Terrorism is exploding across....


Senior Member
May 7, 2007
the Far East and across the border:

Reporting from Mexico City —
A law enforcement official investigating this week's massacre of 72 migrants in northern Mexico was missing Friday, while possible car bomb explosions rocked a television station and police station in the same violence-torn state.

A San Fernando police officer was also reported missing Friday. The case is now run by the federal attorney general's office.

The disappearances and car blasts appeared to be further signs of the lawlessness that prevails in Tamaulipas, a stronghold of drug traffickers across the border from Texas.

In Ciudad Victoria, the state capital, a car blew up shortly after midnight outside the Televisa office, though it was not immediately known whether it was rigged with a bomb. The explosion caused damage but no one was hurt.

Less than an hour later, a second car exploded outside a San Fernando police station. No one was injured.

The car blasts were the second and third in Tamaulipas this month. A car detonated outside state police headquarters in Ciudad Victoria three weeks ago.

Last month, a car bomb blast in Ciudad Juarez, in the border state of Chihuahua, killed a police officer and three others, raising worries that drug gangs were adopting a new weapon in the nearly 4-year-old drug war.

In recent days, attackers have hurled grenades at Televisa stations in Tamaulipas and neighboring Nuevo Leon state. Drug gangs have made it so dangerous to report the news that many outlets have stopped trying.

Mexico massacre investigation: Mexico massacre investigator missing; blasts hit TV and police stations - latimes.com

Things are getting out of hand in Mexico, and GAWD knows we scroll by reports every single day about equally violent scenes in Iraq, Iran, Afcarnistan, Chechnia, Russia, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Israel, etc.

It is common knowledge worldwide that the US is exporting terrorism , not that that makes us responsible for the explosion of world wide terror, but maybe we did play that role. Who knows, you don't.

But what we do know is that since the US declared war on terror it has fully metastasized.

And now it is knocking at our borders with such force that it may manage to defeat the whole government and rule of law in Mexico.

A few weeks ago a Mexican cartel Marijuana grow was busted in the Sierra Mountains of CA and 435,000 plants were seized.

Police destroy marijuana plants worth £1.1billion in California farm raids | Mail Online

You can't pretend that the crime wave in Mexico isn't invading the US. It is.

And all the while the Obama admin, and the Bush admin beforehand were coddling illegal aliens. Engaging them with promises of a path to citizenship, sanctuary cities and states....

This is getting out of hand folks! WAY out of hand!

We have a crime wave that makes AQ look like kids stealing lunch money infiltrating our nation and getting hand jobs from both parties.
the Far East and across the border:
This is getting out of hand folks! WAY out of hand!

We have a crime wave that makes AQ look like kids stealing lunch money infiltrating our nation and getting hand jobs from both parties.

Who knows, maybe they will sell MJ door to door................ OK, we got MJ cookies, how about about MJ fudge cycles.
That's not terrorism. That's people tired of being told how to live by clowns with badges and uniforms.
The unfortunate part is the vast majority choose random targets instead of engaging the source problem directly.
They'll get better as they go.
That's not terrorism. That's people tired of being told how to live by clowns with badges and uniforms.
The unfortunate part is the vast majority choose random targets instead of engaging the source problem directly.
They'll get better as they go.

All the people killed had refused to work for the Zetas and were trying to escape.

This is the sort of shit that happens when you let criminals run the border. The poor slobs who try to get across are preyed upon. This is nothing new.

And they found the investigator. Dead, with another person, and stashed next to where they found all those other bodies.
The Mexico stuff is not terrorism, its a drug war. Think back to our prohibition in the 20's and 30's and you get the idea, but the mexican version is far more ruthless.

I dont buy the whole "america exporting terrorism" thing. American hegemony is the most benign version of it seen in history.

Terrorsim in a modern sense is the result of advances in explosives and firearms. 200 years ago how much damage could 10 determined people do? The answer was not that much. You needed a nation state to wage war effectivelty. Now 10 people can do a crapload of damage. The ability to wage a form of war has devolved from a nation state activity to one that any determined group can do.
Using bodies to terrorize the locals...that sounds like terrorism to me.

Kidnapping dozens of people at a time and butchering them...terrorism.
This is happening because Mexico is cracking down on the drug lords and trying to crush the drug trade.

If we legalize it will help their fight.

The cartels will be stripped of their finances.
This is happening because Mexico is cracking down on the drug lords and trying to crush the drug trade.

If we legalize it will help their fight.

The cartels will be stripped of their finances.

Another brain dead idiot. We should legalize hard drugs cause we just can not catch all the criminals. BRAIN DEAD. Read my post in the other thread about what else you dumb asses should be legalizing while you are giving up and selling out your morals.
Using bodies to terrorize the locals...that sounds like terrorism to me.

Kidnapping dozens of people at a time and butchering them...terrorism.

To me terrorism has been watered down as a word. Terrorism is for politcal gain, with the objective of changing a society in a violent revolutionary way.

These people are just druggie murderers.
This is happening because Mexico is cracking down on the drug lords and trying to crush the drug trade.

If we legalize it will help their fight.

The cartels will be stripped of their finances.

Certain drugs could be legalized. Others are far too dangerous for the people using them. Even if you have goverment control of the bad bad ones, people would try to get around the regulations if they are addicted enough, and BAM, back to the black market you go.

Pot, E, Shrooms, maybe even coke could be legalized.

LSD, PCP, Meth, Heroin, not so sure about those.
Using bodies to terrorize the locals...that sounds like terrorism to me.

Kidnapping dozens of people at a time and butchering them...terrorism.

To me terrorism has been watered down as a word. Terrorism is for politcal gain, with the objective of changing a society in a violent revolutionary way.

These people are just druggie murderers.

OK, so the drug cartels are definitely using terror tactics against the official government in a war between the two for power. And it is now beginning to look like the cartels may depose the government entirely.

And yet that isn't terrorism....Ok.

It is to me. And the scope of the problem is getting so big that it will take a real war of some kind to correct it.

But even a real war may not be enough. The social changes that take root while your nation becomes terrorized can be impossible to reverse.

Drugs and then human trafficking are the second and third largest industries in Mexico after declining gulf oil. A whole generation of young kids is growing up in an environment that leaves them few career opportunities other than becoming a hit man for the cartels. Gun slingers.

And this war is not going to get smaller as long as there are 8 rival cartels vying for supremacy, or as long as the government is the main rival for power. It will persist and spread as long as the money drives it, and until somebody manages to become the apex cartel.

And the most extreme barbaric tacticians will likely prevail.

Meanwhile these folks are operating WITHIN the US on an industrial scale. And both our political parties are aiding and abetting them.

Legalizing drugs would be a small price to pay to avert the crime tsunami developing.

Unchecked this will eventually look like inner city drug gangs taken to the multinational corporate level.

Paling AQ in contrast.
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Using bodies to terrorize the locals...that sounds like terrorism to me.

Kidnapping dozens of people at a time and butchering them...terrorism.

To me terrorism has been watered down as a word. Terrorism is for politcal gain, with the objective of changing a society in a violent revolutionary way.

These people are just druggie murderers.

OK, so the drug cartels are definitely using terror tactics against the official government in a war between the two for power. And it is now beginning to look like the cartels may depose the government entirely.

And yet that isn't terrorism....Ok.

It is to me. And the scope of the problem is getting so big that it will take a real war of some kind to correct it.

But even a real war may not be enough. The social changes that take root while your nation becomes terrorized can be impossible to reverse.

Drugs and then human trafficking are the second and third largest industries in Mexico after declining gulf oil. A whole generation of young kids is growing up in a environment that leaves them few career opportunities other than becoming a hit man for the cartels. Gun slingers.

And this war is no going to get smaller as long as their are 8 rival cartels vying for supremacy, or as long as the government is the main rival for power. I will persist and spread as long as the money drives it, and until somebody manages to become the apex cartel.

And the most extreme barbaric tacticians will likely prevail.

Meanwhile these folks are operating WITHIN the US on an industrial scale. And both our political parties are aiding and abetting them.

Legalizing drugs would be a small price to pay to avert the crime tsunami developing.

Unchecked this will eventually look like inner city drug gangs taken to the multinational corporate level.

Paling AQ in contrast.

If you legalize drugs, you validate a portion of the population to live the life of the junkie. Now you will have to take care of them, support them, probably feed them until they expire. If you limit the amout of drugs they take, they will go to whatever black market there is for them, eliminating the benefits of legalization.

Our society would be unable to say "do these drugs and you are on your own." We could not tolerate what would occur if we denied medical treatment to these people. Again I can see some drugs getting legalized. Hell coke is probably the big seller, legalizng that would probably cut down the funding alot.
If you legalize drugs, you validate a portion of the population to live the life of the junkie. Now you will have to take care of them, support them, probably feed them until they expire.

and yet that never happened with alcohol or tobacco, each of which is demonstrably more dangerous than the illegal drugs combined.

We have a system in place to dispense drugs via prescription that often sells the exact same drugs that junkies prefer for a small fraction of the price.

Tho hardly perfect that system does work.

As well or better than our methods of dispensing alcohol and tobacco.

I really do not see the huge problem that others do with leglization.

I see gargatuan problems if we continue appeasing the illegals and the cartels who are displacing them.
If you legalize drugs, you validate a portion of the population to live the life of the junkie. Now you will have to take care of them, support them, probably feed them until they expire.

and yet that never happened with alcohol or tobacco, each of which is demonstrably more dangerous than the illegal drugs combined.

We have a system in place to dispense drugs via prescription that often sells the exact same drugs that junkies prefer for a small fraction of the price.

Tho hardly perfect that system does work.

As well or better than our methods of dispensing alcohol and tobacco.

I really do not see the huge problem that others do with leglization.

I see gargatuan problems if we continue appeasing the illegals and the cartels who are displacing them.

the difference is the ability to do so in moderation and continue to be a productive member of society.

Alochol, tobacco, weed, E, shrooms and MAYBE coke fall into that catagory.

Meth, heroin and others are not recreational drugs. I dont have any friends that just pop some meth or heroin from time to time, I do have friends who toke, E up, or sniff some blow from time to time and still handle thier lives. hell some of my friends are giant potheads and still perform thier jobs.

A guy smoking a cigarette can still do his job, meth and heroin not so much.
Legalize and take the major money source from these cartels and terrorists, let corporations like R.J. Reynolds and Budweiser kill you instead.
and yet that never happened with alcohol or tobacco, each of which is demonstrably more dangerous than the illegal drugs combined.

uhm what drugs are you using in this 'analysis' vs. alcohol or tobacco? say cocaine? Sorry no sale here.
There are plenty of people who do small amounts of cocaine or smoke a joint on their lunch break and are productive workers. Cocaine is what helps a man work from 8 A.M. to 10 P.M. long after the coffee wears off and pot helps em wind down.
and yet that never happened with alcohol or tobacco, each of which is demonstrably more dangerous than the illegal drugs combined.

uhm what drugs are you using in this 'analysis' vs. alcohol or tobacco? say cocaine? Sorry no sale here.

I am using all illegal drugs combined.

Both alcohol and tobacco kill far far more Americans than all illegal drugs combined. And there is no doubt that alcohol causes more social damage than all the illegals combined.

None of which is the point.

The point is that Mexican cartels invading our nation on an industrial scale are far more dangerous than whatever small price may be associated with legalizing drugs in the US.

Esp since drugs cause severe social damage to our own nation because they are illegal. We have our own criminal class and prisons crammed full to the gills as a result of drugs being illegal. The costs of the WOD are huge. And at every level.

Despite the inevitable problems we probably would realize a net benefit ourselves from legalization without even considering the new problem of industrial scale organized crime and terrorism entering the US.

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