Ten Gun Myths and Memes-- Shot Down

That is NOT and NEVER HAS BEEN the 'ultimate' goal...

Prove it, I dare you. My guess is that, if you try, I will end up tearing you apart the same way I did when you tried to argue that gun control laws are not arbitrary, making them, by definition, tyrannical.

:rofl: armchair philosopher demands "prove the negative or I'll huff and I'll puff..." :lmao:

I bet you think it is impossible to prove a negative, don't you? When are they going to teach logic in school again?


Besides, I can easily prove that obverse of his position.
Attempting to confiscate THE MOST EFFECTIVE ARMS for home and self defense IS 'disarming the populace', moron. The only difference between an all-out confiscation and what's being proposed is DEGREE.

Take away the 'assault weapons' (which you morons can't even define other than cosmetics), then go after the semi-automatic rifles and shotguns, then the semi-auto pistols, then the lever action rifles, then the revolvers, then the knives (see not-so-Great Britain for THAT example), etc., etc., ad infinitum.

Stop lying about your ULTIMATE goal, we KNOW better!

That is NOT and NEVER HAS BEEN the 'ultimate' goal...

Prove it, I dare you. My guess is that, if you try, I will end up tearing you apart the same way I did when you tried to argue that gun control laws are not arbitrary, making them, by definition, tyrannical.

We are in a gray state of Tyranny.
Prove it, I dare you. My guess is that, if you try, I will end up tearing you apart the same way I did when you tried to argue that gun control laws are not arbitrary, making them, by definition, tyrannical.

We are in a gray state of Tyranny.

You mean...................YOU'RE in a black state of stupidity.

thanks for proving just how stupid, blind, and, Hitler trusting a person can be.
That is NOT and NEVER HAS BEEN the 'ultimate' goal, no matter how many times you hide under the bed, curl into the fetal position, suck your thumb and chant it.

Bugfucker, I know you're a coward and hide from me - ever since I humiliated a couple of years ago... No problem, I can humiliate you even as you hide under your bed and piss yourself.

First off, you're lying. You're making statements you know to be false with the intent of deceiving others.

{Aside from regulated hunting exceptions and those individuals who are deemed in danger by the police commissioner, all U.S. civilians should be banned from owning any kind of gun, argued former New York City Mayor Ed Koch in a radio interview today.

“I don’t believe that in our society that we should have guns,” said Koch, a Democrat, speaking on New York WABC Radio’s “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.”

Continued Koch: “If I had my way I would pass such a law except to allow hunting and target practice and you lay out safety precautions for that.}

Ex-NYC mayor: Ban all guns

{Nobody needs to have a handgun in America.

Nobody needs to have guns in their home, period.

That should be the starting point for any discussion about gun control in our insanely murderous society.}
Ban all guns, now - Columns - Detroit Metro Times

Everyone here, especially you, know full well that the agenda of the left is to fully disarm the commoners.

You look like a fool when you lie about this. No one - not one person, believes you - especially not you.

This from the guy who just tried to sell the idea that there are 40 million AR-15s in the country based on fuzzy Rovian math easily disproven from his own link, speaking of humiliation :rofl:

Btw, nooz flash: opinions cannot be "lies". No more than your paranoia fantasies become "facts" just becuase you declare them so. :lmao:

I don't know the exact number sold, but in the 4yrs from 2006-2010 the top ten AR styled weapons manufactures sold approx 500,000 of these weapons. This number doesn't include the many other manufactures that make this style of weapon, nor does it count any other type of govt labeled "assault" weapons such as AK's. A more recent study found this;

In its 2011 report “The Militarization of the U.S. Civilian Firearms Market,” the non-partisan Violence Policy Center noted that “selling militarized firearms to civilians—i.e., weapons in the military inventory or weapons based on military designs—has been at the point of the industry’s civilian design and marketing strategy since the 1980s.” And in its 2011 annual report to investors, Smith & Wesson Holding Company noted that there was a $489 million domestic, non-military market for “modern sporting rifles,” a euphemism for auto-loading, assault-style rifles. Modern sporting rifles are perhaps the fastest-growing segment of the domestic long gun industry. From 2007 to 2011, according to the Freedom Group’s most recent annual report, domestic consumer long gun sales grew at a compound annual rate of 3 percent; modern sporting rifle sales grew at a 27 percent rate.

Get more specific, Peters! Well, it’s hard, imaginary exclamation-making reader, because the data are incomplete. A November 2012 Congressional Research Service report found that, as of 2009, there were approximately 310 million firearms in the United States: “114 million handguns, 110 million rifles, and 86 million shotguns.” However, author William J. Krouse went on to note that “data are not available on the number of ‘assault weapons’ in private possession or available for sale, but one study estimated that 1.5 million assault weapons were privately owned in 1994.”

Add everything together, make all the necessary caveats, carry the two, and we reach the conclusion that there are somewhere around 3,750,000 AR-15-type rifles in the United States today. If there are around 310 million firearms in the USA today, that means these auto-loading assault-style rifles make up around 1 percent of the total arsenal. And keep in mind, the AR-15 is just one of the many assault weapons on the market. Overstreet estimated that more than 800,000 Ruger Mini-14 rifles—the rifle that Anders Behring Breivik used in the Oslo summer camp shootings last year—had been produced since 1974. There are other types, too. This is only the tip of the gunberg.


Personally I think that is not nearly enough "assault" type weapons spread out among our population and think more law abiding, patriotic citizens should invest the money to purchase one of these types of weapons along with 1,000 rounds of ammo for them, just to keep the govt slightly honest.
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Prove it, I dare you. My guess is that, if you try, I will end up tearing you apart the same way I did when you tried to argue that gun control laws are not arbitrary, making them, by definition, tyrannical.

:rofl: armchair philosopher demands "prove the negative or I'll huff and I'll puff..." :lmao:

I bet you think it is impossible to prove a negative, don't you? When are they going to teach logic in school again?


Besides, I can easily prove that obverse of his position.

Bet you can't prove that I don't not believe that.

You're gonna "prove the obverse" of a position you don't know and can't prove, huh? Hell, you can't even navigate an English sentence ("saddened" by any rapes lately?).

All you guys are doing is feeding paranoid comic-book fantasies with biased samples. Doesn't "prove" shit, obverse, converse or free verse.

Bugfucker, I know you're a coward and hide from me - ever since I humiliated a couple of years ago... No problem, I can humiliate you even as you hide under your bed and piss yourself.

First off, you're lying. You're making statements you know to be false with the intent of deceiving others.

{Aside from regulated hunting exceptions and those individuals who are deemed in danger by the police commissioner, all U.S. civilians should be banned from owning any kind of gun, argued former New York City Mayor Ed Koch in a radio interview today.

“I don’t believe that in our society that we should have guns,” said Koch, a Democrat, speaking on New York WABC Radio’s “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.”

Continued Koch: “If I had my way I would pass such a law except to allow hunting and target practice and you lay out safety precautions for that.}

Ex-NYC mayor: Ban all guns

{Nobody needs to have a handgun in America.

Nobody needs to have guns in their home, period.

That should be the starting point for any discussion about gun control in our insanely murderous society.}
Ban all guns, now - Columns - Detroit Metro Times

Everyone here, especially you, know full well that the agenda of the left is to fully disarm the commoners.

You look like a fool when you lie about this. No one - not one person, believes you - especially not you.

This from the guy who just tried to sell the idea that there are 40 million AR-15s in the country based on fuzzy Rovian math easily disproven from his own link, speaking of humiliation :rofl:

Btw, nooz flash: opinions cannot be "lies". No more than your paranoia fantasies become "facts" just becuase you declare them so. :lmao:

I don't know the exact number sold, but in the 4yrs from 2006-2010 the top ten AR styled weapons manufactures sold approx 500,000 of these weapons. This number doesn't include the many other manufactures that make this style of weapon, nor does it count any other type of govt labeled "assault" weapons such as AK's. A more recent study found this;

In its 2011 report “The Militarization of the U.S. Civilian Firearms Market,” the non-partisan Violence Policy Center noted that “selling militarized firearms to civilians—i.e., weapons in the military inventory or weapons based on military designs—has been at the point of the industry’s civilian design and marketing strategy since the 1980s.” And in its 2011 annual report to investors, Smith & Wesson Holding Company noted that there was a $489 million domestic, non-military market for “modern sporting rifles,” a euphemism for auto-loading, assault-style rifles. Modern sporting rifles are perhaps the fastest-growing segment of the domestic long gun industry. From 2007 to 2011, according to the Freedom Group’s most recent annual report, domestic consumer long gun sales grew at a compound annual rate of 3 percent; modern sporting rifle sales grew at a 27 percent rate.

Get more specific, Peters! Well, it’s hard, imaginary exclamation-making reader, because the data are incomplete. A November 2012 Congressional Research Service report found that, as of 2009, there were approximately 310 million firearms in the United States: “114 million handguns, 110 million rifles, and 86 million shotguns.” However, author William J. Krouse went on to note that “data are not available on the number of ‘assault weapons’ in private possession or available for sale, but one study estimated that 1.5 million assault weapons were privately owned in 1994.”

Add everything together, make all the necessary caveats, carry the two, and we reach the conclusion that there are somewhere around 3,750,000 AR-15-type rifles in the United States today. If there are around 310 million firearms in the USA today, that means these auto-loading assault-style rifles make up around 1 percent of the total arsenal. And keep in mind, the AR-15 is just one of the many assault weapons on the market. Overstreet estimated that more than 800,000 Ruger Mini-14 rifles—the rifle that Anders Behring Breivik used in the Oslo summer camp shootings last year—had been produced since 1974. There are other types, too. This is only the tip of the gunberg.


Personally I think that is not nearly enough "assault" type weapons spread out among our population and think more law abiding, patriotic citizens should invest the money to purchase one of these types of weapons along with 1,000 rounds of ammo for them, just to keep the govt slightly honest.

We already established the best estimate at 3.75 million AR-15s. It's in the same article. This was juuuust slightly below the "40 million" that Unsensical was trying to push as a number exceeding the number of iPads Americans own. What the point of that comparison was other than math he does as a Republican to make himself feel better, I have no idea.
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Attempting to confiscate THE MOST EFFECTIVE ARMS for home and self defense IS 'disarming the populace', moron. The only difference between an all-out confiscation and what's being proposed is DEGREE.

Take away the 'assault weapons' (which you morons can't even define other than cosmetics), then go after the semi-automatic rifles and shotguns, then the semi-auto pistols, then the lever action rifles, then the revolvers, then the knives (see not-so-Great Britain for THAT example), etc., etc., ad infinitum.

Stop lying about your ULTIMATE goal, we KNOW better!

That is NOT and NEVER HAS BEEN the 'ultimate' goal...

Prove it, I dare you. My guess is that, if you try, I will end up tearing you apart the same way I did when you tried to argue that gun control laws are not arbitrary, making them, by definition, tyrannical.

I already proved it...look at the last column.

I didn't hear a PEEP from you 'libertarians' when Bush was using the Constitution for toilet paper...where were the calls for less government with the Patriot Act, illegal wiretapping, trying to suspend habeas corpus? And I don't hear you right wing authoritarians calling out Republicans who are passing laws making a woman's uterus the domain of the state, forcing people to piss in a jar, taking away their voting rights or ripping away their bargaining rights.

You right wing turds use the term 'libertarian' to try to put a spin on the newest form of an aristocracy you turds worship...a corporatocracy...licking the ass of CEO's and corporations.

The selfish spirit of commerce knows no country, and feels no passion or principle but that of gain.
Thomas Jefferson - Letter to Larkin Smith (1809).

You are such a fucking hypocrite and hack it's hard to know where to start, but this little paragraph looked like as good a place as any.

You 'didn't hear a peep', NOT because we weren't making any noise, but because your partisan shitballs in the media weren't TELLING you about it. God forbid the people see that there were hundreds of thousands of us herded off into 'free speech zones' where Bush & Cheney didn't have to see us. They can't show that kind of thing without damaging the left/right paradigm they've spent 100+ years creating for us.

You didn't even notice that the TEA Party didn't get ANY coverage when we were all supporting Ron Paul, you know, small government, repeal the Patriot Act, live and let live, no 'nation-building'. It wasn't until Armey and Co. co-opted the movement that it got ANY ink, and most of that was trumped up bullshit trying to claim that we were all racist pieces of shit that wanted to re-institute slavery and poll taxes.

Go stick your nose back into MSNBC where you can comfortably enjoy your ignorance and confirmation bias, dipshit. You really haven't got the first fucking clue!!

Don't lie and try to blame anyone but you teabaggers for being called racists and far right wing morons. The very FIRST teabagger convention in Nashville was kicked off with a racist/xenophobic rant by Tom Tancredo. Even Meghan McCain was scathing in her assessment of Tancredo's speech on the opening day of the National Tea Party Convention in Nashville.

CBS News and the New York Times did a poll of teabaggers.

89 percent -- are white. Just one percent is black.

Three in four are 45 years old or older, including 29 percent who are 65 plus. They are also more likely to be men (59 percent) than women (41 percent).

More than one in three (36 percent) hails from the South, far more than any other region.

More than half (54 percent) identify as Republicans, and another 41 percent say they are independents. Just five percent call themselves Democrats.

Nearly three in four describe themselves as conservative, and 39 percent call themselves very conservative. Sixty percent say they always or usually vote Republican.

Thirty percent of Tea Party supporters believe Mr. Obama was born in another country, despite ample evidence to the contrary. Another 29 percent say they don't know.

Tea Party supporters were asked in the poll what they thought of a few notable figures. The most popular was Sarah Palin, who is viewed favorably by 66 percent of people in the movement.

Fifty-nine percent of Tea Party supporters have a favorable impression of Glenn Beck.

Nearly as many, 57 percent, have a favorable impression of former President George W. Bush, despite his role in raising the deficit and overseeing TARP bailout of the financial sector.

Just 35 percent view John McCain favorably, and 28 percent view Ron Paul favorably.

You are full of SHIT.
I didn't hear a PEEP from you 'libertarians' when Bush was using the Constitution for toilet paper...where were the calls for less government with the Patriot Act, illegal wiretapping, trying to suspend habeas corpus? And I don't hear you right wing authoritarians calling out Republicans who are passing laws making a woman's uterus the domain of the state, forcing people to piss in a jar, taking away their voting rights or ripping away their bargaining rights.

You right wing turds use the term 'libertarian' to try to put a spin on the newest form of an aristocracy you turds worship...a corporatocracy...licking the ass of CEO's and corporations.

The selfish spirit of commerce knows no country, and feels no passion or principle but that of gain.
Thomas Jefferson - Letter to Larkin Smith (1809).

You are such a fucking hypocrite and hack it's hard to know where to start, but this little paragraph looked like as good a place as any.

You 'didn't hear a peep', NOT because we weren't making any noise, but because your partisan shitballs in the media weren't TELLING you about it. God forbid the people see that there were hundreds of thousands of us herded off into 'free speech zones' where Bush & Cheney didn't have to see us. They can't show that kind of thing without damaging the left/right paradigm they've spent 100+ years creating for us.

You didn't even notice that the TEA Party didn't get ANY coverage when we were all supporting Ron Paul, you know, small government, repeal the Patriot Act, live and let live, no 'nation-building'. It wasn't until Armey and Co. co-opted the movement that it got ANY ink, and most of that was trumped up bullshit trying to claim that we were all racist pieces of shit that wanted to re-institute slavery and poll taxes.

Go stick your nose back into MSNBC where you can comfortably enjoy your ignorance and confirmation bias, dipshit. You really haven't got the first fucking clue!!

Don't lie and try to blame anyone but you teabaggers for being called racists and far right wing morons. The very FIRST teabagger convention in Nashville was kicked off with a racist/xenophobic rant by Tom Tancredo. Even Meghan McCain was scathing in her assessment of Tancredo's speech on the opening day of the National Tea Party Convention in Nashville.

CBS News and the New York Times did a poll of teabaggers.

89 percent -- are white. Just one percent is black.

Three in four are 45 years old or older, including 29 percent who are 65 plus. They are also more likely to be men (59 percent) than women (41 percent).

More than one in three (36 percent) hails from the South, far more than any other region.

More than half (54 percent) identify as Republicans, and another 41 percent say they are independents. Just five percent call themselves Democrats.

Nearly three in four describe themselves as conservative, and 39 percent call themselves very conservative. Sixty percent say they always or usually vote Republican.

Thirty percent of Tea Party supporters believe Mr. Obama was born in another country, despite ample evidence to the contrary. Another 29 percent say they don't know.

Tea Party supporters were asked in the poll what they thought of a few notable figures. The most popular was Sarah Palin, who is viewed favorably by 66 percent of people in the movement.

Fifty-nine percent of Tea Party supporters have a favorable impression of Glenn Beck.

Nearly as many, 57 percent, have a favorable impression of former President George W. Bush, despite his role in raising the deficit and overseeing TARP bailout of the financial sector.

Just 35 percent view John McCain favorably, and 28 percent view Ron Paul favorably.

You are full of SHIT.

The one thing I noticed, Mr. Shit-for-brains, is that your poll and your info come from the post-Dick Armey co-opting of the original TEA party movement. I'm not surprised, though, left or right most folks don't pay attention until they're TOLD to.

As for Mr. Tancredo, calling his rant racist is as dishonest as most everything else you post. I'm guessing you haven't even heard it, but the talking heads at MSNBC told you what to think, so you dutifully spout it like the good little automaton you are. And if you think I give a fuck about what Meghan McAmnesty thinks you're even dumber than I thought.

And is it your assertion that because it's members are overwhelmingly white that serves as some sort of proof of racism? If so, you've provided ANOTHER example of your shining ignorance.

You're getting pretty good at that...
:rofl: armchair philosopher demands "prove the negative or I'll huff and I'll puff..." :lmao:

I bet you think it is impossible to prove a negative, don't you? When are they going to teach logic in school again?


Besides, I can easily prove that obverse of his position.

Bet you can't prove that I don't not believe that.

You're gonna "prove the obverse" of a position you don't know and can't prove, huh? Hell, you can't even navigate an English sentence ("saddened" by any rapes lately?).

All you guys are doing is feeding paranoid comic-book fantasies with biased samples. Doesn't "prove" shit, obverse, converse or free verse.

Umm, genius, I was talking to Bfgrn, not you. Just because you think the entire universe revolves around you does not mean the rest of the world even knows you are alive.
Prove it, I dare you. My guess is that, if you try, I will end up tearing you apart the same way I did when you tried to argue that gun control laws are not arbitrary, making them, by definition, tyrannical.

I already proved it...look at the last column.


All that proves is you found a poll.

Why are you right wing turds so ignorant on how laws are made? You have absolutely no knowledge or understanding of the rule of law. There is NO WAY a ban on all guns will ever happen. I am willing to bet the federal ban on assault weapons will never pass. Even universal background checks, which 92% of citizens support will be very difficult to get through both houses of Congress. Yet you paranoid 'slippery slope' fear infested morons believe laws can just be mandated by edict.

Take a course in civics. Stop being such a uninformed fear filled moron. Buy some big boy pants and grow a pair.
I bet you think it is impossible to prove a negative, don't you? When are they going to teach logic in school again?


Besides, I can easily prove that obverse of his position.

Bet you can't prove that I don't not believe that.

You're gonna "prove the obverse" of a position you don't know and can't prove, huh? Hell, you can't even navigate an English sentence ("saddened" by any rapes lately?).

All you guys are doing is feeding paranoid comic-book fantasies with biased samples. Doesn't "prove" shit, obverse, converse or free verse.

Umm, genius, I was talking to Bfgrn, not you. Just because you think the entire universe revolves around you does not mean the rest of the world even knows you are alive.

Your abject ignorance of the English language continues to stupefy. Umm, genius, that's my name in the quotes.

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Has the government started taking away our guns yet? I've been waiting for this to happen for years, and the waiting is causing me to have tension headachs. Hell, my 38 Special revolver is already obsolete in a crisis situation. It is costing me a fortune to stay as well armed as my nieghbor! Has anyone priced an AR-15 lately? I wish they would get this over with so I can go back to spending my money on things I really need....
Has the government started taking away our guns yet? I've been waiting for this to happen for years, and the waiting is causing me to have tension headachs. Hell, my 38 Special revolver is already obsolete in a crisis situation. It is costing me a fortune to stay as well armed as my nieghbor! Has anyone priced an AR-15 lately? I wish they would get this over with so I can go back to spending my money on things I really need....

You don't need guns. If you are in danger, just pray to Obama, he'll protect you.
Myth #1: They're coming for your guns.
Fact-check: No one knows the exact number of guns in America, but it's clear there's no practical way to round them all up (never mind that no one in Washington is proposing this). Yet if you fantasize about rifle-toting citizens facing down the government, you'll rest easy knowing that America's roughly 80 million gun owners already have the feds and cops outgunned by a factor of around 79 to 1. (chart)

<It wouldn't be like that, it would be gradual. First making it mandatory for all guns to be registered - then they know who has the guns and how many they have.>

• Myth #2: Guns don't kill people—people kill people.
Fact-check: People with more guns tend to kill more people—with guns. The states with the highest gun ownership rates have a gun murder rate 114% higher than those with the lowest gun ownership rates...

<Still ignores the fact that unless the person wants to kill another person the gun will not get up and start shooting people on it's own>

Myth #3: An armed society is a polite society.
Fact-check: Drivers who carry guns are 44% more likely than unarmed drivers to make obscene gestures at other motorists, and 77% more likely to follow them aggressively.

<This is not a fact - it might be the result of a poll (or how big a poll it was), but that's not the same thing as a fact.>

• Myth #4: More good guys with guns can stop rampaging bad guys.
Fact-check: Mass shootings stopped by armed civilians in the past 30 years: 0

<This needs to be backed up, you have no proof of this. This also does not considered those that were deterred>

• Chances that a shooting at an ER involves guns taken from guards: 1 in 5.
<So 8 times out of 10 someone brings a gun into an ER of all places and you're more worried about someone getting the security guard's gun?>

• Myth #5: Keeping a gun at home makes you safer.
Fact-check: Owning a gun has been linked to higher risks of homicide, suicide, and accidental death by gun.
<yes, in the hands of crazy people or people who are suicidal or insane. Guns don't make people insane, have accidents, do stupid things with guns or want to kill themselves. You act like guns create behavior or mental issues>

• For every time a gun is used in self-defense in the home, there are 7 assaults or murders, 11 suicide attempts, and 4 accidents involving guns in or around a home...

<this doesn't include the number of times a home was not invaded because a potential perpetrator either suspected or knew the dweller owned a gun>

• Myth #6: Carrying a gun for self-defense makes you safer.
Fact-check: In 2011, nearly 10 times more people were shot and killed in arguments than by civilians trying to stop a crime.

<Yes, there are a 10,000,000 times more heated arguments than civilians trying to stop crimes.>

• A Philadelphia study found that the odds of an assault victim being shot were 4.5 times greater if he carried a gun. His odds of being killed were 4.2 times greater.

<You mean in a city like Philidelphia were gun crime is often committed by criminals against other criminals? What a shocker.>

• Myth #7: Guns make women safer.
Fact-check: In 2010, nearly 6 times more women were shot by husbands, boyfriends, and ex-partners than murdered by male strangers...

<I think they are referring to the women having the gun, not the estranged husband, boyfriend or ex-partner. You are comparing apples to oranges.>

• Myth #8: "Vicious, violent video games" deserve more blame than guns.
Fact-check: So said NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre after Newtown. So what's up with Japan?
(chart/resource in link - wont behave here)

<You apparently know little about the most popular video games in Japan vs. the U.S.>

• Myth #9: More and more Americans are becoming gun owners.
Fact-check: More guns are being sold, but they're owned by a shrinking portion of the population...

<There have been no recent studies that would either support or deny that, so you're making it up.>

• Around 80% of gun owners are men. On average they own 7.9 guns each...

<Again, there have been no recent or accurate studies to support or deny this>

• Myth #10: We don't need more gun laws—we just need to enforce the ones we have.
Fact-check: Weak laws and loopholes backed by the gun lobby make it easier to get guns illegally.

<This still completely ignores the initial statement regarding how well the existing gun laws are enforced - you are only commenting on how weak the existing law are and more importantly who you blame for that, not how well or how poorly they are enforced>
Myth #1: They're coming for your guns.
Fact-check: No one knows the exact number of guns in America, but it's clear there's no practical way to round them all up (never mind that no one in Washington is proposing this). Yet if you fantasize about rifle-toting citizens facing down the government, you'll rest easy knowing that America's roughly 80 million gun owners already have the feds and cops outgunned by a factor of around 79 to 1. (chart)

<It wouldn't be like that, it would be gradual. First making it mandatory for all guns to be registered - then they know who has the guns and how many they have.>

&#8226; Myth #2: Guns don't kill people&#8212;people kill people.
Fact-check: People with more guns tend to kill more people&#8212;with guns. The states with the highest gun ownership rates have a gun murder rate 114% higher than those with the lowest gun ownership rates...

<Still ignores the fact that unless the person wants to kill another person the gun will not get up and start shooting people on it's own>

Myth #3: An armed society is a polite society.
Fact-check: Drivers who carry guns are 44% more likely than unarmed drivers to make obscene gestures at other motorists, and 77% more likely to follow them aggressively.

<This is not a fact - it might be the result of a poll (or how big a poll it was), but that's not the same thing as a fact.>

&#8226; Myth #4: More good guys with guns can stop rampaging bad guys.
Fact-check: Mass shootings stopped by armed civilians in the past 30 years: 0

<This needs to be backed up, you have no proof of this. This also does not considered those that were deterred>

&#8226; Chances that a shooting at an ER involves guns taken from guards: 1 in 5.
<So 8 times out of 10 someone brings a gun into an ER of all places and you're more worried about someone getting the security guard's gun?>

&#8226; Myth #5: Keeping a gun at home makes you safer.
Fact-check: Owning a gun has been linked to higher risks of homicide, suicide, and accidental death by gun.
<yes, in the hands of crazy people or people who are suicidal or insane. Guns don't make people insane, have accidents, do stupid things with guns or want to kill themselves. You act like guns create behavior or mental issues>

&#8226; For every time a gun is used in self-defense in the home, there are 7 assaults or murders, 11 suicide attempts, and 4 accidents involving guns in or around a home...

<this doesn't include the number of times a home was not invaded because a potential perpetrator either suspected or knew the dweller owned a gun>

&#8226; Myth #6: Carrying a gun for self-defense makes you safer.
Fact-check: In 2011, nearly 10 times more people were shot and killed in arguments than by civilians trying to stop a crime.

<Yes, there are a 10,000,000 times more heated arguments than civilians trying to stop crimes.>

&#8226; A Philadelphia study found that the odds of an assault victim being shot were 4.5 times greater if he carried a gun. His odds of being killed were 4.2 times greater.

<You mean in a city like Philidelphia were gun crime is often committed by criminals against other criminals? What a shocker.>

&#8226; Myth #7: Guns make women safer.
Fact-check: In 2010, nearly 6 times more women were shot by husbands, boyfriends, and ex-partners than murdered by male strangers...

<I think they are referring to the women having the gun, not the estranged husband, boyfriend or ex-partner. You are comparing apples to oranges.>

&#8226; Myth #8: "Vicious, violent video games" deserve more blame than guns.
Fact-check: So said NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre after Newtown. So what's up with Japan?
(chart/resource in link - wont behave here)

<You apparently know little about the most popular video games in Japan vs. the U.S.>

&#8226; Myth #9: More and more Americans are becoming gun owners.
Fact-check: More guns are being sold, but they're owned by a shrinking portion of the population...

<There have been no recent studies that would either support or deny that, so you're making it up.>

&#8226; Around 80% of gun owners are men. On average they own 7.9 guns each...

<Again, there have been no recent or accurate studies to support or deny this>

&#8226; Myth #10: We don't need more gun laws&#8212;we just need to enforce the ones we have.
Fact-check: Weak laws and loopholes backed by the gun lobby make it easier to get guns illegally.

<This still completely ignores the initial statement regarding how well the existing gun laws are enforced - you are only commenting on how weak the existing law are and more importantly who you blame for that, not how well or how poorly they are enforced>

Wun, welcome to the site and thanks for addressing the topic after all these tangents.

#1: you've answered with a "what if" conjecture. It's been played for some time here but the fact is there's no evidence.

#2: I see both the premise and the conclusion as non sequiturs. Nobody ever claimed that guns shoot themselves, nor do I see what the point would be in proving or disproving that.

#3: none of these myths are "facts"; what it says is fact check; it then makes its case by citing three examples, all of which are linked in the article.

#4: I agree the claim of "zero" is impossible to prove and one of the things that if I had written the article wouldn't have made it to press. But in the bit about the ER, they're talking about the gunshot wounds that show up there as patients, because that's where those on the wrong end of a gun tend to end up -- there or the morgue.

#5: no, that's not the point the article makes; it's saying that in the environment where guns are present, which is what having a gun at home" means, you're statistically more likely to be murdered, killed by accident, or commit suicide. As opposed to being in a place where the gun is not there.

(Personal comment: this is a vital pointer to the real underlying dynamic, the "gun culture". Related to what Bob Costas and Jason Whitlock meant noting that "if he (Jovan Belcher) didn't possess/own a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today"... maybe, maybe not, but the point being that our gun culture has us reaching for firepower at the slightest upset. This is what I believe is the heart of the matter)

#6: Not sure what the point about criminals is, but said criminals exist and are part of the real world; if some such criminal accosts you and he's armed and you are too, well that's what the study is talking about.

As the study explains:
A few plausible mechanisms can be posited by which possession of a gun increases an individual's risk of gun assault. A gun may falsely empower its possessor to overreact, instigating and losing otherwise tractable conflicts with similarly armed persons. Along the same lines, individuals who are in possession of a gun may increase their risk of gun assault by entering dangerous environments that they would have normally avoided.58&#8211;60 Alternatively, an individual may bring a gun to an otherwise gun-free conflict only to have that gun wrested away and turned on them. ("58-60" refers to three of the 67 references cited).

#7: not sure what 'apples-organges' refers to -- their point is that women are much more likely to be shot by an intimate than by a stranger.

#8: ?? I don't know what your point is here.

#9: There are five different links citing those studies, so no it's not "made up". They're all there in the article. Did you read the article?

#10: I believe their point is if you say "we don't need new laws, just enforce the ones we have" while at the same time weakening the ones we have, then your premise is dishonest. Kind of like saying "you don't need a new car, just use the one you have, and by the way I'm taking your tires".
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