Televise All School Classes

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I think that adults - particularly libs- have lost control of the children and their classrooms
That may be what the teachers are trying to hide

No. Wrong. Five year olds sitting in desks all day is horrid for their brains. It's not about "control". Why should we hold so tightly to 'control' at any rate? Do you endorse this as a matter of course for govt employees? As a conservative, I do not.
I am not wedded to 5-year olds

The cameras are for all age groups

Nor do young children have to set quietly all day

Cameras would expose many bad teachers with a variety of shortcomings

Lack of discipline being only one possible shock for the parents

What do you think a camera would expose? What type of shortcomings are you imagining exist?
I think liberals are determined to brainwash children whether the parents like it or not

Cameras would allow parents to observe whats going on
Parents can march their ass into the classroom and see what is going on.

How much brainwashing do you think occurs in math classes? PE? Life skills? Special education? Language arts? The correct answer is NONE! Why do you want to see those classes if all you are doing is looking for "indoctrination"?
You realize, I hope, that this is no different from what the Left does with cops, right? Left sees a terrible cop mistreating a Black man and says, hey, they all do this. All are guilty, it's endemic, so all should be prosecuted.

You see what that has done to law enforcement.

Now you believe that the tiny school district in Anytown, Nebraska is up to the same tricks that go on in San Francisco, CA. Okay, if that makes sense in your head, go forth with your plans. Let's see how crushing we can make that teacher shortage.

I'm sure the backbencher teachers will be way, way better than the crop you kicked out. Right?
But I'm not saying that all should be prosecuted,...YOU said that. I'm saying that all teaching should be seen and heard by all. 100%. And IF teachers are found teaching CRT, then THEY should be fired.

If any teachers need to be kicked out from teaching CRT, anti-white racism, anti-police hatred, anti-America, and pro LGBT, then the "backbencher teachers" as you call them, if they do not teach that filth, WILL BE way better, yes, of course.

And that's exactly the reason for televising the classes. You see teachers thing CRT, racism, sedition, insanity, then GET RID OF THEM,-FAST.
To please the Commiecrats here, I suggest that only the teacher should be videotaped and voice recorded. The children should not be seen nor heard.

Another one who has NO IDEA what an elementary classroom looks like

"Teacher stays in one spot so she can be videotaped"

SURE hahahahahahaha
I was a student in elementary school for 6 years. I see no reason why a teacher could not stay in the front of the classroom, on camera, while the kids are not on camera.

It's not the 1950s anymore

We teach a lot, lot better now. No, we really do. No. Really.

I guess at football games, we'd have to have like what, 8-12 cameras.

Are we going to put them in the dressing rooms to so perverts like the OP can get his jollies?

View attachment 506198

Yeah, we know which teams this perv will be watching.
HA HA. There is nothing in that post # 46 that is "perv". If an 18 year old woman (or 28 or 35, whatever legal age, wants to date me, that is her business, my business, and none of yours. I date women from age 18 to 78, and all ages in between. I love women and they love me. It's one of the finer things in life.

All of your Post 231, 235 , and 237 has nothing to do with any attributes of me. I'm just a guy who stays in shape, keeps up a good appearance, is intelligent, and happens to play 5 musical instruments on a professional level, and the girls (of various ages) like me. I'll keep that going for as long as I can, and more power to other guys who do the same thing. At their concerts, the Rolling Stones (older than me) get groupie girls rushing to their dressing room after their shows. Fine.

Your problem maybe is, you would like to be one of those girls whom I date, but you think you'd be rejected. "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."

As for the football games, I would imagine there is too much to think about in playing the game, for anyone to be talking about CRT. And you are OFF TOPIC yet again, since the OP specifically cited "classrooms"
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To please the Commiecrats here, I suggest that only the teacher should be videotaped and voice recorded. The children should not be seen nor heard.
Of course, but leave it up to looney libbies to try to sabatoge any idea that goes against their lunacies, while they try to come up laughable pretenses to justify their sabatoge.
Parents can march their ass into the classroom and see what is going on.

How much brainwashing do you think occurs in math classes? PE? Life skills? Special education? Language arts? The correct answer is NONE! Why do you want to see those classes if all you are doing is looking for "indoctrination"?
1. I don't think that "Parents can march their ass into the classroom" whenever they see fit. I highly doubt that that would go without severe objection from principals.

2. In elementary schools, classes are not divided by subjects. Teachers decide what to talk about, and it could be any subject (including CRT).

3. In higher grades, CRT could easily work its way into history, psychology, sociology, political science, English, economics, etc.
With regard to live recordings, when I was a college student, everyone in my class has a tape recorder, taping the lesson live, so as to fill in the blank spaces in the notebook pages. I found them to be extremely helpful.

To please the Commiecrats here, I suggest that only the teacher should be videotaped and voice recorded. The children should not be seen nor heard.
And how do you propose that happens Hossfly ?
We edit out all the student discourse? What a stupid idea.
Amen to this, and open communication with teachers, admin, etc. Really, if parents feel like they need cameras in the classroom of their actual children, as I said before in this thread--the state of the entire thing is already very broken. But usually, the person who proposes this idea just has an ax to grind with teachers/schools and really would not want THEIR kid on camera for every freak out there to look at.
There is no "if". Parents very much DO "feel like they need cameras in the classroom", and yes, "the state of the entire thing is already very broken." ...with CRT

And your little deflection to > "the person who proposes this idea just has an ax to grind with teachers/schools" has about as much credibility as an icicle in a boiler room. If anybody is being subjective here, it is YOU, who is a teacher, and you don't want your classes to be recorded.
What's the matter ? Going to infringe on your CRT ?
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I think my "favorite" part of this whole thread so far is the OP thinking 5 year olds would be happy to sit at desks all day long so that the teacher can stay in one spot while she is videotaped.

GREAT plan. I bet the kids will love school so much that the parents will just be thrilled with the video plans!!
We did just that when we were kids. That was because the teachers maintained order, which you, in your school, seem to be incapable of doing. Mayne you could take some lessons from some of the older teachers, now retired, who, it looks like, could teach you a few things.
I think that adults - particularly libs- have lost control of the children and their classrooms

That may be what the teachers are trying to hide
Sure does sound like exactly that. Good point.

No. Wrong. Five year olds sitting in desks all day is horrid for their brains. It's not about "control". Why should we hold so tightly to 'control' at any rate? Do you endorse this as a matter of course for govt employees? As a conservative, I do not.
Sounds like you have a totally different view of the way classrooms are conducted than us older folks. We had quiet, order, and lots of education, WITHOUT CRT.

We sat at our desks all day, paid attention to our lessons, wrote essays, drew art pictures, whatever the class was at the time. Nobody felt like they needed to get up and move around.

You are stretching the discussion, because you don't like the idea of YOU being recorded, and you can't come up with any viable reason to counter the idea. Maybe you don't know how obvious it is.
I think my "favorite" part of this whole thread so far is the OP thinking 5 year olds would be happy to sit at desks all day long so that the teacher can stay in one spot while she is videotaped.

GREAT plan. I bet the kids will love school so much that the parents will just be thrilled with the video plans!!
We did just that when we were kids. That was because the teachers maintained order, which you, in your school, seem to be incapable of doing. Mayne you could take some lessons from some of the older teachers, now retired, who, it looks like, could teach you a few things.
You're Special.
A true special.
God Bless you lil Special one.
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