Terrorists around the world watch as an entire American city is shut down out of...

You watch too many movies and maybe read Tom Clancy novels.

Not long ago a perp fleeing from authorities in a Boston suburb ran into the home of a corrections officer. The hostage situation did not end until the law enforcement officer jumped out of his own friggin window.

We all know the man had guns in his home. His family had been taken hostage. Better a plan on how to negotiate and get out of a hostage situation than fantasies of out shooting an armed burglar

If a guy had my family hostage I wouldn't jump out of window. I'd shoot the guy instead.

People use guns to protect themselves from intruders all the time.

Yeah, boy, you tell 'em.

You better hope you never have to put your imaginary balls where your big mouth is because, you really have no idea. Until you've had it happen to you, you just don't.

Stop projecting your own cowardice on others.
Terrorists worldwide are watching a chickenshit loser be hunted down like a wild dog. They watched his big bad brother die a senseless and painful death.

Oh yeah, terrorists all want to end up like these two when they can bomb other places and live to bomb another day, week, month, year...

most all you people are pathetic loser making out two friggin losers to be big bad terrorists, when all they are is two lonely losers who made a grave error in judgement on how to get attention
Perhaps a potential terrorist would look upon it and say...."Holy shit, they shut down an entire city to find this guy"

Perhaps you can give the guys a break...maybe.
The only positive here as far as I know is the police have not killed more innocent people than the terrorist. Unlike the Chris Dorner man hunt when they killed 3 innocent. But they have arrested a lot of innocent for not following commands.
The only positive here as far as I know is the police have not killed more innocent people than the terrorist. Unlike the Chris Dorner man hunt when they killed 3 innocent. But they have arrested a lot of innocent for not following commands.

Dorner was the biggest black asshole to come down the pike since Trayvon. They both made black people look stupid.

now screw you and your anti police bs. People like you feed the morons who attack society

That's the message we are sending. Our response to this while maybe/maybe not logical is sending a STRONG but WRONG message to our enemies.

They have also watched a high school student, a suspect in fear for his life, and an innocent American citizen stripped naked and his naked picture posted on the internet. Those things should not be tolerated.
The only positive here as far as I know is the police have not killed more innocent people than the terrorist. Unlike the Chris Dorner man hunt when they killed 3 innocent. But they have arrested a lot of innocent for not following commands.


The human cattle who think this is great police work are as much of the problem as grandstanding flatfeet wearing and riding around in surplus war materiel are.

I am laughing out loud that people don't get it that these are not unibomber-grade thinkers. Most of them are smart losers, the sort of people one sees selling pencils on the corner because they are too smart to succeed in the real world. Fuck them.

The one thing the cops might have got right is killing both. Had to turn the tv off listening to some syphilus-demented freak trying to figure these people out. Belly button staring isn't going to move the mark much in these cases. Dead on the ground is the best policy; keep show trials in other nations.
The only positive here as far as I know is the police have not killed more innocent people than the terrorist. Unlike the Chris Dorner man hunt when they killed 3 innocent. But they have arrested a lot of innocent for not following commands.


The human cattle who think this is great police work are as much of the problem as grandstanding flatfeet wearing and riding around in surplus war materiel are.

I am laughing out loud that people don't get it that these are not unibomber-grade thinkers. Most of them are smart losers, the sort of people one sees selling pencils on the corner because they are too smart to succeed in the real world. Fuck them.

The one thing the cops might have got right is killing both. Had to turn the tv off listening to some syphilus-demented freak trying to figure these people out. Belly button staring isn't going to move the mark much in these cases. Dead on the ground is the best policy; keep show trials in other nations.

I am proud of the Boston Police Dept and FBI

For an anonymous attack with few clues they swarmed to the scene, collected and analyzed reams of evidence and resolved the case within four days

Outstanding police work
The only positive here as far as I know is the police have not killed more innocent people than the terrorist. Unlike the Chris Dorner man hunt when they killed 3 innocent. But they have arrested a lot of innocent for not following commands.


The human cattle who think this is great police work are as much of the problem as grandstanding flatfeet wearing and riding around in surplus war materiel are.

I am laughing out loud that people don't get it that these are not unibomber-grade thinkers. Most of them are smart losers, the sort of people one sees selling pencils on the corner because they are too smart to succeed in the real world. Fuck them.

The one thing the cops might have got right is killing both. Had to turn the tv off listening to some syphilus-demented freak trying to figure these people out. Belly button staring isn't going to move the mark much in these cases. Dead on the ground is the best policy; keep show trials in other nations.

I am proud of the Boston Police Dept and FBI

For an anonymous attack with few clues they swarmed to the scene, collected and analyzed reams of evidence and resolved the case within four days

Outstanding police work
Except that the FBI knew about this guy 2 fucking years ago.

The human cattle who think this is great police work are as much of the problem as grandstanding flatfeet wearing and riding around in surplus war materiel are.

I am laughing out loud that people don't get it that these are not unibomber-grade thinkers. Most of them are smart losers, the sort of people one sees selling pencils on the corner because they are too smart to succeed in the real world. Fuck them.

The one thing the cops might have got right is killing both. Had to turn the tv off listening to some syphilus-demented freak trying to figure these people out. Belly button staring isn't going to move the mark much in these cases. Dead on the ground is the best policy; keep show trials in other nations.

I am proud of the Boston Police Dept and FBI

For an anonymous attack with few clues they swarmed to the scene, collected and analyzed reams of evidence and resolved the case within four days

Outstanding police work
Except that the FBI knew about this guy 2 fucking years ago.

no fuck you

The human cattle who think this is great police work are as much of the problem as grandstanding flatfeet wearing and riding around in surplus war materiel are.

I am laughing out loud that people don't get it that these are not unibomber-grade thinkers. Most of them are smart losers, the sort of people one sees selling pencils on the corner because they are too smart to succeed in the real world. Fuck them.

The one thing the cops might have got right is killing both. Had to turn the tv off listening to some syphilus-demented freak trying to figure these people out. Belly button staring isn't going to move the mark much in these cases. Dead on the ground is the best policy; keep show trials in other nations.

I am proud of the Boston Police Dept and FBI

For an anonymous attack with few clues they swarmed to the scene, collected and analyzed reams of evidence and resolved the case within four days

Outstanding police work
Except that the FBI knew about this guy 2 fucking years ago.

What crime had he committed?

That's the message we are sending. Our response to this while maybe/maybe not logical is sending a STRONG but WRONG message to our enemies.

Terrorists around the world watch as a supposedly anonymous terrorist is identified and killed within three days of his attack

Great work by Boston police and FBI

That is the message WE get. I guarantee you that is not what the terrorists take away from this.

Death I s their wish

They didn't get their wish because the cops made sure of it.

That's the message we are sending. Our response to this while maybe/maybe not logical is sending a STRONG but WRONG message to our enemies.

Here Monkeybutt, let me finish that for you.

Terrorists around the world watch as an entire American city is shut down out of...and the terrorists are killed and captured.

Unlike, "And the Republicans let the terrorists go and stopped looking for them". I bet al Qaeda misses the good old days when Republicans were in the White House.
Yeah, that's not why they shut it down. They did it so they could ferret him out without the risk of innocent civilians getting hurt if he starts spraying bullets again. Plus they can also more easily monitor him if he moves. It's easier to hunt someone down when no one else is around. C'mon, they've been talking about it all day.

I get that.

Apparently my point flew over your head.

Well, you old fart, it didn't go over my head. Those people who put on suicide vests and blow themselves up aren't afraid of getting arrested. Like you, I erroneously thought that everyone knew that.

We both know that some terrorists will be deterred by the efficiency of the police in the Boston bombing case; however, others seeing the continuous news coverage of the carnage are being given a shot of adrenalin. I am convinced that showing the terrible results of a terrorist act will not discourage anyone and may even embolden some. On the other hand, although the quick capture of the terrorists will not deter everyone, it will no doubt discourage some. Therefore, it makes sense to limit the coverage of the suffering and to focus instead on the pursuit of the terrorists. The photograph of the terrorist who was shot should be shown all over the media, although I doubt that will happen. It's OK to show images of a man with the flesh ripped from his legs, but a photograph of a terrorist with a bullet hole in his head is a no-no. Go figure.

The ones I am afraid of are those who don't give a fuck about anything but their perverted devotion to Allah. As I watched the news, I kept thinking: Are we encouraging future terrorists acts by the almost endless depiction of the devastation, the pain and the heartache? Some of the graphic pictures may damn well turn out to be recruiting posters for Al Qaeda.

I would caution everyone: Know your enemy! I can assure you that your enemy is studying you.

From one old fart to another, have a great day, Grampa.

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