Terrorist Kills American Tourist and Four Others in the West Bank

I agree that's how you see things but you are wrong in what you think us liberal progressive Democrats are or want. Sorry but you are delusional.
Nope, That's the way it's defined, that's what academics say. Deal with it.
You can't be specific because all you think is in talking points and sound bites.

I'm a proud progressive liberal Democrat. If you can, tell me why I am not.
Using another measure (definition) you're "liberal" in the sense you want change just as our founding fathers were liberals in the same sense. True American liberalism like true American conservatism doesn't belong to those closer to the fringes though they still may have/hold some liberal or conservative views/values.
You really should try studying for once in your live and not rely on your emotive desires to define yourself.
I'm calling bullshit on your bullshit man. I don't believe I'm closer to the fringe. I think you right wing nut jobs think anyone that isn't like you is a far left nut just like your right wing nuts. But when you take a serious honest closer look, you'll realize I'm right about almost everything we debate and in all honestly I'm probably just a moderate American who leans left. Maybe I lean left on a lot of issues, but I don't lean far left on any one issue. Other than things like abortions. I think a woman should have the right and they should offer abortions in every doctors office. And poor people should be encouraged to have them. And late term abortions are the right thing to do. So maybe on that I'm a far left liberal. But on most fiscal issues I am pro capitalism and pro union. Not a socialist. Not trying to rob the rich, just regulate them. Our government is the boss, not corporations. Although they have taken over our government so that's no longer true. But it should be. We the People, not every man for himself.
Desperate attempt to color me far right...... got it.......
Given the positions you've laid out makes you a Liberal but not a Progressive (by definition). You're also making the mistake that I'm making judgements (which is why you're reacting emotionally and not rationally).
If you go back you'll notice I did state clearly that moderate and liberals will occasionally identify themselves as Progressives just as some moderates and conservatives identify with the Tea Party, I can only guess they have no idea of what the core stands for and simply like the terms.

Read this to find the roots;

Uncertain victory: social democracy and progressivism in European and American thought, 1870-1920
Desperate attempt to redefine words.
Nope, That's the way it's defined, that's what academics say. Deal with it.
You can't be specific because all you think is in talking points and sound bites.

I'm a proud progressive liberal Democrat. If you can, tell me why I am not.
Using another measure (definition) you're "liberal" in the sense you want change just as our founding fathers were liberals in the same sense. True American liberalism like true American conservatism doesn't belong to those closer to the fringes though they still may have/hold some liberal or conservative views/values.
You really should try studying for once in your live and not rely on your emotive desires to define yourself.
I'm calling bullshit on your bullshit man. I don't believe I'm closer to the fringe. I think you right wing nut jobs think anyone that isn't like you is a far left nut just like your right wing nuts. But when you take a serious honest closer look, you'll realize I'm right about almost everything we debate and in all honestly I'm probably just a moderate American who leans left. Maybe I lean left on a lot of issues, but I don't lean far left on any one issue. Other than things like abortions. I think a woman should have the right and they should offer abortions in every doctors office. And poor people should be encouraged to have them. And late term abortions are the right thing to do. So maybe on that I'm a far left liberal. But on most fiscal issues I am pro capitalism and pro union. Not a socialist. Not trying to rob the rich, just regulate them. Our government is the boss, not corporations. Although they have taken over our government so that's no longer true. But it should be. We the People, not every man for himself.
Desperate attempt to color me far right...... got it.......
Given the positions you've laid out makes you a Liberal but not a Progressive (by definition). You're also making the mistake that I'm making judgements (which is why you're reacting emotionally and not rationally).
If you go back you'll notice I did state clearly that moderate and liberals will occasionally identify themselves as Progressives just as some moderates and conservatives identify with the Tea Party, I can only guess they have no idea of what the core stands for and simply like the terms.

Read this to find the roots;

Uncertain victory: social democracy and progressivism in European and American thought, 1870-1920

No emotion involved calling you a retard. I am a progressive.

  1. (of a group, person, or idea) favoring or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
    "a relatively progressive governor"noun
  1. 1.
    a person advocating or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
    synonyms: innovator, reformer, reformist, liberal, libertarian
    "he is very much a progressive"
You're being selective, both traditional Liberals and Progressives hold many similar views, the primary difference is the level of taxation on the rich and corporations (not to mention the ultimate goal of some to transform from a capitalist system to a more socialist democracy) and specifically how and where to use those additional funds.
Bernie Sanders is currently cast as the "progressive alternative'" to Clinton, Bernie is a champion of Social Democracy.
Social democracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Again, I'm not making judgements, simply relaying facts).
Nope, That's the way it's defined, that's what academics say. Deal with it.
You can't be specific because all you think is in talking points and sound bites.

I'm a proud progressive liberal Democrat. If you can, tell me why I am not.
Using another measure (definition) you're "liberal" in the sense you want change just as our founding fathers were liberals in the same sense. True American liberalism like true American conservatism doesn't belong to those closer to the fringes though they still may have/hold some liberal or conservative views/values.
You really should try studying for once in your live and not rely on your emotive desires to define yourself.
I'm calling bullshit on your bullshit man. I don't believe I'm closer to the fringe. I think you right wing nut jobs think anyone that isn't like you is a far left nut just like your right wing nuts. But when you take a serious honest closer look, you'll realize I'm right about almost everything we debate and in all honestly I'm probably just a moderate American who leans left. Maybe I lean left on a lot of issues, but I don't lean far left on any one issue. Other than things like abortions. I think a woman should have the right and they should offer abortions in every doctors office. And poor people should be encouraged to have them. And late term abortions are the right thing to do. So maybe on that I'm a far left liberal. But on most fiscal issues I am pro capitalism and pro union. Not a socialist. Not trying to rob the rich, just regulate them. Our government is the boss, not corporations. Although they have taken over our government so that's no longer true. But it should be. We the People, not every man for himself.
Desperate attempt to color me far right...... got it.......
Given the positions you've laid out makes you a Liberal but not a Progressive (by definition). You're also making the mistake that I'm making judgements (which is why you're reacting emotionally and not rationally).
If you go back you'll notice I did state clearly that moderate and liberals will occasionally identify themselves as Progressives just as some moderates and conservatives identify with the Tea Party, I can only guess they have no idea of what the core stands for and simply like the terms.

Read this to find the roots;

Uncertain victory: social democracy and progressivism in European and American thought, 1870-1920
Desperate attempt to redefine words.
Yes, that's exactly what you're doing. Good, we're making headway. :thup:
You can't be specific because all you think is in talking points and sound bites.

I'm a proud progressive liberal Democrat. If you can, tell me why I am not.
Using another measure (definition) you're "liberal" in the sense you want change just as our founding fathers were liberals in the same sense. True American liberalism like true American conservatism doesn't belong to those closer to the fringes though they still may have/hold some liberal or conservative views/values.
You really should try studying for once in your live and not rely on your emotive desires to define yourself.
I'm calling bullshit on your bullshit man. I don't believe I'm closer to the fringe. I think you right wing nut jobs think anyone that isn't like you is a far left nut just like your right wing nuts. But when you take a serious honest closer look, you'll realize I'm right about almost everything we debate and in all honestly I'm probably just a moderate American who leans left. Maybe I lean left on a lot of issues, but I don't lean far left on any one issue. Other than things like abortions. I think a woman should have the right and they should offer abortions in every doctors office. And poor people should be encouraged to have them. And late term abortions are the right thing to do. So maybe on that I'm a far left liberal. But on most fiscal issues I am pro capitalism and pro union. Not a socialist. Not trying to rob the rich, just regulate them. Our government is the boss, not corporations. Although they have taken over our government so that's no longer true. But it should be. We the People, not every man for himself.
Desperate attempt to color me far right...... got it.......
Given the positions you've laid out makes you a Liberal but not a Progressive (by definition). You're also making the mistake that I'm making judgements (which is why you're reacting emotionally and not rationally).
If you go back you'll notice I did state clearly that moderate and liberals will occasionally identify themselves as Progressives just as some moderates and conservatives identify with the Tea Party, I can only guess they have no idea of what the core stands for and simply like the terms.

Read this to find the roots;

Uncertain victory: social democracy and progressivism in European and American thought, 1870-1920

No emotion involved calling you a retard. I am a progressive.

  1. (of a group, person, or idea) favoring or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
    "a relatively progressive governor"noun
  1. 1.
    a person advocating or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
    synonyms: innovator, reformer, reformist, liberal, libertarian
    "he is very much a progressive"
You're being selective, both traditional Liberals and Progressives hold many similar views, the primary difference is the level of taxation on the rich and corporations (not to mention the ultimate goal of some to transform from a capitalist system to a more socialist democracy) and specifically how and where to use those additional funds.
Bernie Sanders is currently cast as the "progressive alternative'" to Clinton, Bernie is a champion of Social Democracy.
Social democracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Again, I'm not making judgements, simply relaying facts).
I like what Bernie is doing. You guys have made socialism a dirty word and the fact is, America was at its greatest when it was part Capitalist and part Socialism. For example, when we properly funded and educated America through public schools. That wasn't private corporations. That wasn't capitalism. And I like public schools. Could they be done better? Sure, but so could private schools. If not you would have a degree from the University of Phoenix.

I like GE. I want GE to remain a private for profit company. No problem with that. I just want them to pay their fair share of taxes.

So neither Bernie nor I want to socialize the oil companies or Ford Motor. We just want to regulate them better. Now healthcare might be a different story. I might be open to nationalizing that. Fuck Blue Cross. They are why healthcare costs are skyrocketing, not Obamacare. They were skyrocketing long before the ACA.

Anyways, you have yet to show me the difference between progressives and liberals. Be specific. Stop with the talking points and montras. You keep trying to say liberals and progressives are different. What's the main difference? Educate me. Am I more a liberal or progressive?

And it is YOU who's trying to change the definition. I showed you the dictionary definition of the fucking words. I shouldn't have to argue if they are more accurate than you god damn bullshit ill conceived notions of what a liberal or progressive are. Maybe it is you and Rush that are wrong. Maybe the fucking dictionary is right and you are wrong. Ever think of that? See my friend, you are being selective, not WEBSTER.

Can you believe these guys? Such pompous asses. Blowhard bullshitters of the highest order.
You can't be specific because all you think is in talking points and sound bites.

I'm a proud progressive liberal Democrat. If you can, tell me why I am not.
Using another measure (definition) you're "liberal" in the sense you want change just as our founding fathers were liberals in the same sense. True American liberalism like true American conservatism doesn't belong to those closer to the fringes though they still may have/hold some liberal or conservative views/values.
You really should try studying for once in your live and not rely on your emotive desires to define yourself.
I'm calling bullshit on your bullshit man. I don't believe I'm closer to the fringe. I think you right wing nut jobs think anyone that isn't like you is a far left nut just like your right wing nuts. But when you take a serious honest closer look, you'll realize I'm right about almost everything we debate and in all honestly I'm probably just a moderate American who leans left. Maybe I lean left on a lot of issues, but I don't lean far left on any one issue. Other than things like abortions. I think a woman should have the right and they should offer abortions in every doctors office. And poor people should be encouraged to have them. And late term abortions are the right thing to do. So maybe on that I'm a far left liberal. But on most fiscal issues I am pro capitalism and pro union. Not a socialist. Not trying to rob the rich, just regulate them. Our government is the boss, not corporations. Although they have taken over our government so that's no longer true. But it should be. We the People, not every man for himself.
Desperate attempt to color me far right...... got it.......
Given the positions you've laid out makes you a Liberal but not a Progressive (by definition). You're also making the mistake that I'm making judgements (which is why you're reacting emotionally and not rationally).
If you go back you'll notice I did state clearly that moderate and liberals will occasionally identify themselves as Progressives just as some moderates and conservatives identify with the Tea Party, I can only guess they have no idea of what the core stands for and simply like the terms.

Read this to find the roots;

Uncertain victory: social democracy and progressivism in European and American thought, 1870-1920

No emotion involved calling you a retard. I am a progressive.

  1. (of a group, person, or idea) favoring or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
    "a relatively progressive governor"noun
  1. 1.
    a person advocating or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
    synonyms: innovator, reformer, reformist, liberal, libertarian
    "he is very much a progressive"
You're being selective, both traditional Liberals and Progressives hold many similar views, the primary difference is the level of taxation on the rich and corporations (not to mention the ultimate goal of some to transform from a capitalist system to a more socialist democracy) and specifically how and where to use those additional funds.
Bernie Sanders is currently cast as the "progressive alternative'" to Clinton, Bernie is a champion of Social Democracy.
Social democracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Again, I'm not making judgements, simply relaying facts).
Yes! I think Mitt Romney should pay more of a percentage of his pay in taxes than his secretary, but the way the rich REDISTRIBUTED the wealth was to make it so his secretary pays 35% of her $40K salary and Mitt pays 12% on his investments, which is how he makes his money. Why is the secretary who makes nothing paying more? So I am a social democrat.

And I just want to put things back to the way they were when America was great. I don't want to re-distribute wealth. I want to re-redistribute the wealth. Take the money the rich stole from us back.

Back before Bush the rich owned 75% of all the money and we owned 25%. Today they own 90% and we have 10% of the pie. You like that? Then that makes you a stupid monkey. An eggplant.
Using another measure (definition) you're "liberal" in the sense you want change just as our founding fathers were liberals in the same sense. True American liberalism like true American conservatism doesn't belong to those closer to the fringes though they still may have/hold some liberal or conservative views/values.
You really should try studying for once in your live and not rely on your emotive desires to define yourself.
I'm calling bullshit on your bullshit man. I don't believe I'm closer to the fringe. I think you right wing nut jobs think anyone that isn't like you is a far left nut just like your right wing nuts. But when you take a serious honest closer look, you'll realize I'm right about almost everything we debate and in all honestly I'm probably just a moderate American who leans left. Maybe I lean left on a lot of issues, but I don't lean far left on any one issue. Other than things like abortions. I think a woman should have the right and they should offer abortions in every doctors office. And poor people should be encouraged to have them. And late term abortions are the right thing to do. So maybe on that I'm a far left liberal. But on most fiscal issues I am pro capitalism and pro union. Not a socialist. Not trying to rob the rich, just regulate them. Our government is the boss, not corporations. Although they have taken over our government so that's no longer true. But it should be. We the People, not every man for himself.
Desperate attempt to color me far right...... got it.......
Given the positions you've laid out makes you a Liberal but not a Progressive (by definition). You're also making the mistake that I'm making judgements (which is why you're reacting emotionally and not rationally).
If you go back you'll notice I did state clearly that moderate and liberals will occasionally identify themselves as Progressives just as some moderates and conservatives identify with the Tea Party, I can only guess they have no idea of what the core stands for and simply like the terms.

Read this to find the roots;

Uncertain victory: social democracy and progressivism in European and American thought, 1870-1920

No emotion involved calling you a retard. I am a progressive.

  1. (of a group, person, or idea) favoring or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
    "a relatively progressive governor"noun
  1. 1.
    a person advocating or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
    synonyms: innovator, reformer, reformist, liberal, libertarian
    "he is very much a progressive"
You're being selective, both traditional Liberals and Progressives hold many similar views, the primary difference is the level of taxation on the rich and corporations (not to mention the ultimate goal of some to transform from a capitalist system to a more socialist democracy) and specifically how and where to use those additional funds.
Bernie Sanders is currently cast as the "progressive alternative'" to Clinton, Bernie is a champion of Social Democracy.
Social democracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Again, I'm not making judgements, simply relaying facts).
I like what Bernie is doing. You guys have made socialism a dirty word and the fact is, America was at its greatest when it was part Capitalist and part Socialism. For example, when we properly funded and educated America through public schools. That wasn't private corporations. That wasn't capitalism. And I like public schools. Could they be done better? Sure, but so could private schools. If not you would have a degree from the University of Phoenix.

I like GE. I want GE to remain a private for profit company. No problem with that. I just want them to pay their fair share of taxes.

So neither Bernie nor I want to socialize the oil companies or Ford Motor. We just want to regulate them better. Now healthcare might be a different story. I might be open to nationalizing that. Fuck Blue Cross. They are why healthcare costs are skyrocketing, not Obamacare. They were skyrocketing long before the ACA.

Anyways, you have yet to show me the difference between progressives and liberals. Be specific. Stop with the talking points and montras. You keep trying to say liberals and progressives are different. What's the main difference? Educate me. Am I more a liberal or progressive?

And it is YOU who's trying to change the definition. I showed you the dictionary definition of the fucking words. I shouldn't have to argue if they are more accurate than you god damn bullshit ill conceived notions of what a liberal or progressive are. Maybe it is you and Rush that are wrong. Maybe the fucking dictionary is right and you are wrong. Ever think of that? See my friend, you are being selective, not WEBSTER.

Can you believe these guys? Such pompous asses. Blowhard bullshitters of the highest order.
Shit dude!!!!!! Do you even hear yourself??????!!!!!! God dayamn!!!!!!!! Talk about going off the deep end!!!!!!! :lmao:
Did you even bother reading my last sentence???? Did you read the description of Social Democracy?????
Using another measure (definition) you're "liberal" in the sense you want change just as our founding fathers were liberals in the same sense. True American liberalism like true American conservatism doesn't belong to those closer to the fringes though they still may have/hold some liberal or conservative views/values.
You really should try studying for once in your live and not rely on your emotive desires to define yourself.
I'm calling bullshit on your bullshit man. I don't believe I'm closer to the fringe. I think you right wing nut jobs think anyone that isn't like you is a far left nut just like your right wing nuts. But when you take a serious honest closer look, you'll realize I'm right about almost everything we debate and in all honestly I'm probably just a moderate American who leans left. Maybe I lean left on a lot of issues, but I don't lean far left on any one issue. Other than things like abortions. I think a woman should have the right and they should offer abortions in every doctors office. And poor people should be encouraged to have them. And late term abortions are the right thing to do. So maybe on that I'm a far left liberal. But on most fiscal issues I am pro capitalism and pro union. Not a socialist. Not trying to rob the rich, just regulate them. Our government is the boss, not corporations. Although they have taken over our government so that's no longer true. But it should be. We the People, not every man for himself.
Desperate attempt to color me far right...... got it.......
Given the positions you've laid out makes you a Liberal but not a Progressive (by definition). You're also making the mistake that I'm making judgements (which is why you're reacting emotionally and not rationally).
If you go back you'll notice I did state clearly that moderate and liberals will occasionally identify themselves as Progressives just as some moderates and conservatives identify with the Tea Party, I can only guess they have no idea of what the core stands for and simply like the terms.

Read this to find the roots;

Uncertain victory: social democracy and progressivism in European and American thought, 1870-1920

No emotion involved calling you a retard. I am a progressive.

  1. (of a group, person, or idea) favoring or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
    "a relatively progressive governor"noun
  1. 1.
    a person advocating or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
    synonyms: innovator, reformer, reformist, liberal, libertarian
    "he is very much a progressive"
You're being selective, both traditional Liberals and Progressives hold many similar views, the primary difference is the level of taxation on the rich and corporations (not to mention the ultimate goal of some to transform from a capitalist system to a more socialist democracy) and specifically how and where to use those additional funds.
Bernie Sanders is currently cast as the "progressive alternative'" to Clinton, Bernie is a champion of Social Democracy.
Social democracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Again, I'm not making judgements, simply relaying facts).
Yes! I think Mitt Romney should pay more of a percentage of his pay in taxes than his secretary, but the way the rich REDISTRIBUTED the wealth was to make it so his secretary pays 35% of her $40K salary and Mitt pays 12% on his investments, which is how he makes his money. Why is the secretary who makes nothing paying more? So I am a social democrat.

And I just want to put things back to the way they were when America was great. I don't want to re-distribute wealth. I want to re-redistribute the wealth. Take the money the rich stole from us back.

Back before Bush the rich owned 75% of all the money and we owned 25%. Today they own 90% and we have 10% of the pie. You like that? Then that makes you a stupid monkey. An eggplant.
Okay, you've lost it, went bonkers thinking I'm saying something I'm not. Hell you don't like reality? Don't like the obvious evidence? You're the one going apeshit over an academic definition. Hey, no problem, throw a tantrum then stick your head back in the sand.
You keep thinking I'm a righty but you missed or ignored my interaction with lost brains, lost keys or whatever his name was. I'm a historian and a political agnostic who knows what direction we're ultimately headed and know there's not a damn thing I or anyone else can do about it so I don't care. See my sig, in my humble but accurate opinion that represents the epitome of half of the politicians, Harvey Korman's character the other half, especially in this day and age.
I'm calling bullshit on your bullshit man. I don't believe I'm closer to the fringe. I think you right wing nut jobs think anyone that isn't like you is a far left nut just like your right wing nuts. But when you take a serious honest closer look, you'll realize I'm right about almost everything we debate and in all honestly I'm probably just a moderate American who leans left. Maybe I lean left on a lot of issues, but I don't lean far left on any one issue. Other than things like abortions. I think a woman should have the right and they should offer abortions in every doctors office. And poor people should be encouraged to have them. And late term abortions are the right thing to do. So maybe on that I'm a far left liberal. But on most fiscal issues I am pro capitalism and pro union. Not a socialist. Not trying to rob the rich, just regulate them. Our government is the boss, not corporations. Although they have taken over our government so that's no longer true. But it should be. We the People, not every man for himself.
Desperate attempt to color me far right...... got it.......
Given the positions you've laid out makes you a Liberal but not a Progressive (by definition). You're also making the mistake that I'm making judgements (which is why you're reacting emotionally and not rationally).
If you go back you'll notice I did state clearly that moderate and liberals will occasionally identify themselves as Progressives just as some moderates and conservatives identify with the Tea Party, I can only guess they have no idea of what the core stands for and simply like the terms.

Read this to find the roots;

Uncertain victory: social democracy and progressivism in European and American thought, 1870-1920

No emotion involved calling you a retard. I am a progressive.

  1. (of a group, person, or idea) favoring or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
    "a relatively progressive governor"noun
  1. 1.
    a person advocating or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
    synonyms: innovator, reformer, reformist, liberal, libertarian
    "he is very much a progressive"
You're being selective, both traditional Liberals and Progressives hold many similar views, the primary difference is the level of taxation on the rich and corporations (not to mention the ultimate goal of some to transform from a capitalist system to a more socialist democracy) and specifically how and where to use those additional funds.
Bernie Sanders is currently cast as the "progressive alternative'" to Clinton, Bernie is a champion of Social Democracy.
Social democracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Again, I'm not making judgements, simply relaying facts).
Yes! I think Mitt Romney should pay more of a percentage of his pay in taxes than his secretary, but the way the rich REDISTRIBUTED the wealth was to make it so his secretary pays 35% of her $40K salary and Mitt pays 12% on his investments, which is how he makes his money. Why is the secretary who makes nothing paying more? So I am a social democrat.

And I just want to put things back to the way they were when America was great. I don't want to re-distribute wealth. I want to re-redistribute the wealth. Take the money the rich stole from us back.

Back before Bush the rich owned 75% of all the money and we owned 25%. Today they own 90% and we have 10% of the pie. You like that? Then that makes you a stupid monkey. An eggplant.
Okay, you've lost it, went bonkers thinking I'm saying something I'm not. Hell you don't like reality? Don't like the obvious evidence? You're the one going apeshit over an academic definition. Hey, no problem, throw a tantrum then stick your head back in the sand.
You keep thinking I'm a righty but you missed or ignored my interaction with lost brains, lost keys or whatever his name was. I'm a historian and a political agnostic who knows what direction we're ultimately headed and know there's not a damn thing I or anyone else can do about it so I don't care. See my sig, in my humble but accurate opinion that represents the epitome of half of the politicians, Harvey Korman's character the other half, especially in this day and age.
The dollars not backed by gold so its only a problem if they make it a problem.

There will be crashes in the future. Capitalism needs crashes.

What I want to know is when will the debt be a problem.? It just keeps doubling and all we pay now is the interest on the debt.

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