Televise All School Classes

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Oh please grow up every child has a cell phone in school these days and they all use the video cameras on them.

Why are you so anxious to protect pedophiles? Hmmmm

There shouldn't be anything done in a classroom that can't be publicly televised. if there is we have to wonder exactly what it is that people don't want to have televised.

Exactly right. I'm beginning to wonder about some of the people claiming to be teachers, and don't like the idea of being monitored with cameras, and seen by parents, police, community members, taxpayers.

EARTH TO TEACHERS: Everybody working for somebody else, needs to be monitored - including you. Especially you.

Ob-gyns work for someone else. Should those rooms be monitored? Proctologists? How about urologists? Hey they take Medicare. Do you get Medicare? That's taxpayer funded. Maybe we should have a camera on your doctor appts when you go.

Oh please grow up every child has a cell phone in school these days and they all use the video cameras on them.

Why are you so anxious to protect pedophiles? Hmmmm

There shouldn't be anything done in a classroom that can't be publicly televised. if there is we have to wonder exactly what it is that people don't want to have televised.

Exactly right. I'm beginning to wonder about some of the people claiming to be teachers, and don't like the idea of being monitored with cameras, and seen by parents, police, community members, taxpayers.

EARTH TO TEACHERS: Everybody working for somebody else, needs to be monitored - including you. Especially you.

I think the idea of taking notes with your cell phone is a great idea. To note though, you've not made your case that teachers need monitored.

In case I have not made it clear in this thread, I love my profession and we need the deadwood out. We need teacher accountability too. But cameras in classrooms is NOT the way to get it. First, because there are minor children in there.

People leap to horrid solutions because they're mad. I...actually deal with this a lot in my classroom. "Now let's think this through...."
One could consider that defunding or abolishing police IS an indictment of all police. In addition to that, police have dash cams and body cams which they use to combat the thousands of out of context phone recordings that are used to slander them. Good cops welcome those cams and good teachers should welcome them as well. And nobody is saying that anything but the teacher and the classroom dialog should be recorded. This is no different than a customer being permitted to examine what they are buying.
Sure. And every time we shop (in a Walmart for example) we are on constant video surveillance in every part of that store. When you go out in the public, you don't have privacy. You have publicity. That's what public schools are too > Public.
sooooooo you're saying that nudity in the class room is not proper for Public that what you are saying?

One could consider that defunding or abolishing police IS an indictment of all police. In addition to that, police have dash cams and body cams which they use to combat the thousands of out of context phone recordings that are used to slander them. Good cops welcome those cams and good teachers should welcome them as well. And nobody is saying that anything but the teacher and the classroom dialog should be recorded. This is no different than a customer being permitted to examine what they are buying.
Sure. And every time we shop (in a Walmart for example) we are on constant video surveillance in every part of that store. When you go out in the public, you don't have privacy. You have publicity. That's what public schools are too > Public.

You don't get to rant at the general manager that Trump didn't support torture when he did.
Lol,ya let's put a Camara in every room and monitor it for every facet of life. So much for Republicans wanting small government. Hilarious don't tread on me but make it illegal to teach theory and propose cameras in every room with monitors. Let's give up every last bastion of free thought and privacy awesome idea idiot.
But nobody suggested that. Go back to sleep.
One could consider that defunding or abolishing police IS an indictment of all police. In addition to that, police have dash cams and body cams which they use to combat the thousands of out of context phone recordings that are used to slander them. Good cops welcome those cams and good teachers should welcome them as well. And nobody is saying that anything but the teacher and the classroom dialog should be recorded. This is no different than a customer being permitted to examine what they are buying.
Sure. And every time we shop (in a Walmart for example) we are on constant video surveillance in every part of that store. When you go out in the public, you don't have privacy. You have publicity. That's what public schools are too > Public.

When you shop at Walmart it is not BROADCAST ON TELEVISION

That is what you proposed. Remember?
One could consider that defunding or abolishing police IS an indictment of all police. In addition to that, police have dash cams and body cams which they use to combat the thousands of out of context phone recordings that are used to slander them. Good cops welcome those cams and good teachers should welcome them as well. And nobody is saying that anything but the teacher and the classroom dialog should be recorded. This is no different than a customer being permitted to examine what they are buying.
Sure. And every time we shop (in a Walmart for example) we are on constant video surveillance in every part of that store. When you go out in the public, you don't have privacy. You have publicity. That's what public schools are too > Public.

When you shop at Walmart it is not BROADCAST ON TELEVISION

That is what you proposed. Remember?
I smell somebody who does funky stuff when he thinks he can do it unobserved.....

The Minors are MORE PROTECTED with the cameras not less....
What the cameras would do is preclude all of the lazy habits that teachers' unions have allowed to agglomerate into the profession over the decades....
When you shop at Walmart it is not BROADCAST ON TELEVISION

That is what you proposed. Remember?
So what if it is or isn't on television (other than closed circuit televison and recorded)

Yes, school classes need to be BROADCAST ON TELEVISION. Of course. Anything less than that, would allow rogue teachers to hide their misdeeds.

Are you being objective here, or approaching this subject on the basis of how YOU personally may be affected ?
One could consider that defunding or abolishing police IS an indictment of all police. In addition to that, police have dash cams and body cams which they use to combat the thousands of out of context phone recordings that are used to slander them. Good cops welcome those cams and good teachers should welcome them as well. And nobody is saying that anything but the teacher and the classroom dialog should be recorded. This is no different than a customer being permitted to examine what they are buying.
Sure. And every time we shop (in a Walmart for example) we are on constant video surveillance in every part of that store. When you go out in the public, you don't have privacy. You have publicity. That's what public schools are too > Public.

When you shop at Walmart it is not BROADCAST ON TELEVISION

That is what you proposed. Remember?
I smell somebody who does funky stuff when he thinks he can do it unobserved.....
It must be your upper lip you smell!'s all over the internet....and I know you can type and read...sooooooo

With the large number of pedophiles that have invaded the ranks of school teachers it's fair to say that the public school system is a very dangerous place for children to be unmonitored.
So you must want to video tape confessions in the Catholic Church then too...right?

You have minors in those classrooms. Minors.

Who's going to ensure who's watching on the other end, and for what purpose? Even if you somehow have the loop closed, who's going to ensure that the events aren't being recorded (and then heaven only knows what?)

Teacher here. I get that this is the new Moral Panic but as a woman who raised two children, this is a terrible idea full of pitfalls you haven't thought through.
What pitfalls ? Name them.
They have already been listed in the thread. You want your taxes to go up to pay for the required bandwidth to perform a task that will show nothing.
One could consider that defunding or abolishing police IS an indictment of all police. In addition to that, police have dash cams and body cams which they use to combat the thousands of out of context phone recordings that are used to slander them. Good cops welcome those cams and good teachers should welcome them as well. And nobody is saying that anything but the teacher and the classroom dialog should be recorded. This is no different than a customer being permitted to examine what they are buying.
Sure. And every time we shop (in a Walmart for example) we are on constant video surveillance in every part of that store. When you go out in the public, you don't have privacy. You have publicity. That's what public schools are too > Public.

When you shop at Walmart it is not BROADCAST ON TELEVISION

That is what you proposed. Remember?
I smell somebody who does funky stuff when he thinks he can do it unobserved.....
It must be your upper lip you smell!
Hahahaha..... atta boy....hide those stats and get the Ostrich thing going on.... During the pandemic the classes on the Chrome books were just that...Televised
I told you once before and you had a breakdown over it once before too.... Brick and Mortar Schools are heading over the falls....

Bullshit..... I know several school board members in different towns here in NEW ENGlAND... The Chrome book thing at the homes saved them huge money in many ways.

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