Televise All School Classes

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Ob-gyns work for someone else. Should those rooms be monitored? Proctologists? How about urologists? Hey they take Medicare. Do you get Medicare? That's taxpayer funded. Maybe we should have a camera on your doctor appts when you go.

My doctors don't teach CRT. Got anything else up your sleeve ? :biggrin:
In case I have not made it clear in this thread, I love my profession and we need the deadwood out. We need teacher accountability too. But cameras in classrooms is NOT the way to get it. First, because there are minor children in there.

People leap to horrid solutions because they're mad. I...actually deal with this a lot in my classroom. "Now let's think this through...."
The minor children there, is exactly WHY we need to have televised classes, so parents can see what's happening TO THEIR KIDS. Get it ?

You are more likely a convicted pedophile who enjoys watching little girls on TV.
You are more likely an escapee from a mental institution, but with a low IQ.

Or maybe you're in that nuthouse right now, and typing from there.
You are the one that wants TV classes of young girls in kindergarten sent to your home for your private viewing pleasure.

Let me ask, why the fuck would you want to watch me teach Algebra or Geometry? No CRT there, no racism, and no pedophilia. I guess you might actually learn something from my classes since you repeatedly show yourself to be a terminal dumbass!
You are the one that wants TV classes of young girls in kindergarten sent to your home for your private viewing pleasure.

Let me ask, why the fuck would you want to watch me teach Algebra or Geometry? No CRT there, no racism, and no pedophilia. I guess you might actually learn something from my classes since you repeatedly show yourself to be a terminal dumbass!
Hey Admiral NITWIT - just thought I'd let you know that I'm not reading any of your moronic slop in here, while I'm busy catching up to posts posted a few hours ago.

When I do get up to your higher numbered posts though, I'll be sure to pay rapt attention to > other peoples posts. :laugh::slap:

The Minors are MORE PROTECTED with the cameras not less....
What the cameras would do is preclude all of the lazy habits that teachers' unions have allowed to agglomerate into the profession over the decades....
Which is probably why SweatingSue92 wants to keep them out of her classroom.

You said he did AFTER you said he didn't and were taught where you were wrong. Again, something teachers don't have time to do.
I said TWO DIFFERENT things about him, you moron. I explained ALL this before. You're not going to get it again.. read the thread. Maybe this time a bit slower, and you still haven't answered about the nuclear catastrophe, Dodge Boy.
So you must want to video tape confessions in the Catholic Church then too...right?
They have already been listed in the thread. You want your taxes to go up to pay for the required bandwidth to perform a task that will show nothing.
I answered that 100 or so posts ago, Read the thread before posting, and making a fool out of yourself.

And what it will show, is what the kids are being taught, which parents need to know. And it won't show CRT, and other nasty stuff. That's the idea. Get it ?
The days of trusting "our" public schools, and their liberal teachers, are over. With all the anti-America, anti-white, anti-police, and pro-sex pervert CRT trash that kids are being indoctrinated with, parents, and all interested Americans need to be seeing and hearing what is being said in the classroom.

It is only by accident that parents became privvy to what was going on in these classrooms between "teachers" (indoctrinaters) and their kids. The pandemic was a help in one way. By having lessons online, at home, where parents could see them, instead of hidden in school classrooms, the filth teachers were laying on kids got to be noticed.

One may wonder how long this abomination has been going on. Certainly for years, and probably some number of decades. Quite likely these teachers themselves are unknowing victims of this racist, treasonous junk, from when they were school students. At the very least, if these rogue teachers are not fired, as they ought to be, their words should be monitored by parents et al, continuously, to stop any further damage.

Open up the schools. Broadcast the "lessons" LIVE, every day.
You are fucking insane.

It's not actually "insane"; they are trying to get at teachers. But they do not give a thought to the fact that there are minors, and often very little children, in those rooms.

It's a hurdle to their objective, but some of us care about that.
Let the teachers get on with their jobs. Schools reflect society , they dont drag it down.
They do when they teach "I Hate America" indoctrination, which is 100% of the time.
Do you have a link to this craziness ?
I already explained. The big one is you aren't going to pay for it and the second one is no one wants to listen to and correct your ranting.
I already answered the "pay for it" line, and you know it, unless you're early brain dead.

The second one is YOU want to listen to me, and (laughably try) to correct me, evidenced by the fact that YOU'RE HERE. :laugh:
They have a perfect right to be in the classroom and cause disruptions at every opportunity. They do not have the right to a private TV show.
ESDRAELON had an excellent post, and you answered it with jibberish nonsense. It is guys like you who really fuck up a thread like this.
When my kids were in school we were told at the start of term what they would be doing. We could check on their work through the term to see what that was.

Reading time - Age-appropriate stories
Basic Mathematics - long division and fractions
Geography - Lakes and mountains
History - Kings and Queens
Politics - Overthrow of the capitalist system and the implementation of a workers democracy.

At the end of term we had to go back in and get an update on progress.
That worked quite well.
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