Televise All School Classes

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You are dumb as a stump and YOU bash teachers??????

Get back to us when you can explain why 19% of High School Graduates in the United States cannot even read the diploma they are handed.

Teachers know the problems in their schools, school districts, and school board policies.
If they don't want people questioning them and looking over their shoulder all the time ...

Stop with the bullshit, sack up and confront the things they know are wrong, and stop trying to hide behind the children.

Do you have any fucking idea how teachers get fired for holding their students responsible?

My first teaching assignment, i taught two subjects for 8 1/2 year and was promoted to assistant principal in a HUGE Florida high school. My principal did not like the fact that I followed school board policy and disciplined the students according to the book! I was demoted and decided to leave. In my new state, every single school had me clashing with the parents, administrators, and school boards because I held my students accountable for their learning and discipline. I was every parent's dream when it came to teaching their kids. For the next 12 years I was always denied tenure because the administrators were scared to death I was going to take their job or get them fired. I retired and lost most of my retirement pay because I could no longer find a school that was not filled with lily-livered administrators who would not hire me because I had a spotless record.
So a student's classroom is being constantly videotaped with audio.

Welp, there goes any chance for students to confide in teachers about abuse. About anything. But I understand that we really, really have to get those teachers.

By the way, if you are a parent and you feel you trust the school and its teachers so little you really need a camera in your child's classroom, the school has already failed your child. Most all of the time, people who say this are pressing a political point and/or do not have children in school. Parents do not typically say *I* feel that *I* want cameras in MY child's classroom. If that is the case, there are huge issues.
NO, you DON'T "understand that we really, really have to get those teachers."

What needs to be is to monitor/supervise those teachers, and prevent them from indoctrinating kids with filthy ideas.

And if kids need to confide about abuse, they don't have to go to teachers. They can go to neighbors, other relatives, friends, police, etc

Are those people you mentioned required by law to report that abuse? No, they are not. Teachers are required to report even suspected abuse by law.
You're gonna have lawsuits regardless of what kind of program you have, or how you have it performed. Leftists and Libz are always trying to create any scenario where they can sue someone for an easy paycheck.

I never said there weren't drawbacks, and I never said it was perfect. I only implied it is something that has been done before, and could be done again.
I don't think you realize how bad you look here
I don't think you realize how good I look. You sound mentally unbalanced. Have you been doing some wrong things in the classroom ? Hiding something ?
You are the mentally unbalanced one, letting your stupidity overcome your sense of reality. Grow a pair, get a teacher certification and see how you like the long hours, low pay and continuous abuse from mouth-breathers like you!
Yep... like Trump.

Yeah, whatever that is supposed to mean, of course I didn't say anything about President Trump.

However ... In the School district where I live, every child is issued a Chromebook the day they register for school.
K1 and K2, have the one they are issued to take home, and another one they use at school.

Every grade above that carries their Chromebook back and forth to school, and keeps them during the Summer unless they know they are not returning.
They don't even have textbooks, and all assignments are available for review by the parents on the Chromebook, because the parents have logins for their child's device.

Parents also have the ability to opt for their child to have in-classroom learning, or virtual learning, where the lessons are streamed by the teachers.

"Teachers" are that in name alone nowadays.

They are crappy because they haven't been taught anything themselves. You can BUY a diploma off the internet now for pretty much any industry.

And....just because someone WENT to college, DOES NOT MEAN they know anything. Some of THE most ignorant, stupid, and brainless morons I've met in my life were self-proclaimed "college graduates". They may have "went" to college............but did they go to CLASS???!!!

My sister has a friend that got her teaching degree the hard way.....lots of schooling, lots of instructional seminars, and lots of homework. That was years ago. Now she hates it.
She says public school teachers are nothing more than overpaid babysitters.

If you want to be a teacher, a private school is the BEST way to go. I'm told they pay better, have better benefits, and teachers can actually TEACH kids, not placate them.
Oh please grow up every child has a cell phone in school these days and they all use the video cameras on them.

Why are you so anxious to protect pedophiles? Hmmmm

There shouldn't be anything done in a classroom that can't be publicly televised. if there is we have to wonder exactly what it is that people don't want to have televised.

Students do not have cell phones out in the classroom, and if they have them, they are not using them. You don't understand the problem because the telephone was probably the highest technology you had in your classroom as a child.
WRONG..... they are out and on almost all the time.....who the hell do you think you're fooling?

I was a teacher for 21 years. Kiss my ass, you fucking know-it-all!
Do you have any fucking idea how teachers get fired for holding their students responsible?

Yes ... I do, and it still isn't an excuse to do the wrong things.

Because you admit that they should be scared of the administration or school board policies ...
Provides absolutely no reason whatsoever for parents to trust either the school board, or the teachers who will not do what they know is correct.

Maybe this bullshit will bring about the end of government schools and the teachers unions. If the people move their kids into alternative schools or cooperatives, the problem of overpriced, dogshit education might be solved once and for all.
"Teachers" are that in name alone nowadays.

They are crappy because they haven't been taught anything themselves. You can BUY a diploma off the internet now for pretty much any industry.

And....just because someone WENT to college, DOES NOT MEAN they know anything. Some of THE most ignorant, stupid, and brainless morons I've met in my life were self-proclaimed "college graduates". They may have "went" to college............but did they go to CLASS???!!!

My sister has a friend that got her teaching degree the hard way.....lots of schooling, lots of instructional seminars, and lots of homework. That was years ago. Now she hates it.
She says public school teachers are nothing more than overpaid babysitters.

If you want to be a teacher, a private school is the BEST way to go. I'm told they pay better, have better benefits, and teachers can actually TEACH kids, not placate them.

If you were told private schools pay better, someone is lying to you! In most private schools, teachers of lower grades often have a high school diploma and no knowledge of how to teach. Private school teachers are waiting with bated breath for a public school position to become available because the pay and benefits are so much better. That being said, public school teacher pay in most places in the US sucks! Other than social workers, it is the lowest paid position for which a college degree is required in the United States.
"Teachers" are that in name alone nowadays.

They are crappy because they haven't been taught anything themselves. You can BUY a diploma off the internet now for pretty much any industry.

And....just because someone WENT to college, DOES NOT MEAN they know anything. Some of THE most ignorant, stupid, and brainless morons I've met in my life were self-proclaimed "college graduates". They may have "went" to college............but did they go to CLASS???!!!

My sister has a friend that got her teaching degree the hard way.....lots of schooling, lots of instructional seminars, and lots of homework. That was years ago. Now she hates it.
She says public school teachers are nothing more than overpaid babysitters.

If you want to be a teacher, a private school is the BEST way to go. I'm told they pay better, have better benefits, and teachers can actually TEACH kids, not placate them.

If you were told private schools pay better, someone is lying to you! In most private schools, teachers of lower grades often have a high school diploma and no knowledge of how to teach. Private school teachers are waiting with bated breath for a public school position to become available because the pay and benefits are so much better. That being said, public school teacher pay in most places in the US sucks! Other than social workers, it is the lowest paid position for which a college degree is required in the United States.

I'm in Texas, and I've always heard from teachers, and people in training to be teachers, want private school positions because they pay almost twice as much as public schools. Plus, private teachers have control over their classes. Even my sisters friend who is a public school teacher says she's been trying to get a private school teaching position for a long time.

Apparently they are hard to come by, because once you're lucky enough to get a private position, you don't ever leave it.

I've heard this all of my life so far. Even from my own high school teachers. You are the first to ever refute this claim.
No ya did. This is how freedom is taken step by step. You want cameras in class room and power to dictate what is taught. Thought police. If the argument works there the the same argument works on the street corner, the bar, the bathroom where does it end?. When do the thought police require speech you disagree with? No thanks to big brother every where! Fuck you and your thought police.
Maybe this bullshit will bring about the end of government schools and the teachers unions. If the people move their kids into alternative schools or cooperatives, the problem of overpriced, dogshit education might be solved once and for all.

Just start paying for it.

They are called "parents". Besides, what you said doesn't come close to addressing my point. You just want to bitch. If you believe this is needed, step up and fund it.
If anything needs to be funded , this does.

"Parents" yes. The quality control inspectors of the teachers. But they cannot do any quality control, when they are miles away from the school, and can't see or hear what teachers are saying. The television cameras solve that problem.
Do you have any fucking idea how teachers get fired for holding their students responsible?

Yes ... I do, and it still isn't an excuse to do the wrong things.

Because you admit that they should be scared of the administration or school board policies ...
Provides absolutely no reason whatsoever for parents to trust either the school board, or the teachers who will not do what they know is correct.

What are the "wrong things"?

In my career, I was called on the carpet many times as being racist towards my students. In every case, it was unfounded.

I had it out with one of my principals who said that a parent had reported me to the school board for racism. The supposed victim was a white child and it was reported by an Asian child to her parents. How's that sound?

They would not even tell me who was the victim of this alleged racism and not who reported it, but when I determined who it was, they acknowledged I was correct. The entire issue was because I admonished a white student for being "slow" at logging on to her computer system. The other child equated that to me calling her retarded, which was what was reported to the school board.

I proceeded to take out my wallet and show her my family photos. My son-in-law at that time is black and I have two mixed race grandsons, my wife and daughter-in-law are Hispanic, and I showed her my mixed race grandmother on my mother's side.

She was speechless and the matter was never mentioned again. How would a stream over the internet have prevented that situation. Answer - It would not!
No ya did. This is how freedom is taken step by step. You want cameras in class room and power to dictate what is taught. Thought police. If the argument works there the the same argument works on the street corner, the bar, the bathroom where does it end?. When do the thought police require speech you disagree with? No thanks to big brother every where! Fuck you and your thought police.
Fool. You think there can be anything taught in schools ? Want to let serial killers teach about the thrills they get, and techniques of killing ? Want to let burglars teach kids how to get into locked cars and houses, and steal things ? How about pyromaniac arsonists ? Pickpockets, Con artists, etc etc

Dummy, of course you have to have standards of what is taught. Thus is thread is bringing out the real loon fringe of this forum, and putting them on display.
"Teachers" are that in name alone nowadays.

They are crappy because they haven't been taught anything themselves. You can BUY a diploma off the internet now for pretty much any industry.

And....just because someone WENT to college, DOES NOT MEAN they know anything. Some of THE most ignorant, stupid, and brainless morons I've met in my life were self-proclaimed "college graduates". They may have "went" to college............but did they go to CLASS???!!!

My sister has a friend that got her teaching degree the hard way.....lots of schooling, lots of instructional seminars, and lots of homework. That was years ago. Now she hates it.
She says public school teachers are nothing more than overpaid babysitters.

If you want to be a teacher, a private school is the BEST way to go. I'm told they pay better, have better benefits, and teachers can actually TEACH kids, not placate them.

If you were told private schools pay better, someone is lying to you! In most private schools, teachers of lower grades often have a high school diploma and no knowledge of how to teach. Private school teachers are waiting with bated breath for a public school position to become available because the pay and benefits are so much better. That being said, public school teacher pay in most places in the US sucks! Other than social workers, it is the lowest paid position for which a college degree is required in the United States.

I'm in Texas, and I've always heard from teachers, and people in training to be teachers, want private school positions because they pay almost twice as much as public schools. Plus, private teachers have control over their classes. Even my sisters friend who is a public school teacher says she's been trying to get a private school teaching position for a long time.

Apparently they are hard to come by, because once you're lucky enough to get a private position, you don't ever leave it.

I've heard this all of my life so far. Even from my own high school teachers. You are the first to ever refute this claim.
That's because I am correct. I know what I am talking about. You are hearing word of mouth bullshit.

As a teacher, I would have loved to teach at the Bolles School or something similar. There are high paying private school positions but they are as common as hen's teeth. These school usually have tuitions far in excess of what most parents can afford and are residential in nature. Sending your kid away to school in another city or state, to be raised by someone lese always galled me.

They are called "parents". Besides, what you said doesn't come close to addressing my point. You just want to bitch. If you believe this is needed, step up and fund it.
If anything needs to be funded , this does.

"Parents" yes. The quality control inspectors of the teachers. But they cannot do any quality control, when they are miles away from the school, and can't see or hear what teachers are saying. The television cameras solve that problem.
The quality control inspectors of the teachers are the administrators. Hardly a class went by where someone did not visit my classroom from the superintendent down to the guidance counselors.
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