Televise All School Classes

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So a student's classroom is being constantly videotaped with audio.

Welp, there goes any chance for students to confide in teachers about abuse. About anything. But I understand that we really, really have to get those teachers.

By the way, if you are a parent and you feel you trust the school and its teachers so little you really need a camera in your child's classroom, the school has already failed your child. Most all of the time, people who say this are pressing a political point and/or do not have children in school. Parents do not typically say *I* feel that *I* want cameras in MY child's classroom. If that is the case, there are huge issues.
NO, you DON'T "understand that we really, really have to get those teachers."

What needs to be is to monitor/supervise those teachers, and prevent them from indoctrinating kids with filthy ideas.

And if kids need to confide about abuse, they don't have to go to teachers. They can go to neighbors, other relatives, friends, police, etc
I agree because I'm a big believer in openness. We all live under a microscope these days and teachers should do the same. And who knows, if teachers don't think CRT is right, they might be more likely to question their superiors if they are being questioned by parents.
of course. and just like the police have cameras recording their actions, teachers could/should have the same. We are paying them out of our taxes. We are their supervisors. Supervisors need to monitor those whom they supervise.

Yeah, nothing at all creepy about filming a class full of Kindergarten children

Let's count how many times this dude avoids the point
So a student's classroom is being constantly videotaped with audio.

Welp, there goes any chance for students to confide in teachers about abuse. About anything. But I understand that we really, really have to get those teachers.

By the way, if you are a parent and you feel you trust the school and its teachers so little you really need a camera in your child's classroom, the school has already failed your child. Most all of the time, people who say this are pressing a political point and/or do not have children in school. Parents do not typically say *I* feel that *I* want cameras in MY child's classroom. If that is the case, there are huge issues.
NO, you DON'T "understand that we really, really have to get those teachers."

What needs to be is to monitor/supervise those teachers, and prevent them from indoctrinating kids with filthy ideas.

And if kids need to confide about abuse, they don't have to go to teachers. They can go to neighbors, other relatives, friends, police, etc

They could, and they always could. But they don't. Hate to tell you this, but very many children still adore their teachers, esp in elementary school, and they spend 8 hours a day with them. So they tell their teachers. Now you would like this information broadcast to all the neighbors, right?

Right. No concerns there. It all seems sane and normal
I recall trump saying torture (waterboarding) has a legitimate function DEPENDING on the circumstance. I agree 100%.

Let's look at a circumstance here now , OK ? Suppose FBI captures a Muslim terrorist, who says his colleagues are going to blow up a nuclear bomb 8 hours from now. he won't tell you who or where they are.

Here's your trade off >>

1. You can let him be silent, and have millions of people die in a nuclear blast in a highly densely populated city (ex. New York)

2. You can use torture, get the information, and stop the attack.

You could make the Olympic back pedal team.

But you show the problem with your proposal. You would be glued to the screen while current events and history is being discussed and a teacher notes that Trump supported torture and why it has been banned, and you and a long list of Trump supporters start going off "NO, No he didn't". The teacher then has to waste precious time re-teaching you the history you refused to learn or accept to start with.
Back before the computer age, there was classrooms via TV. If I remember correctly, some colleges and high schools had classes aired on PBS on certain days at certain times. These were for people who could not physically attend class, or who needed to continue their schooling during the summer while having to hold down a job.

The student ordered their book and class supplies from the college.
The student signed up for the tele-courses at the school or college.
The student followed the lessons and instructions on the pre-recorded tele-courses.
The student filled out the necessary documents and paperwork for the lesson and mailed it in to the school/college.

Not that difficult to do.

Pre-recording lessons by having certified, professional teachers follow curriculum has been done before, and can be done again.

Having pre-recorded lessons cuts out a lot of the BS, lies, and personal opinions from schools and teachers, as the lessons are basically instructors following the book or books they are supposed to use in that class.

Finished homework by students can be done on the computer, and either e-mailed in to the school, or printed out and mailed.

It's not a difficult premise, and is much more manageable than live classes taught by idiots that know nothing or only want to teach their own version of whats going on.
So far not a single conservative here has any idea how to protect the minors in the classroom.

Just yeah yeah, great idea. Yep.
The > "yeah yeah, great idea. Yep." are confirmations of the "how to protect the minors in the classroom." The idea for their protection is as stated in the OP by the protectionist.
The days of trusting "our" public schools, and their liberal teachers, are over. With all the anti-America, anti-white, anti-police, and pro-sex pervert CRT trash that kids are being indoctrinated with, parents, and all interested Americans need to be seeing and hearing what is being said in the classroom.

It is only by accident that parents became privvy to what was going on in these classrooms between "teachers" (indoctrinaters) and their kids. The pandemic was a help in one way. By having lessons online, at home, where parents could see them, instead of hidden in school classrooms, the filth teachers were laying on kids got to be noticed.

One may wonder how long this abomination has been going on. Certainly for years, and probably some number of decades. Quite likely these teachers themselves are unknowing victims of this racist, treasonous junk, from when they were school students. At the very least, if these rogue teachers are not fired, as they ought to be, their words should be monitored by parents et al, continuously, to stop any further damage.

Open up the schools. Broadcast the "lessons" LIVE, every day.

I just realized that this dude is not even proposing a closed camera situation for the children. NO, he wants to get the teachers so badly, he wants America's children TELEVISED.

That's some nuclear grade hatred you got for the teachers there. So bad, you're gonna TELEVISE for America's pedos.

Winning, dude. Awesome thoughts.
It's not actually "insane"; they are trying to get at teachers. But they do not give a thought to the fact that there are minors, and often very little children, in those rooms.

It's a hurdle to their objective, but some of us care about that.
Those little children are the reason for the cameras to be in the classrooms, televising the classes to parents and the community. It is for THEIR PROTECTION.

Strange how how you aren't seeing that simple fact.
Back before the computer age, there was classrooms via TV. If I remember correctly, some colleges and high schools had classes aired on PBS on certain days at certain times. These were for people who could not physically attend class, or who needed to continue their schooling during the summer while having to hold down a job.

The student ordered their book and class supplies from the college.
The student signed up for the tele-courses at the school or college.
The student followed the lessons and instructions on the pre-recorded tele-courses.
The student filled out the necessary documents and paperwork for the lesson and mailed it in to the school/college.

Not that difficult to do.

Pre-recording lessons by having certified, professional teachers follow curriculum has been done before, and can be done again.

Having pre-recorded lessons cuts out a lot of the BS, lies, and personal opinions from schools and teachers, as the lessons are basically instructors following the book or books they are supposed to use in that class.

Finished homework by students can be done on the computer, and either e-mailed in to the school, or printed out and mailed.

It's not a difficult premise, and is much more manageable than live classes taught by idiots that know nothing or only want to teach their own version of whats going on.

Sure, it's basically a closed camera situation. Like Zoom. Daycares do that too, usually without audio.

OP dude says nah, gotta put these things on TV and broadcast it. I already told him many, many children today have "no media" signed forms. They cannot be photographed or taped in any situation.

Tell you what, Protectionist. You start the company AND buy the insurance to cover all the lawsuits coming your way. Then we'll talk.
Let the teachers get on with their jobs. Schools reflect society , they dont drag it down.
Not if their activity in those "jobs" is teaching anti-white racism, anti-police hatred, anti-America propaganda BS. No. The thing to do so to STOP that from happening, and the first step in that direction is to see/hear what is being said. Obviously, the schools needs transparency, not opacity.
So you only want kids to be taught stuff that you agree with ? Listen to yourself you idiot. Let the teachers teach and you work on your insurrection fantasies.

Curriculum is very, very much locally created, which most American conservatives do not understand. In my district, the curriculum is approved by a committee of parents, (YES), teachers and secondary students, then presented to the Board of Education. So yes, parents absolutely should play an integral role in what gets taught. I agree with that, actually.

I just think my fellow conservatives don't understand what they're really asking for when the pop off about cameras in every classroom!! It's just a political talking point they don't really think through
I have friends who are teachers. They constantly moan about their workload and new initiatives that they have to implement. Most of them do stuff out of school hours and are constantly the butt of parents who probably never attended school when they were kids.

I dont think any of them have the time or inclination for indoctrination. This is just right wing fantasising.
It's not actually "insane"; they are trying to get at teachers. But they do not give a thought to the fact that there are minors, and often very little children, in those rooms.

It's a hurdle to their objective, but some of us care about that.
Those little children are the reason for the cameras to be in the classrooms, televising the classes to parents and the community. It is for THEIR PROTECTION.

Strange how how you aren't seeing that simple fact.

You're so crazy you think a lot of parents would agree with you that broadcasting their children on live TELEVISION Is a great idea

That's crazy. It's insane. Come out of your foxhole dude.
Pedophiles would flock to cameras in classrooms and you know this. You basically don't have an answer for me so you stated something inane.
The last place a pedophile would ever want to be is on a camera. I hadn't thought of it before (I was just thinking about CRT), but the cameras would help to protect the kids from pedophiles, also.
Let the teachers get on with their jobs. Schools reflect society , they dont drag it down.
Not if their activity in those "jobs" is teaching anti-white racism, anti-police hatred, anti-America propaganda BS. No. The thing to do so to STOP that from happening, and the first step in that direction is to see/hear what is being said. Obviously, the schools needs transparency, not opacity.
So you only want kids to be taught stuff that you agree with ? Listen to yourself you idiot. Let the teachers teach and you work on your insurrection fantasies.

Curriculum is very, very much locally created, which most American conservatives do not understand. In my district, the curriculum is approved by a committee of parents, (YES), teachers and secondary students, then presented to the Board of Education. So yes, parents absolutely should play an integral role in what gets taught. I agree with that, actually.

I just think my fellow conservatives don't understand what they're really asking for when the pop off about cameras in every classroom!! It's just a political talking point they don't really think through
I have friends who are teachers. They constantly moan about their workload and new initiatives that they have to implement. Most of them do stuff out of school hours and are constantly the butt of parents who probably never attended school when they were kids.

I dont think any of them have the time or inclination for indoctrination. This is just right wing fantasising.
Over here is

Teachers are heroes

and on the other side is

Teachers are monsters

And the truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle. We don't need to be put on pedestals. But we're not SO BAD that we need to be broadcast on TV so protectionist can purse his lips and crab about us 24/7.
Additionally did you know that in just about every classroom there is at least one child who has a 'no media' signed form? Usually because there are custody issues and such. That means in no case can there be pictures of video taken of that child.

Right, welcome to teaching in the 21st century. Now how is this going to work, exactly?
By legislation.
Pedophiles would flock to cameras in classrooms and you know this. You basically don't have an answer for me so you stated something inane.
The last place a pedophile would ever want to be is on a camera. I hadn't thought of it before (I was just thinking about CRT), but the cameras would help to protect the kids from pedophiles, also.

I don't think you realize how bad you look here
I recall trump saying torture (waterboarding) has a legitimate function DEPENDING on the circumstance. I agree 100%.

Let's look at a circumstance here now , OK ? Suppose FBI captures a Muslim terrorist, who says his colleagues are going to blow up a nuclear bomb 8 hours from now. he won't tell you who or where they are.

Here's your trade off >>

1. You can let him be silent, and have millions of people die in a nuclear blast in a highly densely populated city (ex. New York)

2. You can use torture, get the information, and stop the attack.

You could make the Olympic back pedal team.

But you show the problem with your proposal. You would be glued to the screen while current events and history is being discussed and a teacher notes that Trump supported torture and why it has been banned, and you and a long list of Trump supporters start going off "NO, No he didn't". The teacher then has to waste precious time re-teaching you the history you refused to learn or accept to start with.

There is another key issues. People like Protectionist think ALLLLL the crazy people are in the classroom. Has anyone looked around? Anyone at all?

You think there are not crazy parents?

Do you realize we regularly have to toilet train Kindergarten children now? Let's start there. Yes. Nothing wrong with these children. Parents just "didn't get around to it". We also have parents who want to email us 4 times a day with things like: Did Suzy finish her pudding treat, did she wash her hands after bathroom, etc.

THOSE are the parents who will be watching.

Protectionist, are you going to give every teacher a secretary JUST to deal with the issues parents saw on camera, but do not understand bc they're not teachers?
Oh please grow up every child has a cell phone in school these days and they all use the video cameras on them.

Why are you so anxious to protect pedophiles? Hmmmm

There shouldn't be anything done in a classroom that can't be publicly televised. if there is we have to wonder exactly what it is that people don't want to have televised.

Exactly right. I'm beginning to wonder about some of the people claiming to be teachers, and don't like the idea of being monitored with cameras, and seen by parents, police, community members, taxpayers.

EARTH TO TEACHERS: Everybody working for somebody else, needs to be monitored - including you. Especially you.
Oh please grow up every child has a cell phone in school these days and they all use the video cameras on them.

Why are you so anxious to protect pedophiles? Hmmmm

There shouldn't be anything done in a classroom that can't be publicly televised. if there is we have to wonder exactly what it is that people don't want to have televised.

Exactly right. I'm beginning to wonder about some of the people claiming to be teachers, and don't like the idea of being monitored with cameras, and seen by parents, police, community members, taxpayers.

EARTH TO TEACHERS: Everybody working for somebody else, needs to be monitored - including you. Especially you.

I think the idea of taking notes with your cell phone is a great idea. To note though, you've not made your case that teachers need monitored.
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