Televise All School Classes

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Over here is
Teachers are heroes and on the other side is
Teachers are monsters

And the truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle. We don't need to be put on pedestals. But we're not SO BAD that we need to be broadcast on TV so protectionist can purse his lips and crab about us 24/7.
You actually ought to recuse yourself from this debate. As a teacher, you cannot be an objective party. I'm wasting a lot of time and effort responding to your totally SUBJECTIVE comments, which center around, and emanate from, what is comfortable for YOU, rather than what is good for kids, parents, and their communities.

Patently false. *I* was the one who brought up how unsafe this is FOR KIDS. You didn't even mention MINORS being put on television, seemingly without permission from their parents
they will never do is figure out a way to protect the 6 year olds they want on cameras all day.
Putting the lib teachers on camera is protecting little children
But the libs here can't understand, that because they actually believe in this CRT filth, and support it. That's how loon tune they are.
Typically when the public teachers cant get approval from the parents they go ahead and do it anyway

Which is whey we need camera's in the classroom
they will never do is figure out a way to protect the 6 year olds they want on cameras all day.
Putting the lib teachers on camera is protecting little children
But the libs here can't understand, that because they actually believe in this CRT filth, and support it. That's how loon tune they are.

I do not support CRT. Filming and BROADCASTING MINOR CHILDREN to heaven knows who is not the way to go about this.
One could consider that defunding or abolishing police IS an indictment of all police. In addition to that, police have dash cams and body cams which they use to combat the thousands of out of context phone recordings that are used to slander them. Good cops welcome those cams and good teachers should welcome them as well. And nobody is saying that anything but the teacher and the classroom dialog should be recorded. This is no different than a customer being permitted to examine what they are buying.
Sure. And every time we shop (in a Walmart for example) we are on constant video surveillance in every part of that store. When you go out in the public, you don't have privacy. You have publicity. That's what public schools are too > Public.

When you shop at Walmart it is not BROADCAST ON TELEVISION

That is what you proposed. Remember?
I smell somebody who does funky stuff when he thinks he can do it unobserved.....

1. You do not recognize "Sue" as a female name?

Wait, I have to stop there. You probably can't handle much more
When you shop at Walmart it is not BROADCAST ON TELEVISION

That is what you proposed. Remember?
So what if it is or isn't on television (other than closed circuit televison and recorded)

Yes, school classes need to be BROADCAST ON TELEVISION. Of course. Anything less than that, would allow rogue teachers to hide their misdeeds.

Are you being objective here, or approaching this subject on the basis of how YOU personally may be affected ?

I am thinking about how utterly, absurdly creepy it is that you are out to get teachers SO BADLY you don't care about exposing minor children to loads and loads of savages in the world. And you know, deep down, the worst savages are out there, NOT in schools where there is a ton of oversight.

Really. That's creepy. Figure out a different kind of revenge on teachers. Don't involve the kids.
I do not support CRT. Filming and BROADCASTING MINOR CHILDREN to heaven knows who is not the way to go about this.
We would be primarily recording the teacher although students might occasionally be in the picture

Parents would be assigned a password for access and it would not be broadcast everywhere
Patently false. *I* was the one who brought up how unsafe this is FOR KIDS. You didn't even mention MINORS being put on television, seemingly without permission from their parents
I guess your specialty here is getting things wrong. Of course I mentioned that MINORS would be on television. I mentioned it in the the very first words of the OP >> "Televise All School Classes", and that's where the kids are right ?

Actually, since the kids are not the focus of the telecasts (the teachers are), the kids could be blotted out with a screen (like they use to cover nudity in some shows). This is done all the time on TV. Ho hum.

And it is NOT FALSE that you are a vested interest in this debate. You're a teacher, and thus, cannot be an objective disinterested party.
I just completed year 27.
Oh please grow up every child has a cell phone in school these days and they all use the video cameras on them.

Why are you so anxious to protect pedophiles? Hmmmm

There shouldn't be anything done in a classroom that can't be publicly televised. if there is we have to wonder exactly what it is that people don't want to have televised.

Students do not have cell phones out in the classroom, and if they have them, they are not using them. You don't understand the problem because the telephone was probably the highest technology you had in your classroom as a child.
WRONG..... they are out and on almost all the time.....who the hell do you think you're fooling?

I was a teacher for 21 years. Kiss my ass, you fucking know-it all

I just completely year 27. Oh but these cats--they absolutely know everything about everything
I do not support CRT. Filming and BROADCASTING MINOR CHILDREN to heaven knows who is not the way to go about this.
We would be primarily recording the teacher although students might occasionally be in the picture

Parents would be assigned a password for access and it would not be broadcast everywhere

Another one who has NO IDEA what an elementary classroom looks like

"Teacher stays in one spot so she can be videotaped"

SURE hahahahahahaha
Patently false. *I* was the one who brought up how unsafe this is FOR KIDS. You didn't even mention MINORS being put on television, seemingly without permission from their parents
I guess your specialty here is getting things wrong. Of course I mentioned that MINORS would be on television. I mentioned it in the the very first words of the OP >> "Televise All School Classes", and that's where the kids are right ?

Actually, since the kids are not the focus of the telecasts (the teachers are), the kids could be blotted out with a screen (like they use to cover nudity in some shows). This is done all the time on TV. Ho hum.

And it is NOT FALSE that you are a vested interest in this debate. You're a teacher, and thus, cannot be an objective disinterested party.

How are you gonna blot MOVING CHILDREN out on a live broadcast?

Are you actually cognitively okay?
When my kids were in school we were told at the start of term what they would be doing. We could check on their work through the term to see what that was.

Reading time - Age-appropriate stories
Basic Mathematics - long division and fractions
Geography - Lakes and mountains
History - Kings and Queens
Politics - Overthrow of the capitalist system and the implementation of a workers democracy.

At the end of term we had to go back in and get an update on progress.
That worked quite well.
In all of that, the kids could have easily had their brains infected with CRT, and you would have known nothing of it.

BTW - your "Overthrow of the capitalist system and the implementation of a workers democracy" sounds something like CRT itself.

Just couldn't contain yourself, huh ?

They are called "parents". Besides, what you said doesn't come close to addressing my point. You just want to bitch. If you believe this is needed, step up and fund it.
If anything needs to be funded , this does.

"Parents" yes. The quality control inspectors of the teachers. But they cannot do any quality control, when they are miles away from the school, and can't see or hear what teachers are saying. The television cameras solve that problem.

Do you not have kids? Of course there are things you can do. We threw out our entire school board over their position to cut the arts in school (mostly music).

We had a large turnout at the local theater where many parents spoke out about how important the arts are. They didn't get cut but we still voted in an entire new school board.

Parents have a HUGE, and I mean HUGE amount of sway in even a mediocre school district. In terrible school districts, probably not, but in even the middling ones--YES. Parents often do not realize how much their voices count!
How are you gonna blot MOVING CHILDREN out on a live broadcast?

Are you actually cognitively okay?
The kids don't need to move. They sit still at their desks. I taught microeconomics in a university for 2 years. No kid ever came up to the front of the classroom. I would guess it be the same for lower grades.

I don't know the technicalities, but one need not be too technical to envision just keeping the camera on the teacher, in the front of the classroom, and not on the kids. Hey, that was tough huh ?
I do not support CRT. Filming and BROADCASTING MINOR CHILDREN to heaven knows who is not the way to go about this.
We would be primarily recording the teacher although students might occasionally be in the picture

Parents would be assigned a password for access and it would not be broadcast everywhere

Another one who has NO IDEA what an elementary classroom looks like

"Teacher stays in one spot so she can be videotaped"

SURE hahahahahahaha
You have not made the case for why children cannot be video’d on closed circuit tv
Parents have a HUGE, and I mean HUGE amount of sway in even a mediocre school district. In terrible school districts, probably not, but in even the middling ones--YES. Parents often do not realize how much their voices count!
But their voices would count at all about CRT, if they did not see or hear it.
How are you gonna blot MOVING CHILDREN out on a live broadcast?

Are you actually cognitively okay?
The kids don't need to move. They sit still at their desks. I taught microeconomics in a university for 2 years. No kid ever came up to the front of the classroom. I would guess it be the same for lower grades.

I don't know the technicalities, but one need not be too technical to envision just keeping the camera on the teacher, in the front of the classroom, and not on the kids. Hey, that was tough huh ?

Yes. Yes, because right, Kinders and first graders are JUST LIKE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS and can sit at their desks for long periods of time, unmoving, and listen to the teacher lecture. Great learning method too for 6 year olds.

I have tried to be patient but honestly, you are without a clue about education and beyond that, are so set on really getting the screws in on teachers you would keep little kids at their desks all day. So the teacher can be recorded. (But you only made that allowance when you realized I was right about filming minors)

This thread is sinking. I'm gonna bail.

Another one who has NO IDEA what an elementary classroom looks like

"Teacher stays in one spot so she can be videotaped"

SURE hahahahahahaha
I was a student in elementary school for 6 years. I see no reason why a teacher could not stay in the front of the classroom, on camera, while the kids are not on camera.

Yes. Yes, because right, Kinders and first graders are JUST LIKE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS and can sit at their desks for long periods of time, unmoving, and listen to the teacher lecture. Great learning method too for 6 year olds.

I have tried to be patient but honestly, you are without a clue about education and beyond that, are so set on really getting the screws in on teachers you would keep little kids at their desks all day. So the teacher can be recorded. (But you only made that allowance when you realized I was right about filming minors)

This thread is sinking. I'm gonna bail.
I was 5 years old when I attended first grade. From September to June, of that whole school year, NO KID EVER left his/seat, except to leave the room to go to the bathroom. What kind of a class are you running ? Calesthenics ?

Whose in control of your class ? You ? Or the kids ?
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