Teen arrested for defending him self against the mob!

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So Tamir Rice gets shot and killed over a toy gun even though he harmed no one but this guy gets to murder people, march down the road with his gun and gets to go home?

If people had rioted over Tamir Rice you'd probably see like 95% support

There were protests. No, there was not 95% support. There was even less of a reason for Elijah McClain to have been killed. Where is the support?

McClain resisted arrest

And wasn't in middle school

There was NO reason to arrest him. You don't arrest someone for walking home from the store..........unless you are black of course.

You arrest people for not following commands...?

Certainly don't struggle

Guy was either crazy or just so angry he was in that moment manic

Yes, he had social anxiety issues. But cops are going to learn that you don't assault someone while doing nothing illegal just because they do not jump when you say jump.

We will get there or the country will burn.

Again as soon as he failed to follow commands he was doing something illegal

It was his fault he has fucking anxiety not the worlds

Cops did the right thing. Even sent him off in an ambulance instead of beating teh shit out of him and putting him in a cell. Maybe the paramedics killed him or his anxiety. Wasn't the cops

It was no one
He's not dead
I watched a few of the videos. Here's my take:

1) I believe he's not old enough to be carrying a firearm.

2) They came after him. The kid shot two of them in self-defense.

3) I'm still not sure what started all of this. I saw that someone got shot in the head, which I think initiated this entire thing. Some of them were claiming that this kid shot him. I've also read that this kid was running away saying that he's not the shooter.

I'm not sure how this will all play out.
Where does the US constitution of the Second Amendment have an age limit?

The state of Wisconsin has that law.
He wasn’t arrested for carrying a gun at the age of 17 he was charged with murder..

That doesn't refute what I said.
Second amendment has no age limit.. If you don’t like the laws are constitution or Bill of Rights move to another country right now on the way out sign a letter Renouncing your citizenship.. take care

Wisconsin does have an age limit.

Go take it up with them.
Ok troll

I didn't make the laws. I'm just telling you what the law is.

If you have an issue with it, go lecture them on the 2nd amendment.
He was charged with murder dude I don’t care what you think about his age go away

You replied to me about the age limit.

I'm just explaining it to you.
So when mobs are burning down your house and your getting beaten to death and he walks by with his rifle remember don’t ask him to use it to help you lol he’s 17 lol
Man, you are so dumb.

He shouldn't have even been there. His home was 20-30 minutes away. He should have been watching T.V. or playing a video game like a normal teenager.

He’s a national hero, hero’s don’t stay home
He's a fucking head case that has played too many video games, watched too many movies, and spent too much time on FB chatting shit like you are doing right now. . . .
He looked like a movie star. The way he handled the steel
I refuse to comment on yet another viral video with someone shooting someone. The only thing I will say is you have to be a special kind of stupid to chase and attack a guy with an AR-15 when you are unarmed.

A skate board is not unarmed. The other guy had a handgun.

THese people didn't expect anyone to fight back. They are bullies and thugs, not warriors.
And the first guy he shot and killed had a lethal bag of garbage.
I see, so if you are surrounded by a violent mob you are supposed to be able to calmly assess "Oh that guy has a bag of something I think he's ok. Now let's see who else is trying to kill me. Oh there's a chap coming at me with a skateboard. Hmmm I wonder if I should let him hit me? And there's a guy with a pipe oh boy I bet that would hurt. And then there's those 20 other people coming at me too. Golly I'm going to have to think this through".
No one forced him to be there breaking the law.
So Tamir Rice gets shot and killed over a toy gun even though he harmed no one but this guy gets to murder people, march down the road with his gun and gets to go home?

If people had rioted over Tamir Rice you'd probably see like 95% support

There were protests. No, there was not 95% support. There was even less of a reason for Elijah McClain to have been killed. Where is the support?

McClain resisted arrest

And wasn't in middle school

There was NO reason to arrest him. You don't arrest someone for walking home from the store..........unless you are black of course.

You arrest people for not following commands...?

Certainly don't struggle

Guy was either crazy or just so angry he was in that moment manic

Yes, he had social anxiety issues. But cops are going to learn that you don't assault someone while doing nothing illegal just because they do not jump when you say jump.

We will get there or the country will burn.

Again as soon as he failed to follow commands he was doing something illegal

No he wasn't.

It was his fault he has fucking anxiety not the worlds

Cops did the right thing. Even sent him off in an ambulance instead of beating teh shit out of him and putting him in a cell. Maybe the paramedics killed him or his anxiety. Wasn't the cops

The cops only assaulted him which lead to the rest. If they had left him alone like they should have none of it happens.
Violent right mass murderer member. Welcome to the world of Donald Trump and his religious nut followers.
wheres your link....troll comment
Maga, baby!!

Is it too late to add the teen murderer to the RNC line up? They need the ratings.
Unwelcome development coming at a time the RNC is gathered for the Convention:
Kyle Rittenhouse (circled) can be seen wearing a white hat in the front row of a Trump rally in Des Moines, Iowa, Jan. 30.

And??? So far this year, in three major cities the gun murders by blacks (who prefer the Democrat party) totals about 1,039 deaths.
I'm still hazy on what happened with the first shooting. That could easily change things.

I think there's a lot of grey in this incident. I can see a final ruling landing somewhere in the middle of both extremes. On one hand, he shouldn't have even been there and this is why we don't let kids play with guns. On the other hand, the second and third shootings were clearly self-defense.

And frankly, I'm not big on the protests for Jacob Blake either, at least with the evidence I've seen so far.
Nope, not self defense. He was fleeing from a felony murder. He did not have the law on his side to kill others attempting to effect a citizen's arrest.
I'm still hazy on what happened with the first shooting. That could easily change things.

I think there's a lot of grey in this incident. I can see a final ruling landing somewhere in the middle of both extremes. On one hand, he shouldn't have even been there and this is why we don't let kids play with guns. On the other hand, the second and third shootings were clearly self-defense.

And frankly, I'm not big on the protests for Jacob Blake either, at least with the evidence I've seen so far.
Nope, not self defense. He was fleeing from a felony murder. He did not have the law on his side to kill others attempting to effect a citizen's arrest.
He was running from a mob lol it’s on video, One guy was going to execute them at point-blank range if he wasn’t skilled enough to shoot his fucking arm off
I refuse to comment on yet another viral video with someone shooting someone. The only thing I will say is you have to be a special kind of stupid to chase and attack a guy with an AR-15 when you are unarmed.

A skate board is not unarmed. The other guy had a handgun.

THese people didn't expect anyone to fight back. They are bullies and thugs, not warriors.
And the first guy he shot and killed had a lethal bag of garbage.

It was a mob. A violent mob intent on beating him to death. You don't know what is in a bag, until after it hits you. Could be a bad of pillows. Could be a bag of doorknobs.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

The people in the mob, all of them, should be arrested.
That mob didn't beat anyone to death. I'm not certain, but I'm not aware they beat up on anyone, not to death. And it was a bag of garbage he picked up at the gas station. There was nothing all that heavy in it as evidenced by it not traveling far when he threw it at the teen murderer. I don't even know the teen murderer knew it was thrown at him as he had his back to the guy as the bag fell harmlessly to the ground.
I'm still hazy on what happened with the first shooting. That could easily change things.

I think there's a lot of grey in this incident. I can see a final ruling landing somewhere in the middle of both extremes. On one hand, he shouldn't have even been there and this is why we don't let kids play with guns. On the other hand, the second and third shootings were clearly self-defense.

And frankly, I'm not big on the protests for Jacob Blake either, at least with the evidence I've seen so far.
Nope, not self defense. He was fleeing from a felony murder. He did not have the law on his side to kill others attempting to effect a citizen's arrest.

If he really did shoot the first guy in the head, then he's automatically guilty and he compounded his punishment.

I'm just not sure what happened with the first shooting.
I watched a few of the videos. Here's my take:

1) I believe he's not old enough to be carrying a firearm.

2) They came after him. The kid shot two of them in self-defense.

3) I'm still not sure what started all of this. I saw that someone got shot in the head, which I think initiated this entire thing. Some of them were claiming that this kid shot him. I've also read that this kid was running away saying that he's not the shooter.

I'm not sure how this will all play out.
Where does the US constitution of the Second Amendment have an age limit?

The state of Wisconsin has that law.
He wasn’t arrested for carrying a gun at the age of 17 he was charged with murder..

That doesn't refute what I said.
Second amendment has no age limit.. If you don’t like the laws are constitution or Bill of Rights move to another country right now on the way out sign a letter Renouncing your citizenship.. take care
And yet, despite you being a Russian troll with limited knowledge of U.S. law, there are federal and state regulations on firearms.
All that is out of the window when the democrats in charge refuse to protect citizens,, democrats refused federal help, how many businesses need to be burned down? How many elderly need to beaten? That’s when patriots step up

Dumbfucking Russian troll ... the law does not go out the window. It's illegal to carry a firearm if under 18 ... he is 17. You can't claim self defense if you kill someone while committing a crime... he committed a crime by illegally carrying a firearm. Those pesky laws don't vanish simply because you find them inconvenient.

The real question is -- how long until you see an imaginary hammer?

So because he had a gun at the age of 17 he should have just crawled up in a ball and took a beating and be executed at close range. Yea.. get some rest. Your going to need it
No, he should not have broken the law.
Update: Here's the suspect:

It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Liability would be very high for police if found to be giving right-wing militia members the right to kill. But let's not rush to judgment.
Details should be revealed soon:
Geez...he is just a kid. And he is going to have to live with this the rest of his life. Where the hell were his parents?
More kids need to do what this kid did.. he’s a hero
Murder does make a hero.

No 17 year old should have been put in that position or allowed to bring a gun that to a protest, you sick ****! They are not mature, they do not have good judgement, he got in way over his head, and ended two lives and ruined his own forever. And from all accounts he doesn’t seem like a bad kid! Where in the hell were his parents? How did he get a gun?

Well the FASCISTocrat's running Kenosha and Wisconsin, decided no cops were needed, so their blackshirters could smash and loot.
What's really shocking is that usually white Democrat snowflakes chase after 12 year old boys. So seeing them chasing a 17 year old was shocking.
I watched a few of the videos. Here's my take:

1) I believe he's not old enough to be carrying a firearm.

2) They came after him. The kid shot two of them in self-defense.

3) I'm still not sure what started all of this. I saw that someone got shot in the head, which I think initiated this entire thing. Some of them were claiming that this kid shot him. I've also read that this kid was running away saying that he's not the shooter.

I'm not sure how this will all play out.
Where does the US constitution of the Second Amendment have an age limit?

The state of Wisconsin has that law.
He wasn’t arrested for carrying a gun at the age of 17 he was charged with murder..

That doesn't refute what I said.
Second amendment has no age limit.. If you don’t like the laws are constitution or Bill of Rights move to another country right now on the way out sign a letter Renouncing your citizenship.. take care

Wisconsin does have an age limit.

Go take it up with them.
Ok troll

I didn't make the laws. I'm just telling you what the law is.

If you have an issue with it, go lecture them on the 2nd amendment.
He was charged with murder dude I don’t care what you think about his age go away

You replied to me about the age limit.

I'm just explaining it to you.
So when mobs are burning down your house and your getting beaten to death and he walks by with his rifle remember don’t ask him to use it to help you lol he’s 17 lol
Man, you are so dumb.

He shouldn't have even been there. His home was 20-30 minutes away. He should have been watching T.V. or playing a video game like a normal teenager.

He’s a national hero, hero’s don’t stay home
He's a fucking head case that has played too many video games, watched too many movies, and spent too much time on FB chatting shit like you are doing right now. . . .

I'm betting his big mistake was thinking the mob were racial justice protesters that he could treat like civilized human beings.

Till they attacked him.
No, he knew damn well what he was getting into.

The police asked the governor of Wisconsin the day before to ASK Trump to send in the National Guard because they were overwhelmed. Hawk even posted a video on it.

See here;

Then in this article, we learn, when the governor refused them? The police reached out to FB and Alex Jones for help from citizen groups like the Proud Boys and other patriot groups to pick up the slack, IOW, citizen groups, b/c they did not want to happen to Kenosha what has happen to other cities. . .

See here;

Many of us saw how that kid tried to give himself up after he shot those people. One can only imagine how awful and confused he felt, but the cops basically just waved him off. . . .

Why? Well of course. . . because the police were overwhelmed and had called citizen patriots in, to keep the town from getting burned to the ground by rioters and looters in the first place.

Now. . I am sure they did not expect some hot headed, inexperienced, trigger happy, easily panicked, underage teen to answer the call. . . but young help is better than no help, when your partisan governor is more concerned about politics than businesses and lives I suppose. . . :dunno:
So Tamir Rice gets shot and killed over a toy gun even though he harmed no one but this guy gets to murder people, march down the road with his gun and gets to go home?

If people had rioted over Tamir Rice you'd probably see like 95% support

There were protests. No, there was not 95% support. There was even less of a reason for Elijah McClain to have been killed. Where is the support?

McClain resisted arrest

And wasn't in middle school

There was NO reason to arrest him. You don't arrest someone for walking home from the store..........unless you are black of course.

You arrest people for not following commands...?

Certainly don't struggle

Guy was either crazy or just so angry he was in that moment manic

Yes, he had social anxiety issues. But cops are going to learn that you don't assault someone while doing nothing illegal just because they do not jump when you say jump.

We will get there or the country will burn.

Again as soon as he failed to follow commands he was doing something illegal

It was his fault he has fucking anxiety not the worlds

Cops did the right thing. Even sent him off in an ambulance instead of beating teh shit out of him and putting him in a cell. Maybe the paramedics killed him or his anxiety. Wasn't the cops

It was no one
He's not dead
...we're talking about a different guy

SHooting people has a different standard than arresting them
I watched a few of the videos. Here's my take:

1) I believe he's not old enough to be carrying a firearm.

2) They came after him. The kid shot two of them in self-defense.

3) I'm still not sure what started all of this. I saw a video that someone got shot in the head, which I believe initiated this entire thing. Some of them were claiming that this kid shot him. I've also read that this kid was running away saying that he's not the shooter.

I'm not sure how this will all play out.

Sure you do. He defended himself against a lefty mob. The lefties will want his head, and the right, will stand there and stupidly hope the system works.

I saw him defend himself against some of them.

I'm not clear on what happened leading up to that, as I just explained.

My prediction, they imagined that he somehow provoked them, and they turned on him like the pack of feral animals they are.

He was there, because he thought that they were people, and thus safe to be around.
He called them "Amish". He should have let them kill him
I saw a video, looks like Kyle Rittenhouse was being assaulted by a large group of maggots thus he was justified killing those who tried to jump him.

He was charged because either the DA is corrupt or recognizes it needed to be done so for appearances only.

What's the point of the OP?
I'm still hazy on what happened with the first shooting. That could easily change things.

I think there's a lot of grey in this incident. I can see a final ruling landing somewhere in the middle of both extremes. On one hand, he shouldn't have even been there and this is why we don't let kids play with guns. On the other hand, the second and third shootings were clearly self-defense.

And frankly, I'm not big on the protests for Jacob Blake either, at least with the evidence I've seen so far.
Nope, not self defense. He was fleeing from a felony murder. He did not have the law on his side to kill others attempting to effect a citizen's arrest.
He was running from a mob lol it’s on video, One guy was going to execute them at point-blank range if he wasn’t skilled enough to shoot his fucking arm off
He started running after shooting his first victim even though no one was chasing him.
So Tamir Rice gets shot and killed over a toy gun even though he harmed no one but this guy gets to murder people, march down the road with his gun and gets to go home?

If people had rioted over Tamir Rice you'd probably see like 95% support

There were protests. No, there was not 95% support. There was even less of a reason for Elijah McClain to have been killed. Where is the support?

McClain resisted arrest

And wasn't in middle school

There was NO reason to arrest him. You don't arrest someone for walking home from the store..........unless you are black of course.

You arrest people for not following commands...?

Certainly don't struggle

Guy was either crazy or just so angry he was in that moment manic

Yes, he had social anxiety issues. But cops are going to learn that you don't assault someone while doing nothing illegal just because they do not jump when you say jump.

We will get there or the country will burn.

Again as soon as he failed to follow commands he was doing something illegal

No he wasn't.

It was his fault he has fucking anxiety not the worlds

Cops did the right thing. Even sent him off in an ambulance instead of beating teh shit out of him and putting him in a cell. Maybe the paramedics killed him or his anxiety. Wasn't the cops

The cops only assaulted him which lead to the rest. If they had left him alone like they should have none of it happens.

Failing to follow a lawful order is illegal

Now had he said get on your knees and give me a bj yea he'd have a right to not comply

All he had to do was stop and look at them, then sue them
I'm still hazy on what happened with the first shooting. That could easily change things.

I think there's a lot of grey in this incident. I can see a final ruling landing somewhere in the middle of both extremes. On one hand, he shouldn't have even been there and this is why we don't let kids play with guns. On the other hand, the second and third shootings were clearly self-defense.

And frankly, I'm not big on the protests for Jacob Blake either, at least with the evidence I've seen so far.
Nope, not self defense. He was fleeing from a felony murder. He did not have the law on his side to kill others attempting to effect a citizen's arrest.

If he really did shoot the first guy in the head, then he's automatically guilty and he compounded his punishment.

I'm just not sure what happened with the first shooting.

IF he did shoot the first guy, at a site that FASCISTocrats from ANTIFA had already burned and smashed, and the tards still chased after the guy...
THEY are dumber blackshirts than most FASCISTocrats.
So Tamir Rice gets shot and killed over a toy gun even though he harmed no one but this guy gets to murder people, march down the road with his gun and gets to go home?

If people had rioted over Tamir Rice you'd probably see like 95% support

There were protests. No, there was not 95% support. There was even less of a reason for Elijah McClain to have been killed. Where is the support?

McClain resisted arrest

And wasn't in middle school

There was NO reason to arrest him. You don't arrest someone for walking home from the store..........unless you are black of course.

You arrest people for not following commands...?

Certainly don't struggle

Guy was either crazy or just so angry he was in that moment manic

Yes, he had social anxiety issues. But cops are going to learn that you don't assault someone while doing nothing illegal just because they do not jump when you say jump.

We will get there or the country will burn.

Again as soon as he failed to follow commands he was doing something illegal

No he wasn't.

It was his fault he has fucking anxiety not the worlds

Cops did the right thing. Even sent him off in an ambulance instead of beating teh shit out of him and putting him in a cell. Maybe the paramedics killed him or his anxiety. Wasn't the cops

The cops only assaulted him which lead to the rest. If they had left him alone like they should have none of it happens.

Failing to follow a lawful order is illegal

Now had he said get on your knees and give me a bj yea he'd have a right to not comply

All he had to do was stop and look at them, then sue them

It wasn't lawful.
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