Televise All School Classes

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They are called "parents". Besides, what you said doesn't come close to addressing my point. You just want to bitch. If you believe this is needed, step up and fund it.
If anything needs to be funded , this does.

"Parents" yes. The quality control inspectors of the teachers. But they cannot do any quality control, when they are miles away from the school, and can't see or hear what teachers are saying. The television cameras solve that problem.

Do you not have kids? Of course there are things you can do. We threw out our entire school board over their position to cut the arts in school (mostly music).

We had a large turnout at the local theater where many parents spoke out about how important the arts are. They didn't get cut but we still voted in an entire new school board.
You're gonna have lawsuits regardless of what kind of program you have, or how you have it performed. Leftists and Libz are always trying to create any scenario where they can sue someone for an easy paycheck.

I never said there weren't drawbacks, and I never said it was perfect. I only implied it is something that has been done before, and could be done again.
How has it "been done before"? Are you off your meds or something?
It's never going to happen because those who argue for this would never step up and pay for it.
Funny, you guys always just use tax payer money to pay for your leftwing horseshit. That cant work in this situation as well?
It's never going to happen because those who argue for this would never step up and pay for it.
Funny, you guys always just use tax payer money to pay for your leftwing horseshit. That cant work in this situation as well?

Go for it. Start arguing to raise taxes to pay for it. It's not going to happen is it?
Thank you for admitting that you were lying.
Don't thank me because I admitted no such thing. To say that one is for torture, is not the same as to say they would be for it, depending on certain circumstances. (as I gave an example of an imminent nuclear catastrophe - buy you chose to sidestep that).
The OP is just trying to ruffle some feathers.

This is a terrible idea, even the OP knows it.
It is not realistic, and would just waste money and seat time.
No one (ok, very few) would watch.

This ignorant thread needs to end.
What are the "wrong things"?

Look, you asked me if I knew it could get teachers fired ... And I specifically stated that I do know that.

What part of that is your educated ass not understanding?
Giving more excuses, for whatever reason, will not change that, nor will it change what you know is wrong within your schools or school districts.

I know this, because upwards of 50% of my closest friends are teachers or school administrators.
They all know what needs to be changed, and will talk about it for hours ... And will tell you that bucking the system will get them fired.

The problem is ... They don't have the fucking guts necessary to stand up and change it.
The Parents can Fire the people in charge,
stop making excuses and let the Parents know what they need to do if you don't have the balls to fix it yourself.

If you want me to be more specific on the things that are wrong, how deep do you want me to explain it?
How about a 5th grade Social Studies class doing a CSI type investigation of the Boston Massacre to determine whether or not it was an "Accident".

At the end of the exercise, using the materials provided, the Class came to the conclusion the Boston Massacre was an Accident,
because the British soldiers were just doing what they were told to do.

The kids don't know why the People were protesting in the first place.
But they learned, to do as the government tells you, or they will kill you ... Even if it is an accident.

Total fucking garbage ... Not even worth the time they spent studying it.
And an excellent example of how they teach people to just stand there, and do nothing about what they know is wrong.

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The days of trusting "our" public schools, and their liberal teachers, are over. With all the anti-America, anti-white, anti-police, and pro-sex pervert CRT trash that kids are being indoctrinated with, parents, and all interested Americans need to be seeing and hearing what is being said in the classroom.

It is only by accident that parents became privvy to what was going on in these classrooms between "teachers" (indoctrinaters) and their kids. The pandemic was a help in one way. By having lessons online, at home, where parents could see them, instead of hidden in school classrooms, the filth teachers were laying on kids got to be noticed.

One may wonder how long this abomination has been going on. Certainly for years, and probably some number of decades. Quite likely these teachers themselves are unknowing victims of this racist, treasonous junk, from when they were school students. At the very least, if these rogue teachers are not fired, as they ought to be, their words should be monitored by parents et al, continuously, to stop any further damage.

Open up the schools. Broadcast the "lessons" LIVE, every day.

Did you go to school?
The question is....did he make it thru school.
I agree because I'm a big believer in openness. We all live under a microscope these days and teachers should do the same. And who knows, if teachers don't think CRT is right, they might be more likely to question their superiors if they are being questioned by parents.
Why is it you want the filming of young students in classes?
Newsflash to everyone here: America's classrooms have MINOR CHILDREN in them.

Anyone care to hazard a guess how many pages this thread will go round and round with my fellow conservatives dancing around this issue?
EARTH TO SS92: Nobody is dancing around the issue of kids in schools being minors. As I have said twice already, them being minors is ALL THE MORE REASON to protect them with television cameras televising to their parents. What in the world are you thinking, woman ? You don't make sense.
Curriculum is very, very much locally created, which most American conservatives do not understand. In my district, the curriculum is approved by a committee of parents, (YES), teachers and secondary students, then presented to the Board of Education. So yes, parents absolutely should play an integral role in what gets taught. I agree with that, actually.

I just think my fellow conservatives don't understand what they're really asking for when the pop off about cameras in every classroom!! It's just a political talking point they don't really think through
We know EXACTLY what we're asking for. Transparency. Accountability. Protection.
The days of trusting "our" public schools, and their liberal teachers, are over. With all the anti-America, anti-white, anti-police, and pro-sex pervert CRT trash that kids are being indoctrinated with, parents, and all interested Americans need to be seeing and hearing what is being said in the classroom.

It is only by accident that parents became privvy to what was going on in these classrooms between "teachers" (indoctrinaters) and their kids. The pandemic was a help in one way. By having lessons online, at home, where parents could see them, instead of hidden in school classrooms, the filth teachers were laying on kids got to be noticed.

One may wonder how long this abomination has been going on. Certainly for years, and probably some number of decades. Quite likely these teachers themselves are unknowing victims of this racist, treasonous junk, from when they were school students. At the very least, if these rogue teachers are not fired, as they ought to be, their words should be monitored by parents et al, continuously, to stop any further damage.

Open up the schools. Broadcast the "lessons" LIVE, every day.
You are fucking insane.

It's not actually "insane"; they are trying to get at teachers. But they do not give a thought to the fact that there are minors, and often very little children, in those rooms.

It's a hurdle to their objective, but some of us care about that.
Let the teachers get on with their jobs. Schools reflect society , they dont drag it down.
They do when they teach "I Hate America" indoctrination, which is 100% of the time.
Yeah, nothing at all creepy about filming a class full of Kindergarten children

Let's count how many times this dude avoids the point
Let's count > Zero.

Nothing creepy about filming a class full of Kindergarten children. And keeping the parents apprised of what their kids are being taught (or indoctrinated)
They could, and they always could. But they don't. Hate to tell you this, but very many children still adore their teachers, esp in elementary school, and they spend 8 hours a day with them. So they tell their teachers. Now you would like this information broadcast to all the neighbors, right?

Right. No concerns there. It all seems sane and normal
Yes it does seem, and is, sane and normal. Protecting kids from CRT and other disgusting trash, is more important than concealing whatever information. It might not be so bad if everyone DID know if kids were being abused. You wanna hide that too ?

You know who wants to hide things, and operate in secret ? Criminals.
Yeah, nothing at all creepy about filming a class full of Kindergarten children

Let's count how many times this dude avoids the point
Let's count > Zero.

Nothing creepy about filming a class full of Kindergarten children. And keeping the parents apprised of what their kids are being taught (or indoctrinated)
Here's the deal. Cameras are basically everywhere. What the Left want to be able to do is to keep brainwashing our kids in their "I Hate America" brand of Communism. What better way than using tenured teachers who were spoonfed this shit themselves? Plus cameras can actually protect our kids and good teachers both from abusers and false accusations of the same.
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