Tenure: A Defeat for Liberalism???

Liberals and Progressives are, by and large, the recipients of tenure. It's called 'keeping it in the family.'
Liberals teach, it's a liberal profession, with a liberal bent, in a liberal nation, founded by liberals, like myself.
'Academic feminists who received tenure, promotion, and funding, tended to be pro-abortion, pro-pornography (anti-censorship), pro-prostitution (pro-sex workers), pro-surrogacy, and anti-colonialist, anti-imperialist, and anti-American…proponents of simplistic gender-neutrality (women and men are exactly the same) or essentialist: men and women are completely different, and women are better. They are loyal to their careers and their cliques, not to the truth. [In their writing, they] have pretended that brilliance and originality can best be conveyed in a secret, Mandarin language that absolutely no one, including themselves, can possibly understand…and this obfuscation of language has been employed to hide a considerable lack of brilliance and originality and to avoid the consequences of making oneself clear.' “The Death of Feminism,” by Phyllis Chesler
Feminist icon and political activist Phyllis Chesler, author of the 2.5-million copy bestseller Women and Madness and the controversial The New Anti-Semitism, calls for an overhaul of the women's movement. In this important book, Phyllis Chesler asks the questions: Within feminism, is there room for free thinkers who oppose the party line? What if a feminist believes in capitalism? God? Patriotism?
The Death of Feminism: What's Next in the Struggle for Women's Freedom: Phyllis Chesler: 9781403975102: Amazon.com: Books

Yes, Most do, Also most do, Knock yourselves out...

This is a regular pattern, but let's go through it anyway.....

I read Professor Chesler's book that I quoted.

Did you?

Any of her books?

Know about here life in Iran? In academia?


Why would I read a right-winger's screed on Feminism? Oh right, I wouldn't since I'm one, not female, and two, have supported feminism (in many flavors) for decades. So she wants reform, who doesn't...
Tenure: A Defeat for Liberalism???

Academic freedom, not liberalism. You do like people to speak their minds right? Oh wait, how would you know since all you can do is post what others say...

Due to your problems with short term memory, you probably don't remember that my threads are akin to peeling an onion....layer by layer....leading to an unassailable conclusion.

A conclusion which, with mechanical reliability, destroys our worldviews.
My pleasure.

Won't be long before I force you into vulgarity.

And, like the onion mentioned above, on the outside I may appear rude, abrasive and sarcastic, but, just like an onion, when you peel away the layers, ...you'll find the same thing...and you'll cry like a baby.
Sweetcheeks, the only time I cry at what you post is from laughter at your pronouncements that you are educated enough to cut and paste anything that actually matters, which you are not of course. The joke is, you don't know that. Your "education" comes from partisan hacks like Coulter. Her books should be in the Humor section only her fans, like you, aren't in on the inside joke...
I doubt you have read one of her books.

Keep projecting your inferiority, it is hilarious to watch.
Tenure: A Defeat for Liberalism???

Academic freedom, not liberalism. You do like people to speak their minds right? Oh wait, how would you know since all you can do is post what others say...

Due to your problems with short term memory, you probably don't remember that my threads are akin to peeling an onion....layer by layer....leading to an unassailable conclusion.

A conclusion which, with mechanical reliability, destroys our worldviews.
My pleasure.

Won't be long before I force you into vulgarity.

And, like the onion mentioned above, on the outside I may appear rude, abrasive and sarcastic, but, just like an onion, when you peel away the layers, ...you'll find the same thing...and you'll cry like a baby.
Sweetcheeks, the only time I cry at what you post is from laughter at your pronouncements that you are educated enough to cut and paste anything that actually matters, which you are not of course. The joke is, you don't know that. Your "education" comes from partisan hacks like Coulter. Her books should be in the Humor section only her fans, like you, aren't in on the inside joke...
I doubt you have read one of her books.

Keep projecting your inferiority, it is hilarious to watch.
She's a hack who makes her living as a hack. Why would I read her?
Liberals and Progressives are, by and large, the recipients of tenure. It's called 'keeping it in the family.'
Liberals teach, it's a liberal profession, with a liberal bent, in a liberal nation, founded by liberals, like myself.
Liberals who supported slavery and segregation and thought gays should be put in jail...

They also believed in God and Country so, they were wrong, right?
Liberals and Progressives are, by and large, the recipients of tenure. It's called 'keeping it in the family.'
Liberals teach, it's a liberal profession, with a liberal bent, in a liberal nation, founded by liberals, like myself.

Jeezzz....you're really embarrassed about being a Socialist,huh?

Classical liberals founded the nation....folks who would be called conservatives today.

They stood for individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Now for you:

"...[John] Dewey arguably did more than any other reformer to repackage progressive social theory in a way that obscured just how radically its principles departed from those of the American founding.

Like Ely and many of his fellow progressive academics, Dewey initially embraced the term “socialism” to describe his social theory. Only after realizing how damaging the name was to the socialist cause did he, like other progressives, begin to avoid it. In the early 1930s, accordingly, Dewey begged the Socialist party, of which he was a longtime member, to change its name.

The greatest handicap from which special measures favored by the Socialists suffer,” Dewey declared, “is that they are advanced by the Socialist party as Socialism. The prejudice against the name may be a regrettable prejudice but its influence is so powerful that it is much more reasonable to imagine all but the most dogmatic Socialists joining a new party than to imagine any considerable part of the American people going over to them.”

Dewey’s influential 1935 tract, Liberalism and Social Action, should be read in the light of this."
The Refounding of America

Now do you understand that calling yourselves 'Liberals' is really admitting that you are Socialists?

Stop lying.
Tenure: A Defeat for Liberalism???

Academic freedom, not liberalism. You do like people to speak their minds right? Oh wait, how would you know since all you can do is post what others say...

Due to your problems with short term memory, you probably don't remember that my threads are akin to peeling an onion....layer by layer....leading to an unassailable conclusion.

A conclusion which, with mechanical reliability, destroys our worldviews.
My pleasure.

Won't be long before I force you into vulgarity.

And, like the onion mentioned above, on the outside I may appear rude, abrasive and sarcastic, but, just like an onion, when you peel away the layers, ...you'll find the same thing...and you'll cry like a baby.
Sweetcheeks, the only time I cry at what you post is from laughter at your pronouncements that you are educated enough to cut and paste anything that actually matters, which you are not of course. The joke is, you don't know that. Your "education" comes from partisan hacks like Coulter. Her books should be in the Humor section only her fans, like you, aren't in on the inside joke...
I doubt you have read one of her books.

Keep projecting your inferiority, it is hilarious to watch.
She's a hack who makes her living as a hack. Why would I read her?

You posted about the Professor in your post #39....now you're running from her.

Don't ever change.
This is what our educational system has become, virtually controlled totally by liberals, and if you think there is something REALLY WRONG here, it is time you go to the polls, and send them a resounding message.........GO TO HELL, GO DIRECTLY TO HELL, do not pass go, and do not collect 200 of our dollars anymore!
Teaching, like journalism, is a liberal profession. It will have, like life, a liberal bent. Liberalism grants you liberty. Why you would oppose that God only knows.

Freedom is choices, plain and simple. If the left would allow choice in schools and education, as much as it demands choice for abortion, I believe the country would not be so divided.
Public education is what teaches Americans to live with, and as, Americans. It's how we create Citizens of the Republic, not just teach the three R's. That's part of life but not all that matters. That is why the left so strongly supports public education. It goes along with founding the place. Hand in glove.

Hand in glove? Then if it doesn't fit, you must acquit! The left hasn't raised people in the education system to be free thinkers, they have raised them to be NON-Thinkers. You must acquit them totally from doing it!

Know what? It would be ok if they were teaching them advanced methods of math, or science, or anything that demanded a formula. But when 2/3rds of these people are going for liberal arts, or any endeavor the is SUBJECTIVE, graded upon the SUBJECTIVE thought process of the professor, something is amiss.

In all honesty, I think the odds are 60-40 that in the not to distant future, you lefties will have your way. (not this time around, but in 20 or 24, and it will not revert back) At that time, it is going to be set in stone that we will ALL crash, certain countries sooner, some later.

We now have a country of people not tied to it, but rather because of lefty policies, they could just pick up and leave going to greener pastures, because home is where the heart is, and they are not being taught in any degree this is home. In fact, they are being taught to exert their political will while not tying their allegiance to here.

I will probably be gone, maybe you too. But this is what we will leave behind for those that come after us to pick up the pieces and continue on.

I kinda hope you are younger-) I will never know what has happened, but YOU will be forced to face what your choices have wrought upon our children, and grandchildren.

Doesn't mean I am 100% correct. Nobody is 100% correct, we all know that. And yet, I find solace in the thought that YOU will have to deal with your own mess, and those who think like you. At least I am consistent-----> GW spending very bad, Obama spending, worse because it was more. You tend to divide them, how, I will never know.

Good luck! i WILL BE LOOKING EITHER DOWN, OR UP, LAUGHING AT YOU TRYING TO EXTRICATE OUR COUNTRY FROM THIS MESS. If they have beer, wherever I am located, I will order one up and smile-)
The "mess" the country is in is because the citizens are poorly educated, and have been allowed to, because it's good for capitalism, think almost universally only about themselves, not the nation as a whole or their fellow citizens. And the partisanship of politics never stops, even after the elections when governing is supposed to begin. It's become a Winner Take All game, and everyone is losing.

The fix for that is a well-educated population with a high understanding of civics and willing to do the right thing for themselves and their fellow citizens. Right now, those people are few and far between. See if you can agree with me, without partisanship, on this: We have only ourselves to blame...

I can agree to disagree with you on the path we should take, but on the point of your last post, I agree with you 100%.

We have ourselves to blame, absolutely. And that my friend, is sad. I study history more than anything else, because I believe 2 truths.........
1. History teaches all things, and

2. If you study history, because of human natures effects, you are less likely to make the same mistakes again; because no matter how much we pretend we have evolved, human nature is still what it was.........the only thing that stops us from reverting, is laws, religion,(for some) and societal pressure. Remove these from the mix, and we have chaos!

I offer all Americans this as FACT and honesty------------> Thing that defends you in life as you know it today, is your military, NOT your government perse. We can have a Repub or Democrat in there, and when the rubber really meets the road, your way of life is the competence of the military of this country to make it survive, not the President that is Commander and Chief.

If an atomic bomb were to go off in the atmosphere 50 mls up and knock out your electrical grid on Monday for months, what would you do? Be Americans and share what you have and hope for a resupply? Or rather, protect your family, horde everything you could, steal if you had to for them to survive until our government, probably led by our military, restored order?

You see, America as we know it is an idea, not a reality. The only reason it is a reality is because, we have little fear. Our allies have little fear also, because they rely on the United States military to save them, lol.

I contend that the left HAS the correct idea, but nobody really wants to go along with it in the world. To much jealousy, to much religion, to many dictators.

The right sees far to many enemies everywhere.

In my very humble opinion, it is NOT who we elect to run one country or another, but rather the vast majority of countries coming together to ERADICATE those who will NOT allow all of our countries to live in relative peace. Get together on that one issue, and no matter how this country ends up being governed politically, we will be golden.

Skip that one important step, and we are looking for a peck of trouble! Know why that is? Because as Paint has stated, we have done this to ourselves, and now both sides want to make it a political football, and NOBODY wants to tell you the truth, because if they did, one side or the others narrative would be null and void!
Jeezzz....you're really embarrassed about being a Socialist,huh?

Classical liberals founded the nation....folks who would be called conservatives today.
Nope. Liberals then, liberals now, only we don't live 230 years ago and are way fucking smarter about what matters today.

And Socialism is about economics more than anything else. I'm a Liberal Capitalist. What parts of socialism I embrace I have no trouble admitting to.

One day, maybe, you'll be able to deal with the fact that you live in a liberal nation, founded by liberals for liberals.
Teaching, like journalism, is a liberal profession. It will have, like life, a liberal bent. Liberalism grants you liberty. Why you would oppose that God only knows.

Freedom is choices, plain and simple. If the left would allow choice in schools and education, as much as it demands choice for abortion, I believe the country would not be so divided.
Public education is what teaches Americans to live with, and as, Americans. It's how we create Citizens of the Republic, not just teach the three R's. That's part of life but not all that matters. That is why the left so strongly supports public education. It goes along with founding the place. Hand in glove.

Hand in glove? Then if it doesn't fit, you must acquit! The left hasn't raised people in the education system to be free thinkers, they have raised them to be NON-Thinkers. You must acquit them totally from doing it!

Know what? It would be ok if they were teaching them advanced methods of math, or science, or anything that demanded a formula. But when 2/3rds of these people are going for liberal arts, or any endeavor the is SUBJECTIVE, graded upon the SUBJECTIVE thought process of the professor, something is amiss.

In all honesty, I think the odds are 60-40 that in the not to distant future, you lefties will have your way. (not this time around, but in 20 or 24, and it will not revert back) At that time, it is going to be set in stone that we will ALL crash, certain countries sooner, some later.

We now have a country of people not tied to it, but rather because of lefty policies, they could just pick up and leave going to greener pastures, because home is where the heart is, and they are not being taught in any degree this is home. In fact, they are being taught to exert their political will while not tying their allegiance to here.

I will probably be gone, maybe you too. But this is what we will leave behind for those that come after us to pick up the pieces and continue on.

I kinda hope you are younger-) I will never know what has happened, but YOU will be forced to face what your choices have wrought upon our children, and grandchildren.

Doesn't mean I am 100% correct. Nobody is 100% correct, we all know that. And yet, I find solace in the thought that YOU will have to deal with your own mess, and those who think like you. At least I am consistent-----> GW spending very bad, Obama spending, worse because it was more. You tend to divide them, how, I will never know.

Good luck! i WILL BE LOOKING EITHER DOWN, OR UP, LAUGHING AT YOU TRYING TO EXTRICATE OUR COUNTRY FROM THIS MESS. If they have beer, wherever I am located, I will order one up and smile-)
The "mess" the country is in is because the citizens are poorly educated, and have been allowed to, because it's good for capitalism, think almost universally only about themselves, not the nation as a whole or their fellow citizens. And the partisanship of politics never stops, even after the elections when governing is supposed to begin. It's become a Winner Take All game, and everyone is losing.

The fix for that is a well-educated population with a high understanding of civics and willing to do the right thing for themselves and their fellow citizens. Right now, those people are few and far between. See if you can agree with me, without partisanship, on this: We have only ourselves to blame...

I can agree to disagree with you on the path we should take, but on the point of your last post, I agree with you 100%.

We have ourselves to blame, absolutely. And that my friend, is sad. I study history more than anything else, because I believe 2 truths.........
1. History teaches all things, and

2. If you study history, because of human natures effects, you are less likely to make the same mistakes again; because no matter how much we pretend we have evolved, human nature is still what it was.........the only thing that stops us from reverting, is laws, religion,(for some) and societal pressure. Remove these from the mix, and we have chaos!
Fine, but remember this, the victors write the history, it's never the full story. As for humans learning from it, they never do. Damn shame actually.
Tenure: A Defeat for Liberalism???

Academic freedom, not liberalism. You do like people to speak their minds right? Oh wait, how would you know since all you can do is post what others say...

Due to your problems with short term memory, you probably don't remember that my threads are akin to peeling an onion....layer by layer....leading to an unassailable conclusion.

A conclusion which, with mechanical reliability, destroys our worldviews.
My pleasure.

Won't be long before I force you into vulgarity.

And, like the onion mentioned above, on the outside I may appear rude, abrasive and sarcastic, but, just like an onion, when you peel away the layers, ...you'll find the same thing...and you'll cry like a baby.
Sweetcheeks, the only time I cry at what you post is from laughter at your pronouncements that you are educated enough to cut and paste anything that actually matters, which you are not of course. The joke is, you don't know that. Your "education" comes from partisan hacks like Coulter. Her books should be in the Humor section only her fans, like you, aren't in on the inside joke...
I doubt you have read one of her books.

Keep projecting your inferiority, it is hilarious to watch.
She's a hack who makes her living as a hack. Why would I read her?

You posted about the Professor in your post #39....now you're running from her.

Don't ever change.
Coulter is the hack. Try to keep up, if you can.
Jeezzz....you're really embarrassed about being a Socialist,huh?

Classical liberals founded the nation....folks who would be called conservatives today.
Nope. Liberals then, liberals now, only we don't live 230 years ago and are way fucking smarter about what matters today.

And Socialism is about economics more than anything else. I'm a Liberal Capitalist. What parts of socialism I embrace I have no trouble admitting to.

One day, maybe, you'll be able to deal with the fact that you live in a liberal nation, founded by liberals for liberals.

Classical liberals founded the nation....folks who would be called conservatives today.

They stood for individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

I told you: stop lying.
Due to your problems with short term memory, you probably don't remember that my threads are akin to peeling an onion....layer by layer....leading to an unassailable conclusion.

A conclusion which, with mechanical reliability, destroys our worldviews.
My pleasure.

Won't be long before I force you into vulgarity.

And, like the onion mentioned above, on the outside I may appear rude, abrasive and sarcastic, but, just like an onion, when you peel away the layers, ...you'll find the same thing...and you'll cry like a baby.
Sweetcheeks, the only time I cry at what you post is from laughter at your pronouncements that you are educated enough to cut and paste anything that actually matters, which you are not of course. The joke is, you don't know that. Your "education" comes from partisan hacks like Coulter. Her books should be in the Humor section only her fans, like you, aren't in on the inside joke...
I doubt you have read one of her books.

Keep projecting your inferiority, it is hilarious to watch.
She's a hack who makes her living as a hack. Why would I read her?

You posted about the Professor in your post #39....now you're running from her.

Don't ever change.
Coulter is the hack. Try to keep up, if you can.

Bet you've read none of her dozen best sellers.

Seems to be the same with all Liberals....strong opinions based on no knowledge.
The ineluctable conclusion of Liberals in charge of the education industry.
Jeezzz....you're really embarrassed about being a Socialist,huh?

Classical liberals founded the nation....folks who would be called conservatives today.
Nope. Liberals then, liberals now, only we don't live 230 years ago and are way fucking smarter about what matters today.

And Socialism is about economics more than anything else. I'm a Liberal Capitalist. What parts of socialism I embrace I have no trouble admitting to.

One day, maybe, you'll be able to deal with the fact that you live in a liberal nation, founded by liberals for liberals.

Classical liberals founded the nation....folks who would be called conservatives today.
That's simply a lie. There were conservatives then, Tories, and they fled to Canada when the liberals started the American Revolution. That's not a conservative thing to do.

The Founders were liberal elites, who founded a republic to keep the rabble, like you, from running (and ruining) the place. As I said, you've been lied to all your life, and aren't smart enough to know it.
Sweetcheeks, the only time I cry at what you post is from laughter at your pronouncements that you are educated enough to cut and paste anything that actually matters, which you are not of course. The joke is, you don't know that. Your "education" comes from partisan hacks like Coulter. Her books should be in the Humor section only her fans, like you, aren't in on the inside joke...
I doubt you have read one of her books.

Keep projecting your inferiority, it is hilarious to watch.
She's a hack who makes her living as a hack. Why would I read her?

You posted about the Professor in your post #39....now you're running from her.

Don't ever change.
Coulter is the hack. Try to keep up, if you can.

Bet you've read none of her dozen best sellers.

Seems to be the same with all Liberals....strong opinions based on no knowledge.
The ineluctable conclusion of Liberals in charge of the education industry.
Why would I read her crap, or that of any of the Fox News crowd? Fifty Shades of Grey was a big seller, I'm not reading that either.

I, unlike you, read books that actually matter. Coulter is a XY female joke on America, and she makes a great living being so. That's capitalism for ya...
I doubt you have read one of her books.

Keep projecting your inferiority, it is hilarious to watch.
She's a hack who makes her living as a hack. Why would I read her?

You posted about the Professor in your post #39....now you're running from her.

Don't ever change.
Coulter is the hack. Try to keep up, if you can.

Bet you've read none of her dozen best sellers.

Seems to be the same with all Liberals....strong opinions based on no knowledge.
The ineluctable conclusion of Liberals in charge of the education industry.
Why would I read her crap, or that of any of the Fox News crowd? Fifty Shades of Grey was a big seller, I'm not reading that either.

I, unlike you, read books that actually matter. Coulter is a XY female joke on America, and she makes a great living being so. That's capitalism for ya...
If you have never read any of her books, then what makes you think you can comment on them?

The joke is that Democrats think that logical fallacies suffice as an actual argument, much less a political platform and philosophy.

You are an embarrassment to real left wingers of old.
Liberals and Progressives are, by and large, the recipients of tenure. It's called 'keeping it in the family.'
Liberals teach, it's a liberal profession, with a liberal bent, in a liberal nation, founded by liberals, like myself.
Liberals who supported slavery and segregation and thought gays should be put in jail...

They also believed in God and Country so, they were wrong, right?
You tell me.

Supposedly "progressivism" is just common sense humanitarian issues, so why is it that extremely intelligent progressive minded people supported things that only the institutionalized support today?

Could it be that Democrats just don't know what the fuck they are talking about when discussing our founding fathers?
Jeezzz....you're really embarrassed about being a Socialist,huh?

Classical liberals founded the nation....folks who would be called conservatives today.
Nope. Liberals then, liberals now, only we don't live 230 years ago and are way fucking smarter about what matters today.

And Socialism is about economics more than anything else. I'm a Liberal Capitalist. What parts of socialism I embrace I have no trouble admitting to.

One day, maybe, you'll be able to deal with the fact that you live in a liberal nation, founded by liberals for liberals.

Classical liberals founded the nation....folks who would be called conservatives today.
That's simply a lie. There were conservatives then, Tories, and they fled to Canada when the liberals started the American Revolution. That's not a conservative thing to do.

The Founders were liberal elites, who founded a republic to keep the rabble, like you, from running (and ruining) the place. As I said, you've been lied to all your life, and aren't smart enough to know it.
Every Conservative argument today is based on the arguments those "liberals" gave in their time...

Your entire argument is based on historical relativism, a logical fallacy.
I've read your threads. They resemble a turd more than an onion.

So....that's your term for 'truth,' you disgusting little twerp?

Truth? You claim tenure is a bad liberal plot, but admit it is widely used by the most conservative universities. Why don't you just post on teabagger forums? They will fall for all your silly crap. Sane people just laugh at your convoluted reasoning.

I proved it's origination is to support racist Progressive ideology.

That was my intention...and, again...a success.

I will go on to show how it is related to a defeat for Liberalism.

So far you have been unable to find a single error or inaccuracy in my posts.
That would be a clue were you more intelligent, and less indoctrinated.

You are truly a legend in your own mind. I'm sure you are proud.

I posted this:

So far you have been unable to find a single error or inaccuracy in my posts.
That would be a clue were you more intelligent, and less indoctrinated.

Must be a reason you pretended not to see it.

Oh, I saw it. That's why I'm laughing

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