Telling the EU what will happen


Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
What would actually happen, if My country on the queen Elizabeth islands, called "North America" was real...
and our president or prime minister actually told the UK, and the European Union this.

1. No we don't suck up to everything that the USA does, and like you, we have public healthcare, tax funded universities, public transportation, no death penalty and so on...
and no we don't send people to the USA to be executed...

But we're not your friend either.

2. We're not as powerful, perhaps..
as Mister 20 trillion dollars....
But I'll tell you what...
South Korea and Japan are the biggest and most capable modern shipbuilders in the world at this point in time..
And that... and American exports are where we get our Naval ships from...

And we have the F35 Joint Strike Fighters, the F18 Super Hornet and Advanced Super Hornet, and the Growler electronic attack Aircrafts...

We have the Abrams, and Bradley, and the South Korean Black Panther tanks...
and FN Herstal firearms...

We're not your f)ucking friend... ok..
And we'll knock your fucking block off for ya any day of the week...

And that's without a Marshall Plan.

Europe is no match for the technologies and training and systems that we have.
See, We might not have anything like some of the stuff that the USA has.... but Euro-Faggot-Land has nothing like what we have either.

You're not going to fuckin' bully us like you did South Africa, or try to do the USA.

3. As far as trade, We're siding with the USA, and its Non-European allies... overall.
Bit of advice, being a tiny little girlie boy picking a fight with a big bully of a man, isn't smart.
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