Ten Gun Myths and Memes-- Shot Down

I am suspicious of anyone who does not think a gun free world would be a better place. No one is dancing around.

Sam Harris: "Like most gun owners, I understand the ethical importance of guns and cannot honestly wish for a world without them. I suspect that sentiment will shock many readers. Wouldn't any decent person wish for a world without guns? In my view, only someone who doesn't understand violence could wish for such a world. A world without guns is one in which the most aggressive men can do more or less anything they want.

A world without guns, therefore, is one in which the advantages of youth, size, strength, aggression, and sheer numbers are almost always decisive. Who could be nostalgic for such a world?"

The Riddle of the Gun : Sam Harris


That would be one person's opinion.
yet you will try to compare japan with the USA which are even more different societies. sorry your double standard fail is rejected

Showing what works in other countries and societies is not comparing like to like.

so then citizens being allowed to own even automatic weapons in switzerland is something we should emulate here

But they aren't allowed that. But again, you don't care about facts

"In Switzerland, civilians are not allowed to possess automatic firearms, some automatic firearms converted into semi-automatic firearms,44 incendiary or armour-piercing ammunition, and 'expansive projectiles for handguns"

Guns in Switzerland: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law
yet you will try to compare japan with the USA which are even more different societies. sorry your double standard fail is rejected

Showing what works in other countries and societies is not comparing like to like.

so then citizens being allowed to own even automatic weapons in switzerland is something we should emulate here

There is more to it than just owning automatic weapons. Military service and training is involved.
fact-check: Mass shootings stopped by armed civilians in the past 30 years: 0

didn't read the whole thread, just killing some time, so i'm not sure if this has been pointed out.

How is one to determine that a shooting would have qualified as a "mass" variety if it was prevented from escalating to a "mass" shooting by someone with a gun?

omg logic
Showing what works in other countries and societies is not comparing like to like.

so then citizens being allowed to own even automatic weapons in switzerland is something we should emulate here

But they aren't allowed that. But again, you don't care about facts

"In Switzerland, civilians are not allowed to possess automatic firearms, some automatic firearms converted into semi-automatic firearms,44 incendiary or armour-piercing ammunition, and 'expansive projectiles for handguns"

Guns in Switzerland: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law

excpet for the fact that that proposal wasn't ever exactly passed. :eusa_whistle:

Swiss overwhelmingly reject plan to tighten gun control in referendum - SWITZERLAND - FRANCE 24
Also, let's PRETEND that the OP was right. It still wouldn't change my view on the 2nd Amendment, because the 2nd Amendment is about TYRANNY not CRIME.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

-Benjamin Franklin

"Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem."

-Thomas Jefferson
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That's a nifty study from 1979. Have anything that was produced since the Carter Administration?

Are you claiming the humans have mentally evolved in a significant manner since 1979? Why would these findings, with 99% confidence intervals, be any different than if conducted today?

Also, since the Department of Justice has not released an update on this, its fair to say that they do not believe the situation has changed enough to conduct another survey.

Also, can you now provide a link for everything you say? I'm not playing this game with you anymore, unless you start linking, with full citations, everything you say. Why are you holding my to a higher standard of proof than yourself?

2A, some of what you've posted here undocumented has already been busted, and to your credit you admitted it. So it stands to reason that ensuing posts are going to be looked at with the proverbial grain of salt.

I really really really don't comprehend where some of y'all get this persistent idea that you can just post anything and then it's our job to prove or disprove it. Anyone making a point needs to get off their intellectual ass and do their homework and due diligence. Without it, the point does not exist except in the imagination.
so then citizens being allowed to own even automatic weapons in switzerland is something we should emulate here

But they aren't allowed that. But again, you don't care about facts

"In Switzerland, civilians are not allowed to possess automatic firearms, some automatic firearms converted into semi-automatic firearms,44 incendiary or armour-piercing ammunition, and 'expansive projectiles for handguns"

Guns in Switzerland: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law

excpet for the fact that that proposal wasn't ever exactly passed. :eusa_whistle:

Swiss overwhelmingly reject plan to tighten gun control in referendum - SWITZERLAND - FRANCE 24

Since your article doesn't even talk about automatic weapons......lol.

Automatic weapons are not allowed to be possessed by civilians in Switzerland. Fact.

It's almost as if you're intentionally trying to make me look good.
Also, let's PRETEND that the OP was right. It still wouldn't change my view on the 2nd Amendment, because the 2nd Amendment is about TYRANNY not CRIME.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

-Benjamin Franklin

"Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem."

-Thomas Jefferson

Once again for the slow readers, nowhere in the OP -- or the link in the OP -- or anywhere in this or any other thread I've ever posted in, anywhere, ever in the history of the Universe, has the Second Amendment been even brought up.

Which reminds me, this guy wants to know if he can punch out now....


Your dog Checkers is waiting to go home too.
But they aren't allowed that. But again, you don't care about facts

"In Switzerland, civilians are not allowed to possess automatic firearms, some automatic firearms converted into semi-automatic firearms,44 incendiary or armour-piercing ammunition, and 'expansive projectiles for handguns"

Guns in Switzerland: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law

excpet for the fact that that proposal wasn't ever exactly passed. :eusa_whistle:

Swiss overwhelmingly reject plan to tighten gun control in referendum - SWITZERLAND - FRANCE 24

Since your article doesn't even talk about automatic weapons......lol.

Automatic weapons are not allowed to be possessed by civilians in Switzerland. Fact.

It's almost as if you're intentionally trying to make me look good.

so the SG 550 they are issued that fires 700 rounds a minute isn't automatic? damn those swiss have some fast trigger fingers. dude, even i'm not good enought to make you look good. making you look good is an impossible task
2A, some of what you've posted here undocumented has already been busted, and to your credit you admitted it. So it stands to reason that ensuing posts are going to be looked at with the proverbial grain of salt..

Actually, the fact that I recanted two pieces of information, proves that I am a man of my word.

On the other hand, we have BUSTED ALL 10 of your myths. You have not recanted them. You are a liar.
Who is HE?

I left the United States 16 years ago. You all do whatever you want hwith your guns. My family lives in a much safer place.

Do not try to tell people what they think, you are not very good at it.

More dancing around the fact that you think America would be better off a gun-free society.


I am suspicious of anyone who does not think a gun free world would be a better place. No one is dancing around.

I think a tobacco free society would be great. I think an idiot-free society would be great. But since that isn't going to happen i accept where we are now. Ditto with guns. There will never be a gun free society. There will only be unarmed honest citizens and gov't or criminals with guns.
Once again for the slow readers, nowhere in the OP -- or the link in the OP -- or anywhere in this or any other thread I've ever posted in, anywhere, ever in the history of the Universe, has the Second Amendment been even brought up.

You are making a case to INFRINGE UPON THE 2ND AMENDMENT.

Let me quote it to you, and put the important part in BOLD.\

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
I point out two countries that effectively outlaw private ownership of guns and yet have enormous rates of gun violence and I'm the stupid one?
No, junior. You've been pwned.

Hey, according to them, it is OUR BURDEN to prove our arguments, but it is NOT THEIR BURDEN to prove their arguments.

Once they are exposed as hypocrites, only they can correct their own record.

We must continuously provide proof of our arguments, but when we ask them to provide such proof, they fail to deliver, and in fact ignore the fact that we even did. Why? Because they have no facts to present. They keep trying to draw attention away from themselves, by continuing to press us for more facts.

1) They asked for a strong statistic, Provided

2) They asked for citation, Provided.

3) They asked for link, Provided

4) Now they question its credibility because it is from 1979

5) Next they'll ask me to physically interview the people who made that report and record it on video

6) Then they'll say I edited the video with software and its fake.

I'm done arguing with these gentlemen. I'm going to keep posting the Department of Justice Statistics every half hour on this thread, that's it.
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