kick the illegals out, they don't want to protect the border... they just want to bitch and moan.
It got the far left ideologies nominated.
Lets see how well the people like the new Surgeon General with the radical idea that guns are a public health issue on par with heart disease.
Doctors have to deal with patching-up those riddled w/bullet holes shit stain. How many times a day do you have to deal w/death/wounds by firesticks?

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

Well that went over your head.
He is a gun control advocate.
It has nothing to do with gun shot wounds.
Even some Dem's are against him on his gun control stance,
Panderer my ass. Not bright.... ROFL BSPS from Florida, cum laude JD from Miami. I guess your definition of bright is based on whether the guy agrees with you on 100% of all topics or not.

Rubio has book smarts but isn't very bright politically. In that respect he is just like Cruz. They are both neophytes and making some really dumb rookie mistakes. Rubio might be capable of learning from his mistakes which puts him a notch above Cruz.

The biggest neophyte surprise is Rand Paul. He is a fast learner and has found a way to occupy the middle ground between the extreme right and the establishment right. In that respect he is actually a strong contender in the primaries in my opinion.
Bullshit. Cruz and Rubio disagree on a great many topics. Cruz is not Rubio.

Rubio is the real deal... a conservative that loves his country, thinks about what he's doing, what's best for the country then moves forward. No, he's not like Cruz at all. Cruz is a pure politician, does and says what he thinks will move him closer to power.

What "mistake" by Rubio? The one about him supporting the immigration reform bill that he crafted? The one where illegals get work visa's if they are working jobs american's supposedly won't take or booted if not? The one where they pay taxes but don't get in line for citizenship till after some ten years or so, then they have to get in line behind with everyone else? The only problem with the immigration reform bill he crafted was republicans like Cruz that decided to piss on it for political gain.

Rand's ok, but he's not Ron. Rubio's better for the country. Rand's not very charismatic, and appears to be more apt to accept compromise solutions that sink the ship if it gets him closer to the power. Sort of like Bush Jr. & Sr. They'll claim no more taxes read my lips, then start seeing points of light everywhere.
Bullshit.. Although i do like Rubio for the most part, he let himself get sucked into the immigration muck, and was used, and played by the dems. A rookie mistake by a rookie

If by rookie mistake you mean doing the right thing for an important topic... well yeah many republicans don't want to do the right thing on any topic, they just want to bitch and moan.
Nothing? Secure the border first is nothing to people like you. :cuckoo:
Secure the border first is an empty campaign slogan.

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