Teenager Who Has Been Dating Her Father For Two Years Reveals The Pair Are Planning To Get Married..

I have some very looking relatives I'd marry...
That shocks me not at all. Just an FYI, normal people don't find their future spouses at family reunions in the trailer park picnic area.

Not sure what your definition of "normal" is but I suspect that members of a Liberal's family likely find their future spouses at a gays-only bathhouse (or at the local orphanage).
A father and daughter are planning to get married, and she says they are gonna try to have kids. She is of consenting age. What's your thoughts?

Until gay marriage is made unlawful, I would tell them, go for it.
Gay marriage is here to stay little man. You should move to Jesusland instead.

Sir, are you gay?

Yeah, that was my suspicion as well. He doesn't seem to be married, and I've found that the homosexuals are invariably the most vicious apologists for gay marriage.
I don't give a fuck if a single one of the faggots wants to get married. Equality before the law demands that they can, if they choose to. Welcome to America finally living up to one of its founding principles boys.

No, it doesn't require that, any more than it requires men to have the right to use the women's restroom or for blind people to drive. That's purely a fiction invented to justify the unjustifiable.
A father and daughter are planning to get married, and she says they are gonna try to have kids. She is of consenting age. What's your thoughts?

Until gay marriage is made unlawful, I would tell them, go for it.
Gay marriage is here to stay little man. You should move to Jesusland instead.

Sir, are you gay?

"So be sweet and kind to mother,
Now and then have a chat.
Buy her candy or some flowers or a brand new hat.

But maybe you had better let it go at that!"

...from the song Oedipus Rex, by satirist Tom Lehrer

Read more: Tom Lehrer - Oedipus Rex Lyrics | MetroLyrics
In the article, it hides the fact of social insecurities, lack of moral values by individuals that is the underlining cause for such pervercity...sickening! People need God in their lives.
Would this be the same god that allows his priests to rape little boys?
Criminalizing incest is eugenics...

...in case anyone missed my earlier post.

What are you? Some kind of sicko?

There's a crowd around here who think they're smart claiming eugenics was some sort of Progressive cause.

They need to be reminded of what eugenics really is, and, that they support it.

Who in their right mind would NOT support it in this type of situation, though? I believe in individual freedoms, but stuff like THIS is where I draw the line. I consider the father a criminal. Although he might not be considered a criminal in the eyes of the law for his actions, in my mind he is a criminal and one of the lowest life forms to walk the earth.
Normal and well-adjusted girls and boys do NOT want to have sex with their parents, whether they were raised by them or not . . . because it is a sick and disgusting thing to do. Regardless of what the others say about gays, child/parent incestual relationships will NEVER be accepted by society.
Normal and well-adjusted girls and boys do NOT want to have sex with their parents, whether they were raised by them or not . . . because it is a sick and disgusting thing to do. Regardless of what the others say about gays, child/parent incestual relationships will NEVER be accepted by society.
What is taboo and what is legal are two different things. That's icky is not a basis for denying people rights and if adults have freedom then they will make stupid decisions with it, like fucking Daddy, which is a poor choice but it is Biblical so there you go.
Normal and well-adjusted girls and boys do NOT want to have sex with their parents, whether they were raised by them or not . . . because it is a sick and disgusting thing to do. Regardless of what the others say about gays, child/parent incestual relationships will NEVER be accepted by society.
What is taboo and what is legal are two different things. That's icky is not a basis for denying people rights and if adults have freedom then they will make stupid decisions with it, like fucking Daddy, which is a poor choice but it is Biblical so there you go.

It's good enough for me, and it IS illegal already, as it should be because in most instances it would be the result of an abusive relationship. The parent has authority over the child.
Criminalizing incest is eugenics...

...in case anyone missed my earlier post.

What are you? Some kind of sicko?

There's a crowd around here who think they're smart claiming eugenics was some sort of Progressive cause.

They need to be reminded of what eugenics really is, and, that they support it.

Who in their right mind would NOT support it in this type of situation, though? I believe in individual freedoms, but stuff like THIS is where I draw the line. I consider the father a criminal. Although he might not be considered a criminal in the eyes of the law for his actions, in my mind he is a criminal and one of the lowest life forms to walk the earth.
It takes two to tango. Not only did this apple not fall far from the tree, it's going down on the tree and headed to court to make that formal apparently.
It's good enough for me, and it IS illegal already, as it should be because in most instances it would be the result of an abusive relationship. The parent has authority over the child.
Not after the age of consent. And what's good enough for you is not good enough for the courts. Sometimes you just have to watch the disaster that is humanity roll on by and pour yourself a stiff drink...
Criminalizing incest is eugenics...

...in case anyone missed my earlier post.

What are you? Some kind of sicko?

There's a crowd around here who think they're smart claiming eugenics was some sort of Progressive cause.

They need to be reminded of what eugenics really is, and, that they support it.
Birth control is like gun control, everyone wants it for somebody else even if they don't want it for themselves. This little Daddy's Girl, literally, needs to see the nice folks at Planned Parenthood and the local adoption agency.
Criminalizing incest is eugenics...

...in case anyone missed my earlier post.

What are you? Some kind of sicko?

There's a crowd around here who think they're smart claiming eugenics was some sort of Progressive cause.

They need to be reminded of what eugenics really is, and, that they support it.

Who in their right mind would NOT support it in this type of situation, though? I believe in individual freedoms, but stuff like THIS is where I draw the line. I consider the father a criminal. Although he might not be considered a criminal in the eyes of the law for his actions, in my mind he is a criminal and one of the lowest life forms to walk the earth.
It takes two to tango. Not only did this apple not fall far from the tree, it's going down on the tree and headed to court to make that formal apparently.

Do you understand the process of brainwashing which sexual predators use? This is WHY it is illegal. I know that this particular instance is a little bit different, but in MOST cases such as this, the child has more than likely been sexually abused since a very young age. Sometimes, they actually THINK it is normal to have such a relationship with a parent. This is why we don't allow parents to marry their child. It is a law I do not disagree with at all. In fact, I fully support it.

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