Televise All School Classes

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I do not support CRT. Filming and BROADCASTING MINOR CHILDREN to heaven knows who is not the way to go about this.
We would be primarily recording the teacher although students might occasionally be in the picture

Parents would be assigned a password for access and it would not be broadcast everywhere

Another one who has NO IDEA what an elementary classroom looks like

"Teacher stays in one spot so she can be videotaped"

SURE hahahahahahaha
You have not made the case for why children cannot be video’d on closed circuit tv

For just one thing, in about every class there is at least one child whose parents have signed "no media" forms. They cannot be filmed or photographed in any circumstance, usually for custody issues. That's one.

Two, there would be A LOT of issues going on which a teacher would not want other parents to be privy to--and neither would you, if it were your kid. Discipline issues, sensitive personal matters, etc. So now, does the teacher turn off the camera and now Protectionist goes nuts because he's sure teacher is INDOCTRINATING CRT or does the teacher keep camera on and everybody knows that Johnny and Sam had ANOTHER fight at recess or that Ava wet her pants AGAIN? one here really knows everything that teachers do in a day. And now you all want every single parent eye on all that stuff. It's a huge, huge privacy concern.

Another one who has NO IDEA what an elementary classroom looks like

"Teacher stays in one spot so she can be videotaped"

SURE hahahahahahaha
I was a student in elementary school for 6 years. I see no reason why a teacher could not stay in the front of the classroom, on camera, while the kids are not on camera.

It's not the 1950s anymore

We teach a lot, lot better now. No, we really do. No. Really.

Yes. Yes, because right, Kinders and first graders are JUST LIKE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS and can sit at their desks for long periods of time, unmoving, and listen to the teacher lecture. Great learning method too for 6 year olds.

I have tried to be patient but honestly, you are without a clue about education and beyond that, are so set on really getting the screws in on teachers you would keep little kids at their desks all day. So the teacher can be recorded. (But you only made that allowance when you realized I was right about filming minors)

This thread is sinking. I'm gonna bail.
I was 5 years old when I attended first grade. From September to June, of that whole school year, NO KID EVER left his/seat, except to leave the room to go to the bathroom. What kind of a class are you running ? Calesthenics ?

Whose in control of your class ? You ? Or the kids ?

You would not last 10 minutes in my job with 2021 kids. Not. Ten. Minutes.

You haven't the first clue what you're talking about.
When my kids were in school we were told at the start of term what they would be doing. We could check on their work through the term to see what that was.

Reading time - Age-appropriate stories
Basic Mathematics - long division and fractions
Geography - Lakes and mountains
History - Kings and Queens
Politics - Overthrow of the capitalist system and the implementation of a workers democracy.

At the end of term we had to go back in and get an update on progress.
That worked quite well.
In all of that, the kids could have easily had their brains infected with CRT, and you would have known nothing of it.

BTW - your "Overthrow of the capitalist system and the implementation of a workers democracy" sounds something like CRT itself.

Just couldn't contain yourself, huh ?
Yes, I am afraid that I betrayed my whole agenda to INDOCTRINATE 8 year olds.

I suppose it was your "out of the box" thinking that enabled you to become a billionaire and an expert on education.
I do not support CRT. Filming and BROADCASTING MINOR CHILDREN to heaven knows who is not the way to go about this.
We would be primarily recording the teacher although students might occasionally be in the picture

Parents would be assigned a password for access and it would not be broadcast everywhere

Another one who has NO IDEA what an elementary classroom looks like

"Teacher stays in one spot so she can be videotaped"

SURE hahahahahahaha
You have not made the case for why children cannot be video’d on closed circuit tv

For just one thing, in about every class there is at least one child whose parents have signed "no media" forms. They cannot be filmed or photographed in any circumstance, usually for custody issues. That's one.

Two, there would be A LOT of issues going on which a teacher would not want other parents to be privy to--and neither would you, if it were your kid. Discipline issues, sensitive personal matters, etc. So now, does the teacher turn off the camera and now Protectionist goes nuts because he's sure teacher is INDOCTRINATING CRT or does the teacher keep camera on and everybody knows that Johnny and Sam had ANOTHER fight at recess or that Ava wet her pants AGAIN? one here really knows everything that teachers do in a day. And now you all want every single parent eye on all that stuff. It's a huge, huge privacy concern.
point One is fair and easily overcome

Point two is bullshit

As for point one software is advanced enough that the faces of the children can be blurred out
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At the university where I received my Master's degree, if you were caught with a cell phone or recording device in class, you would be summarily kicked out of the university.
In my university, CCNY of the City University of New York, recording devices were used EVERY DAY by EVERY STUDENT, and since you didn't mention the name of your university, maybe we can just call it :ahole-1: University, for depriving students of one of their best learning aids.
One could consider that defunding or abolishing police IS an indictment of all police. In addition to that, police have dash cams and body cams which they use to combat the thousands of out of context phone recordings that are used to slander them. Good cops welcome those cams and good teachers should welcome them as well. And nobody is saying that anything but the teacher and the classroom dialog should be recorded. This is no different than a customer being permitted to examine what they are buying.
Sure. And every time we shop (in a Walmart for example) we are on constant video surveillance in every part of that store. When you go out in the public, you don't have privacy. You have publicity. That's what public schools are too > Public.

When you shop at Walmart it is not BROADCAST ON TELEVISION

That is what you proposed. Remember?
I smell somebody who does funky stuff when he thinks he can do it unobserved.....
It must be your upper lip you smell!
Hahahaha..... atta boy....hide those stats and get the Ostrich thing going on.... During the pandemic the classes on the Chrome books were just that...Televised
I told you once before and you had a breakdown over it once before too.... Brick and Mortar Schools are heading over the falls....

You quote the stats, you stupid piece of shit! Oh, wait! You don't have any!

After the COVID 19, many parents saw how homeschooling is incredibly difficult and wanted their kids back in school because they simply could not teach them. Due to our libtard governor, my grandsons were out of school almost the entire 2020-2021 school year. They will likely never recover from the poor instruction they got from their on-line instruction.
The link is right there...lazy bastard....
I'm not talking about the quality of the education... I'm telling you it's an inevitable trend that cannot be reversed. As far as pedophile School teaches the information is abundantly available. I'm very sorry for all the dedicated professionals that spent their life in that trade they all deserve medals. But the future is whatever it is.


You are more likely a convicted pedophile who enjoys watching little girls on TV.
You better watch your ass here, boy. There are laws in Florida about talking like that to a senior citizen, and it is a FELONY, and computer rooms are no exception. You could find yourself in prison for 5 years, and the evidence is all right here in front of hundreds of witnesses.
Florida Statute 825.102(1)(a/b)
Parents only find out by accident? That is only the parents who don't pay attention to what is being taught to their children.

When my children were in school, their Mom and I used a radical approach to monitoring their education and their performance. We TALKED to our kids about what they learned in school. Every single day. It was a priority for us. And it worked.

Another one who has NO IDEA what an elementary classroom looks like

"Teacher stays in one spot so she can be videotaped"

SURE hahahahahahaha
I was a student in elementary school for 6 years. I see no reason why a teacher could not stay in the front of the classroom, on camera, while the kids are not on camera.

It's not the 1950s anymore

We teach a lot, lot better now. No, we really do. No. Really.

I guess at football games, we'd have to have like what, 8-12 cameras.

Are we going to put them in the dressing rooms to so perverts like the OP can get his jollies?

Screen Shot 2021-06-27 at 12.38.19 PM.png

Yeah, we know which teams this perv will be watching.

You are more likely a convicted pedophile who enjoys watching little girls on TV.
You better watch your ass here, boy. There are laws in Florida about talking like that to a senior citizen, and it is a FELONY, and computer rooms are no exception. You could find yourself in prison for 5 years, and the evidence is all right here in front of hundreds of witnesses.
Florida Statute 825.102(1)(a/b)
He's alright and I feel for him but he let's his temper get the better of you might guess he is a retired school teacher and he was a dedicated one who truly believed in Education....had conversations with him before about the inevitability of the end of the centralized school system.. I can only imagine how he must feel about all of this but seriously I have two friends who are on respective school boards and they both mentioned how much money they saved in their budgets this year by doing distance learning. For what it's worth ole Admiral might be right about kids being taught in person but hey ZOOM is the new " In Person" learning now and I think if it is done correctly it can only be off to the races from here.


Another one who has NO IDEA what an elementary classroom looks like

"Teacher stays in one spot so she can be videotaped"

SURE hahahahahahaha
I was a student in elementary school for 6 years. I see no reason why a teacher could not stay in the front of the classroom, on camera, while the kids are not on camera.

It's not the 1950s anymore

We teach a lot, lot better now. No, we really do. No. Really.

I guess at football games, we'd have to have like what, 8-12 cameras.

Are we going to put them in the dressing rooms to so perverts like the OP can get his jollies?

View attachment 506198

Yeah, we know which teams this perv will be watching.
Hey want to put grown men in the dressing room with girls right? Is there somehow a difference?

I guess at football games, we'd have to have like what, 8-12 cameras.

Are we going to put them in the dressing rooms to so perverts like the OP can get his jollies?
hey want to put grown men in the dressing room with girls right? Is there somehow a difference?
what a great comment

We know that libs like candycorn approve of male perverts in the women's dressing rooms if they claim to be transgenders
I guess at football games, we'd have to have like what, 8-12 cameras.

Are we going to put them in the dressing rooms to so perverts like the OP can get his jollies?
hey want to put grown men in the dressing room with girls right? Is there somehow a difference?
what a great comment

We know that libs like candycorn approve of male perverts in the women's dressing rooms if they claim to be transgenders
The 70 y/o OP says he dates 18 y/o women. This is who you're aligned with...perverts.
The 70 y/o OP says he dates 18 y/o women. This is who you're aligned with...perverts.
now you are off topic

Tis issue is video monitoring of teachers in school
Yeah, the truth hurts don't it. You're making a decision to align yourself with an admitted pervert.

Cameras in classrooms are the dumbest idea since guns in the classroom. Both are conservative fantasies. Neither will ever happen.

Just out of curiosity, if a teacher says the "wrong thing", what then? Are you going to really fight the teaches unions if they are talking about slavery and happen to mention the truthful things that white people owned slaves, white people lynched blacks, white people codified discrimination against blacks, etc.... ?
How are you gonna blot MOVING CHILDREN out on a live broadcast?

Are you actually cognitively okay?
The kids don't need to move. They sit still at their desks. I taught microeconomics in a university for 2 years. No kid ever came up to the front of the classroom. I would guess it be the same for lower grades.

I don't know the technicalities, but one need not be too technical to envision just keeping the camera on the teacher, in the front of the classroom, and not on the kids. Hey, that was tough huh ?
You just could not resist the opportunity to prove yourself a moron, huh? Students are encouraged to move because sitting at their desk for 6-7 hours is not good for them . Of course you compared kindergarten to college, another brilliant streak of stupid!

Yes. Yes, because right, Kinders and first graders are JUST LIKE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS and can sit at their desks for long periods of time, unmoving, and listen to the teacher lecture. Great learning method too for 6 year olds.

I have tried to be patient but honestly, you are without a clue about education and beyond that, are so set on really getting the screws in on teachers you would keep little kids at their desks all day. So the teacher can be recorded. (But you only made that allowance when you realized I was right about filming minors)

This thread is sinking. I'm gonna bail.
I was 5 years old when I attended first grade. From September to June, of that whole school year, NO KID EVER left his/seat, except to leave the room to go to the bathroom. What kind of a class are you running ? Calesthenics ?

Whose in control of your class ? You ? Or the kids ?
My God. You are too stupid to make a believable lie.
35 Y/O School teachers dating 12 year old kids is your preference?

Your protected class Muslims marry 13 y/o girls right here in the US with parental consent...

WTF are you talking about????

so an adult male dates an 18 year old Adult.....where is the problem dude?

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