Terrorists around the world watch as an entire American city is shut down out of...


That's the message we are sending. Our response to this while maybe/maybe not logical is sending a STRONG but WRONG message to our enemies.

Terrorists around the world watch as a supposedly anonymous terrorist is identified and killed within three days of his attack

Great work by Boston police and FBI

The FBI sandbagged the public & fed us dis-information on bombing details. They said the bomb was outside the fence by the mail box, instead of inside the fence by the tree. The public would have been on them a day sooner had they not pulled that power play. They really fucked up.
That is the message WE get. I guarantee you that is not what the terrorists take away from this.

Death I s their wish

This isn't entirely true.

Most suicide bombers are recruited from uneducated idiots who are taken advantage of. Your average terrorist will do their best to run/hide/escape, as have these two in Boston.

Your average misfit and tool of others will run and hide too. The bombers were lucky.

They are not great enemies and they do not represent a great enemy. They are fools who took a few lives while throwing their own lives away

Ability? Yeah. If a guy is armed and breaks into my home and he has a bomb...I'm fucked .. gun or no gun

false sense of security there

If he had a 'dead man" switch on him, then you may have a point. Such instance would be exceedingly rare. In this case, a bullet in his face would likely result in his death alone.

Even so, I'd rather be in a stand-off position rather then one of his total control.

That's the message we are sending. Our response to this while maybe/maybe not logical is sending a STRONG but WRONG message to our enemies.

For those we haven't Drone-bombed to dust...

The speed and efficiency of American justice is scaring the shit out of them.

Ability? Yeah. If a guy is armed and breaks into my home and he has a bomb...I'm fucked .. gun or no gun

false sense of security there

If he had a 'dead man" switch on him, then you may have a point. Such instance would be exceedingly rare. In this case, a bullet in his face would likely result in his death alone.

Even so, I'd rather be in a stand-off position rather then one of his total control.

You watch too many movies and maybe read Tom Clancy novels.

Not long ago a perp fleeing from authorities in a Boston suburb ran into the home of a corrections officer. The hostage situation did not end until the law enforcement officer jumped out of his own friggin window.

We all know the man had guns in his home. His family had been taken hostage. Better a plan on how to negotiate and get out of a hostage situation than fantasies of out shooting an armed burglar
btw, at this point we don't know their motive even if it seems glaringly obvious.

Their Facebook and dozens of youtube postings make it clear what they believe. Praise for OBL and all who follow in his footsteps.
Link? Now I do believe you are simply making things up you fool.

I don't make shit up bitch. Read the link and watch the video

Boston Marathon suspects Islamic terrorists, not Chechen separatists | Fox News

Based on the content of the videos, which feature Bin Laden, calls to kill Americans, Jews, Christians and exhortations to establish a world-wide caliphate, it is clear that these message are not directed just at Chechens. "They are directed primarily against all non-Muslims and are very similar to the Al Qaeda videos we've seen in years past."*Read more:*http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013...orists-not-chechen-separatists/#ixzz2QwZr0M3g
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That is the message WE get. I guarantee you that is not what the terrorists take away from this.

Death I s their wish

This isn't entirely true.

Most suicide bombers are recruited from uneducated idiots who are taken advantage of. Your average terrorist will do their best to run/hide/escape, as have these two in Boston.

Your average misfit and tool of others will run and hide too. The bombers were lucky.

They are not great enemies and they do not represent a great enemy. They are fools who took a few lives while throwing their own lives away

They don't represent a great enemy yet 6000+ law enforcement officials have locked down a city and are dressed in near military garb while searching for ONE man.

Interesting take on things
One teen has a million Americans in fear & locked in their homes by police. Business is shuttered. Fools!
This isn't entirely true.

Most suicide bombers are recruited from uneducated idiots who are taken advantage of. Your average terrorist will do their best to run/hide/escape, as have these two in Boston.

Your average misfit and tool of others will run and hide too. The bombers were lucky.

They are not great enemies and they do not represent a great enemy. They are fools who took a few lives while throwing their own lives away

They don't represent a great enemy yet 6000+ law enforcement officials have locked down a city and are dressed in near military garb while searching for ONE man.

Interesting take on things

Manhunts involve lots of resources. They do manhunts for robbery suspects Areas of LA have been shut down when looking for a fleeing wife abuser
Their Facebook and dozens of youtube postings make it clear what they believe. Praise for OBL and all who follow in his footsteps.
Link? Now I do believe you are simply making things up you fool.

I don't make shit up bitch. Read the link and watch the video

Boston Marathon suspects Islamic terrorists, not Chechen separatists | Fox News

Based on the content of the videos, which feature Bin Laden, calls to kill Americans, Jews, Christians and exhortations to establish a world-wide caliphate, it is clear that these message are not directed just at Chechens. "They are directed primarily against all non-Muslims and are very similar to the Al Qaeda videos we've seen in years past."*Read more:*Boston Marathon suspects Islamic terrorists, not Chechen separatists | Fox News
:rolleyes: FOX big surprise. Someone posted the younger brothers facebook page this morning.

That's the message we are sending. Our response to this while maybe/maybe not logical is sending a STRONG but WRONG message to our enemies.

Your sentiment is EXACTLY right.

One quibble: "WE" aren't sending any message. Government is. Many of us have had no emotional connection to the government since the 1980s and many more lost faith after the panic of 2001. Foreigners are aware of this.

The reaction is the state and local version of that halfwit scum Bush's naked panic in 2001. Likely one of those potgutted desk jockeys has already ordered the "Mission Accomplished" banner.
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Link? Now I do believe you are simply making things up you fool.

I don't make shit up bitch. Read the link and watch the video

Boston Marathon suspects Islamic terrorists, not Chechen separatists | Fox News

Based on the content of the videos, which feature Bin Laden, calls to kill Americans, Jews, Christians and exhortations to establish a world-wide caliphate, it is clear that these message are not directed just at Chechens. "They are directed primarily against all non-Muslims and are very similar to the Al Qaeda videos we've seen in years past."*Read more:*Boston Marathon suspects Islamic terrorists, not Chechen separatists | Fox News
:rolleyes: FOX big surprise. Someone posted the younger brothers facebook page this morning.

Pathetic retraction accepted
You watch too many movies and maybe read Tom Clancy novels.

Not long ago a perp fleeing from authorities in a Boston suburb ran into the home of a corrections officer. The hostage situation did not end until the law enforcement officer jumped out of his own friggin window.

We all know the man had guns in his home. His family had been taken hostage. Better a plan on how to negotiate and get out of a hostage situation than fantasies of out shooting an armed burglar

If a guy had my family hostage I wouldn't jump out of window. I'd shoot the guy instead.

People use guns to protect themselves from intruders all the time.

That's the message we are sending. Our response to this while maybe/maybe not logical is sending a STRONG but WRONG message to our enemies.

I seriously doubt that influences a sick, evil mind like a terrorist one way or another.

I doubt it will stop him from making another bomb or inspire him to make two. He has plenty of incentive from the devil already.
You watch too many movies and maybe read Tom Clancy novels.

Not long ago a perp fleeing from authorities in a Boston suburb ran into the home of a corrections officer. The hostage situation did not end until the law enforcement officer jumped out of his own friggin window.

We all know the man had guns in his home. His family had been taken hostage. Better a plan on how to negotiate and get out of a hostage situation than fantasies of out shooting an armed burglar

If a guy had my family hostage I wouldn't jump out of window. I'd shoot the guy instead.

People use guns to protect themselves from intruders all the time.

really? where, in Hollywood? a few instances can be had for any argument. Reality is what people are protecting themselves from/

Well armed and dangerous people will break in and have the drop on fools like you.

Make a plan on how to let your family out as happened in that case...and later look for a way out yourself. That is the real world//

Your gun is good in a situation where a fool of a burglar breaks in...most would be unarmed.. you are an idiot
The people who knew the 26 year old are certainly sending the wrong message. Any number of character witnesses have come foward to testify to his gentle nature. He was such a nice boy. He was such a good friend. He was well liked by his classmates and every one who knew him.

He thought "I don't have a single American friend".

Americans are stupid and very easily fooled.
What the people of Boston are doing is voluntary. They do not care what terrorist think, they just want to catch the cock suckers who murdered and attempted to murder almost 200 American citizens.

The same goes for the businesses and everything, everybody and whatever. They, we, the people of the United States, will do what it takes to catch these people.

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