Teen jailed for 3 years and then released with no charges committed suicide

He had recently thrown out his brand-new television, he explained, “because it was watching me.”

Two empty bottles of Browder’s antipsychotic drug sat on a table. Was it possible that taking the drug had caused him to commit suicide? Or could he have stopped taking it and become suicidal as a result?

They spoke about his paranoia, about how he often suspected that the cops or some other authority figures were after him.

Excerpts from,
Kalief Browder 1993 2015 - The New Yorker

Little more to it. Wasn't just someone got lost in the system, or some normal angel got screwed by the police.

Uh yes it was, he had no record (is that an "angel"? or is being an angel possible?") he was locked in solitary for 3 years without charges and was abused for the entire time.

So you speak about his paranoia AFTER the 3 years in Solitary as if the jail time never happened. Theres always "a little more to it" but he was "lost in the system" and a "normal angel (whatever that is) who got screwed by the police.

He was dangerously mentally ill. You don't become mentally ill because of incarceration. Your mental illness might get exaccerbated because of it becomming more acute, but it doesn't spontaneously occur because you're behind bars. You were ill already, just not symptomatic yet.

Just as well he killed himself than gone on to become another James Holmes.

You truly are a despicable turd.
The Death Of Kalief Browder Is An 'American Tragedy Almost Beyond Words'


Heres the original story from the New Yorker: Three Years on Rikers Without Trial - The New Yorker

The Death Of Kalief Browder Is An American Tragedy Almost Beyond Words

Kalief Browder, a young man from New York City who had gained national renown in recent years as a symbol of America's broken criminal justice system, took his own life this weekend, according to a report from The New Yorker. He was 22.

Browder was just 16 years old in 2010 when he was sent to New York's notorious Rikers Island jail on a robbery charge that would ultimately be dismissed. He ended up spending three years at the facility, despite not having been convicted of a crime. When he wasn’t in solitary confinement -- where he spent an accumulated two years -- he faced unspeakable violence at the hands of guards and fellow inmates.

His long, tortuous ordeal -- as documented last year in a widely read New Yorker article by Jennifer Gonnerman -- came to a tragic end Saturday. Gonnerman reported that Browder hanged himself with an air conditioning cord at his family’s home in the Bronx, New York. She told The Huffington Post Monday that Browder’s family was in a “state of shock.”

“They were angry and confused about why Kalief was gone,” she said.

Gonnerman, who'd spent a great deal of time with Browder, remembered him as an “intelligent, perceptive young man who was trying to do the right thing. All he wanted to do was have a normal life... but he never really got that chance.”

What happened to Browder and his family, said Gonnerman, is an “American tragedy almost beyond words.


“When you go over the three years that [Browder] spent [in jail] and all the horrific details he endured, it’s unbelievable that this could happen to a teen-ager in New York City,” Prestia said hours after Browder's death, according to The New Yorker. “He didn’t get tortured in some prison camp in another country. It was right here!”


A horrifying report from the U.S. Department of Justice last year described the "rampant use of unnecessary and excessive force" by guards against teenage inmates on Rikers. The report also detailed how the adolescent inmate facility, where Browder was kept, was “more inspired" by the William Golding novel Lord of the Flies than by "any legitimate philosophy of humane detention

Check out the video at the bottom of the page from inside Rikers.
That's horrible, the entire story. Very sad. WTF is wrong with our country?
The Death Of Kalief Browder Is An 'American Tragedy Almost Beyond Words'


Heres the original story from the New Yorker: Three Years on Rikers Without Trial - The New Yorker

The Death Of Kalief Browder Is An American Tragedy Almost Beyond Words

Kalief Browder, a young man from New York City who had gained national renown in recent years as a symbol of America's broken criminal justice system, took his own life this weekend, according to a report from The New Yorker. He was 22.

Browder was just 16 years old in 2010 when he was sent to New York's notorious Rikers Island jail on a robbery charge that would ultimately be dismissed. He ended up spending three years at the facility, despite not having been convicted of a crime. When he wasn’t in solitary confinement -- where he spent an accumulated two years -- he faced unspeakable violence at the hands of guards and fellow inmates.

His long, tortuous ordeal -- as documented last year in a widely read New Yorker article by Jennifer Gonnerman -- came to a tragic end Saturday. Gonnerman reported that Browder hanged himself with an air conditioning cord at his family’s home in the Bronx, New York. She told The Huffington Post Monday that Browder’s family was in a “state of shock.”

“They were angry and confused about why Kalief was gone,” she said.

Gonnerman, who'd spent a great deal of time with Browder, remembered him as an “intelligent, perceptive young man who was trying to do the right thing. All he wanted to do was have a normal life... but he never really got that chance.”

What happened to Browder and his family, said Gonnerman, is an “American tragedy almost beyond words.


“When you go over the three years that [Browder] spent [in jail] and all the horrific details he endured, it’s unbelievable that this could happen to a teen-ager in New York City,” Prestia said hours after Browder's death, according to The New Yorker. “He didn’t get tortured in some prison camp in another country. It was right here!”


A horrifying report from the U.S. Department of Justice last year described the "rampant use of unnecessary and excessive force" by guards against teenage inmates on Rikers. The report also detailed how the adolescent inmate facility, where Browder was kept, was “more inspired" by the William Golding novel Lord of the Flies than by "any legitimate philosophy of humane detention

Check out the video at the bottom of the page from inside Rikers.
That's horrible, the entire story. Very sad. WTF is wrong with our country?

Psychotic fucks like bucs90, who thinks that absolutely nothing wrong happened in this case!
Browder repeatedly told O’Meara, his court-appointed lawyer, that he would never plead guilty and that he wanted to go to trial. O’Meara assumed that his courtroom defense would be “Listen, they got the wrong kid.” After all, the accusation had been made a week or two after the alleged robbery, and the victim had later changed his mind about when it occurred. (The original police report said “on or about May 2,” but Bautista later told a detective that it happened on May 8th.)

Three Years on Rikers Without Trial - The New Yorker

That case has more holes than the brake rotors on my Burgman.
By the way, THIS is the family attorney, so no this kid wasn't represented by a public defender

NYC Civil Rights Criminal Defense The Prestia Law Firm

Also why you said this untrue thing that caused Bucs to believe you without anything to back it up?

It isn't untrue CC, go read the article. He was NOT represented by a public defender, he was assigned outside council.

BUT, the Prestia law firm was not that outside council, I was wrong about that, they didn't come on the scene until much later, after he was released from Rikers even it looks like.

Quote it then....like I did

Browder’s family could not afford to hire an attorney, so the judge appointed a lawyer named Brendan O’Meara to represent him. Browder told O’Meara that he was innocent and assumed that his case would conclude quickly.


Most certainly not a public defender. He was paid $75 an hour for this case, and in fact there was quite a bit of comments about he possibly phoned it in.

Then it is time to have him disbarred, sued into poverty, and probably locked up.
By the way, THIS is the family attorney, so no this kid wasn't represented by a public defender

NYC Civil Rights Criminal Defense The Prestia Law Firm

Also why you said this untrue thing that caused Bucs to believe you without anything to back it up?

It isn't untrue CC, go read the article. He was NOT represented by a public defender, he was assigned outside council.

BUT, the Prestia law firm was not that outside council, I was wrong about that, they didn't come on the scene until much later, after he was released from Rikers even it looks like.

Quote it then....like I did

Browder’s family could not afford to hire an attorney, so the judge appointed a lawyer named Brendan O’Meara to represent him. Browder told O’Meara that he was innocent and assumed that his case would conclude quickly.


Most certainly not a public defender. He was paid $75 an hour for this case, and in fact there was quite a bit of comments about he possibly phoned it in.

Then it is time to have him disbarred, sued into poverty, and probably locked up.

I wouldn't disagree with you. He took the state's money and didn't give his client adequate council.
At some point a lawyer has to go HEY! No more putting this shit off. My clients missed school, he's having difficulties adapting to prison life, he needs a damn trial now...

Lawyer fail for sure, but even so, there should be some kind of check or something to not extend 6ms into 3yrs, that's just crazy...

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