Televise All School Classes

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Televise All School Classes
Such is the authoritarian, Orwellian right.
Form follows function. If schools did not engage in indoctrination of hideous ideas, television wouldn't be necessary. If you want to place blame, look to the wrongdoer, not the repair people.
I am truly horrified by what I am seeing here..... these people are openly telling us that they do not want any input from the family unit..... Looks like Cloward and Piven will turn out to be the most powerful society sculptors in American history..... The fact that they want POLICE OFFICERS to wear body cams at the same time they reject surveillance for themselves is an amazing confession of what their real actions and intentions are.


Summarize our objections to having our classrooms televised and/or recorded. Can you? And do so honestly?
You realize, I hope, that this is no different from what the Left does with cops, right? Left sees a terrible cop mistreating a Black man and says, hey, they all do this. All are guilty, it's endemic, so all should be prosecuted.

You see what that has done to law enforcement.

Now you believe that the tiny school district in Anytown, Nebraska is up to the same tricks that go on in San Francisco, CA. Okay, if that makes sense in your head, go forth with your plans. Let's see how crushing we can make that teacher shortage.

I'm sure the backbencher teachers will be way, way better than the crop you kicked out. Right?
But I'm not saying that all should be prosecuted,...YOU said that. I'm saying that all teaching should be seen and heard by all. 100%. And IF teachers are found teaching CRT, then THEY should be fired.

If any teachers need to be kicked out from teaching CRT, anti-white racism, anti-police hatred, anti-America, and pro LGBT, then the "backbencher teachers" as you call them, if they do not teach that filth, WILL BE way better, yes, of course.

And that's exactly the reason for televising the classes. You see teachers thing CRT, racism, sedition, insanity, then GET RID OF THEM,-FAST.
To please the Commiecrats here, I suggest that only the teacher should be videotaped and voice recorded. The children should not be seen nor heard.

If you have read the thread you know that is impossible. Why do you and others keep proposing solutions that do not and cannot exist?
any teacher stabbings by students occur in a year? 1, 5, 10? How many? Your imagination is running away with you again.
How many other forms of assault?

How many violent confrontations are avoided by giving in to the students?

As I said there seems to be a link between how children are treated and the intolerance of ideas they have after reaching college

Rather than being open minded academia breeds closed minded little liberals
I am replying to YOUR comment. "Completely clueless" does not begin to describe most people on this message board who are not educators. They base their opinions on how schools were 20, 30, or even longer ago, in their little white bread suburban life and none of that has any bearing on today.

The biggest story of my entire time in high school in the 70s was a student who took a swing at our JROTC instructor, who had been an F-4 Phantom squadron commander in the Air Force in Vietnam.

I became a teacher after my Navy career ended in the 90s, and had probably many incidents similar to this, especially when I became an Assistant Principal and broke up fights on a daily basis.
any teacher stabbings by students occur in a year? 1, 5, 10? How many? Your imagination is running away with you again.
How many other forms of assault?

How many violent confrontations are avoided by giving in to the students?

As I said there seems to be a link between how children are treated and the intolerance of ideas they have after reaching college

Rather than being open minded academia breeds closed minded little liberals
I am replying to YOUR comment. "Completely clueless" does not begin to describe most people on this message board who are not educators. They base their opinions on how schools were 20, 30, or even longer ago, in their little white bread suburban life and none of that has any bearing on today.

The biggest story of my entire time in high school in the 70s was a student who took a swing at our JROTC instructor, who had been an F-4 Phantom squadron commander in the Air Force in Vietnam.

I became a teacher after my Navy career ended in the 90s, and had probably many incidents similar to this, especially when I became an Assistant Principal and broke up fights on a daily basis.

The OP thinks he's gonna keep kinders in desks in rows for the entire school day, when we have kinders who are "elopers"--that is, they run out of their classroom and out of the school into the neighborhood. And by state law, because people JUST LIKE HIM "do not trust teachers", we *cannot touch the children*.

That's right, we have to after them. And yell, stop! Stop!

These people would not last ten minutes in my job. Not ten.
I honestly see both sides of this.

I do think video recording of classrooms should be done, but it should only be viewable by the parents in closed meetings.

It annoys be that it isn't allowed by Teachers Unions.

When I see unauthorized videos, or hear recorded conversations of abuse by teachers on students that are ADHD or Neuroatypical, because the teachers are either poorly trained, or just lazy? And then, in conference, let off easy, till such recordings are released by the kids?

. . .it really, really steams me. :mad:

Bullying always begins with the teachers and staff, the kids just mimic and repeat what the adults intimate.

. . . and of course, we have all seen and heard about unorthodox teaching methods which conflict with values taught at home. . .

Bullying ALWAYS starts with the teachers, staff, etc.

. . . and of course, so does indoctrination.

The Teacher's Unions are like any other labor Union......they seek to codify bad behavior because it's the only way they can mange and maintain a sizeable membership. If they started to require actual performance they wouldn't have many members.


When I was in seventh grade, I took a typing class. . . I can still type about 45 wpm.

So. . . when my kid has a chance to take a typing class in sixth grade, I was thrilled, made him take it.

About half-way through, he was still hunting for letters, and using one finger to hit them, the "hunt and peck" method.

I was thinking, wtf?! And he was getting an "A" in that class.

Well. . . when the parent teacher conference came. . I had a chat with her.

She let me know, it wasn't how the kids got the assignments done that mattered, only that they got them done.

?!?! :dunno: :ack-1:

Worst teacher ever. I complained to the administration, but nothing was ever done. What a waste of my kids time.

Later in High School, he had that teacher again. Some administrative class, where she basically watched the kids read books & do homework (study hall) when they didn't have work to do on their future college planning. . . IOW? They couldn't fire her for incompetence, so they shuffled her around where she could do the least damage.
You realize, I hope, that this is no different from what the Left does with cops, right? Left sees a terrible cop mistreating a Black man and says, hey, they all do this. All are guilty, it's endemic, so all should be prosecuted.

You see what that has done to law enforcement.

Now you believe that the tiny school district in Anytown, Nebraska is up to the same tricks that go on in San Francisco, CA. Okay, if that makes sense in your head, go forth with your plans. Let's see how crushing we can make that teacher shortage.

I'm sure the backbencher teachers will be way, way better than the crop you kicked out. Right?
But I'm not saying that all should be prosecuted,...YOU said that. I'm saying that all teaching should be seen and heard by all. 100%. And IF teachers are found teaching CRT, then THEY should be fired.

If any teachers need to be kicked out from teaching CRT, anti-white racism, anti-police hatred, anti-America, and pro LGBT, then the "backbencher teachers" as you call them, if they do not teach that filth, WILL BE way better, yes, of course.

And that's exactly the reason for televising the classes. You see teachers thing CRT, racism, sedition, insanity, then GET RID OF THEM,-FAST.
To please the Commiecrats here, I suggest that only the teacher should be videotaped and voice recorded. The children should not be seen nor heard.

Maybe anyone in the universe could explain to me how *only the teacher* could be voice recorded

Oh, right, from the billions of extra dollars public schools have, someone in each school could sit around for hours a day and EDIT OUT every single student voice in every single classroom in every public school in every town all across the USA

This entire thread is insane
I honestly see both sides of this.

I do think video recording of classrooms should be done, but it should only be viewable by the parents in closed meetings.

It annoys be that it isn't allowed by Teachers Unions.

When I see unauthorized videos, or hear recorded conversations of abuse by teachers on students that are ADHD or Neuroatypical, because the teachers are either poorly trained, or just lazy? And then, in conference, let off easy, till such recordings are released by the kids?

. . .it really, really steams me. :mad:

Bullying always begins with the teachers and staff, the kids just mimic and repeat what the adults intimate.

. . . and of course, we have all seen and heard about unorthodox teaching methods which conflict with values taught at home. . .

Bullying ALWAYS starts with the teachers, staff, etc.

. . . and of course, so does indoctrination.

The Teacher's Unions are like any other labor Union......they seek to codify bad behavior because it's the only way they can mange and maintain a sizeable membership. If they started to require actual performance they wouldn't have many members.


When I was in seventh grade, I took a typing class. . . I can still type about 45 wpm.

So. . . when my kid has a chance to take a typing class in sixth grade, I was thrilled, made him take it.

About half-way through, he was still hunting for letters, and using one finger to hit them, the "hunt and peck" method.

I was thinking, wtf?! And he was getting an "A" in that class.

Well. . . when the parent teacher conference came. . I had a chat with her.

She let me know, it wasn't how the kids got the assignments done that mattered, only that they got them done.

?!?! :dunno: :ack-1:

Worst teacher ever. I complained to the administration, but nothing was ever done. What a waste of my kids time.

Later in High School, he had that teacher again. Some administrative class, where she basically watched the kids read books & do homework (study hall) when they didn't have work to do on their future college planning. . . IOW? They couldn't fire her for incompetence, so they shuffled her around where she could do the least damage.

Let me ask you something. What is the end game here?

Should we take to the streets and demand the dismantling of education like Leftists did with police? Okay. Right NOW we can't get teachers. You think the B team is gonna be better?

Do you want acknowledgment that some teachers suck? Okay. Yes. Some teachers suck. Some coaches suck. Some cops suck.

I'm just never sure what to do with these anecdotes. You ever had a bad doctor? I have had scads, and great doctors too. Should I tell every great doctor I ever meet about all the horrid doctors I ever had? Same with every profession?

Again: what's the end goal?
Televise All School Classes
Such is the authoritarian, Orwellian right.
Form follows function. If schools did not engage in indoctrination of hideous ideas, television wouldn't be necessary. If you want to place blame, look to the wrongdoer, not the repair people.
I am truly horrified by what I am seeing here..... these people are openly telling us that they do not want any input from the family unit..... Looks like Cloward and Piven will turn out to be the most powerful society sculptors in American history..... The fact that they want POLICE OFFICERS to wear body cams at the same time they reject surveillance for themselves is an amazing confession of what their real actions and intentions are.


Summarize our objections to having our classrooms televised and/or recorded. Can you? And do so honestly?

I'm a bit. . . well, queezy at friends and family that post pics of their kids on-line, if they don't have settings on their social media set to private. And if they have a lot of friends that they have never met in person and don't know real well. . . it makes me wonder about them. . .

I only have about two dozen folks on my FB friends list, and I know them all personally. No stranger ever saw a pic of my kid.

Trying to explain the terror of strangers stalking your family to these yahoos? I dunno. . . . :dunno:
I honestly see both sides of this.

I do think video recording of classrooms should be done, but it should only be viewable by the parents in closed meetings.

It annoys be that it isn't allowed by Teachers Unions.

When I see unauthorized videos, or hear recorded conversations of abuse by teachers on students that are ADHD or Neuroatypical, because the teachers are either poorly trained, or just lazy? And then, in conference, let off easy, till such recordings are released by the kids?

. . .it really, really steams me. :mad:

Bullying always begins with the teachers and staff, the kids just mimic and repeat what the adults intimate.

. . . and of course, we have all seen and heard about unorthodox teaching methods which conflict with values taught at home. . .

Bullying ALWAYS starts with the teachers, staff, etc.

. . . and of course, so does indoctrination.

The Teacher's Unions are like any other labor Union......they seek to codify bad behavior because it's the only way they can mange and maintain a sizeable membership. If they started to require actual performance they wouldn't have many members.


When I was in seventh grade, I took a typing class. . . I can still type about 45 wpm.

So. . . when my kid has a chance to take a typing class in sixth grade, I was thrilled, made him take it.

About half-way through, he was still hunting for letters, and using one finger to hit them, the "hunt and peck" method.

I was thinking, wtf?! And he was getting an "A" in that class.

Well. . . when the parent teacher conference came. . I had a chat with her.

She let me know, it wasn't how the kids got the assignments done that mattered, only that they got them done.

?!?! :dunno: :ack-1:

Worst teacher ever. I complained to the administration, but nothing was ever done. What a waste of my kids time.

Later in High School, he had that teacher again. Some administrative class, where she basically watched the kids read books & do homework (study hall) when they didn't have work to do on their future college planning. . . IOW? They couldn't fire her for incompetence, so they shuffled her around where she could do the least damage.

Or, let me ask you a hard question a different way.

Have you seen, or can you imagine, some of the shape American families are in? In different parts of the nation?

If you had your druthers, and we absolutely decimate public schools coast to coast and start over, how much would you have to pay REALLY GOOD teachers to go into those places and teach?

Who would do it?

How much money would they require?

Who would pay it?

Honest questions.
I honestly see both sides of this.

I do think video recording of classrooms should be done, but it should only be viewable by the parents in closed meetings.

It annoys be that it isn't allowed by Teachers Unions.

When I see unauthorized videos, or hear recorded conversations of abuse by teachers on students that are ADHD or Neuroatypical, because the teachers are either poorly trained, or just lazy? And then, in conference, let off easy, till such recordings are released by the kids?

. . .it really, really steams me. :mad:

Bullying always begins with the teachers and staff, the kids just mimic and repeat what the adults intimate.

. . . and of course, we have all seen and heard about unorthodox teaching methods which conflict with values taught at home. . .

Bullying ALWAYS starts with the teachers, staff, etc.

. . . and of course, so does indoctrination.

The Teacher's Unions are like any other labor Union......they seek to codify bad behavior because it's the only way they can mange and maintain a sizeable membership. If they started to require actual performance they wouldn't have many members.


This is just one reason I do not belong to the teacher union. But you know what, why don't conservatives just keep hammering on conservative teachers like me, no matter how many rational points we bring up, until only Leftists remain in America's classrooms

Conservatives sometimes do really dumb things. Believe it. Watch it happen

I am sure you are a dedicated Teacher.....unfortunately you have to work with the public construct that is provided for you. I got a wonderful education from Public School back in the 60's but that same quality is no longer available to our younger generation now. The School system should be beyond the reach of politics but the sad truth is that nothing in this nation is any longer beyond that reach. Kudos to you and your dedication to your trade..

I truly do wish you well

Televise All School Classes
Such is the authoritarian, Orwellian right.
Form follows function. If schools did not engage in indoctrination of hideous ideas, television wouldn't be necessary. If you want to place blame, look to the wrongdoer, not the repair people.
I am truly horrified by what I am seeing here..... these people are openly telling us that they do not want any input from the family unit..... Looks like Cloward and Piven will turn out to be the most powerful society sculptors in American history..... The fact that they want POLICE OFFICERS to wear body cams at the same time they reject surveillance for themselves is an amazing confession of what their real actions and intentions are.


Summarize our objections to having our classrooms televised and/or recorded. Can you? And do so honestly?

I'm a bit. . . well, queezy at friends and family that post pics of their kids on-line, if they don't have settings on their social media set to private. And if they have a lot of friends that they have never met in person and don't know real well. . . it makes me wonder about them. . .

I only have about two dozen folks on my FB friends list, and I know them all personally. No stranger ever saw a pic of my kid.

Trying to explain the terror of strangers stalking your family to these yahoos? I dunno. . . . :dunno:
Children have cell phones now at ten years of age. They learn very quickly how to access social media. If you think they are in more danger under the watchful eye of a monitor then you are clueless.... Recently the local school system was told to stop taking phones from the students because it was a safety issue. Kids who miss their busses need to call their parents rather than walking on and so forth. That Genie is out of the bottle and there is no way in hell your going to stuff it back in.

I honestly see both sides of this.

I do think video recording of classrooms should be done, but it should only be viewable by the parents in closed meetings.

It annoys be that it isn't allowed by Teachers Unions.

When I see unauthorized videos, or hear recorded conversations of abuse by teachers on students that are ADHD or Neuroatypical, because the teachers are either poorly trained, or just lazy? And then, in conference, let off easy, till such recordings are released by the kids?

. . .it really, really steams me. :mad:

Bullying always begins with the teachers and staff, the kids just mimic and repeat what the adults intimate.

. . . and of course, we have all seen and heard about unorthodox teaching methods which conflict with values taught at home. . .

Bullying ALWAYS starts with the teachers, staff, etc.

. . . and of course, so does indoctrination.

The Teacher's Unions are like any other labor Union......they seek to codify bad behavior because it's the only way they can mange and maintain a sizeable membership. If they started to require actual performance they wouldn't have many members.


This is just one reason I do not belong to the teacher union. But you know what, why don't conservatives just keep hammering on conservative teachers like me, no matter how many rational points we bring up, until only Leftists remain in America's classrooms

Conservatives sometimes do really dumb things. Believe it. Watch it happen

I am sure you are a dedicated Teacher.....unfortunately you have to work with the public construct that is provided for you. I got a wonderful education from Public School back in the 60's but that same quality is no longer available to our younger generation now. The School system should be beyond the reach of politics but the sad truth is that nothing in this nation is any longer beyond that reach. Kudos to you and your dedication to your trade..

I truly do wish you well


I appreciate that, thank you. I am dedicated and love teaching very much. Still, after all these years.

It is true that many teachers let politics infect their teaching. It is also true that conservatives tend to hear a media story about this and then blanket-apply it everywhere. It is not everywhere. A tiny town in Kansas is not likely to be infected with Leftist politics, seeing that all the teachers also come from that tiny town.

People do not also realize that school districts and teachers must absolutely work with what the community offers. A big part of the reason schools looked the way they did in the 60s is because families were largely intact and parents and schools worked together. This sense of community is long, long gone. And it shows.
I honestly see both sides of this.

I do think video recording of classrooms should be done, but it should only be viewable by the parents in closed meetings.

It annoys be that it isn't allowed by Teachers Unions.

When I see unauthorized videos, or hear recorded conversations of abuse by teachers on students that are ADHD or Neuroatypical, because the teachers are either poorly trained, or just lazy? And then, in conference, let off easy, till such recordings are released by the kids?

. . .it really, really steams me. :mad:

Bullying always begins with the teachers and staff, the kids just mimic and repeat what the adults intimate.

. . . and of course, we have all seen and heard about unorthodox teaching methods which conflict with values taught at home. . .

Bullying ALWAYS starts with the teachers, staff, etc.

. . . and of course, so does indoctrination.

The Teacher's Unions are like any other labor Union......they seek to codify bad behavior because it's the only way they can mange and maintain a sizeable membership. If they started to require actual performance they wouldn't have many members.


This is just one reason I do not belong to the teacher union. But you know what, why don't conservatives just keep hammering on conservative teachers like me, no matter how many rational points we bring up, until only Leftists remain in America's classrooms

Conservatives sometimes do really dumb things. Believe it. Watch it happen

I am sure you are a dedicated Teacher.....unfortunately you have to work with the public construct that is provided for you. I got a wonderful education from Public School back in the 60's but that same quality is no longer available to our younger generation now. The School system should be beyond the reach of politics but the sad truth is that nothing in this nation is any longer beyond that reach. Kudos to you and your dedication to your trade..

I truly do wish you well


I was a teacher and had three kids go through the public schools. I have 4 grandchildren who are now in the public schools. I attended public schools in the 60s and 70s.

My daughter graduated high school in 2012, college in 2016 and now is a Captain in the US Army. Her education was far superior to mine. She had dedicated teachers who are some of the best people I have ever come to know.

My older two children and my daughter-in-law attended the school where I taught and was an administrator. I taught my daughter-in-law two years before she ever met my son. Our high school had numerous issues regarding student discipline, but the education of the students was always paramount, and was far superior to mine.
I honestly see both sides of this.

I do think video recording of classrooms should be done, but it should only be viewable by the parents in closed meetings.

It annoys be that it isn't allowed by Teachers Unions.

When I see unauthorized videos, or hear recorded conversations of abuse by teachers on students that are ADHD or Neuroatypical, because the teachers are either poorly trained, or just lazy? And then, in conference, let off easy, till such recordings are released by the kids?

. . .it really, really steams me. :mad:

Bullying always begins with the teachers and staff, the kids just mimic and repeat what the adults intimate.

. . . and of course, we have all seen and heard about unorthodox teaching methods which conflict with values taught at home. . .

Bullying ALWAYS starts with the teachers, staff, etc.

. . . and of course, so does indoctrination.

The Teacher's Unions are like any other labor Union......they seek to codify bad behavior because it's the only way they can mange and maintain a sizeable membership. If they started to require actual performance they wouldn't have many members.


When I was in seventh grade, I took a typing class. . . I can still type about 45 wpm.

So. . . when my kid has a chance to take a typing class in sixth grade, I was thrilled, made him take it.

About half-way through, he was still hunting for letters, and using one finger to hit them, the "hunt and peck" method.

I was thinking, wtf?! And he was getting an "A" in that class.

Well. . . when the parent teacher conference came. . I had a chat with her.

She let me know, it wasn't how the kids got the assignments done that mattered, only that they got them done.

?!?! :dunno: :ack-1:

Worst teacher ever. I complained to the administration, but nothing was ever done. What a waste of my kids time.

Later in High School, he had that teacher again. Some administrative class, where she basically watched the kids read books & do homework (study hall) when they didn't have work to do on their future college planning. . . IOW? They couldn't fire her for incompetence, so they shuffled her around where she could do the least damage.

Let me ask you something. What is the end game here?

Should we take to the streets and demand the dismantling of education like Leftists did with police? Okay. Right NOW we can't get teachers. You think the B team is gonna be better?

Do you want acknowledgment that some teachers suck? Okay. Yes. Some teachers suck. Some coaches suck. Some cops suck.

I'm just never sure what to do with these anecdotes. You ever had a bad doctor? I have had scads, and great doctors too. Should I tell every great doctor I ever meet about all the horrid doctors I ever had? Same with every profession?

Again: what's the end goal?

Well. . . I don't really know for sure.

In may state. . Proposal A was a great first step.

When I was a kid, we had no choice about what school we had to go to. Now, if I thought my kid's school was really bad? And there were times. . . :heehee: His mom and I had a conversation with him in, it was either fifth or sixth grade about switching him to a school that was recognized as one of those National Exemplary Schools back in '02. It consistently ranks as one of the nation's finest, I graduated from it, and one of the State's leading politicians did too. . . so, there was that choice available. It was a long and heated debate. We ended up not b/c the one nearby offered free college credits and bus rides to the local college for a head start on his college education for free, it was the right choice.

But? the point is, we HAVE that choice now.

In your analogy with the doctor. . . you have choice, it is NOT compulsory to go to a doctor.

It IS compulsory to be educated by STATE standards. Whenever the STATE intervenes? Things go to shit.

When ever you infuse more choice, and make things voluntary, the market makes things better.

Now, there will be those that say, the poor will not send their kid to school if it is not the law, hence increasing crime, and all sorts of other societal ills. I'm not sure I agree with that. The poor love their kids just as much as the well off, and they will always look for the best options available to them.

If that State provides these services for free, and provides them in a paradigm that is similar to how we provide weapons of war? We might have a better system than we do now.

Our state Senator, (A Democrat, Stabenow, was the one that worked with a Republican Governor, Engler on the historic Compromise.)

The Devos family is very invested in private schools. . . but, they might have had some interest in the charter school movement, so I was hoping, if the DNC hadn't been so bull headed, and if Trump had gotten to all of his other priorities, we would have had some national school reform, with Stabenow's experience and willingness to compromise. . . but. . . sigh, another lost opportunity.

The day Michigan killed public schools (and then created the system we have today)​

". . .By that summer, Engler, his allies and his opponents still hadn’t come up with a solution that would save Michigan’s schools from the kinds of problems that brought down Kalkaska.

After a more balanced plan was turned down by the state’s voters in June, Engler proposed a dramatic step. He asked the Legislature to approve a 20% cut in the state’s property taxes without offering any way to recoup the lost revenue.

Then came the big day when everything changed.

It was July 19, 1993. Legislators were debating Engler’s proposed 20% property tax cut. Democrats opposed it. But one Democrat saw opportunity. Then state Sen. Debbie Stabenow, who had already declared her intention to run for governor, offered an amendment to Engler’s proposal. Rather than a 20% cut in property taxes, Stabenow proposed a 100% cut.

For an account of what happened next, we’ll switch from Goenner’s thesis to a paper published by two University of Michigan researchers in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management in 1997. In this paper, Paul N. Courant and Susanna Loeb wrote:

At the time, Stabenow’s move was widely interpreted as an attempt on her part to show how silly it was to cut taxes without specifying new revenues for the schools. If that was its purpose, it backfired. The Senate passed the amended bill the same day, the House followed a day later, and the governor immediately announced that he would sign the bill. With little debate the state had eliminated $6.5 billion in school taxes for the 1994-1995 school year. Absent further action, there would be no way to finance the public schools.

In other words, in the span of one day, Michigan leaders had decided to completely defund public schools.

The entire situation was a manufactured crisis, but without it, we wouldn’t have the education system we have today.. . . "
Televise All School Classes
Such is the authoritarian, Orwellian right.
Form follows function. If schools did not engage in indoctrination of hideous ideas, television wouldn't be necessary. If you want to place blame, look to the wrongdoer, not the repair people.
I am truly horrified by what I am seeing here..... these people are openly telling us that they do not want any input from the family unit..... Looks like Cloward and Piven will turn out to be the most powerful society sculptors in American history..... The fact that they want POLICE OFFICERS to wear body cams at the same time they reject surveillance for themselves is an amazing confession of what their real actions and intentions are.


Summarize our objections to having our classrooms televised and/or recorded. Can you? And do so honestly?

I'm a bit. . . well, queezy at friends and family that post pics of their kids on-line, if they don't have settings on their social media set to private. And if they have a lot of friends that they have never met in person and don't know real well. . . it makes me wonder about them. . .

I only have about two dozen folks on my FB friends list, and I know them all personally. No stranger ever saw a pic of my kid.

Trying to explain the terror of strangers stalking your family to these yahoos? I dunno. . . . :dunno:
Children have cell phones now at ten years of age. They learn very quickly how to access social media. If you think they are in more danger under the watchful eye of a monitor then you are clueless.... Recently the local school system was told to stop taking phones from the students because it was a safety issue. Kids who miss their busses need to call their parents rather than walking on and so forth. That Genie is out of the bottle and there is no way in hell your going to stuff it back in.

I am sorry, but that is pure, unadulterated bullshit! Those instances do NOT require the students to have their cell phones out during class. That was the policy in the school districts where I taught ever since cell phones became available.
Televise All School Classes
Such is the authoritarian, Orwellian right.
Form follows function. If schools did not engage in indoctrination of hideous ideas, television wouldn't be necessary. If you want to place blame, look to the wrongdoer, not the repair people.
I am truly horrified by what I am seeing here..... these people are openly telling us that they do not want any input from the family unit..... Looks like Cloward and Piven will turn out to be the most powerful society sculptors in American history..... The fact that they want POLICE OFFICERS to wear body cams at the same time they reject surveillance for themselves is an amazing confession of what their real actions and intentions are.


Summarize our objections to having our classrooms televised and/or recorded. Can you? And do so honestly?

I'm a bit. . . well, queezy at friends and family that post pics of their kids on-line, if they don't have settings on their social media set to private. And if they have a lot of friends that they have never met in person and don't know real well. . . it makes me wonder about them. . .

I only have about two dozen folks on my FB friends list, and I know them all personally. No stranger ever saw a pic of my kid.

Trying to explain the terror of strangers stalking your family to these yahoos? I dunno. . . . :dunno:
Children have cell phones now at ten years of age. They learn very quickly how to access social media. If you think they are in more danger under the watchful eye of a monitor then you are clueless.... Recently the local school system was told to stop taking phones from the students because it was a safety issue. Kids who miss their busses need to call their parents rather than walking on and so forth. That Genie is out of the bottle and there is no way in hell your going to stuff it back in.

You are right.

.. . and I have always been against giving kids smart phones. Even Bill Gates and Steve Jobs didn't let their kids have 'em.

My kid's mother over-ruled me.

So I taught him to be wise about his use with them. They cause kids to stop reading and stop learning.
I am not sure all parents are as intelligent as I am about teaching their kids about the dangers of these infernal devices.

One thing I would definitely recommend? Is to bring back recess in Elementary school.

‘It Makes Me Want to Cry’​

In the last two decades, as the federal No Child Left Behind Act ushered in a new focus on standardized testing—and schools responded to new security concerns and shrinking budgets—recess was increasingly seen as dispensable.

In a push to emphasize core subjects, 20 percent of school districts reduced recess time between 2001 and 2006, according to a study by the Center on Education Policy at George Washington University. And by 2006, the CDC had concluded that one-third of elementary schools did not offer daily recess for any grades.

Televise All School Classes
Such is the authoritarian, Orwellian right.
Form follows function. If schools did not engage in indoctrination of hideous ideas, television wouldn't be necessary. If you want to place blame, look to the wrongdoer, not the repair people.
I am truly horrified by what I am seeing here..... these people are openly telling us that they do not want any input from the family unit..... Looks like Cloward and Piven will turn out to be the most powerful society sculptors in American history..... The fact that they want POLICE OFFICERS to wear body cams at the same time they reject surveillance for themselves is an amazing confession of what their real actions and intentions are.

The teachers cant smell their own stink

Many teachers truly believe they are doing an excellent job

They are teaching the children what THEY think the kids need to learn:

White guilt, gay and lesbian diversity, from each according to ability, to each according to need

In their eyes the parents should cheer every time they enter a room
Televise All School Classes
Such is the authoritarian, Orwellian right.
Form follows function. If schools did not engage in indoctrination of hideous ideas, television wouldn't be necessary. If you want to place blame, look to the wrongdoer, not the repair people.
I am truly horrified by what I am seeing here..... these people are openly telling us that they do not want any input from the family unit..... Looks like Cloward and Piven will turn out to be the most powerful society sculptors in American history..... The fact that they want POLICE OFFICERS to wear body cams at the same time they reject surveillance for themselves is an amazing confession of what their real actions and intentions are.

The teachers cant smell their own stink

Many teachers truly believe they are doing an excellent job

They are teaching the children what THEY think the kids need to learn:

White guilt, gay and lesbian diversity, from each according to ability, to each according to need

In their eyes the parents should cheer every time they enter a room
Teachers don't set the agenda, the State Boards of Education do.
any teacher stabbings by students occur in a year? 1, 5, 10? How many? Your imagination is running away with you again.
How many other forms of assault?

How many violent confrontations are avoided by giving in to the students?

As I said there seems to be a link between how children are treated and the intolerance of ideas they have after reaching college

Rather than being open minded academia breeds closed minded little liberals
I am replying to YOUR comment. "Completely clueless" does not begin to describe most people on this message board who are not educators. They base their opinions on how schools were 20, 30, or even longer ago, in their little white bread suburban life and none of that has any bearing on today.

The biggest story of my entire time in high school in the 70s was a student who took a swing at our JROTC instructor, who had been an F-4 Phantom squadron commander in the Air Force in Vietnam.

I became a teacher after my Navy career ended in the 90s, and had probably many incidents similar to this, especially when I became an Assistant Principal and broke up fights on a daily basis.

The OP thinks he's gonna keep kinders in desks in rows for the entire school day, when we have kinders who are "elopers"--that is, they run out of their classroom and out of the school into the neighborhood. And by state law, because people JUST LIKE HIM "do not trust teachers", we *cannot touch the children*.

That's right, we have to after them. And yell, stop! Stop!

These people would not last ten minutes in my job. Not ten.
Actually “people just like him” - conservatives - were for corporal punishment within reason, and its liberals who introduced mayhem into the classroom

What we want to see now with cameras is what sort of lib lies the teachers are filling the childrens heads with

Such as but not limited to this:

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