Televise All School Classes

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Oh please grow up every child has a cell phone in school these days and they all use the video cameras on them.

Why are you so anxious to protect pedophiles? Hmmmm

There shouldn't be anything done in a classroom that can't be publicly televised. if there is we have to wonder exactly what it is that people don't want to have televised.

Students do not have cell phones out in the classroom, and if they have them, they are not using them. You don't understand the problem because the telephone was probably the highest technology you had in your classroom as a child.
Your previous response seems awfully close to that. I suppose it's cool if you are a Red Sox fan for a teacher to note that the Yankee's are a better team? Something like that you are OK with?
Not the slightest bit close to that. Your thinking is way off the mark. I'm talking about CRT, and those things that we in our country, find unacceptable to be taught in classrooms. You think anything should be allowed ?
Oh please grow up every child has a cell phone in school these days and they all use the video cameras on them.

Why are you so anxious to protect pedophiles? Hmmmm

There shouldn't be anything done in a classroom that can't be publicly televised. if there is we have to wonder exactly what it is that people don't want to have televised.

Exactly right. I'm beginning to wonder about some of the people claiming to be teachers, and don't like the idea of being monitored with cameras, and seen by parents, police, community members, taxpayers.

EARTH TO TEACHERS: Everybody working for somebody else, needs to be monitored - including you. Especially you.

You are dumb as a stump and YOU bash teachers??????
Oh please grow up every child has a cell phone in school these days and they all use the video cameras on them.

Why are you so anxious to protect pedophiles? Hmmmm

There shouldn't be anything done in a classroom that can't be publicly televised. if there is we have to wonder exactly what it is that people don't want to have televised.

Students do not have cell phones out in the classroom, and if they have them, they are not using them. You don't understand the problem because the telephone was probably the highest technology you had in your classroom as a child.
WRONG..... they are out and on almost all the time.....who the hell do you think you're fooling?


Why not just ask your kid? Check their homework? etc.......
I don't think that would cover it - and if you were to check their homework, and you discovered examples of CRT, and/or other nasty stuff, then what's the big deal of discovering it on TV ?
Your previous response seems awfully close to that. I suppose it's cool if you are a Red Sox fan for a teacher to note that the Yankee's are a better team? Something like that you are OK with?
Not the slightest bit close to that. Your thinking is way off the mark. I'm talking about CRT, and those things that we in our country, find unacceptable to be taught in classrooms. You think anything should be allowed ?

I think as a parent I was perfectly capable of monitoring what was taught my kid.

Why not just ask your kid? Check their homework? etc.......
I don't think that would cover it - and if you were to check their homework, and you discovered examples of CRT, and/or other nasty stuff, then what's the big deal of discovering it on TV ?

I already explained. The big one is you aren't going to pay for it and the second one is no one wants to listen to and correct your ranting.
You are dumb as a stump and YOU bash teachers??????
Oh GOSH! How will protectionist ever recover from this so informative and enlightening post ?

And I'm not "bashing " anybody, fool. I'm just suggesting that teachers be monitored and supervised. Do you oppose cops wearing cameras to record THEIR activities ?

Why not just ask your kid? Check their homework? etc.......
I don't think that would cover it - and if you were to check their homework, and you discovered examples of CRT, and/or other nasty stuff, then what's the big deal of discovering it on TV ?
You would struggle because you dont know what CRT is.
Nobody needs to know it is a cancer on society and the largest amount of Total Bullshit pushed by any government since Stalin propped up Lysenko.
One could consider that defunding or abolishing police IS an indictment of all police. In addition to that, police have dash cams and body cams which they use to combat the thousands of out of context phone recordings that are used to slander them. Good cops welcome those cams and good teachers should welcome them as well. And nobody is saying that anything but the teacher and the classroom dialog should be recorded. This is no different than a customer being permitted to examine what they are buying.
Sure. And every time we shop (in a Walmart for example) we are on constant video surveillance in every part of that store. When you go out in the public, you don't have privacy. You have publicity. That's what public schools are too > Public.

When you shop at Walmart it is not BROADCAST ON TELEVISION

That is what you proposed. Remember?
I smell somebody who does funky stuff when he thinks he can do it unobserved.....
It must be your upper lip you smell!
Hahahaha..... atta boy....hide those stats and get the Ostrich thing going on.... During the pandemic the classes on the Chrome books were just that...Televised
I told you once before and you had a breakdown over it once before too.... Brick and Mortar Schools are heading over the falls....

You quote the stats, you stupid piece of shit! Oh, wait! You don't have any!

After the COVID 19, many parents saw how homeschooling is incredibly difficult and wanted their kids back in school because they simply could not teach them. Due to our libtard governor, my grandsons were out of school almost the entire 2020-2021 school year. They will likely never recover from the poor instruction they got from their on-line instruction.
You are dumb as a stump and YOU bash teachers??????

Get back to us when you can explain why 19% of High School Graduates in the United States cannot even read the diploma they are handed.

Teachers know the problems in their schools, school districts, and school board policies.
If they don't want people questioning them and looking over their shoulder all the time ...

Stop with the bullshit, sack up and confront the things they know are wrong, and stop trying to hide behind the children.

You are dumb as a stump and YOU bash teachers??????

Get back to us when you can explain why 19% of High School Graduates in the United States cannot even read the diploma they are handed.

Teachers know the problems in their schools, school districts, and school board policies.
If they don't want people questioning them and looking over their shoulder all the time ...

Stop with the bullshit, sack up and confront the things they know are wrong, and stop trying to hide behind the children.


Yep... like Trump.
All must be under surveillance according to the OP because "abomination" (his words). Including all the children.
Yes. ALL must be under surveillance. Nobody hides. Teachers and police both. Might not be a bad ide to include day care enters and scoutmasters too. Anyplace where children are in the care of adults who are not their parents.
If you don't trust them, I suggest keeping your little snowflakes home under lock and key. That way you can guarantee their safety from everyone but you!
Public schools are funded by the parents of those children. Are you saying parents have no right to actually see and hear these lessons? No one is talking about filming a bunch of school kids. My guess is that in many states, teachers would resist even having an open mike for parents to hear the lessons.
This is precisely why DeSantis wants surveys done in Florida Universities. It's a way of creating a baseline in understanding how the political/social attitudes of students compare with those of tenured profs or teaching Grad students.
I graduated from a school in the deep south 28 years ago and even there, at that time, we had tenured people who had no problem gutting your grades if you were too outspoken in dissent for opinions they might share in class. Opinions, BTW, that had nothing whatever to do with the class itself.
The idea that doctrines like CRT can be forced onto children at an early age IS an "abomination". Any group or individual that tries to convince children that they are guilty by virtue of their skin color alone, are nothing more than propagandists shilling for the Marxists in DC and that is going to stop in red-state schools.

They have a perfect right to be in the classroom and cause disruptions at every opportunity. They do not have the right to a private TV show.
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