Tell me . . .

Maybe you should read this and learn a little about the history of WHY welfare was created for the poor.

BRIA 14 3 a How Welfare Began in the United States - Constitutional Rights Foundation

I didn't ask you why welfare was created, I know why it was created. I asked you to provide a link to an actual Conservative complaining about the poor. Try to stay on task, because it don't think you understand what a Conservative is. I am not being ugly, I am not denying some people think the government can help the poor or that other people think corporations should get welfare. I am simply saying that those people are not Conservatives.

Well, I'm sure you'll see it once you've been here. I am not going to search out posts though, that is for sure. Conservative platform is about lowering taxes for the big corporations and cutting social services for the people.
Do you realize how much money the average taxpayer spends on "corporate welfare"??? It's a lot compared to helping out the poor which is an average of about 35 dollars per year if you make 50,000. Yet conservatives complain about the poor and support these HUGE (or YUGE) corporations and don't make a peep about that.
Again..... blame the ones spending your money. I have no interest in reading Ows propaganda

That's not propaganda. It's facts.
Fact about how you "feel" perhaps.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but your feeling aren't going to create any jobs.

I don't know what you're talking about. The fact of the matter is that you pay way more for corporate subsidies than you do to support the poor. :dunno:
More bullshit. Complete fabricated bullshit. Like I said you got lots of propaganda. You don't know my tax burden nor my charitable contributions.
The FACT remains that YOU continue to blame others for the theft & squandering that the government does with your money.
Your positions are based on emotion not facts. I gave you the two facts that could draw jobs back to our country but you choose to be obtuse & ignore them.

I'm done here

Sorry if the facts bother you. I suppose you can be angry at facts. :lol: Bye bye now.
You're wrong but who am I to tell a know it all what I do or don't do?

How am I wrong? The average taxpayer pays about 36 dollars a year to support social services, whereas that same person pays approximately 4000 a year for corporate subsidies. Which part of this is wrong?
No one should be forced to pay for anyone rich or poor, anyone else sick of the federal government playing GOD??

Sure, if you want to be like a 3rd world country, you would be against social support services for the disadvantaged. This would especially effect single moms and their children.
That's the problem with socialism sooner or later you'll run out of other peoples money. Then what comes after that is almost always a dictatorship.

Err, we've had a social support services net for many, many years now. So do most other successful countries. The only ones who do NOT are 3rd world countries.
Third World countries are there for a reason, their debt was unmanageable. We are fast becoming a banana republic with this country because we are paying debt with more debt. There's only one outcome from that absolute failure...
Do you realize how much money the average taxpayer spends on "corporate welfare"??? It's a lot compared to helping out the poor which is an average of about 35 dollars per year if you make 50,000. Yet conservatives complain about the poor and support these HUGE (or YUGE) corporations and don't make a peep about that.
What poor person employes you?

Damn. You people are like Scrooge. Seriously. This is why I can't get behind conservatives. I can't stand them. Lol. :D
It should be none of the federal governments business of what anyone makes, just like in all personal matters. Whatever the federal government touchs they fuck it up.
That is why I am a libertarian switched over from conservative a few years ago…
I am a conservative however...I left the republicans years ago too....
Sorry if the facts bother you. I suppose you can be angry at facts. :lol: Bye bye now.

What facts, you haven't provided any facts. You can leave if it bothers you, but I am not upset about it.
Do you realize how much money the average taxpayer spends on "corporate welfare"??? It's a lot compared to helping out the poor which is an average of about 35 dollars per year if you make 50,000. Yet conservatives complain about the poor and support these HUGE (or YUGE) corporations and don't make a peep about that.
Again..... blame the ones spending your money. I have no interest in reading Ows propaganda

That's not propaganda. It's facts.
Fact about how you "feel" perhaps.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but your feeling aren't going to create any jobs.

I don't know what you're talking about. The fact of the matter is that you pay way more for corporate subsidies than you do to support the poor. :dunno:
More bullshit. Complete fabricated bullshit. Like I said you got lots of propaganda. You don't know my tax burden nor my charitable contributions.
The FACT remains that YOU continue to blame others for the theft & squandering that the government does with your money.
Your positions are based on emotion not facts. I gave you the two facts that could draw jobs back to our country but you choose to be obtuse & ignore them.

I'm done here

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?

Think about that. The largest, wealthiest, most powerful organizations in the world are on the public dole. Where is the outrage? Back when I was young, people went into a frenzy at the thought of some unemployed person using food stamps to buy liquor or cigarettes. Ronald Reagan famously campaigned against welfare queens. The right has always been obsessed with moochers. But Boeing receives $13 billion in government handouts and everyone yawns, when conservatives should be grabbing their pitchforks.

According to Good Jobs First, there are 514 economic development programs in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. More than 245,000 awards have been granted under those programs. I ask again, where is the outrage? The system is antithetical to the idea of free markets. A quarter of a million times, state governments decided what is best for producers and consumers. That should make us cringe. First, the government is inefficient at providing public goods, and it is terrible at manipulating the markets for private goods. But more importantly, those 514 economic development programs are almost all the result of insidious cronyism. Narrow business interests manipulate government policymakers, and those interests prosper to the detriment of everyone else. Free markets be damned.
Fact about how you "feel" perhaps.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but your feeling aren't going to create any jobs.

Nope. I posted facts. You are paying much more to corporate welfare/subsidies than you are for supporting the disadvantaged.
You're wrong but who am I to tell a know it all what I do or don't do?

How am I wrong? The average taxpayer pays about 36 dollars a year to support social services, whereas that same person pays approximately 4000 a year for corporate subsidies. Which part of this is wrong?
No one should be forced to pay for anyone rich or poor, anyone else sick of the federal government playing GOD??
Hate the game, not the players.....

Vote Trump if you want to change the rules of the game....
I don't know how we could do any worse over the last century plus, career politicians sure have fucked this country up...
You're wrong but who am I to tell a know it all what I do or don't do?

How am I wrong? The average taxpayer pays about 36 dollars a year to support social services, whereas that same person pays approximately 4000 a year for corporate subsidies. Which part of this is wrong?
No one should be forced to pay for anyone rich or poor, anyone else sick of the federal government playing GOD??

Sure, if you want to be like a 3rd world country, you would be against social support services for the disadvantaged. This would especially effect single moms and their children.
That's the problem with socialism sooner or later you'll run out of other peoples money. Then what comes after that is almost always a dictatorship.

Err, we've had a social support services net for many, many years now. So do most other successful countries. The only ones who do NOT are 3rd world countries.
We have generations of people on come it hasn't worked?
Sorry if the facts bother you. I suppose you can be angry at facts. :lol: Bye bye now.

What facts, you haven't provided any facts. You can leave if it bothers you, but I am not upset about it.

That post was not addressed to you. Lol. :D Yes, I have posted the facts. Did you not read the links I've provided? What have I stated that is not a fact?
How am I wrong? The average taxpayer pays about 36 dollars a year to support social services, whereas that same person pays approximately 4000 a year for corporate subsidies. Which part of this is wrong?
No one should be forced to pay for anyone rich or poor, anyone else sick of the federal government playing GOD??

Sure, if you want to be like a 3rd world country, you would be against social support services for the disadvantaged. This would especially effect single moms and their children.
That's the problem with socialism sooner or later you'll run out of other peoples money. Then what comes after that is almost always a dictatorship.

Err, we've had a social support services net for many, many years now. So do most other successful countries. The only ones who do NOT are 3rd world countries.
We have generations of people on come it hasn't worked?

I was born in 1939. At that time, many families in my county went on the welfare program. 77 years later, many of those same families are still on welfare. Generations of people who have never had a job and will never have a job. Until there is reform those people will never know what it is to work for money.
Last edited:
The 8 Biggest Corporate Welfare Recipients in America

In the U.S., it is rather commonplace to see welfare recipients demonized, people on food stamps ostracized, and anyone on any form of public assistance is often made to feel guilty that they need help. They are called lazy and incompetent, with little regard for circumstance or economic hardship. Sure, there are some people that take advantage of the system. But there are millions that desperately need help, and social welfare programs are the only thing standing between them and poverty.

That demonization seems to shift, however, when it comes to giving assistance to big business. According to The Cato Institute, corporate welfare handouts shot all the way up to $92 billion as of 2002. Most of those subsidies were secured by companies in industries like energy — which are some of the most profitable entities in the history of the world. As one writer at Forbes points out, cutting these huge subsidies would be a great way to help balance the national budget, but it is never put into action, and much less even considered.

More recently, subsidy tracking group Good Jobs First released a 2014 report detailing where exactly taxpayer dollars are being funneled, and which states are the most likely to divvy up handouts. There are some surprises in the report, but many details won’t come as much of a shock at all. New York and Washington were the top two states for handing out corporate subsidies, with New York alone topping more than $20 billion across nearly 69,000 individual handouts. The data also shows that roughly 75% of disclosed subsidy dollars have gone to 965 big companies. The total known value of subsidies across the country came out at an estimated $110 billion, although its likely more.

From its data, Good Jobs First was able to identify the top 100 recipients of corporate subsidies, dominated by transportation and natural resource companies. Here are the top eight companies from that list, and the total known amount in subsidies they are receiving.
Again..... blame the ones spending your money. I have no interest in reading Ows propaganda

That's not propaganda. It's facts.
Fact about how you "feel" perhaps.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but your feeling aren't going to create any jobs.

I don't know what you're talking about. The fact of the matter is that you pay way more for corporate subsidies than you do to support the poor. :dunno:
More bullshit. Complete fabricated bullshit. Like I said you got lots of propaganda. You don't know my tax burden nor my charitable contributions.
The FACT remains that YOU continue to blame others for the theft & squandering that the government does with your money.
Your positions are based on emotion not facts. I gave you the two facts that could draw jobs back to our country but you choose to be obtuse & ignore them.

I'm done here

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?

Think about that. The largest, wealthiest, most powerful organizations in the world are on the public dole. Where is the outrage? Back when I was young, people went into a frenzy at the thought of some unemployed person using food stamps to buy liquor or cigarettes. Ronald Reagan famously campaigned against welfare queens. The right has always been obsessed with moochers. But Boeing receives $13 billion in government handouts and everyone yawns, when conservatives should be grabbing their pitchforks.

According to Good Jobs First, there are 514 economic development programs in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. More than 245,000 awards have been granted under those programs. I ask again, where is the outrage? The system is antithetical to the idea of free markets. A quarter of a million times, state governments decided what is best for producers and consumers. That should make us cringe. First, the government is inefficient at providing public goods, and it is terrible at manipulating the markets for private goods. But more importantly, those 514 economic development programs are almost all the result of insidious cronyism. Narrow business interests manipulate government policymakers, and those interests prosper to the detriment of everyone else. Free markets be damned.
The outrage is in the threads about those topics nitwit. And I have participated in those threads as well as created my own. THIS thread was about why people support who they support and you have derailed it by latching onto some uninformed propaganda about a topic somewhat unrelated to this thread. If you wanted to discuss corporate welfare create a thread about CORPORATE WELFARE. You seem to have the attention span of a gnat & it's quite amusing.
This country is only been around short-term in the grand scheme of things, over the last hundred plus years Socialism has taken it's toll. Long-term Socialism has 100% failure rate...
In other words the country is fucked… LOL
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
That's not propaganda. It's facts.
Fact about how you "feel" perhaps.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but your feeling aren't going to create any jobs.

I don't know what you're talking about. The fact of the matter is that you pay way more for corporate subsidies than you do to support the poor. :dunno:
More bullshit. Complete fabricated bullshit. Like I said you got lots of propaganda. You don't know my tax burden nor my charitable contributions.
The FACT remains that YOU continue to blame others for the theft & squandering that the government does with your money.
Your positions are based on emotion not facts. I gave you the two facts that could draw jobs back to our country but you choose to be obtuse & ignore them.

I'm done here

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?

Think about that. The largest, wealthiest, most powerful organizations in the world are on the public dole. Where is the outrage? Back when I was young, people went into a frenzy at the thought of some unemployed person using food stamps to buy liquor or cigarettes. Ronald Reagan famously campaigned against welfare queens. The right has always been obsessed with moochers. But Boeing receives $13 billion in government handouts and everyone yawns, when conservatives should be grabbing their pitchforks.

According to Good Jobs First, there are 514 economic development programs in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. More than 245,000 awards have been granted under those programs. I ask again, where is the outrage? The system is antithetical to the idea of free markets. A quarter of a million times, state governments decided what is best for producers and consumers. That should make us cringe. First, the government is inefficient at providing public goods, and it is terrible at manipulating the markets for private goods. But more importantly, those 514 economic development programs are almost all the result of insidious cronyism. Narrow business interests manipulate government policymakers, and those interests prosper to the detriment of everyone else. Free markets be damned.
The outrage is in the threads about those topics nitwit. And I have participated in those threads as well as created my own. THIS thread was about why people support who they support and you have derailed it by latching onto some uninformed propaganda about a topic somewhat unrelated to this thread. If you wanted to discuss corporate welfare create a thread about CORPORATE WELFARE. You seem to have the attention span of a gnat & it's quite amusing.

I'm telling you that it is not propaganda. It is a fact. I've posted several links that reveal these shocking facts. I know you are bringing up derailing the thread because you have no counter argument.
Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?

Think about that. The largest, wealthiest, most powerful organizations in the world are on the public dole. Where is the outrage? Back when I was young, people went into a frenzy at the thought of some unemployed person using food stamps to buy liquor or cigarettes. Ronald Reagan famously campaigned against welfare queens. The right has always been obsessed with moochers. But Boeing receives $13 billion in government handouts and everyone yawns, when conservatives should be grabbing their pitchforks.

According to Good Jobs First, there are 514 economic development programs in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. More than 245,000 awards have been granted under those programs. I ask again, where is the outrage? The system is antithetical to the idea of free markets. A quarter of a million times, state governments decided what is best for producers and consumers. That should make us cringe. First, the government is inefficient at providing public goods, and it is terrible at manipulating the markets for private goods. But more importantly, those 514 economic development programs are almost all the result of insidious cronyism. Narrow business interests manipulate government policymakers, and those interests prosper to the detriment of everyone else. Free markets be damned.

This is why Conservatives don't approve of corporate welfare, nor the government getting involved in business. If you are wondering where $2 million of the $13 million in corporate welfare to Boeing went, it went to the Clinton Foundation after she used her influence in the State Department to convince Russia to sign a multi-billion dollar aircraft deal with Boeing.

For Clinton and Boeing, a useful relationship
This country is only been around short-term in the grand scheme of things, over the last hundred plus years Socialism has taken it's toll. Long-term Socialism has 100% failure rate...
In other words the country is fucked… LOL
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Sure, if we stopped giving aid to foreign countries and kept that money at home to help our own, we would be doing fine. Also, cutting corporate welfare. More power to the people! Less power to the corporate shills!
Fact about how you "feel" perhaps.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but your feeling aren't going to create any jobs.

I don't know what you're talking about. The fact of the matter is that you pay way more for corporate subsidies than you do to support the poor. :dunno:
More bullshit. Complete fabricated bullshit. Like I said you got lots of propaganda. You don't know my tax burden nor my charitable contributions.
The FACT remains that YOU continue to blame others for the theft & squandering that the government does with your money.
Your positions are based on emotion not facts. I gave you the two facts that could draw jobs back to our country but you choose to be obtuse & ignore them.

I'm done here

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?

Think about that. The largest, wealthiest, most powerful organizations in the world are on the public dole. Where is the outrage? Back when I was young, people went into a frenzy at the thought of some unemployed person using food stamps to buy liquor or cigarettes. Ronald Reagan famously campaigned against welfare queens. The right has always been obsessed with moochers. But Boeing receives $13 billion in government handouts and everyone yawns, when conservatives should be grabbing their pitchforks.

According to Good Jobs First, there are 514 economic development programs in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. More than 245,000 awards have been granted under those programs. I ask again, where is the outrage? The system is antithetical to the idea of free markets. A quarter of a million times, state governments decided what is best for producers and consumers. That should make us cringe. First, the government is inefficient at providing public goods, and it is terrible at manipulating the markets for private goods. But more importantly, those 514 economic development programs are almost all the result of insidious cronyism. Narrow business interests manipulate government policymakers, and those interests prosper to the detriment of everyone else. Free markets be damned.
The outrage is in the threads about those topics nitwit. And I have participated in those threads as well as created my own. THIS thread was about why people support who they support and you have derailed it by latching onto some uninformed propaganda about a topic somewhat unrelated to this thread. If you wanted to discuss corporate welfare create a thread about CORPORATE WELFARE. You seem to have the attention span of a gnat & it's quite amusing.

I'm telling you that it is not propaganda. It is a fact. I've posted several links that reveal these shocking facts. I know you are bringing up derailing the thread because you have no counter argument.
Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?

Think about that. The largest, wealthiest, most powerful organizations in the world are on the public dole. Where is the outrage? Back when I was young, people went into a frenzy at the thought of some unemployed person using food stamps to buy liquor or cigarettes. Ronald Reagan famously campaigned against welfare queens. The right has always been obsessed with moochers. But Boeing receives $13 billion in government handouts and everyone yawns, when conservatives should be grabbing their pitchforks.

According to Good Jobs First, there are 514 economic development programs in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. More than 245,000 awards have been granted under those programs. I ask again, where is the outrage? The system is antithetical to the idea of free markets. A quarter of a million times, state governments decided what is best for producers and consumers. That should make us cringe. First, the government is inefficient at providing public goods, and it is terrible at manipulating the markets for private goods. But more importantly, those 514 economic development programs are almost all the result of insidious cronyism. Narrow business interests manipulate government policymakers, and those interests prosper to the detriment of everyone else. Free markets be damned.

This is why Conservatives don't approve of corporate welfare, nor the government getting involved in business. If you are wondering where $2 million of the $13 million in corporate welfare to Boeing went, It went to the Clinton Foundation after she used her influence in the State Department to convince Russia to sign a multi-billion dollar aircraft deal with Boeing.

For Clinton and Boeing, a useful relationship

Perhaps, but it is not helping out the poor that is putting the dent in your wallet. The facts stand.
I don't know what you're talking about. The fact of the matter is that you pay way more for corporate subsidies than you do to support the poor. :dunno:
More bullshit. Complete fabricated bullshit. Like I said you got lots of propaganda. You don't know my tax burden nor my charitable contributions.
The FACT remains that YOU continue to blame others for the theft & squandering that the government does with your money.
Your positions are based on emotion not facts. I gave you the two facts that could draw jobs back to our country but you choose to be obtuse & ignore them.

I'm done here

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?

Think about that. The largest, wealthiest, most powerful organizations in the world are on the public dole. Where is the outrage? Back when I was young, people went into a frenzy at the thought of some unemployed person using food stamps to buy liquor or cigarettes. Ronald Reagan famously campaigned against welfare queens. The right has always been obsessed with moochers. But Boeing receives $13 billion in government handouts and everyone yawns, when conservatives should be grabbing their pitchforks.

According to Good Jobs First, there are 514 economic development programs in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. More than 245,000 awards have been granted under those programs. I ask again, where is the outrage? The system is antithetical to the idea of free markets. A quarter of a million times, state governments decided what is best for producers and consumers. That should make us cringe. First, the government is inefficient at providing public goods, and it is terrible at manipulating the markets for private goods. But more importantly, those 514 economic development programs are almost all the result of insidious cronyism. Narrow business interests manipulate government policymakers, and those interests prosper to the detriment of everyone else. Free markets be damned.
The outrage is in the threads about those topics nitwit. And I have participated in those threads as well as created my own. THIS thread was about why people support who they support and you have derailed it by latching onto some uninformed propaganda about a topic somewhat unrelated to this thread. If you wanted to discuss corporate welfare create a thread about CORPORATE WELFARE. You seem to have the attention span of a gnat & it's quite amusing.

I'm telling you that it is not propaganda. It is a fact. I've posted several links that reveal these shocking facts. I know you are bringing up derailing the thread because you have no counter argument.

I thought you were leaving. I know, if you keep digging you will end up in China before you know it! Good place for you!

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