Terrorist Bumper Stickers


Senior Member
May 9, 2004
My other car is a bomb

This vehicle makes wide right turns into buildings

Allah is my co-pilot

My other car is a flying carpet.

I'd rather be Jihading.

If you don't like the way I drive, stay out of the World Trade Center

Keep honking. I am rewiring.

Visualize World Jihad

My other car is in the abdomens of 50 Israeli civilians!

I blew up 500 friendly Iraqis and all I got was this lousy bumper

0 to KABOOM in .2 seconds.

The last one who tailgated me was named Nick Berg

Support our suicidal extremists

My 12-year-old can blow up your honor student

In case of Jihad this car will be exploded

What part of ULLULULULULULULU did you not understand? - Allah

72 Virgins or Bust!

Martyrs do it like it's their last time

My kid and YOUR money go to Gitomo Bay.

My boss is a 1300 year old pedophile

I'm Muslim but you're ugly and I can blow myself up

Baby Terrorist On Board

If you can read this, there's a car bomb in the trunk.

After I pray, I slay.

Proud parent of Suicide Bomber!

A terrorist is my co-pilot

Fatah you looking at?

Don't blame me, I voted for Saddam

Honk if you Beat your Wife

If the van is a rockin Allah will soon be knockin

Driver carries only $20 worth of C4
Why am I on my knees al Zarqawi...I though you said blow up the embassy!
Allah is this the Virgin I was promised...?
KarlMarx said:
My other car is a bomb

This vehicle makes wide right turns into buildings

Allah is my co-pilot

My other car is a flying carpet.

I'd rather be Jihading.

If you don't like the way I drive, stay out of the World Trade Center

Keep honking. I am rewiring.

Visualize World Jihad

My other car is in the abdomens of 50 Israeli civilians!

I blew up 500 friendly Iraqis and all I got was this lousy bumper

0 to KABOOM in .2 seconds.

The last one who tailgated me was named Nick Berg

Support our suicidal extremists

My 12-year-old can blow up your honor student

In case of Jihad this car will be exploded

What part of ULLULULULULULULU did you not understand? - Allah

72 Virgins or Bust!

Martyrs do it like it's their last time

My kid and YOUR money go to Gitomo Bay.

My boss is a 1300 year old pedophile

I'm Muslim but you're ugly and I can blow myself up

Baby Terrorist On Board

If you can read this, there's a car bomb in the trunk.

After I pray, I slay.

Proud parent of Suicide Bomber!

A terrorist is my co-pilot

Fatah you looking at?

Don't blame me, I voted for Saddam

Honk if you Beat your Wife

If the van is a rockin Allah will soon be knockin

Driver carries only $20 worth of C4

Honk if you love Allah is missing. :D
Thank you for this thread, after battling islamic extremists on another website, it was refreshing to come back to reality:

terrorists diet:

1 pill blindness,
2 pills hate,
3 pills living in an "islamic country,"
4 pills of osam a canna believe i took those
5 pills of "oooooh ssshhhhhiite" (twice daily)

And please, do not forget:

6 pills of viagra (for the 72 virgins)
This one is for you animal lovers...


  • $turkey.jpg
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Sir Evil said:
There should be one for you that reads:

Fake stories
Fake name
Real Imbecile

You talk to much :bs1: to be taken seriously!

How about this one:
Saudi national anthem: "Onward, Christian Soldiers"

Moderators are not allowed to flame members, therefore members cannot flame the moderators. I expect the moderators to be held to a different standard than the rest of the board, and I also expect they will get the respect they deserve in return.
Sir Evil said:
Keyword being MEMBER, your just a troll!

Evils USMB Anthem: "outward towards the door, mrsx"
Forgive me - I am not aware of the difference. If you are entitled to flame me, by all means go for it. Your flame would burn a bit brighter if you were to learn the difference between "your" and "you're" but perhaps members are above such matters.
mrsx said:
This one is for you animal lovers...
Hey Mrs X, what's this B.S. with "fake war"? If I remember correctly, the Senate authorized military action against Iraq.... according to the Constitution, that's all that's needed. The UN does not run this country.

The real deaths are/were mostly insurgents and supporters of the Saddam regime.... those people were inflicting real death and torture on the civilian population of Iraq.... but I guess you Lefties missed that subtle point....

Also, remember that Bill Clinton authorized military action in Kosovo and Bosnia against the wishes of the UN.... but somehow the Lefties missed that point. There was real death and suffering there too.... but, of course, a liberal president authorized it, so according to the Left it's a non sequitur.

If you're more worried about the difference between "your" and "you're" than the security of this country and Western civilization in general, I think your priorities need re-arranging. Basing your political beliefs and logic on buzz words and slogans is a poor way to think.
mrsx said:
How about this one:
Saudi national anthem: "Onward, Christian Soldiers"

That would be funny if Saudi Arabia was a Christian nation. But it's not.

And the trukey picture was pretty stupid. Are you really trying to argue against fighting terrorism?
gop_jeff said:
That would be funny if Saudi Arabia was a Christian nation. But it's not.

And the trukey picture was pretty stupid. Are you really trying to argue against fighting terrorism?
You are a precious darlin'! That's kinda the point: the Saudis have suckered us. They are using the dollars they get selling oil to us to pay for the terrorism we are fighting. Did you really not get that?
mrsx said:
You are a precious darlin'! That's kinda the point: the Saudis have suckered us. They are using the dollars they get selling oil to us to pay for the terrorism we are fighting. Did you really not get that?

I agree. Again, we if we really wanted to fight terror, we would invade Saudi Arabia. Not that we should, because that would, like, totally be about oil.
mrsx said:
You are a precious darlin'! That's kinda the point: the Saudis have suckered us. They are using the dollars they get selling oil to us to pay for the terrorism we are fighting. Did you really not get that?
We all know that.... Saudi Arabia has contributed over $80 billion over the past two decades not only to various Islamic "charities" which front for various Islamic terrorist organizations, but also to spread its warped brand of Islam --- Wahhabi Islam. True, the United States should be putting a lot more pressure on the Saudis (as many conservatives such as myself believe). And America should become less dependent on foreign oil ---- which means that we must take advantage of domestic oil supplies e.g. Alaskan Oil, off shore drilling and so forth.

Of course, the radical Environmentalists have a huge problem with that. So which is it? Depend on foreign oil or utilize those resources here at home? Of course, the radical environmentalists will tell us that we should cut back, and adapt a lifestyle more life much like 10th or 11th centuries. What a coincidence, the Islamic terrorists want us to go back to the Middle Ages and the radical Environmentalists do too.

Another choice, alternative fuels, won't happen unless market forces create enough pressure on companies and individuals to adapt alternate fuel sources. That is.... it become cost effective to use Hydrogen, Solar and Wind Power. The only way that is going to happen is to let the market do its thing and not regulate the price of oil or fuel. When the price of oil gets too high, you'll see a huge movement away from fossil fuels towards alternative energy sources. Until that happens, we're going to be using oil.
KarlMarx said:
We all know that.... Saudi Arabia has contributed over $80 billion over the past two decades not only to various Islamic "charities" which front for various Islamic terrorist organizations, but also to spread its warped brand of Islam --- Wahhabi Islam. True, the United States should be putting a lot more pressure on the Saudis (as many conservatives such as myself believe). And America should become less dependent on foreign oil ---- which means that we must take advantage of domestic oil supplies e.g. Alaskan Oil, off shore drilling and so forth.

Of course, the radical Environmentalists have a huge problem with that. So which is it? Depend on foreign oil or utilize those resources here at home? Of course, the radical environmentalists will tell us that we should cut back, and adapt a lifestyle more life much like 10th or 11th centuries. What a coincidence, the Islamic terrorists want us to go back to the Middle Ages and the radical Environmentalists do too.

Another choice, alternative fuels, won't happen unless market forces create enough pressure on companies and individuals to adapt alternate fuel sources. That is.... it become cost effective to use Hydrogen, Solar and Wind Power. The only way that is going to happen is to let the market do its thing and not regulate the price of oil or fuel. When the price of oil gets too high, you'll see a huge movement away from fossil fuels towards alternative energy sources. Until that happens, we're going to be using oil.
No argument here, bro; alls I'm sayin' is that for 50 years we've poured hundreds of billions of dollars into our military. We are currently spending more on our military than the whole rest of the world combined. We didn't spend it on education or social services or environmental protection; we spent it on bombs and rockets. Now I'd like my return on investment. Free gas for free folks, that's the ticket!
mrsx said:
No argument here, bro; alls I'm sayin' is that for 50 years we've poured hundreds of billions of dollars into our military. We are currently spending more on our military than the whole rest of the world combined. We didn't spend it on education or social services or environmental protection; we spent it on bombs and rockets. Now I'd like my return on investment. Free gas for free folks, that's the ticket!
Yes, we sure have poured billions into the military.... and you have gotten a return for "your" investment..... many, many, many times over.....

1. Because of the American military presence, the Soviet Union collapsed, and gave hundreds of millions of people a chance to live a life without being under the boot of Communism.

2. Because of the American military presence, Western Europe was spared the fate of Eastern Europe.

3. Because of the American military, you and I are free, we're not speaking Russian or Chinese or German.... we live in freedom and enjoy the blessings of liberty.

4. Let's talk technology.... why is there an Internet? The Department of Defense started it. That means email, file transfer protocol (FTP), TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol - which is used to communicate information across the Internet) all started with the military or because of the military.

Where did all the technology for computers start? The military (code breaking in WW II and then missile ballistics computers afterwards)... Where did miniturization of computer circuitry, telecommunications, satellite communications, GPS, high resolution photography, secure digital communication, digital photography, flat panel television, wireless communication, all get started? The military.....

You see, all the technology that we take for granted had its start in military applications. The technology eventually went over to the civilian world and was made more cheaply.

So, considering that we helped free millions of people, got to keep our own freedoms, and got cheap technology to boot(which by the way helped to fuel the economic boom of the 1990s and today's low inflation)..... we got quite a bargain from military spending.

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