Terrorist Kills American Tourist and Four Others in the West Bank

Is that all you understand? Communist or American? You really are an uneducated moron.

So you're asking if my understanding spans Evil and that which rests entirely upon the laws of nature that govern human behavior, and the means to avoid manifesting evil?

Yes... my understanding spans those two poles.

But it's SUPER COOL that you feel that ignorance is defined by the recognition that a merger of good and evil does not represent good.

I absolutely ADORE the sweeter irony.
Obviously....... And I'm absolutely positive you'll miss the irony in your statement......... :lmao:

Oh.... by all means, please explain to the Reader, the irony in my statement, that you feel I missed.

No doubt that the Reader missed it too ... that would be very helpful.

(Reader, note that the point of the discussion has departed from the original issue. This is because the point that the would-be contributor was trying to make has been eviscerated; wholly refuted.

Humiliated... and lacking the means to reason objectively, the contributor is unable to accept that the defeat of its reasoning, is an irrefutable indication that its reasoning is fatally flawed, thus the problem cannot be in their reasoning; in itself... 'the problem' must therefore be elsewhere... and for the relativist, that is ALWAYS 'in the individual who refuted their reasoning'.

You need understanding NOTHING else beyond that... to recognize the true nature 'the problem'.

OH! And FTR: The would-be 'contributor' will not be offering any further information with regard to the irony it mentioned, as no such irony exists. But how ADORABLE was it that it needed to expose itself so?)
It's easy when one (you) isn't rationalizing to protect one's paradigm.........
I'm speaking from a purely unbiased academic and historical standpoint........ You might want to try it sometime........

So, you're saying that you can't actually point out the irony which you have now demonstrated does not exist.

Ya see scamp... pointing out the fatal flaws in your argument, is a very specific, irrefutable fact. There's no potential rationalization in that. Stating that merging Evil with Good only results in evil... is again, ANOTHER objective demonstration of the fatal flaw in your reasoning.

Which brings us to your total failure at every point of this discussion, to support anything that you've claimed... you have precisely ZERO of your points standing... .

Now... be sure to inform the Reader that you feel that you've defended each of your points... and direct them to where you did so.

(Again Reader, all we're seeing here is the same only rationalization which seeks to define 'the moderate' as the singular point of reason. When in truth, all the moderate is, is a Leftist, who lacks the courage to FULLY commit to evil. They're the one's who wanted to only allow homosexuals to "BE"... who ASSURED us that there was No Chance that Homosexuals could ever demand to 'Be Married"... . They're the one's whose endless needs have resulted in 19 trillion dollars in debt on the books and 150 trillion in unfunded debt... they're the one's that elect enemy insurgents in the name of HOPE and CHANGE... and so on. And it ALL came as a result of merging Evil with Good. Understand: There are NO MODERATES.)
You're getting desperate...... :lmao:
Only in your imagination...... Here's a hint, Progressives ain't liberals, they're fringers.........
I'm not a progressive but I fully support progress, all liberals do.
Im a progressive liberal Democrat. What's wrong with that?
Progressives aren't liberals........ They're the DNC's version of the Tea Party........
Since when? Give some examples of how progressives are the polar opposite of tea baggers. This is the first time ever hearing this.
First time? You're joking..... right? You have no idea of the political spectrum layout? For the left; moderates, liberals, progressives then leftists roughly in that order.
For the right; moderates, conservatives, tea partiers, reactionaries roughly in that order.
That's correct, neither progressives nor tea partiers are the farthest wings of their respective ideological bases but they are considered by political academics to be about equal distance from the center. Tea partiers tend to want smaller, less intrusive government, progressives tend to want just the opposite (especially in terms of "wealth equality"), there are moderates who for whatever reason associate themselves with either the tea party or the progressives muddying up the mix a little, maybe they like the names. :dunno:
I agree that's how you see things but you are wrong in what you think us liberal progressive Democrats are or want. Sorry but you are delusional.
Only in your imagination...... Here's a hint, Progressives ain't liberals, they're fringers.........
I'm not a progressive but I fully support progress, all liberals do.
Im a progressive liberal Democrat. What's wrong with that?

There are three words which you've used to describe yourself.

The first is a dam' lie. The word implies the advancement of humanity, while those who claim the word, advocate for ideas which promote regression (that's the opposite of progress).

The second word is also a dam' lie. It implies that you advocate for liberty for the individual... but liberty is only possible where the individual bears the responsibility that sustains their liberty... . You and your comrades reject individual responsibility... thus the consequences of what you stand for is tyranny (that's the opposite of liberty).

The third word is ALSO a dam' Lie... as the word implies government through the legislative will of the people.

Yet your cult has taken action which stripped the legislative will of the majority from the majority of the people who voted against YOU!

So... what have we learned?

We've learned that you're either a LIAR... or you're delusional, believing that which can NOT possibly BE TRUE: AS TRUTH.

Which it is, is quite irrelevant, as in either case...

The Reader of this board cannot reasonably place any trust in what you say.

You're just brainwashed.


You describe yourself through demonstrable deceit... using words which represent the diametrical opposite of what your ideas produce... and from all of that, you 'feel' that > I < am brainwashed.


All of which answers the question: Is she a liar or is she suffering an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder... OKA: D e l u s i o n a l.
I can only tell you when you tell me what I believe and want and you are wrong, you are wrong. You and the other jackass
I'm not a progressive but I fully support progress, all liberals do.
Im a progressive liberal Democrat. What's wrong with that?
Progressives aren't liberals........ They're the DNC's version of the Tea Party........
Since when? Give some examples of how progressives are the polar opposite of tea baggers. This is the first time ever hearing this.
First time? You're joking..... right? You have no idea of the political spectrum layout? For the left; moderates, liberals, progressives then leftists roughly in that order.
For the right; moderates, conservatives, tea partiers, reactionaries roughly in that order.
That's correct, neither progressives nor tea partiers are the farthest wings of their respective ideological bases but they are considered by political academics to be about equal distance from the center. Tea partiers tend to want smaller, less intrusive government, progressives tend to want just the opposite (especially in terms of "wealth equality"), there are moderates who for whatever reason associate themselves with either the tea party or the progressives muddying up the mix a little, maybe they like the names. :dunno:

Do you understand that what you're describing as 'The Ideological Center', is where people accept a 50-50 mix of Unsound Ideas and Sound Ideas? Which is to say a mix of half Evil and Half Good?

Do you realize that there is no such thing a half evil? Half Evil is just Evil... . Meaning that half Good is Evil... .

Compromising with those who demand that you accept their unsound ideas, instantly converts sound ideas into unsound ideas?

There is no such thing as an "Ideological Center"... because there is no such thing as "The Ideological Right".

The Left exists upon 'Ideas' void of any sense of principle. Thus, the Left operates upon ideas that stand in opposition to nature's truth. Therefore, the Left is quite naturally wrong.

Understand... "The Right" is not a term which describes a spacial orientation... it is a status... The Right does not stand opposed to 'The Left'... The Right stands in opposition to that which is WRONG.

The Right is philosophical... not ideological.
You are such a one sided brainwashed retard not worth the effort.

Yes, you are correct. Your ideas are ordained by God and mine satan
I'm not a progressive but I fully support progress, all liberals do.
Im a progressive liberal Democrat. What's wrong with that?

There are three words which you've used to describe yourself.

The first is a dam' lie. The word implies the advancement of humanity, while those who claim the word, advocate for ideas which promote regression (that's the opposite of progress).

The second word is also a dam' lie. It implies that you advocate for liberty for the individual... but liberty is only possible where the individual bears the responsibility that sustains their liberty... . You and your comrades reject individual responsibility... thus the consequences of what you stand for is tyranny (that's the opposite of liberty).

The third word is ALSO a dam' Lie... as the word implies government through the legislative will of the people.

Yet your cult has taken action which stripped the legislative will of the majority from the majority of the people who voted against YOU!

So... what have we learned?

We've learned that you're either a LIAR... or you're delusional, believing that which can NOT possibly BE TRUE: AS TRUTH.

Which it is, is quite irrelevant, as in either case...

The Reader of this board cannot reasonably place any trust in what you say.

You're just brainwashed.


You describe yourself through demonstrable deceit... using words which represent the diametrical opposite of what your ideas produce... and from all of that, you 'feel' that > I < am brainwashed.


All of which answers the question: Is she a liar or is she suffering an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder... OKA: D e l u s i o n a l.
I can only tell you when you tell me what I believe and want and you are wrong, you are wrong. You and the other jackass

What you told me, what 'what you are'.

Here... don't believe me? Believe yourself:

Im a progressive liberal Democrat.

What I said, was that the words you used to describe yourself, imply traits which are antithetical to the traits you've demonstrated in your history on this site. Which is precisely the same as every individual who claims those traits.

You use those words as a means to not use the words that actually define you. And that's because if you used the words that accurately define you, you would have no credibility, with any one. Not even the children and fools who trust you now, would trust you.
Im a progressive liberal Democrat. What's wrong with that?

There are three words which you've used to describe yourself.

The first is a dam' lie. The word implies the advancement of humanity, while those who claim the word, advocate for ideas which promote regression (that's the opposite of progress).

The second word is also a dam' lie. It implies that you advocate for liberty for the individual... but liberty is only possible where the individual bears the responsibility that sustains their liberty... . You and your comrades reject individual responsibility... thus the consequences of what you stand for is tyranny (that's the opposite of liberty).

The third word is ALSO a dam' Lie... as the word implies government through the legislative will of the people.

Yet your cult has taken action which stripped the legislative will of the majority from the majority of the people who voted against YOU!

So... what have we learned?

We've learned that you're either a LIAR... or you're delusional, believing that which can NOT possibly BE TRUE: AS TRUTH.

Which it is, is quite irrelevant, as in either case...

The Reader of this board cannot reasonably place any trust in what you say.

You're just brainwashed.


You describe yourself through demonstrable deceit... using words which represent the diametrical opposite of what your ideas produce... and from all of that, you 'feel' that > I < am brainwashed.


All of which answers the question: Is she a liar or is she suffering an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder... OKA: D e l u s i o n a l.
I can only tell you when you tell me what I believe and want and you are wrong, you are wrong. You and the other jackass

What you told me, what 'what you are'.

Here... don't believe me? Believe yourself:

Im a progressive liberal Democrat.

What I said, was that the words you used to describe yourself, imply traits which are antithetical to the traits you've demonstrated in your history on this site. Which is precisely the same as every individual who claims those traits.

You use those words as a means to not use the words that actually define you. And that's because if you used the words that accurately define you, you would have no credibility, with any one. Not even the children and fools who trust you now, would trust you.
What would those words be?
You are such a one sided brainwashed retard not worth the effort ...

And... your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
You are unbelievably stupid. I wouldn't know where to begin. You win.

Yes... I win. It's what I do.
If I'm not a proud liberal progressive, what am I? And what positions do I have that make me not a liberal or progressive?
I learned I was a progressive from Republicans. Anyone against them was a progressive lib. Well I'm against republicans.so..
I'm not a progressive but I fully support progress, all liberals do.
Im a progressive liberal Democrat. What's wrong with that?
Progressives aren't liberals........ They're the DNC's version of the Tea Party........
Since when? Give some examples of how progressives are the polar opposite of tea baggers. This is the first time ever hearing this.
First time? You're joking..... right? You have no idea of the political spectrum layout? For the left; moderates, liberals, progressives then leftists roughly in that order.
For the right; moderates, conservatives, tea partiers, reactionaries roughly in that order.
That's correct, neither progressives nor tea partiers are the farthest wings of their respective ideological bases but they are considered by political academics to be about equal distance from the center. Tea partiers tend to want smaller, less intrusive government, progressives tend to want just the opposite (especially in terms of "wealth equality"), there are moderates who for whatever reason associate themselves with either the tea party or the progressives muddying up the mix a little, maybe they like the names. :dunno:
I agree that's how you see things but you are wrong in what you think us liberal progressive Democrats are or want. Sorry but you are delusional.
Nope, That's the way it's defined, that's what academics say. Deal with it.
Im a progressive liberal Democrat. What's wrong with that?
Progressives aren't liberals........ They're the DNC's version of the Tea Party........
Since when? Give some examples of how progressives are the polar opposite of tea baggers. This is the first time ever hearing this.
First time? You're joking..... right? You have no idea of the political spectrum layout? For the left; moderates, liberals, progressives then leftists roughly in that order.
For the right; moderates, conservatives, tea partiers, reactionaries roughly in that order.
That's correct, neither progressives nor tea partiers are the farthest wings of their respective ideological bases but they are considered by political academics to be about equal distance from the center. Tea partiers tend to want smaller, less intrusive government, progressives tend to want just the opposite (especially in terms of "wealth equality"), there are moderates who for whatever reason associate themselves with either the tea party or the progressives muddying up the mix a little, maybe they like the names. :dunno:
I agree that's how you see things but you are wrong in what you think us liberal progressive Democrats are or want. Sorry but you are delusional.
Nope, That's the way it's defined, that's what academics say. Deal with it.
You can't be specific because all you think is in talking points and sound bites.

I'm a proud progressive liberal Democrat. If you can, tell me why I am not.
Progressives aren't liberals........ They're the DNC's version of the Tea Party........
Since when? Give some examples of how progressives are the polar opposite of tea baggers. This is the first time ever hearing this.
First time? You're joking..... right? You have no idea of the political spectrum layout? For the left; moderates, liberals, progressives then leftists roughly in that order.
For the right; moderates, conservatives, tea partiers, reactionaries roughly in that order.
That's correct, neither progressives nor tea partiers are the farthest wings of their respective ideological bases but they are considered by political academics to be about equal distance from the center. Tea partiers tend to want smaller, less intrusive government, progressives tend to want just the opposite (especially in terms of "wealth equality"), there are moderates who for whatever reason associate themselves with either the tea party or the progressives muddying up the mix a little, maybe they like the names. :dunno:
I agree that's how you see things but you are wrong in what you think us liberal progressive Democrats are or want. Sorry but you are delusional.
Nope, That's the way it's defined, that's what academics say. Deal with it.
You can't be specific because all you think is in talking points and sound bites.

I'm a proud progressive liberal Democrat. If you can, tell me why I am not.
Using another measure (definition) you're "liberal" in the sense you want change just as our founding fathers were liberals in the same sense. True American liberalism like true American conservatism doesn't belong to those closer to the fringes though they still may have/hold some liberal or conservative views/values.
You really should try studying for once in your live and not rely on your emotive desires to define yourself.
Last edited:
Since when? Give some examples of how progressives are the polar opposite of tea baggers. This is the first time ever hearing this.
First time? You're joking..... right? You have no idea of the political spectrum layout? For the left; moderates, liberals, progressives then leftists roughly in that order.
For the right; moderates, conservatives, tea partiers, reactionaries roughly in that order.
That's correct, neither progressives nor tea partiers are the farthest wings of their respective ideological bases but they are considered by political academics to be about equal distance from the center. Tea partiers tend to want smaller, less intrusive government, progressives tend to want just the opposite (especially in terms of "wealth equality"), there are moderates who for whatever reason associate themselves with either the tea party or the progressives muddying up the mix a little, maybe they like the names. :dunno:
I agree that's how you see things but you are wrong in what you think us liberal progressive Democrats are or want. Sorry but you are delusional.
Nope, That's the way it's defined, that's what academics say. Deal with it.
You can't be specific because all you think is in talking points and sound bites.

I'm a proud progressive liberal Democrat. If you can, tell me why I am not.
Using another measure (definition) you're "liberal" in the sense you want change just as our founding fathers were liberals in the same sense. True American liberalism like true American conservatism doesn't belong to those closer to the fringes though they still may have/hold some liberal or conservative views/values.
You really should try studying for once in your live and not rely on your emotive desires to define yourself.
I'm calling bullshit on your bullshit man. I don't believe I'm closer to the fringe. I think you right wing nut jobs think anyone that isn't like you is a far left nut just like your right wing nuts. But when you take a serious honest closer look, you'll realize I'm right about almost everything we debate and in all honestly I'm probably just a moderate American who leans left. Maybe I lean left on a lot of issues, but I don't lean far left on any one issue. Other than things like abortions. I think a woman should have the right and they should offer abortions in every doctors office. And poor people should be encouraged to have them. And late term abortions are the right thing to do. So maybe on that I'm a far left liberal. But on most fiscal issues I am pro capitalism and pro union. Not a socialist. Not trying to rob the rich, just regulate them. Our government is the boss, not corporations. Although they have taken over our government so that's no longer true. But it should be. We the People, not every man for himself.
First time? You're joking..... right? You have no idea of the political spectrum layout? For the left; moderates, liberals, progressives then leftists roughly in that order.
For the right; moderates, conservatives, tea partiers, reactionaries roughly in that order.
That's correct, neither progressives nor tea partiers are the farthest wings of their respective ideological bases but they are considered by political academics to be about equal distance from the center. Tea partiers tend to want smaller, less intrusive government, progressives tend to want just the opposite (especially in terms of "wealth equality"), there are moderates who for whatever reason associate themselves with either the tea party or the progressives muddying up the mix a little, maybe they like the names. :dunno:
I agree that's how you see things but you are wrong in what you think us liberal progressive Democrats are or want. Sorry but you are delusional.
Nope, That's the way it's defined, that's what academics say. Deal with it.
You can't be specific because all you think is in talking points and sound bites.

I'm a proud progressive liberal Democrat. If you can, tell me why I am not.
Using another measure (definition) you're "liberal" in the sense you want change just as our founding fathers were liberals in the same sense. True American liberalism like true American conservatism doesn't belong to those closer to the fringes though they still may have/hold some liberal or conservative views/values.
You really should try studying for once in your live and not rely on your emotive desires to define yourself.
I'm calling bullshit on your bullshit man. I don't believe I'm closer to the fringe. I think you right wing nut jobs think anyone that isn't like you is a far left nut just like your right wing nuts. But when you take a serious honest closer look, you'll realize I'm right about almost everything we debate and in all honestly I'm probably just a moderate American who leans left. Maybe I lean left on a lot of issues, but I don't lean far left on any one issue. Other than things like abortions. I think a woman should have the right and they should offer abortions in every doctors office. And poor people should be encouraged to have them. And late term abortions are the right thing to do. So maybe on that I'm a far left liberal. But on most fiscal issues I am pro capitalism and pro union. Not a socialist. Not trying to rob the rich, just regulate them. Our government is the boss, not corporations. Although they have taken over our government so that's no longer true. But it should be. We the People, not every man for himself.
Desperate attempt to color me far right...... got it.......
Given the positions you've laid out makes you a Liberal but not a Progressive (by definition). You're also making the mistake that I'm making judgements (which is why you're reacting emotionally and not rationally).
If you go back you'll notice I did state clearly that moderate and liberals will occasionally identify themselves as Progressives just as some moderates and conservatives identify with the Tea Party, I can only guess they have no idea of what the core stands for and simply like the terms.

Read this to find the roots;

Uncertain victory: social democracy and progressivism in European and American thought, 1870-1920
I agree that's how you see things but you are wrong in what you think us liberal progressive Democrats are or want. Sorry but you are delusional.
Nope, That's the way it's defined, that's what academics say. Deal with it.
You can't be specific because all you think is in talking points and sound bites.

I'm a proud progressive liberal Democrat. If you can, tell me why I am not.
Using another measure (definition) you're "liberal" in the sense you want change just as our founding fathers were liberals in the same sense. True American liberalism like true American conservatism doesn't belong to those closer to the fringes though they still may have/hold some liberal or conservative views/values.
You really should try studying for once in your live and not rely on your emotive desires to define yourself.
I'm calling bullshit on your bullshit man. I don't believe I'm closer to the fringe. I think you right wing nut jobs think anyone that isn't like you is a far left nut just like your right wing nuts. But when you take a serious honest closer look, you'll realize I'm right about almost everything we debate and in all honestly I'm probably just a moderate American who leans left. Maybe I lean left on a lot of issues, but I don't lean far left on any one issue. Other than things like abortions. I think a woman should have the right and they should offer abortions in every doctors office. And poor people should be encouraged to have them. And late term abortions are the right thing to do. So maybe on that I'm a far left liberal. But on most fiscal issues I am pro capitalism and pro union. Not a socialist. Not trying to rob the rich, just regulate them. Our government is the boss, not corporations. Although they have taken over our government so that's no longer true. But it should be. We the People, not every man for himself.
Desperate attempt to color me far right...... got it.......
Given the positions you've laid out makes you a Liberal but not a Progressive (by definition). You're also making the mistake that I'm making judgements (which is why you're reacting emotionally and not rationally).
If you go back you'll notice I did state clearly that moderate and liberals will occasionally identify themselves as Progressives just as some moderates and conservatives identify with the Tea Party, I can only guess they have no idea of what the core stands for and simply like the terms.

Read this to find the roots;

Uncertain victory: social democracy and progressivism in European and American thought, 1870-1920

No emotion involved calling you a retard. I am a progressive.

  1. (of a group, person, or idea) favoring or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
    "a relatively progressive governor"noun
  1. 1.
    a person advocating or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
    synonyms: innovator, reformer, reformist, liberal, libertarian
    "he is very much a progressive"

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