Terrorists around the world watch as an entire American city is shut down out of...

It's the Massachusetts mentality. They shut down the entire state during their last snow storm. The citizens are wards of the state.

Bet you've never even been there. Go ahead and lie about it but if you knew Boston, you'd know just how screwy your opinion is.

Seriously, I just posted about my kids and g'kids who live in Cambridge. I've talked about them and Cambridge before.

Read the posts above. It makes perfect sense to do what they have done.
Bet you've never even been there. Go ahead and lie about it but if you knew Boston, you'd know just how screwy your opinion is.

Seriously, I just posted about my kids and g'kids who live in Cambridge. I've talked about them and Cambridge before.

Read the posts above. It makes perfect sense to do what they have done.

How much would you like to put on that wager?

Mass is a police state.
You watch too many movies and maybe read Tom Clancy novels.

Not long ago a perp fleeing from authorities in a Boston suburb ran into the home of a corrections officer. The hostage situation did not end until the law enforcement officer jumped out of his own friggin window.

We all know the man had guns in his home. His family had been taken hostage. Better a plan on how to negotiate and get out of a hostage situation than fantasies of out shooting an armed burglar

If a guy had my family hostage I wouldn't jump out of window. I'd shoot the guy instead.

People use guns to protect themselves from intruders all the time.

All your big talk but the truth is, you have no idea what you would do.

For a lot of reasons, you probably would not do anything like you say/think you would.
The people who knew the 26 year old are certainly sending the wrong message. Any number of character witnesses have come foward to testify to his gentle nature. He was such a nice boy. He was such a good friend. He was well liked by his classmates and every one who knew him.

He thought "I don't have a single American friend".

Americans are stupid and very easily fooled.

Easily fooled? Do you really think only BAD people do bad things? How do you explain US Military personnel killing innocent civilians? How do you explain neighbors and family turning on each other and committing genocide?

You are an idiot

and you are actually confusing the two. and the one who wrote he had no friends had friend before he became a loner,....like most of you right wing nuts online
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really? where, in Hollywood? a few instances can be had for any argument. Reality is what people are protecting themselves from/

Well armed and dangerous people will break in and have the drop on fools like you.

Make a plan on how to let your family out as happened in that case...and later look for a way out yourself. That is the real world//

Your gun is good in a situation where a fool of a burglar breaks in...most would be unarmed.. you are an idiot

It didn't take you long to get belligerent. Obviously you find my position to be difficult to argue against.

My plan if there is an intruder is to defend my family. The doors are locked and the dog will react if she hears the sound of someone breaking in. That gives me enough time to retrieve a weapon (there are several throughout the house), then find and confront the individual.

Millions of people in the US have a similar plan. The fact that bad guys know this but don't know which house has such a plan gives him pause. It likely gives folks who are unwilling to defend their property relatively safe.
btw, at this point we don't know their motive even if it seems glaringly obvious.

Their Facebook and dozens of youtube postings make it clear what they believe. Praise for OBL and all who follow in his footsteps.
Link? Now I do believe you are simply making things up you fool.

yeah and that's not fair cuz its katzen's job to make up shit.


I probably shouldn't make fun of then but jeezus fucking christ. How they do go on and on.

They all hide under their beds and polish their imaginary guns.
really? where, in Hollywood? a few instances can be had for any argument. Reality is what people are protecting themselves from/

Well armed and dangerous people will break in and have the drop on fools like you.

Make a plan on how to let your family out as happened in that case...and later look for a way out yourself. That is the real world//

Your gun is good in a situation where a fool of a burglar breaks in...most would be unarmed.. you are an idiot

It didn't take you long to get belligerent. Obviously you find my position to be difficult to argue against.

My plan if there is an intruder is to defend my family. The doors are locked and the dog will react if she hears the sound of someone breaking in. That gives me enough time to retrieve a weapon (there are several throughout the house), then find and confront the individual.

Millions of people in the US have a similar plan. The fact that bad guys know this but don't know which house has such a plan gives him pause. It likely gives folks who are unwilling to defend their property relatively safe.

Belligerent? Where the eff do you live? :lol: You'd never survive in an any American city I've ever lived in.

Your position is a fantasy one. You are demented and putting yourself and others in fear of a fantasy boogy man situation. I think you make a lousy family man. Why scare the shit out of everybody with your fantasy scenarios?

Or do you keep this crazy shit to yourself?

That's the message we are sending. Our response to this while maybe/maybe not logical is sending a STRONG but WRONG message to our enemies.

For those we haven't Drone-bombed to dust...

The speed and efficiency of American justice is scaring the shit out of them.

Poor rw nutters. They still don't get it that Obama turned out to be a hawk.

Someone said the terrorists are seeing this as a win. I would agree with that just as they surely saw 9/11 as an incredible coup.

No one could have foreseen that those two building would come down like they did.

But, we have seen Obama go after alQuaeda/Taliban and get one right after another. THis situation is different in that they are American citizens and Obama won't have anything to do with it. But, he will be caught/killed.

That's the message we are sending. Our response to this while maybe/maybe not logical is sending a STRONG but WRONG message to our enemies.

Remember this is the city that was shut down due to a misplaced light brite.

Okay, so how would you know-it-alls do it?

There used to be a concept called "detective work".

But that requires intelligence, planning and disciplined execution.

Far easier to inspire future terrorists by throwing shit at every wall in sight.
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One teen has a million Americans in fear & locked in their homes by police. Business is shuttered. Fools!
I doubt they are in fear. Thanks for stopping by and showing your support to terrorists around the world.

Government can't save you or protect you. SCOTUS has ruled that government & police are not obligated to protect you, although they sure can take your life, freedom & wealth. I do not support terrorist. Leave the people alone, they will get this terrorist. We have always had to protect our selves. He is making a fool out of the government who has brought Boston to it's knees.
really? where, in Hollywood? a few instances can be had for any argument. Reality is what people are protecting themselves from/

Well armed and dangerous people will break in and have the drop on fools like you.

Make a plan on how to let your family out as happened in that case...and later look for a way out yourself. That is the real world//

Your gun is good in a situation where a fool of a burglar breaks in...most would be unarmed.. you are an idiot

It didn't take you long to get belligerent. Obviously you find my position to be difficult to argue against.

My plan if there is an intruder is to defend my family. The doors are locked and the dog will react if she hears the sound of someone breaking in. That gives me enough time to retrieve a weapon (there are several throughout the house), then find and confront the individual.

Millions of people in the US have a similar plan. The fact that bad guys know this but don't know which house has such a plan gives him pause. It likely gives folks who are unwilling to defend their property relatively safe.

Sounds pretty likely that you'll shoot the dog or a family member.

Nice fantasy but please use your head. It doesn't sound like you are.
Remember this is the city that was shut down due to a misplaced light brite.

Okay, so how would you know-it-alls do it?

There used to be a concept called "detective work".

But that requires intelligence, planning and disciplined execution.

Far easier to inspire future terrorists by throwing shit at every wall in sight.

And, that's exactly how they identified these two.

Thanks to Murdoch's crappy newspaper publishing pics of two innocent guys, they could have gotten away. Thanks to good police work, they didn't.

Sorry but I don't agree that putting even more civilians in danger is "detective work". You're whining about nothing.
Okay, so how would you know-it-alls do it?

There used to be a concept called "detective work".

But that requires intelligence, planning and disciplined execution.

Far easier to inspire future terrorists by throwing shit at every wall in sight.

And, that's exactly how they identified these two.

Thanks to Murdoch's crappy newspaper publishing pics of two innocent guys, they could have gotten away. Thanks to good police work, they didn't.

Sorry but I don't agree that putting even more civilians in danger is "detective work". You're whining about nothing.

That's not a bad point. Posting people that they THOUGHT were terrorists was disgraceful. But we also have at least one big asshole here that did the same thing.
You watch too many movies and maybe read Tom Clancy novels.

Not long ago a perp fleeing from authorities in a Boston suburb ran into the home of a corrections officer. The hostage situation did not end until the law enforcement officer jumped out of his own friggin window.

We all know the man had guns in his home. His family had been taken hostage. Better a plan on how to negotiate and get out of a hostage situation than fantasies of out shooting an armed burglar

If a guy had my family hostage I wouldn't jump out of window. I'd shoot the guy instead.

People use guns to protect themselves from intruders all the time.

Yeah, boy, you tell 'em.

You better hope you never have to put your imaginary balls where your big mouth is because, you really have no idea. Until you've had it happen to you, you just don't.

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