Ted Nugent's Ridiculous Comments About Military Suicides


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
Ted Nugent is at it again.

Appearing on conservative pundit Alex Jones' radio program on Tuesday, the controversial rocker suggested that American soldiers who commit suicide are driven to the act by "heartbreak" that President Barack Obama is violating the constitution.

The comment came as Jones and Nugent discussed what they identified as a mainstream media conspiracy against the Tea Party -- conducted because, as Nugent said, Tea Partiers represent "an intelligence to the scam… led by the groomed America-hater commander in chief."

Nugent continued:

I'm gonna hit you with something even more ugly, and just heartbreaking, and anti-American than anything else. I bet you've covered this Alex. We have an epidemic, an unprecedented increase, in the heroes of the U.S. military committing suicides, and I'm gonna tell you why. I’m sure the leftist blogs are gonna attack me, misquote me.
But I’ll tell you why more and more warrior heroes of the military are killing themselves: because they are in absolute frustration and heartbreak that their boss, their commander in chief violates the Constitution that he has made an oath to, while their hero warrior blood brothers are being blown to smithereens and blown up while executing their oath to the same Constitution that the president, the vice president and the attorney general violate.

Ted Nugent: Military Suicides Are At Record Levels Because Obama 'Violates The Constitution'

This "Champion" Draft Dodger should shut his damn trap off once and for all. His hate for this President denies all logical thinking on his part it's disgusting.
holy shit.....you beat the resident Nugent freak Lakota with this.....good going....
Veterans group does it's own survey...
Veterans group survey shows alarming suicide numbers
July 30, 2013 WASHINGTON — Almost one-third of young veterans have thought about suicide and nearly half know a fellow veteran who has tried to kill themselves, according to a new survey of one veterans group.
The figures, from the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America annual membership report, underscore the breadth of the mental health problems facing a generation of returning combat troops, and the continued challenge for military and veterans leaders in the fight against suicide. The 4,000-plus member survey is not statistically representative of the entire post-9/11 veterans population, but does show that suicide continues to be a point of concern within the community.

Almost two-thirds of the IAVA members surveyed said they had a veteran friend who should seek mental health care. Half said their friends and family have encouraged them to seek similar treatment themselves. According to Department of Veteran Affairs statistics, 22 veterans take their own lives each day. Those numbers reflect veterans from all generations, but raise concerns about the success of recent efforts by VA and Defense Department leaders on suicide prevention.


Suicide prevention and intervention are everyone's responsibility.

Tom Tarantino, IAVA’s chief policy officer, said the survey numbers show “we’re not going to see any real movement on this issue overnight.” He noted that most of the military’s serious focus on suicide has emerged in the last few years, and that changing the stigma of seeking help will likely take years of emphasis from top department officials.

Of the 50 percent of members who said they were encouraged to seek treatment, about four in five did, according to the survey. The remaining veterans were too concerned that mental health treatment would hurt their careers or others’ opinion of them. On a positive note, 93 percent of IAVA members surveyed were aware of the VA’s Veterans Crisis Line — veteranscrisisline.net, 800-273-8255. VA officials have boosted the number of counselors and resources there in recent years to provide more support.

The full survey is online at 2013survey | Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America.


See also:

VA building up its telehealth capabilities
July 30, 2013 WASHINGTON — Today, a veteran can see a specialist for post-traumatic stress disorder treatment without leaving the comfort of his home. Veterans Affairs officials wish more would.
VA health leaders showed off a wide range of remote medical offerings Tuesday at their first Connected Health Showcase, an event designed to highlight telehealth advances but also tout the department’s place as a leader in cutting-edge health care delivery. Dr. Robert Petzel, VA undersecretary for health, said the goal is to increase both outreach for veterans not in the system and access for patients already receiving care. Programs launched in recent months include sharing electronic medical record access for veterans’ home caregivers, prosthetic check-ups via online conferencing, and a host of counseling appointments available to veterans through their personal computers.

Petzel said one veteran currently receiving PTSD counseling now managed to significantly drop his stress level and improve his progress just by skipping the 45-minute drive to his therapist’s office, thanks to recently available online sessions. “This is going to be the way we do business,” Petzel said. “This is the way medicine is going to be delivered.” About 1 million veterans already use some type of VA telehealth offering. Petzel said he hopes to boost that number to more than 4 million — about two-thirds of veterans receiving some VA health care — in years to come. It’s both a financial and practical move by the department. For veterans in rural areas, the online health offerings eliminate the need for some multi-hour drives to the nearest VA centers. For the VA, it’s a chance to reach those patients without building more facilities or relocating staff to those remote locations.


Dr. Robert A. Petzel, VA Undersecretary for Health (foreground), chats via video-conferencing technology during a telemedicine technology exhibit at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.

But Petzel said no veterans are being forced into the off-site options to cut down on in-person costs. Rather, its part of the VA’s larger mission to meet veterans “when and where we’re needed, not where it’s convenient for us.” Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, was on hand for the event and praised the VA as a model for health systems throughout the country. The moves come as VA and the Defense Department are under increasing fire for the lack of a seamless electronic health record for separating troops, despite years of promises on the issue. Officials from both agencies have promised dramatically improved records sharing by the end of this year, but lawmakers are skeptical that the long-term plans of separate but compatible health records systems will ultimately benefit troops and veterans.

But Sanders said the VA’s embrace of remote care options shows the department is on track to modernize and expand the way it cares for veterans. “The idea that you can be at home and have contact with a number of high-quality providers is revolutionary,” Sanders said. “Many Americans don’t know a whole lot about VA health care, but they should.” Contractors at Tuesday’s event said VA is ahead of much of private industry on remote care offerings, in part because of the size and scope of the population they face. Petzel said he expects those options to become even more numerous in coming years, as VA continues to try and reach even more veterans.

VA building up its telehealth capabilities - News - Stripes
the hufferpuffer post doesn't have anything of Importance to talk about?

dear gawd
Ted Nugent is at it again.

This "Champion" Draft Dodger should shut his damn trap off once and for all. His hate for this President denies all logical thinking on his part it's disgusting.

And here I thought leftists thought Vietnam draft-resisters were heroes to be emulated while us GIs were spit-worthy? I don't know your politics or if you served in the Armed Forces, but Nugent has as much right as you do to say what he thinks while we still have a First Amendment.....something Hussein is doing his best to go after when he gets the Second Amendment rendered meaningless.

I'm not getting into GI suicides other than to say the only thing a guy who's come home after combat needs is some normality and to be left the hell alone. But with little chance of getting a job, and fewer Americans than ever knowing what he's been through, chances are he's alone a lot with his thoughts.
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holy shit.....you beat the resident Nugent freak Lakota with this.....good going....
the hufferpuffer post doesn't have anything of Importance to talk about?
WTF is wrong with you people?

Our military is willing to give their own lives so you can sit here talking about unimportant they are.

Think about that.
Ted Nugent is at it again.

This "Champion" Draft Dodger should shut his damn trap off once and for all. His hate for this President denies all logical thinking on his part it's disgusting.

And here I thought leftists thought Vietnam draft-resisters were heroes to be emulated while us GIs were spit-worthy? I don't know your politics or if you served in the Armed Forces, but Nugent has as much right as you do to say what he thinks while we still have a First Amendment.....something Hussein is doing his best to go after when he gets the Second Amendment rendered meaningless.

I'm not getting into GI suicides other than to say the only thing a guy who's come home after combat needs is some normality and to be left the hell alone. But with little chance of getting a job, and fewer Americans than ever knowing what he's been through, chances are he's alone a lot with his thoughts.

Just as chicken hawk Nugent had the "right" to sit in his own sheet for a week to get out of serving himself as well as the right to be a pedophile who lies every time he opens his filthy trap.

President Obama actually loosened gun control and has done nothing to render the second amendment "meaningless".

Thank you for your service to our country.
holy shit.....you beat the resident Nugent freak Lakota with this.....good going....
the hufferpuffer post doesn't have anything of Importance to talk about?
WTF is wrong with you people?

Our military is willing to give their own lives so you can sit here talking about unimportant they are.

Think about that.

get a damn grip. who the hell cares what Nugent say's about anything but you raving leftwing dingbats hung up on his every word and so you can go off on some dumb rant like this one
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You think serving 5,6,7 or 8 tours would have anything to do with it? You think being put on powerful anti-depressants would have anything to do with it?

Naw! Just keep chanting;

Refresh my memory...

I care about what Ted Nugent says or thinks, because 'why' again?
There's two things at work in this scenario.....first, there's nowhere near the number of GI suicides being claimed....they tried the same shit with our generation of Viet Vets, claiming we were drug addicts, homeless, and suicidal....the MSM lies about everything to promote the leftist agenda and they despise the US Military.

Secondly, the type of warfare being waged is hard on the trigger-puller, given the cowardly ROEs he must abide by (don't fire unless they fire first....WTF OVER?), and the IEDs usually triggered by some coward hiding behind a wall or inside a house full of children. How is the war-fighter supposed to exact his revenge when the major fear of his CIC is offending the enemy? Once again we find ourselves in wars of asymetrical attrition with our own media condeming the slightest mistake in judgement from the safety of their keyboards far from the fog of war.

What's the answer? Don't start a war you ain't ready to end in a hurry and with the least amount of exposure necessary for ground troops. We should have left Afghanistan when al-Qaida and the Taliban did, and we should never have gone into Iraq after Turkey reneged on their promise to allow 4th ID to sweep down through the sunni-triangle. That could have been negotiated but Rumsfeld wouldn't wait.
Ted Nugent is at it again.

This "Champion" Draft Dodger should shut his damn trap off once and for all. His hate for this President denies all logical thinking on his part it's disgusting.

And here I thought leftists thought Vietnam draft-resisters were heroes to be emulated while us GIs were spit-worthy? I don't know your politics or if you served in the Armed Forces, but Nugent has as much right as you do to say what he thinks while we still have a First Amendment.....something Hussein is doing his best to go after when he gets the Second Amendment rendered meaningless.

I'm not getting into GI suicides other than to say the only thing a guy who's come home after combat needs is some normality and to be left the hell alone. But with little chance of getting a job, and fewer Americans than ever knowing what he's been through, chances are he's alone a lot with his thoughts.

Just as chicken hawk Nugent had the "right" to sit in his own sheet for a week to get out of serving himself
Bullshit. Even if true (which it wasn't), in wartime you go for weeks without taking baths and taking care of hygiene. Recently male service men mentioned that fact that women would face after it was announced they could become part of combat unit front line soldiers. So with that said, these Military officers knew these new guys coming in would try everyway in the world to weasel out of going to war. They didn't take their excuses. They would have taken Ted outside and put the water hose to him to clean him up and made him fall in line. But Nugent's Selective Service Classifications tell the truth that he had a medical condition at the time. If he truly dodged the draft he would have never got on the bus ( like many did) and went to take his physical in the first place. Ted later admitted the story about him shitting in his pants was pure bullshit given to a gullible reporter for 'High Times' magazine back in the 70's. Ted knew the anti-war hippies would eat his sensational story up back then and buy his records.
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And here I thought leftists thought Vietnam draft-resisters were heroes to be emulated while us GIs were spit-worthy? I don't know your politics or if you served in the Armed Forces, but Nugent has as much right as you do to say what he thinks while we still have a First Amendment.....something Hussein is doing his best to go after when he gets the Second Amendment rendered meaningless.

I'm not getting into GI suicides other than to say the only thing a guy who's come home after combat needs is some normality and to be left the hell alone. But with little chance of getting a job, and fewer Americans than ever knowing what he's been through, chances are he's alone a lot with his thoughts.

Just as chicken hawk Nugent had the "right" to sit in his own sheet for a week to get out of serving himself
Bullshit. In wartime you go for weeks without taking baths and taking care of hygiene. Recently male service men mentioned that fact that women would face after it was announced they could become part of combat unit front line soldiers. So with that said, these Military officers knew these new guys coming in would try everyway in the world to weasel out of going to war. They didn't take their excuses. They would have taken Ted outside and put the water hose to him to clean him up and made him fall in line. But Nugent's Selective Service Classifications tell the truth that he had a medical condition at the time. If he truly dodged the draft he would have never got on the bus ( like many did) and went to take his physical in the first place.

Nugent, himself, told the story of how is crapped and pissed his pants to avoid the draft.
Ted Nugent is at it again.

This "Champion" Draft Dodger should shut his damn trap off once and for all. His hate for this President denies all logical thinking on his part it's disgusting.

And here I thought leftists thought Vietnam draft-resisters were heroes to be emulated while us GIs were spit-worthy? I don't know your politics or if you served in the Armed Forces, but Nugent has as much right as you do to say what he thinks while we still have a First Amendment.....something Hussein is doing his best to go after when he gets the Second Amendment rendered meaningless.

I'm not getting into GI suicides other than to say the only thing a guy who's come home after combat needs is some normality and to be left the hell alone. But with little chance of getting a job, and fewer Americans than ever knowing what he's been through, chances are he's alone a lot with his thoughts.
Well I Did serve. 20 years. Its not that he Is a draft dodger.....oh and ever read what he did to not serve.....damn. Its just now he is some ki.d of patriot telling us How to think about this country. Fuck that ass.You do not have the right to be a flag waver when you shit on it.
Troop suicide has been at an alarming state since fairly early on during the Iraq War.
PTSD is the big culprit. It seems to happen during "front less" wars when you don't know who the enemy is or isn't. Remember the troops coming back from Vietnam? No one understood the concept of PTSD back then so they blamed Agent Orange or whatever. Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, all wars with no fronts where everybody and anybody could be the enemy wanting to kill the troops. Now that certainly has caused unbelievable stress and fear.
And here I thought leftists thought Vietnam draft-resisters were heroes to be emulated while us GIs were spit-worthy? I don't know your politics or if you served in the Armed Forces, but Nugent has as much right as you do to say what he thinks while we still have a First Amendment.....something Hussein is doing his best to go after when he gets the Second Amendment rendered meaningless.

I'm not getting into GI suicides other than to say the only thing a guy who's come home after combat needs is some normality and to be left the hell alone. But with little chance of getting a job, and fewer Americans than ever knowing what he's been through, chances are he's alone a lot with his thoughts.

Just as chicken hawk Nugent had the "right" to sit in his own sheet for a week to get out of serving himself
Bullshit. Even if true (which it wasn't), in wartime you go for weeks without taking baths and taking care of hygiene. Recently male service men mentioned that fact that women would face after it was announced they could become part of combat unit front line soldiers. So with that said, these Military officers knew these new guys coming in would try everyway in the world to weasel out of going to war. They didn't take their excuses. They would have taken Ted outside and put the water hose to him to clean him up and made him fall in line. But Nugent's Selective Service Classifications tell the truth that he had a medical condition at the time. If he truly dodged the draft he would have never got on the bus ( like many did) and went to take his physical in the first place. Ted later admitted the story about him shitting in his pants was pure bullshit given to a gullible reporter for 'High Times' magazine back in the 70's. Ted knew the anti-war hippies would eat his sensational story up back then and buy his records.

God damn. You are wrong again. He bragged on how he dodged the draft dude. Do you even do ANY research before you spout this shit? For fucks sake . He shit on the flag now he is Waving it. Fuck him and his supporters. Uh...you. I know he is trying to say something crazy to keep his tired 15 minutes going, but here is the thi.g. no matter how crazy q thing he says, some idiot will back him
Troop suicide has been at an alarming state since fairly early on during the Iraq War.
PTSD is the big culprit. It seems to happen during "front less" wars when you don't know who the enemy is or isn't. Remember the troops coming back from Vietnam? No one understood the concept of PTSD back then so they blamed Agent Orange or whatever. Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, all wars with no fronts where everybody and anybody could be the enemy wanting to kill the troops. Now that certainly has caused unbelievable stress and fear.

LIFE=PTSD. I'm so tired of hearing these guys blame everything they fuck up after they come home on the war they were in. You're right, it started with Vietnam and should have ended there. Anybody who's ever been in a bad car wreck or almost drowned or been attacked by a dog has what you could call "PTSD".....What works is you put those thoughts in a room in your mind and lock the door....wall them off and let them die by being replaced with better memories.
Just as chicken hawk Nugent had the "right" to sit in his own sheet for a week to get out of serving himself
Bullshit. Even if true (which it wasn't), in wartime you go for weeks without taking baths and taking care of hygiene. Recently male service men mentioned that fact that women would face after it was announced they could become part of combat unit front line soldiers. So with that said, these Military officers knew these new guys coming in would try everyway in the world to weasel out of going to war. They didn't take their excuses. They would have taken Ted outside and put the water hose to him to clean him up and made him fall in line. But Nugent's Selective Service Classifications tell the truth that he had a medical condition at the time. If he truly dodged the draft he would have never got on the bus ( like many did) and went to take his physical in the first place. Ted later admitted the story about him shitting in his pants was pure bullshit given to a gullible reporter for 'High Times' magazine back in the 70's. Ted knew the anti-war hippies would eat his sensational story up back then and buy his records.

God damn. You are wrong again. He bragged on how he dodged the draft dude. Do you even do ANY research before you spout this shit?
Ted later admitted the story about him shitting in his pants was pure bullshit. The made up story he bragged about was to a gullible reporter for 'High Times' magazine back in the 70's. Ted knew the anti-war hippies would eat his sensational story up back then and buy his records. He got on the bus but was turned away for a medical condition after his physical was taken like many countless thousands of others were at the time.
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Ted Nugent is at it again.

Appearing on conservative pundit Alex Jones' radio program on Tuesday, the controversial rocker suggested that American soldiers who commit suicide are driven to the act by "heartbreak" that President Barack Obama is violating the constitution.

The comment came as Jones and Nugent discussed what they identified as a mainstream media conspiracy against the Tea Party -- conducted because, as Nugent said, Tea Partiers represent "an intelligence to the scam… led by the groomed America-hater commander in chief."

Nugent continued:

I'm gonna hit you with something even more ugly, and just heartbreaking, and anti-American than anything else. I bet you've covered this Alex. We have an epidemic, an unprecedented increase, in the heroes of the U.S. military committing suicides, and I'm gonna tell you why. I’m sure the leftist blogs are gonna attack me, misquote me.
But I’ll tell you why more and more warrior heroes of the military are killing themselves: because they are in absolute frustration and heartbreak that their boss, their commander in chief violates the Constitution that he has made an oath to, while their hero warrior blood brothers are being blown to smithereens and blown up while executing their oath to the same Constitution that the president, the vice president and the attorney general violate.

Ted Nugent: Military Suicides Are At Record Levels Because Obama 'Violates The Constitution'

This "Champion" Draft Dodger should shut his damn trap off once and for all. His hate for this President denies all logical thinking on his part it's disgusting.

Why are you lefty retards so obsessed with Uncle Ted? No one listens to him but you. Most of the time none of us would even hear about this stuff if you didn't obsessively post it here.

Grow up morons.
holy shit.....you beat the resident Nugent freak Lakota with this.....good going....
the hufferpuffer post doesn't have anything of Importance to talk about?
WTF is wrong with you people?

Our military is willing to give their own lives so you can sit here talking about unimportant they are.

Think about that.

They are talking about Ted Nugent, not the soldiers you idiot.
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