Televise All School Classes

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You're Special.
A true special.
God Bless you lil Special one.
yes, I'm special. many people have told me that, so your input was unecessary, but thanks anyway - it's the thought that counts. :biggrin:
I honestly see both sides of this.

I do think video recording of classrooms should be done, but it should only be viewable by the parents in closed meetings.

It annoys be that it isn't allowed by Teachers Unions.

When I see unauthorized videos, or hear recorded conversations of abuse by teachers on students that are ADHD or Neuroatypical, because the teachers are either poorly trained, or just lazy? And then, in conference, let off easy, till such recordings are released by the kids?

. . .it really, really steams me. :mad:

Bullying always begins with the teachers and staff, the kids just mimic and repeat what the adults intimate.

. . . and of course, we have all seen and heard about unorthodox teaching methods which conflict with values taught at home. . .

Bullying ALWAYS starts with the teachers, staff, etc.

. . . and of course, so does indoctrination.

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And how do you propose that happens Hossfly ?
We edit out all the student discourse? What a stupid idea.
The important thing is televise the teacher, and his/her curriculum CONTENT.
Why? To catch a misspeak?

The reason why I don't question my roof inspector, is because I don't know as much as them. If I want a second opinion I will get it.

I'm a 36 year experienced Teacher.
I know my CONTENT. Not debatable.

I despise OUTSIDERS like you suggesting "Anything" about education.
Bullying always begins with the teachers and staff, the kids just mimic and repeat what the adults intimate.

Bullying ALWAYS starts with the teachers, staff, etc.
Have you ever been in a Public School Classroom past 18 years?
Yes, of course, I raised my kid to graduate in a public school.

There were awesome teachers, and there were ones that had no business being anywhere near children.

Likewise, there were also school personnel and volunteers that should not have been anywhere near children. But, public schools are what they are, they are all underfunded and under-staffed, and their very structure is not meant to educate, but to indoctrinate and mentally condition the children for "human resource value," in government and industry.

". . . Teaching means different things in different places, but seven lessons are universally taught from Harlem to Hollywood Hills. They constitute a national curriculum you pay for in more ways than you can imagine, so you might as well know what it is. You are at liberty, of course, to regard these lessons any way you like, but believe me when I say I intend no irony in this presentation. These are the things I teach, these are the things you pay me to teach. Make of them what you will.. . . "

1 Confusion
2 Class Position
3 Indifference
4 Emotional Dependency
5 Intellectual Dependency
6 Provisional Self-Esteem
7 One Can't Hide
Why These Seven Lessons?
The Way Out

Yes, of course, I raised my kid to graduate in a public school.

There were awesome teachers, and there were ones that had no business being anywhere near children.
I'm fortunate to live in a Public School District that is well funded and Very Successful.
I think my "favorite" part of this whole thread so far is the OP thinking 5 year olds would be happy to sit at desks all day long so that the teacher can stay in one spot while she is videotaped.

GREAT plan. I bet the kids will love school so much that the parents will just be thrilled with the video plans!!
We did just that when we were kids. That was because the teachers maintained order, which you, in your school, seem to be incapable of doing. Mayne you could take some lessons from some of the older teachers, now retired, who, it looks like, could teach you a few things.

Every conservative ever on schools:

"I hated school so school sucks"

and also

"School should be EXACTLY like it was when I was in school"

Every time. I say this as as conservative. They suck on educational issues, generally.
Bullying always begins with the teachers and staff, the kids just mimic and repeat what the adults intimate.

Bullying ALWAYS starts with the teachers, staff, etc.
Have you ever been in a Public School Classroom past 18 years?
Yes, of course, I raised my kid to graduate in a public school.

There were awesome teachers, and there were ones that had no business being anywhere near children.

Likewise, there were also school personnel and volunteers that should not have been anywhere near children. But, public schools are what they are, they are all underfunded and under-staffed, and their very structure is not meant to educate, but to indoctrinate and mentally condition the children for "human resource value," in government and industry.

". . . Teaching means different things in different places, but seven lessons are universally taught from Harlem to Hollywood Hills. They constitute a national curriculum you pay for in more ways than you can imagine, so you might as well know what it is. You are at liberty, of course, to regard these lessons any way you like, but believe me when I say I intend no irony in this presentation. These are the things I teach, these are the things you pay me to teach. Make of them what you will.. . . "

1 Confusion
2 Class Position
3 Indifference
4 Emotional Dependency
5 Intellectual Dependency
6 Provisional Self-Esteem
7 One Can't Hide
Why These Seven Lessons?
The Way Out

This is a good link.

Interesting to note that the OP wants kindergarteners sitting in desks in rows, not getting out of their seats, never interrupting the teacher's lectures. Yes, five year olds. So now imagine a school like THAT in light of your link above.

Televise All School Classes
Such is the authoritarian, Orwellian right.
Form follows function. If schools did not engage in indoctrination of hideous ideas, television wouldn't be necessary. If you want to place blame, look to the wrongdoer, not the repair people.
Nothing like Big Brother watching – the Orwellian, authoritarian right would love nothing more: compel conformity, punish dissent.
any teacher stabbings by students occur in a year? 1, 5, 10? How many? Your imagination is running away with you again.
How many other forms of assault?

How many violent confrontations are avoided by giving in to the students?

As I said there seems to be a link between how children are treated and the intolerance of ideas they have after reaching college

Rather than being open minded academia breeds closed minded little liberals
I do not support CRT. Filming and BROADCASTING MINOR CHILDREN to heaven knows who is not the way to go about this.
We would be primarily recording the teacher although students might occasionally be in the picture

Parents would be assigned a password for access and it would not be broadcast everywhere

Another one who has NO IDEA what an elementary classroom looks like

"Teacher stays in one spot so she can be videotaped"

SURE hahahahahahaha
You have not made the case for why children cannot be video’d on closed circuit tv

For just one thing, in about every class there is at least one child whose parents have signed "no media" forms. They cannot be filmed or photographed in any circumstance, usually for custody issues. That's one.

Two, there would be A LOT of issues going on which a teacher would not want other parents to be privy to--and neither would you, if it were your kid. Discipline issues, sensitive personal matters, etc. So now, does the teacher turn off the camera and now Protectionist goes nuts because he's sure teacher is INDOCTRINATING CRT or does the teacher keep camera on and everybody knows that Johnny and Sam had ANOTHER fight at recess or that Ava wet her pants AGAIN? one here really knows everything that teachers do in a day. And now you all want every single parent eye on all that stuff. It's a huge, huge privacy concern.
point One is fair and easily overcome

Point two is bullshit

As for point one software is advanced enough that the faces of the children can be blurred out

You realize that when Johnny and Jimmy get into trouble and the parents call the admin office the admin are not allowed to tell the parents of the other kid what discipline was meted out to the other kid....right?

Parents ALWAYS want to know "what about the other kid" and the school is not allowed to divulge. Privacy. So I would really love to know why you think it's "BS"
Maybe its time for schools to come into the light of political correctness like BLM and ANTIFA....after all that's what your peers are shoving down kids throats isn't it? The science of unfavorable comparison is why Police officers are no longer able to arrest real criminals on the streets. If my kid is going to be punished your goddamned right I want to know what happened to the other kid.

And what's up with this shit? Were your middle schools required to use this Piece of Crap " White people suck " publication for the indoctrination of the young and vulnerable mind? This book was so bad even my 14 year old grandson laughed about it.

I had to intervene with the school board in behalf of my grandson because he had no real English class this year it was instead robbed from him by replacing standard English with this hateful race-baiting piece of shit book..... I excused my grandson ( I am his guardian ) from that and substituted something that had actual ENGLISH elements in it.

All in all I would say that the public schools are making a case for their very own demise. They are no longer institutions for learning they have become institutions for indoctrination.

any teacher stabbings by students occur in a year? 1, 5, 10? How many? Your imagination is running away with you again.
How many other forms of assault?

How many violent confrontations are avoided by giving in to the students?

As I said there seems to be a link between how children are treated and the intolerance of ideas they have after reaching college

Rather than being open minded academia breeds closed minded little liberals

Yep....they have to be taught to " HATE AND TO FEAR ".......
What kind of a class are you running ? Calesthenics ?
I think that adults - particularly libs- have lost control of the children and their classrooms

That may be what the teachers are trying to hide

No. Wrong. Five year olds sitting in desks all day is horrid for their brains. It's not about "control". Why should we hold so tightly to 'control' at any rate? Do you endorse this as a matter of course for govt employees? As a conservative, I do not.
I am not wedded to 5-year olds

The cameras are for all age groups

Nor do young children have to set quietly all day

Cameras would expose many bad teachers with a variety of shortcomings

Lack of discipline being only one possible shock for the parents
How about lack of presence? How about failure to put in any about putting an assignment up on the board and then just walking away to socialize or finger up their phones? Yeah....tell me all about it....I have seen all of it.
I honestly see both sides of this.

I do think video recording of classrooms should be done, but it should only be viewable by the parents in closed meetings.

It annoys be that it isn't allowed by Teachers Unions.

When I see unauthorized videos, or hear recorded conversations of abuse by teachers on students that are ADHD or Neuroatypical, because the teachers are either poorly trained, or just lazy? And then, in conference, let off easy, till such recordings are released by the kids?

. . .it really, really steams me. :mad:

Bullying always begins with the teachers and staff, the kids just mimic and repeat what the adults intimate.

. . . and of course, we have all seen and heard about unorthodox teaching methods which conflict with values taught at home. . .

Bullying ALWAYS starts with the teachers, staff, etc.

. . . and of course, so does indoctrination.

The Teacher's Unions are like any other labor Union......they seek to codify bad behavior because it's the only way they can mange and maintain a sizeable membership. If they started to require actual performance they wouldn't have many members.

Televise All School Classes
Such is the authoritarian, Orwellian right.
Form follows function. If schools did not engage in indoctrination of hideous ideas, television wouldn't be necessary. If you want to place blame, look to the wrongdoer, not the repair people.
Nothing like Big Brother watching – the Orwellian, authoritarian right would love nothing more: compel conformity, punish dissent.'re really big on getting those kids all alone aren't you? Now why is that exactly?
Televise All School Classes
Such is the authoritarian, Orwellian right.
Form follows function. If schools did not engage in indoctrination of hideous ideas, television wouldn't be necessary. If you want to place blame, look to the wrongdoer, not the repair people.
I am truly horrified by what I am seeing here..... these people are openly telling us that they do not want any input from the family unit..... Looks like Cloward and Piven will turn out to be the most powerful society sculptors in American history..... The fact that they want POLICE OFFICERS to wear body cams at the same time they reject surveillance for themselves is an amazing confession of what their real actions and intentions are.

I think that adults - particularly libs- have lost control of the children and their classrooms
That may be what the teachers are trying to hide

No. Wrong. Five year olds sitting in desks all day is horrid for their brains. It's not about "control". Why should we hold so tightly to 'control' at any rate? Do you endorse this as a matter of course for govt employees? As a conservative, I do not.
I am not wedded to 5-year olds

The cameras are for all age groups

Nor do young children have to set quietly all day

Cameras would expose many bad teachers with a variety of shortcomings

Lack of discipline being only one possible shock for the parents

What do you think a camera would expose? What type of shortcomings are you imagining exist?
I think liberals are determined to brainwash children whether the parents like it or not

Cameras would allow parents to observe whats going on
Parents can march their ass into the classroom and see what is going on.

How much brainwashing do you think occurs in math classes? PE? Life skills? Special education? Language arts? The correct answer is NONE! Why do you want to see those classes if all you are doing is looking for "indoctrination"?
You're full of shit..... Most schools today won't even let you by the main office.... are you nuts?

THIS IS BRAINWASHING RIGHT HERE.......pssst and I'm not even white ..... it has become a required curriculum item.

I do not support CRT. Filming and BROADCASTING MINOR CHILDREN to heaven knows who is not the way to go about this.
We would be primarily recording the teacher although students might occasionally be in the picture

Parents would be assigned a password for access and it would not be broadcast everywhere

Another one who has NO IDEA what an elementary classroom looks like

"Teacher stays in one spot so she can be videotaped"

SURE hahahahahahaha
You have not made the case for why children cannot be video’d on closed circuit tv

For just one thing, in about every class there is at least one child whose parents have signed "no media" forms. They cannot be filmed or photographed in any circumstance, usually for custody issues. That's one.

Two, there would be A LOT of issues going on which a teacher would not want other parents to be privy to--and neither would you, if it were your kid. Discipline issues, sensitive personal matters, etc. So now, does the teacher turn off the camera and now Protectionist goes nuts because he's sure teacher is INDOCTRINATING CRT or does the teacher keep camera on and everybody knows that Johnny and Sam had ANOTHER fight at recess or that Ava wet her pants AGAIN? one here really knows everything that teachers do in a day. And now you all want every single parent eye on all that stuff. It's a huge, huge privacy concern.
point One is fair and easily overcome

Point two is bullshit

As for point one software is advanced enough that the faces of the children can be blurred out

You realize that when Johnny and Jimmy get into trouble and the parents call the admin office the admin are not allowed to tell the parents of the other kid what discipline was meted out to the other kid....right?

Parents ALWAYS want to know "what about the other kid" and the school is not allowed to divulge. Privacy. So I would really love to know why you think it's "BS"
Maybe its time for schools to come into the light of political correctness like BLM and ANTIFA....after all that's what your peers are shoving down kids throats isn't it? The science of unfavorable comparison is why Police officers are no longer able to arrest real criminals on the streets. If my kid is going to be punished your goddamned right I want to know what happened to the other kid.

And what's up with this shit? Were your middle schools required to use this Piece of Crap " White people suck " publication for the indoctrination of the young and vulnerable mind? This book was so bad even my 14 year old grandson laughed about it.

I had to intervene with the school board in behalf of my grandson because he had no real English class this year it was instead robbed from him by replacing standard English with this hateful race-baiting piece of shit book..... I excused my grandson ( I am his guardian ) from that and substituted something that had actual ENGLISH elements in it.

All in all I would say that the public schools are making a case for their very own demise. They are no longer institutions for learning they have become institutions for indoctrination.


Can't answer to the book, just the same ole same ole, I don't like a book my grandson had to read, therefore, all the hundreds of thousands of public schools in the US completely suck equally and just as bad. Never mind when Leftists apply this to say, cops, it's utterly nonsensical. It's COMPLETLY sensical when you do it, right?

And guess what: you really do not want a gov institution spilling private stuff about other people's children. Do you?


Cause I don't. You're just not entitled to it.
I honestly see both sides of this.

I do think video recording of classrooms should be done, but it should only be viewable by the parents in closed meetings.

It annoys be that it isn't allowed by Teachers Unions.

When I see unauthorized videos, or hear recorded conversations of abuse by teachers on students that are ADHD or Neuroatypical, because the teachers are either poorly trained, or just lazy? And then, in conference, let off easy, till such recordings are released by the kids?

. . .it really, really steams me. :mad:

Bullying always begins with the teachers and staff, the kids just mimic and repeat what the adults intimate.

. . . and of course, we have all seen and heard about unorthodox teaching methods which conflict with values taught at home. . .

Bullying ALWAYS starts with the teachers, staff, etc.

. . . and of course, so does indoctrination.

The Teacher's Unions are like any other labor Union......they seek to codify bad behavior because it's the only way they can mange and maintain a sizeable membership. If they started to require actual performance they wouldn't have many members.


This is just one reason I do not belong to the teacher union. But you know what, why don't conservatives just keep hammering on conservative teachers like me, no matter how many rational points we bring up, until only Leftists remain in America's classrooms

Conservatives sometimes do really dumb things. Believe it. Watch it happen
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