Tenure: A Defeat for Liberalism???

9. With Liberals in control of education, actual education becomes secondary to indoctrination.
.....and having a strangle hold on careers, this is the sort of 'education' American gets....

a. It is not an education when a mid-term exam contains a required essay on the topic “Explain Why President Bush Is A War Criminal,” as did a criminology exam at the University of Northern Colorado, in 2003.

b. Higher Education Research Institute at the UCLA published a survey in 2002, of 55,521 professors at 416 colleges and universities nationwide. They found that 48% of the professors identified themselves as ‘liberal’ or ‘far left;’ 34% as ‘middle of the road. In 2004, Klein and Western published a study of the voter registration of the professors at U of C, Berkeley, and at Stanford, over 1000 professors, and concluded that the findings supported the ‘one party campus’ conjecture. At Berkeley, 9.9 to 1, and at Stanford, 7.6 to 1 of Democrats to Republicans. Ideological diversity does not exist on most campuses.

c. In 2005 Klein and Stern surveyed 1,678 professors, and found that faculty is heavily skewed toward Democratic, and the most lopsided fields are Anthropology (30.2 to 1) and Sociology (28 to 1).

10.. "Survey shocker: Liberal profs admit they’d discriminate against conservatives in hiring, advancement....Beyond that, conservatives represent a distinct minority on college and university campuses. A 2007 report by sociologists Neil Gross and Solon Simmons found that 80 percent of psychology professors at elite and non-elite universities are Democrats. Other studies reveal that 5 percent to 7 percent of faculty openly identify as Republicans. By contrast, about 20 percent of the general population are liberal and 40 percent are conservative.” Survey shocker: Liberal profs admit they’d discriminate against conservatives in hiring, advancement
It goes without saying that 95% of the universities in this country are leftist hacks surviving only if they continue indoctrinating our children with liberal idealism.
It goes without saying that 95% of the universities in this country are leftist hacks surviving only if they continue indoctrinating our children with liberal idealism.

Unfortunately, they are largely successful....65,915,796 saps voted for the failure in the White House.
Jeezzz....you're really embarrassed about being a Socialist,huh?

Classical liberals founded the nation....folks who would be called conservatives today.
Nope. Liberals then, liberals now, only we don't live 230 years ago and are way fucking smarter about what matters today.

And Socialism is about economics more than anything else. I'm a Liberal Capitalist. What parts of socialism I embrace I have no trouble admitting to.

One day, maybe, you'll be able to deal with the fact that you live in a liberal nation, founded by liberals for liberals.

Classical liberals founded the nation....folks who would be called conservatives today.
That's simply a lie. There were conservatives then, Tories, and they fled to Canada when the liberals started the American Revolution. That's not a conservative thing to do.

The Founders were liberal elites, who founded a republic to keep the rabble, like you, from running (and ruining) the place. As I said, you've been lied to all your life, and aren't smart enough to know it.
Every Conservative argument today is based on the arguments those "liberals" gave in their time...

Your entire argument is based on historical relativism, a logical fallacy.
Nope. Ask me for a liberal answer they would give you today and I'll tell you what the fight would have sounded like. Liberal then is liberal now.
Liberals and Progressives are, by and large, the recipients of tenure. It's called 'keeping it in the family.'
Liberals teach, it's a liberal profession, with a liberal bent, in a liberal nation, founded by liberals, like myself.
Liberals who supported slavery and segregation and thought gays should be put in jail...

They also believed in God and Country so, they were wrong, right?
You tell me.

Supposedly "progressivism" is just common sense humanitarian issues, so why is it that extremely intelligent progressive minded people supported things that only the institutionalized support today?

Could it be that Democrats just don't know what the fuck they are talking about when discussing our founding fathers?
She's a hack who makes her living as a hack. Why would I read her?

You posted about the Professor in your post #39....now you're running from her.

Don't ever change.
Coulter is the hack. Try to keep up, if you can.

Bet you've read none of her dozen best sellers.

Seems to be the same with all Liberals....strong opinions based on no knowledge.
The ineluctable conclusion of Liberals in charge of the education industry.
Why would I read her crap, or that of any of the Fox News crowd? Fifty Shades of Grey was a big seller, I'm not reading that either.

I, unlike you, read books that actually matter. Coulter is a XY female joke on America, and she makes a great living being so. That's capitalism for ya...
If you have never read any of her books, then what makes you think you can comment on them?

The joke is that Democrats think that logical fallacies suffice as an actual argument, much less a political platform and philosophy.

You are an embarrassment to real left wingers of old.
I don't read, or buy, propaganda.
Of course, today,academic protections only apply to Liberal/Progressives/Democrats/Marxists/socialists....weirdos of all stripes.

An old time Liberal, NYC Mayor Mikey Bloomberg, calls the fascists...er, Liberals on it:

11. " CAMBRIDGE — Michael R. Bloomberg implored Harvard University graduates Thursday to ardently defend the rights of others, citing what he described as growingintolerance for different religions, political ideas, and even college commencement speakers.

“Tolerance for other people’s ideas and the freedom to express your own are . . . perpetually vulnerable to the tyrannical tendencies of monarchs, mobs, and majorities, and lately we’ve seen those tendencies manifest themselves too often, both on college campuses and in our society,”....

Bloomberg also condemned how, he said, college campuses seem to increasingly professonly liberal viewpoints and refuse to listen to conservative ideas."In Harvard commencement speech, Michael Bloomberg assails lack of political diversity at college campuses - Metro - The Boston Globe

So....tenure originated with Progressives, who make certain that their sociopathic views could be inflicted on the young....

....and it continues unabated to this day.
Liberals and Progressives are, by and large, the recipients of tenure. It's called 'keeping it in the family.'
Liberals teach, it's a liberal profession, with a liberal bent, in a liberal nation, founded by liberals, like myself.
Liberals who supported slavery and segregation and thought gays should be put in jail...

They also believed in God and Country so, they were wrong, right?
You tell me.

Supposedly "progressivism" is just common sense humanitarian issues, so why is it that extremely intelligent progressive minded people supported things that only the institutionalized support today?

Could it be that Democrats just don't know what the fuck they are talking about when discussing our founding fathers?
What am I projecting?
You posted about the Professor in your post #39....now you're running from her.

Don't ever change.
Coulter is the hack. Try to keep up, if you can.

Bet you've read none of her dozen best sellers.

Seems to be the same with all Liberals....strong opinions based on no knowledge.
The ineluctable conclusion of Liberals in charge of the education industry.
Why would I read her crap, or that of any of the Fox News crowd? Fifty Shades of Grey was a big seller, I'm not reading that either.

I, unlike you, read books that actually matter. Coulter is a XY female joke on America, and she makes a great living being so. That's capitalism for ya...
If you have never read any of her books, then what makes you think you can comment on them?

The joke is that Democrats think that logical fallacies suffice as an actual argument, much less a political platform and philosophy.

You are an embarrassment to real left wingers of old.
I don't read, or buy, propaganda.
Then don't comment on it.
Jeezzz....you're really embarrassed about being a Socialist,huh?

Classical liberals founded the nation....folks who would be called conservatives today.
Nope. Liberals then, liberals now, only we don't live 230 years ago and are way fucking smarter about what matters today.

And Socialism is about economics more than anything else. I'm a Liberal Capitalist. What parts of socialism I embrace I have no trouble admitting to.

One day, maybe, you'll be able to deal with the fact that you live in a liberal nation, founded by liberals for liberals.

Classical liberals founded the nation....folks who would be called conservatives today.
That's simply a lie. There were conservatives then, Tories, and they fled to Canada when the liberals started the American Revolution. That's not a conservative thing to do.

The Founders were liberal elites, who founded a republic to keep the rabble, like you, from running (and ruining) the place. As I said, you've been lied to all your life, and aren't smart enough to know it.
Every Conservative argument today is based on the arguments those "liberals" gave in their time...

Your entire argument is based on historical relativism, a logical fallacy.
Nope. Ask me for a liberal answer they would give you today and I'll tell you what the fight would have sounded like. Liberal then is liberal now.
Except that Conservatives today are far more liberal than even the most leftist liberals were then, which destroys your argument.

In order for your ridiculous logic to be correct Conservatives would have to be still for what they were for back then(returning to being a colony of England, preserving slavery, preserving segregation etc).

The fact is that with each generation Conservatives become far more liberal than their parents because Democrats make the status-quo that Conservatives wish to "conserve" far more liberal. The most openly progressive Republicans were far more conservative than today's Republican Party.
Liberals teach, it's a liberal profession, with a liberal bent, in a liberal nation, founded by liberals, like myself.
Liberals who supported slavery and segregation and thought gays should be put in jail...

They also believed in God and Country so, they were wrong, right?
You tell me.

Supposedly "progressivism" is just common sense humanitarian issues, so why is it that extremely intelligent progressive minded people supported things that only the institutionalized support today?

Could it be that Democrats just don't know what the fuck they are talking about when discussing our founding fathers?
What am I projecting?
That the Dens don't know the Founding Fathers when that's actually you.
Nope. Liberals then, liberals now, only we don't live 230 years ago and are way fucking smarter about what matters today.

And Socialism is about economics more than anything else. I'm a Liberal Capitalist. What parts of socialism I embrace I have no trouble admitting to.

One day, maybe, you'll be able to deal with the fact that you live in a liberal nation, founded by liberals for liberals.

Classical liberals founded the nation....folks who would be called conservatives today.
That's simply a lie. There were conservatives then, Tories, and they fled to Canada when the liberals started the American Revolution. That's not a conservative thing to do.

The Founders were liberal elites, who founded a republic to keep the rabble, like you, from running (and ruining) the place. As I said, you've been lied to all your life, and aren't smart enough to know it.
Every Conservative argument today is based on the arguments those "liberals" gave in their time...

Your entire argument is based on historical relativism, a logical fallacy.
Nope. Ask me for a liberal answer they would give you today and I'll tell you what the fight would have sounded like. Liberal then is liberal now.
Except that Conservatives today are far more liberal than even the most leftist liberals were then, which destroys your argument.

In order for your ridiculous logic to be correct Conservatives would have to be still for what they were for back then(returning to being a colony of England, preserving slavery, preserving segregation etc).

The fact is that with each generation Conservatives become far more liberal than their parents because Democrats make the status-quo that Conservatives wish to "conserve" far more liberal. The most openly progressive Republicans were far more conservative than today's Republican Party.
The Founders weren't conservative, far from it. We had those then, Tories, they fled to Canada. Had you lived then, you would have been one.
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Liberals who supported slavery and segregation and thought gays should be put in jail...

They also believed in God and Country so, they were wrong, right?
You tell me.

Supposedly "progressivism" is just common sense humanitarian issues, so why is it that extremely intelligent progressive minded people supported things that only the institutionalized support today?

Could it be that Democrats just don't know what the fuck they are talking about when discussing our founding fathers?
What am I projecting?
That the Dens don't know the Founding Fathers when that's actually you.
The Democrats can't even name more than 2 of them on average.
Classical liberals founded the nation....folks who would be called conservatives today.
That's simply a lie. There were conservatives then, Tories, and they fled to Canada when the liberals started the American Revolution. That's not a conservative thing to do.

The Founders were liberal elites, who founded a republic to keep the rabble, like you, from running (and ruining) the place. As I said, you've been lied to all your life, and aren't smart enough to know it.
Every Conservative argument today is based on the arguments those "liberals" gave in their time...

Your entire argument is based on historical relativism, a logical fallacy.
Nope. Ask me for a liberal answer they would give you today and I'll tell you what the fight would have sounded like. Liberal then is liberal now.
Except that Conservatives today are far more liberal than even the most leftist liberals were then, which destroys your argument.

In order for your ridiculous logic to be correct Conservatives would have to be still for what they were for back then(returning to being a colony of England, preserving slavery, preserving segregation etc).

The fact is that with each generation Conservatives become far more liberal than their parents because Democrats make the status-quo that Conservatives wish to "conserve" far more liberal. The most openly progressive Republicans were far more conservative than today's Republican Party.
Liberals ever love, that doesn't mean the Founders were conservative, far from it. We had those then, they fled to Canada.
You are a special kind of retard. You know that?

Do you seriously think Jefferson was for gay marriage and open borders? Why wasn't he?
12. Tenure Forever!!!!
Classrooms become the 'Liberal Mines!'

Well....maybe not....
This is the basis for the thread title......there is hope!

a. A public college in Florida has taken a decisive step to eliminate tenure, putting one of the largest cracks yet in a gradually-crumbling edifice. Instead of receiving tenure after five years of employment, from now on professors at the State College of Florida will only receive annual contracts the school can decline to renew at any time.
Florida Public College Abolishes Tenure

b. Florida Polytechnic University’s re-envisioning of a public research institution is making some radical departures from the norm, including scrapping the idea of tenure. The state’s union leaders, however, say that decision should be reversed if administrators are serious about their aspirations for the university.

Instead of tenure, faculty members “will be offered fixed term, multi-year contracts that will be renewed based on performance,” the university-to-beannouncedon Tuesday.
Florida Polytechnic U. to offer multi-year contracts, not tenure, to faculty

c. THE CAPITAL, TALLAHASSEE, September 27, 2011 -
Gov. Rick Scott's interest in higher education reform has ignited a contentious debate over the use of tenure at Florida's universities and colleges.

As lawmakers ponder whether to revisit a proposal to change or eliminate tenure at Florida's colleges and universities, one public university has the enviable position of being largely unaffected by tenure changes.

That's because Fort Myers-based Florida Gulf Coast University doesn't offer tenure.

In a rare decision for a public university, FGCU decided not to offer tenure to new faculty when it opened in 1997, though a small handful of faculty brought on from the defunct University of South Florida at Fort Myers were given tenure. "We do not currently award tenure to anyone," said Provost Ron Toll. Tenure Discussion Spotlights Florida Gulf Coast University

The Florida Legislature last year eliminated tenure for new K-12 teachers and proposed ending it for community collegeprofessors. In the past few months, Gov. Rick Scott has questioned whether university professors need it. With K-12 tenure gone, the fate of college faculty tenure remains in limbo

Florida Atlantic University Threatens to End Tenure
Florida Atlantic University Threatens to End Tenure

Oh nooozzzzz!!!!

What are Liberals gonna do????

That's simply a lie. There were conservatives then, Tories, and they fled to Canada when the liberals started the American Revolution. That's not a conservative thing to do.

The Founders were liberal elites, who founded a republic to keep the rabble, like you, from running (and ruining) the place. As I said, you've been lied to all your life, and aren't smart enough to know it.
Every Conservative argument today is based on the arguments those "liberals" gave in their time...

Your entire argument is based on historical relativism, a logical fallacy.
Nope. Ask me for a liberal answer they would give you today and I'll tell you what the fight would have sounded like. Liberal then is liberal now.
Except that Conservatives today are far more liberal than even the most leftist liberals were then, which destroys your argument.

In order for your ridiculous logic to be correct Conservatives would have to be still for what they were for back then(returning to being a colony of England, preserving slavery, preserving segregation etc).

The fact is that with each generation Conservatives become far more liberal than their parents because Democrats make the status-quo that Conservatives wish to "conserve" far more liberal. The most openly progressive Republicans were far more conservative than today's Republican Party.
Liberals ever love, that doesn't mean the Founders were conservative, far from it. We had those then, they fled to Canada.
You are a special kind of retard. You know that?

Do you seriously think Jefferson was for gay marriage and open borders? Why wasn't he?
Gay marriage wouldn't bother him and who is for open borders? Maybe the past 60 years of administrations who didn't close them because capitalism loves cheap labor.

You are nothing like a Founder. They didn't live in the past. They based the country on liberalism and we are still a liberal nation, like it or not.
Every Conservative argument today is based on the arguments those "liberals" gave in their time...

Your entire argument is based on historical relativism, a logical fallacy.
Nope. Ask me for a liberal answer they would give you today and I'll tell you what the fight would have sounded like. Liberal then is liberal now.
Except that Conservatives today are far more liberal than even the most leftist liberals were then, which destroys your argument.

In order for your ridiculous logic to be correct Conservatives would have to be still for what they were for back then(returning to being a colony of England, preserving slavery, preserving segregation etc).

The fact is that with each generation Conservatives become far more liberal than their parents because Democrats make the status-quo that Conservatives wish to "conserve" far more liberal. The most openly progressive Republicans were far more conservative than today's Republican Party.
Liberals ever love, that doesn't mean the Founders were conservative, far from it. We had those then, they fled to Canada.
You are a special kind of retard. You know that?

Do you seriously think Jefferson was for gay marriage and open borders? Why wasn't he?
Gay marriage wouldn't bother him and who is for open borders? Maybe the past 60 years of administrations who didn't close them because capitalism loves cheap labor.

You are nothing like a Founder. They didn't live in the past. They based the country on liberalism and we are still a liberal nation, like it or not.
Gay marriage wouldn't bother Jefferson? LOL

It would bother JFK and Roosevelt a great deal, much less Jefferson.

My opposition to gay marriage isn't about "the past", it is about the fact that gay marriage was literally used as a wedge issue and an anti-Christian issue and not something akin to civil rights for blacks or the women's suffrage movement. Show me the gay genetic sequence and I will fucking march to destroy homophobic religions and institutions yesterday.

I am a real progressive, you are just a partisan hack.
The Democrats can't even name more than 2 of them on average.
Americans are as dumb as dog shit and like you, haven't been taught anything like real history, starting with the fact they believe they live in a democracy, which the Founders both feared and hated.
Democrats made this country more like a Democracy by changing Senate appointments to elections.

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