Terrorists around the world watch as an entire American city is shut down out of...

Boston, the only city that will completely shut down and hunt down those who committed a terrorist attack in their city.

Hope they never have to again, but not sure that's the kind of message you really want to send to asses that want to shut down Cities.

God Bless one of the Greatest Cities on this Planet. Boston, MA.
I get that.

Apparently my point flew over your head.

No, your point was that they closed Boston out of fear which (in your mind) sends a message to terrorists . That is incorrect. They did it as a logistical tactic to catch the douche and to protect the public.

The message of fear is not in my mind. It's no wonder the war on terror is so difficult for libs to deal with when you can't even grasp the logic the terrorists use.

To them this is a win

Wrong again, Gramps.

The ‘message’ is you get caught or killed.
No, your point was that they closed Boston out of fear which (in your mind) sends a message to terrorists . That is incorrect. They did it as a logistical tactic to catch the douche and to protect the public.

The message of fear is not in my mind. It's no wonder the war on terror is so difficult for libs to deal with when you can't even grasp the logic the terrorists use.

To them this is a win

Wrong again, Gramps.

The ‘message’ is you get caught or killed.

Is that why we have prisons in Colorado and gitmo full of terrorists? Because they fear getting caught more than their own agenda?

Like I said, clueless
They are surrounding him now

Won't be long

Oh well. Time to go back to defending the victims of shootings and bombings against right wingers who are against making America safe

This is a little odd.
Two blokes kill three people and there's outrage.
Lots of blokes kill 3,000 people in the first quarter of 2013 and there's support for gun ownership.

America is a really strange country.
I get that.

Apparently my point flew over your head.
No, your point was that they closed Boston out of fear which (in your mind) sends a message to terrorists . That is incorrect. They did it as a logistical tactic to catch the douche and to protect the public.
Actually, that was NOT his point.

It does NOT matter why they did what they did. Those who would attack us come from a different culture and will interpret the events differently. THAT is the point.

Not to mention that it is likely they will edit the footage just enough to be sure new recruits don't know the reason why a major US City was shut down.

Everyone here understands and applauds the reasons. I don't think that it can be laid on the feet of the BPD. The media could have done a better job of covering this and not give the impression that Boston was out of service while this all went down. But then, its the 'frenzy of getting a breaking story' that is and will always be, our downfall.
They are surrounding him now

Won't be long

Oh well. Time to go back to defending the victims of shootings and bombings against right wingers who are against making America safe

This is a little odd.
Two blokes kill three people and there's outrage.
Lots of blokes kill 3,000 people in the first quarter of 2013 and there's support for gun ownership.

America is a really strange country.
You clearly don't understand the issue.
Oh well. Time to go back to defending the victims of shootings and bombings against right wingers who are against making America safe

This is a little odd.
Two blokes kill three people and there's outrage.
Lots of blokes kill 3,000 people in the first quarter of 2013 and there's support for gun ownership.

America is a really strange country.
You clearly don't understand the issue.

OK, this was a bombing with a very high public profile so you are going to be a little more paranoid than usual but, 3,000 dead and you lend support to the very causes of this massive death toll.

Tell me that isn't perverse.
That is the message WE get. I guarantee you that is not what the terrorists take away from this.

Death I s their wish

This isn't entirely true.

Most suicide bombers are recruited from uneducated idiots who are taken advantage of. Your average terrorist will do their best to run/hide/escape, as have these two in Boston.

Your average misfit and tool of others will run and hide too. The bombers were lucky.

They are not great enemies and they do not represent a great enemy. They are fools who took a few lives while throwing their own lives away

Maybe so, but this doesn't support your claim that for terrorists "death is their wish." When faced with death most terrorists will make great efforts to avoid it if possible. Dying is a deterrent.
Yeah, that's not why they shut it down. They did it so they could ferret him out without the risk of innocent civilians getting hurt if he starts spraying bullets again. Plus they can also more easily monitor him if he moves. It's easier to hunt someone down when no one else is around. C'mon, they've been talking about it all day.

I get that.

Apparently my point flew over your head.

I got your point loud and clear.

While I think the necessity of catching the perpetrators and the safety of the people of the Boston area had to be our first priority, I do know that the terrorists are gleeful and encouraged every time one of these thngs is successfully pulled off. Whether or not some of their ranks are captured or hopefully killed so they won't talk. When you are dealing with Islamic extremists, the death of the terrorists is not so important and usually is even to be desired. Martyrs are valued much more than those who might talk.

At the same time, the purpose of terrorism is to strike fear into the hearts of people and make their lives miserable. We know the terrorists are winning when we have to have our purses or pockets or backpacks searched when we enter public buildings, when we have to remove our shoes and be x-rayed at the airport, when we have to be very careful about the language we use in e-mails or post on Facebook or whatever. Each time we are stripped of more of our rights and/or are inconvenienced in favor of more public safety, the terrorists are successful.
Yeah, boy, you tell 'em.

You better hope you never have to put your imaginary balls where your big mouth is because, you really have no idea. Until you've had it happen to you, you just don't.

As an Obama voter, I can see why you'd have a difficult time preparing to defend yourself.
Sounds pretty likely that you'll shoot the dog or a family member.

Nice fantasy but please use your head. It doesn't sound like you are.

Why would I shoot the dog? She's pretty close to the floor I'd have to be aiming at the guy's feet.

Why would I shoot a member of my family? They'd be aiming their guns at him too.
Belligerent? Where the eff do you live? :lol: You'd never survive in an any American city I've ever lived in.

Your position is a fantasy one. You are demented and putting yourself and others in fear of a fantasy boogy man situation. I think you make a lousy family man. Why scare the shit out of everybody with your fantasy scenarios?

Or do you keep this crazy shit to yourself?

I've lived in several large cities, including the one we are supposed to be discussing. Belligerence is where you attack me instead of my arguments.

I find it amusing that you are afraid of discussing this scenario that happens thousands of times across the county every year. I also think its amusing that you would attack me as a 'lousy family man', married to the same gal for 26 years, two kids in college, both dean's list, on their way to successful careers.

That's the message we are sending. Our response to this while maybe/maybe not logical is sending a STRONG but WRONG message to our enemies.

Good to see Grampa is reading salon.com:

We gave Tsarnaevs the attention they wanted

The suspects were nobodies who wanted to spread fear. A citywide lockdown and media hysteria helped them do that

A major American city was largely shut down for an entire day because of the hunt for someone who, based on initial reports, was quite possibly a confused, apolitical teenager, who may have been cajoled into taking part in what was essentially a bloody publicity stunt by his now-dead older brother.

As the Boston Globe reported:

Almost 1 million people in metropolitan Boston remained under siege Friday as police conducted a massive manhunt for one of the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings.
The region felt as if it had been gripped by martial law: Police armed with rifles patrolled deserted streets in Boston, Watertown, Cambridge, Waltham, Newton, Belmont, and Brookline, and residents hunkered inside, under authorities’ unprecedented order.
Authorities shut down all MBTA service, halting subways, trains, and buses. City and town halls were closed. Public works canceled trash pickup, keeping garbage trucks off streets. Courthouses kept their doors closed.

It’s always difficult to address the overreaction to certain types of risks, especially the risks posed by violent, politically motivated crime (aka “terrorism”), without sounding potentially callous about the terrible losses suffered by those victimized by such crimes.

Nevertheless, this week’s spectacle in the Boston area was a testament to the kind of political and media hysteria that, ironically, makes crimes of this sort more likely to happen in the future. What happened in Boston on Monday was indeed terrible, but many terrible things happen in our country every day.

For example, Thursday in Chicago, at least eight people, including three teenagers, were shot over a 12-hour period, in seven separate incidents. This is such an ordinary occurrence in that city that you will have to look hard for any mention of these crimes in the local media. (In the national media, the fact that in some of our major cities several people are shot on just about every day of the year is not something that normally warrants any mention. Dog bites man, as they say in the business.)

Indeed, that’s pretty much an ordinary day in Chicago, but since this carnage isn’t being carried out by media-savvy criminals, who combine their addled nihilism with a hunger for publicity, no one pays much attention, let alone shuts down an entire city.


I have to agree.
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The human cattle who think this is great police work are as much of the problem as grandstanding flatfeet wearing and riding around in surplus war materiel are.

I am laughing out loud that people don't get it that these are not unibomber-grade thinkers. Most of them are smart losers, the sort of people one sees selling pencils on the corner because they are too smart to succeed in the real world. Fuck them.

The one thing the cops might have got right is killing both. Had to turn the tv off listening to some syphilus-demented freak trying to figure these people out. Belly button staring isn't going to move the mark much in these cases. Dead on the ground is the best policy; keep show trials in other nations.

I am proud of the Boston Police Dept and FBI

For an anonymous attack with few clues they swarmed to the scene, collected and analyzed reams of evidence and resolved the case within four days

Outstanding police work
Except that the FBI knew about this guy 2 fucking years ago.
The FBI likely "knows about" thousands of people...many of which may be potential terrorists. That does not mean we can arrest them for what they think...or that we should muster the resources to provide 24/7 surveillance for each.
I am proud of the Boston Police Dept and FBI

For an anonymous attack with few clues they swarmed to the scene, collected and analyzed reams of evidence and resolved the case within four days

Outstanding police work
Except that the FBI knew about this guy 2 fucking years ago.
The FBI likely "knows about" thousands of people...many of which may be potential terrorists. That does not mean we can arrest them for what they think...or that we should muster the resources to provide 24/7 surveillance for each.

Because kicking him out of the country doesn't make any sense :cuckoo:

We welcome suspected terrorists apparently
Except that the FBI knew about this guy 2 fucking years ago.
The FBI likely "knows about" thousands of people...many of which may be potential terrorists. That does not mean we can arrest them for what they think...or that we should muster the resources to provide 24/7 surveillance for each.

Because kicking him out of the country doesn't make any sense :cuckoo:

We welcome suspected terrorists apparently

Hard to argue with the fact that we don't protect ourselves as much as we should; of course hind sight is usually 20/20 now isn't it?

The immigration bill that was making it's way through the Congress prior to this stuff in Boston is, in my view, a joke and is impractical from nearly every standpoint.

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