Tesla financial disaster!!!

One thing I cannot understand is why the hatred for Tesla? All the people calling it "ghey" or whatever.

If you don't like the car, don't buy one. If it is the money, look at where the gov't really wastes it. This is pocket change by comparison.

It seems like ignorance to me. And Teslas are all over Atlanta.

Killing the tax break is a mistake. But if anyone thinks taking away a $7,500 tax break will make people not buy a $100k to $160k car, they have lost their mind.
Good, they don't need the subsidy and we're broke.

We're broke? So we will stop giving subsidies and tax breaks for some of those companies I listed before? Ones that are making substantial profits? That would be excellent!

And, being broke, will we cut our military spending?

Where do you see waste in our military budget?
The orange tax plan seeks to jettison the tax incentives on these cars.........its in the bill. Watch the stock if that passes.:popcorn: And really.......who in their right mind can support tax bailouts of these green entities? Its a crime in my mind....4 billion dollars while direct care workers in my field haven't had a raise in 6 years..........stand on your own in the marketplace or take a hike. Most of the stoopid's of the world don't even realize they are paying out of their pockets for these things.:spinner:

And since 2000, the federal gov't has given The Southern Company (Georgia Power, Alabama Power ect) over $1.7 billion in subsidies and tax breaks. While that company reports hundreds of millions of dollars in profits. Now THAT is insane.

Yet when a hurricane hits, whose trucks do you see headed for the disaster area?
I'm glad Musk changed the warranty to include the battery issue. Of course, the article says there is only a "slim chance" of that happening. And the Tesla manuals tell the owner (several times) the batteries should never be left completely uncharged.

But do you think that was what polarbear was referring to when he said "That`s what you might have to do when your electric barbie doll car`s battery is dead after you drove around for 1/2 hour"? Because that is not what it sounded like to me. It sounded like he thinks the range of the Tesla is less than that of a golf cart.

No, polarbear knows far more about Teslas than most people here. I am sure he's referring to the Top Gear test of the Roadster where they were distressed to find that after driving the roadster hard for around 50 miles the battery was flat and the recharge time was the whole day. Not good for a fast paced TV show. They were highlighting the fact that EV's can't compete with ICE powered race cars or motorcycles for that much.

Case in point. The Isle of Man TT has several classes that race. One of them is the TT Zero, for EV bikes. They do one lap around the circuit and their average speed is now up to 117 while the ICE powered bikes do 6 laps (two at full throttle and then a refill of the gas)with a new average speed of 133.962 mph.

Or how about the Formula E? They do half the distance of a standard F1 race, and they have to have TWO cars to do it! Talk about inefficient!
That is exactly what I meant. A car like this Tesla has no practical use that would make any sense for the average person on an average income. But for people who have money to burn it is an ideal item to parade their "environmental awareness" in public. It`s better and less annoying than posing for PR photo-op in some refugee camp or making a politically correct speech at any of those über-expensive gala dinners that only they can afford to attend. A sincere philanthropist has no desire to show-boat in public as those who don`t really give a rat`s ass but need something to show on their sleeve in public that they care for the planet...(not necessarily for man-kind). And that Tesla OldRocks keeps praising will do just fine for people like that:

But not for people who earn their money the hard way:

As someone said, personal anecdotes seem unwelcome, but I will still post one. I spent about 15 mins talking to a guy driving a 4 year old Model S 70. He loves his car, and said he has not had any trouble at all. He said the only extra costs for him have been tires. He said he was an accountant.

Well personal anecdotes are fine by me especially so when they inadvertently ( as is the case here) make the same point I was making about the Tesla.
This accountant was exactly the type who would drive around in a Tesla because he wants to attract attention.
And he got your`s didn`t he ?
Would you hire an accountant who has no idea how much more he is paying for the equivalent of 1 gallon of gas in electricity to drive around in that Tesla ?
In Georgia where you are 1 gallon of gas is listed on the net for ~ $ 2.30...and 1 kWh costs about 11 cents
This accountant is paying $ 1.20 more for for each of the number of Joules his Tesla consumes as anyone else does who fuels up with gasoline !
And he told you the only extra cost he had so far were tires...
That is exactly the kind of guy who would buy a Tesla and love it because it baits the very suckers he is looking for to hire him.

If someone is driving a Tesla Model S P100, their batteries have a capacity of 100 kWh. Add 10% for losses via charger ect, and you need 110 kWh for a full charge. The stated range of the car is 335 miles, but let's use 300, to give the benefit of the doubt. That means the Tesla Model S can go 300 miles for $12.10 (with Georgia electricity going for $0.11 per kWh).

If the gas car gets 30 mpg, it will need 10 gals of gas to get 300 miles. At $2.30 per gallon, this will cost $23.00.

MY expertise is not in batteries or power storage. I would appreciate having the problem with my number explained to me.

When you get to that 300 miles, how long does it take you to find a place to recharge your vehicle and how long does it take?

When my ICE car runs out of gas, I pull into a gas station, spend about $15 bucks and then get right back on the road for another 300 miles.
Is there any doubt that more EVs on the road would be good for the economy, the consumer, and the environment?

I get why the car dealers are pissed. Tesla doesn't do dealerships. But jeez, this kind of hostility towards new technology is insane.

And spare me the "Let the market decide". That works great if you are already in the market. Tesla has started from scratch and in less than 10 years has become a well known commodity. The technology is cutting edge. The cars are safer than almost any car on the road. The fuel is produced right here in the USA.
Hostile to welfare for the rich

You mean like bailing out GM?

And it is only welfare if you get money from taxes paid by someone else. This is letting someone keep $7,500 of the money they earned. And for buying a car that is good for the future, good for the environment, and good for reducing our dependence on foreign oil.

Since we are using coal to make the electricity for many of these vehicles, how does that make it good for the environment?
Throw some grids across Wyoming, the Dakotas, and Eastern Montana, and we can shut down those stinking coal plants down. Enough wind power to undercut the prices of the coal plants, as well as the natural gas plants.
Is there any doubt that more EVs on the road would be good for the economy, the consumer, and the environment?

I get why the car dealers are pissed. Tesla doesn't do dealerships. But jeez, this kind of hostility towards new technology is insane.

And spare me the "Let the market decide". That works great if you are already in the market. Tesla has started from scratch and in less than 10 years has become a well known commodity. The technology is cutting edge. The cars are safer than almost any car on the road. The fuel is produced right here in the USA.
Hostile to welfare for the rich

You mean like bailing out GM?

And it is only welfare if you get money from taxes paid by someone else. This is letting someone keep $7,500 of the money they earned. And for buying a car that is good for the future, good for the environment, and good for reducing our dependence on foreign oil.

Since we are using coal to make the electricity for many of these vehicles, how does that make it good for the environment?
Throw some grids across Wyoming, the Dakotas, and Eastern Montana, and we can shut down those stinking coal plants down. Enough wind power to undercut the prices of the coal plants, as well as the natural gas plants.
Terrible waste of land and a pipe dream.....
One thing I cannot understand is why the hatred for Tesla? All the people calling it "ghey" or whatever.

If you don't like the car, don't buy one. If it is the money, look at where the gov't really wastes it. This is pocket change by comparison.

It seems like ignorance to me. And Teslas are all over Atlanta.

Killing the tax break is a mistake. But if anyone thinks taking away a $7,500 tax break will make people not buy a $100k to $160k car, they have lost their mind.

Why? The rich are getting a subsidy from the poor people who can't afford a Tesla in their wildest dreams. EVERYONE pays extra so that those who buy a Tesla can get a rebate. That's bullshit. If the vehicle is so good let the rich people who buy them, PAY FOR THEM!

Bcause being dependent on foriegn oil is bad for everyone. Why do you think Saudi Arabia gets such special treatment when they have financed terrorism and their people participate in it globally.

All new technology is expensive. My brother was given a VCR by his father-in-law when it was still new tech. It cost over $5k.

And it is not just the removal of the rebates. How many states will not allow Tesla to sell cars there because they do not use dealerships?

We are no longer dependent on foreign oil. Why doesn't he sell these cars in Japan where they need them because they have no oil?
Tesla has already sold about 2000 units there.
Interesting the 'Conservatives' hatred for an all American product that is at the cutting edge of technology. And their objections to the cost of the Tesla S are humorous, since they don't seem to object to the high cost of of the luxury cars that compete head on with the Tesla. But the price of the S, and other models, will be coming down shortly as the solid state batteries, sodium and lithium, come on market.

Toyota’s new solid-state battery could make its way to cars by 2020

Toyota is touting its progress on a new kind of battery technology, which uses a solid electrolyte instead of the conventional semi-liquid version used in today’s lithium-ion batteries. The car maker said that it’s near a breakthrough in production engineering that could help it put the new tech in production electric vehicles as early as 2020, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The improved battery technology would make it possible to create smaller, more lightweight lithium-ion batteries for use in EVs, that could also potentially boost the total charge capacity and result in longer-range vehicles.

Another improvement for this type of battery would be longer overall usable life, which would make it possible to both use the vehicles they’re installed in for longer, and add potential for product recycling and alternative post-vehicle life (some companies are already looking into putting EV batteries into use in home and commercial energy storage, for example).

Batteries remain a key limiting factor for electric vehicle design, because of how far tech companies focused on the problem have pushed existing science. The move to solid state would help make room for more gains in terms of charge capacity achieved in the footprint available in consumer vehicles, while helping to push further existing efficiencies achieved through things like the use of ultra-light materials in car frames and interiors.

Toyota isn’t saying yet where its batteries will end up, but any edge here is bound to be a big boon for automakers looking at a future that increasingly seems like it’ll be dominated by EVs.

Not hated......its just people don't want these cars because they are overpriced and a pita to maintain. Most people don't want the hassle of having to get home from work and charge the damn thing and pay waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more for doing it. Not to mention the worry of the charge.....one can post up a billion links about how easy it is but most people like routine and reliability. There is just no getting around it and again, especially when weighed against price.

Again and as Ive said in here many times..........to progressives, costs in life are no concern.......$ costs and time costs. But in the life of real Americans, costs do matter.

Last year, about 150,000 EV's were sold in America. C'mon now.........that's nothing short of laughable. Ford sold more F150 trucks in the first 2 months of last year.:2up:. Its like comparing the Houston Astros to some single A farm team!:bye1:

One of the biggest complaints about EVs was the limited range. The LEAF and the Volt would go about 40 miles on a single charge. But Tesla solved that with a 250 to 300 mile range on a single charge. Most people don't drive 200 miles a day. So there is no hassle of getting home from work to charge it.

I am guessing your comment of "...and a pita to maintain" should have been that it is a pain to maintain? That is incorrect. The Tesla has little or no maintenance costs for tens of thousands of miles (if not hundreds of thousands). Tires and wiper blades are the most common.

YOu say people like routine and reliability? What is more routine than plugging in your car at night? And reliability? Where I live electricity is as reliable as the sunrise (with rare exceptions for major storms). Plus, the price of electricity is far more stable than the price of gasoline. And cheaper.

Yes, comparing Tesla to Ford is like comparing the Houston Astros to a farm team. But Ford has been building their infrastructure for a century, and Tesla has only existed for 9 years. The fact that they produced what they did is impressive in that light.

How long will it take me to drive 1000 miles to visit my daughter if I drive a Tesla? That 3-4 charges. It's 2 1/2 tanks of gasoline and I don't have to stop every 3 hours to charge my car! I can drive it in my gasoline-powered car in about 16-17 hours.

What's Tesla got?
Toyota and Toshiba state that they will have a lithium glass battery out in 2020 that will double the energy density of the present lithium ion, and it will charge much faster. Yes, the limited range is presently a problem for the EV's. However, the Goodnough glass sodium battery has three times the energy density of the present lithium ion, charges faster, and is much cheaper. If that can be converted from a lab prototype to a manufactured unit, then you have a 1000 miles range one one charge.
Is there any doubt that more EVs on the road would be good for the economy, the consumer, and the environment?

I get why the car dealers are pissed. Tesla doesn't do dealerships. But jeez, this kind of hostility towards new technology is insane.

And spare me the "Let the market decide". That works great if you are already in the market. Tesla has started from scratch and in less than 10 years has become a well known commodity. The technology is cutting edge. The cars are safer than almost any car on the road. The fuel is produced right here in the USA.
Hostile to welfare for the rich

You mean like bailing out GM?

And it is only welfare if you get money from taxes paid by someone else. This is letting someone keep $7,500 of the money they earned. And for buying a car that is good for the future, good for the environment, and good for reducing our dependence on foreign oil.

Since we are using coal to make the electricity for many of these vehicles, how does that make it good for the environment?
Throw some grids across Wyoming, the Dakotas, and Eastern Montana, and we can shut down those stinking coal plants down. Enough wind power to undercut the prices of the coal plants, as well as the natural gas plants.
Terrible waste of land and a pipe dream.....
LOL Another fool without eyeballs. A couple of thousand mills in the wheat fields east of The Dallas, Oregon. And the wheat grows right up to the base of the mills. And the farmers get about $5000 a year per mill on their land. A win-win for all. Much of that land in those states is grazing land, the cows won't mind the mills at all.
Interesting the 'Conservatives' hatred for an all American product that is at the cutting edge of technology. And their objections to the cost of the Tesla S are humorous, since they don't seem to object to the high cost of of the luxury cars that compete head on with the Tesla. But the price of the S, and other models, will be coming down shortly as the solid state batteries, sodium and lithium, come on market.

Toyota’s new solid-state battery could make its way to cars by 2020

Toyota is touting its progress on a new kind of battery technology, which uses a solid electrolyte instead of the conventional semi-liquid version used in today’s lithium-ion batteries. The car maker said that it’s near a breakthrough in production engineering that could help it put the new tech in production electric vehicles as early as 2020, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The improved battery technology would make it possible to create smaller, more lightweight lithium-ion batteries for use in EVs, that could also potentially boost the total charge capacity and result in longer-range vehicles.

Another improvement for this type of battery would be longer overall usable life, which would make it possible to both use the vehicles they’re installed in for longer, and add potential for product recycling and alternative post-vehicle life (some companies are already looking into putting EV batteries into use in home and commercial energy storage, for example).

Batteries remain a key limiting factor for electric vehicle design, because of how far tech companies focused on the problem have pushed existing science. The move to solid state would help make room for more gains in terms of charge capacity achieved in the footprint available in consumer vehicles, while helping to push further existing efficiencies achieved through things like the use of ultra-light materials in car frames and interiors.

Toyota isn’t saying yet where its batteries will end up, but any edge here is bound to be a big boon for automakers looking at a future that increasingly seems like it’ll be dominated by EVs.

Not hated......its just people don't want these cars because they are overpriced and a pita to maintain. Most people don't want the hassle of having to get home from work and charge the damn thing and pay waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more for doing it. Not to mention the worry of the charge.....one can post up a billion links about how easy it is but most people like routine and reliability. There is just no getting around it and again, especially when weighed against price.

Again and as Ive said in here many times..........to progressives, costs in life are no concern.......$ costs and time costs. But in the life of real Americans, costs do matter.

Last year, about 150,000 EV's were sold in America. C'mon now.........that's nothing short of laughable. Ford sold more F150 trucks in the first 2 months of last year.:2up:. Its like comparing the Houston Astros to some single A farm team!:bye1:

One of the biggest complaints about EVs was the limited range. The LEAF and the Volt would go about 40 miles on a single charge. But Tesla solved that with a 250 to 300 mile range on a single charge. Most people don't drive 200 miles a day. So there is no hassle of getting home from work to charge it.

I am guessing your comment of "...and a pita to maintain" should have been that it is a pain to maintain? That is incorrect. The Tesla has little or no maintenance costs for tens of thousands of miles (if not hundreds of thousands). Tires and wiper blades are the most common.

YOu say people like routine and reliability? What is more routine than plugging in your car at night? And reliability? Where I live electricity is as reliable as the sunrise (with rare exceptions for major storms). Plus, the price of electricity is far more stable than the price of gasoline. And cheaper.

Yes, comparing Tesla to Ford is like comparing the Houston Astros to a farm team. But Ford has been building their infrastructure for a century, and Tesla has only existed for 9 years. The fact that they produced what they did is impressive in that light.

How long will it take me to drive 1000 miles to visit my daughter if I drive a Tesla? That 3-4 charges. It's 2 1/2 tanks of gasoline and I don't have to stop every 3 hours to charge my car! I can drive it in my gasoline-powered car in about 16-17 hours.

What's Tesla got?

Very astute observation........a vast majority of people are not going to be ok with, "well we got a 15 hour trip but will have to make a few pit stops to recharge!!". C'mon now........maybe that works in a state like California where most of the population is brain dead, but in New York and most other places, not a snowballs chance in hell ( dang....it takes 1-2 hours to go 10 miles through the boroughs EVERY DAY if its not 4am in the morning ). People want to get where they are going..........and fast too. I'd blow my brains out on a road trip having to stop to charge a battery!!!:banghead::banghead::banghead:

People don't want electric cars no matter what the propagandists holler about........a quick look at the sales figures I posted in here is more than ample proof. The market share they hold continues to be beyond laughable, which is a statement with zero embellishment. EV's are a fad........and if you buy a Tesla, your ride is going to be spending half a year in the shop for repair.( according to Consumer Reports Magazine ):coffee:
Hostile to welfare for the rich

You mean like bailing out GM?

And it is only welfare if you get money from taxes paid by someone else. This is letting someone keep $7,500 of the money they earned. And for buying a car that is good for the future, good for the environment, and good for reducing our dependence on foreign oil.

Since we are using coal to make the electricity for many of these vehicles, how does that make it good for the environment?
Throw some grids across Wyoming, the Dakotas, and Eastern Montana, and we can shut down those stinking coal plants down. Enough wind power to undercut the prices of the coal plants, as well as the natural gas plants.
Terrible waste of land and a pipe dream.....
LOL Another fool without eyeballs. A couple of thousand mills in the wheat fields east of The Dallas, Oregon. And the wheat grows right up to the base of the mills. And the farmers get about $5000 a year per mill on their land. A win-win for all. Much of that land in those states is grazing land, the cows won't mind the mills at all.
and ya only need 300 sq miles of em to replace avg power plant......waste writ large
Is there any doubt that more EVs on the road would be good for the economy, the consumer, and the environment?

I get why the car dealers are pissed. Tesla doesn't do dealerships. But jeez, this kind of hostility towards new technology is insane.

And spare me the "Let the market decide". That works great if you are already in the market. Tesla has started from scratch and in less than 10 years has become a well known commodity. The technology is cutting edge. The cars are safer than almost any car on the road. The fuel is produced right here in the USA.
Hostile to welfare for the rich

You mean like bailing out GM?

And it is only welfare if you get money from taxes paid by someone else. This is letting someone keep $7,500 of the money they earned. And for buying a car that is good for the future, good for the environment, and good for reducing our dependence on foreign oil.

Since we are using coal to make the electricity for many of these vehicles, how does that make it good for the environment?
Throw some grids across Wyoming, the Dakotas, and Eastern Montana, and we can shut down those stinking coal plants down. Enough wind power to undercut the prices of the coal plants, as well as the natural gas plants.

How many TENS OF THOUSANDS of acres would you have to toss into eternal shade to do that?

What a farce.
Is there any doubt that more EVs on the road would be good for the economy, the consumer, and the environment?

I get why the car dealers are pissed. Tesla doesn't do dealerships. But jeez, this kind of hostility towards new technology is insane.

And spare me the "Let the market decide". That works great if you are already in the market. Tesla has started from scratch and in less than 10 years has become a well known commodity. The technology is cutting edge. The cars are safer than almost any car on the road. The fuel is produced right here in the USA.
Hostile to welfare for the rich

You mean like bailing out GM?

And it is only welfare if you get money from taxes paid by someone else. This is letting someone keep $7,500 of the money they earned. And for buying a car that is good for the future, good for the environment, and good for reducing our dependence on foreign oil.

Since we are using coal to make the electricity for many of these vehicles, how does that make it good for the environment?
Throw some grids across Wyoming, the Dakotas, and Eastern Montana, and we can shut down those stinking coal plants down. Enough wind power to undercut the prices of the coal plants, as well as the natural gas plants.

How many TENS OF THOUSANDS of acres would you have to toss into eternal shade to do that?

What a farce.

The agenda dictates........which is extraordinary well highlighted in this forum I might add.:bye1:
Is there any doubt that more EVs on the road would be good for the economy, the consumer, and the environment?

I get why the car dealers are pissed. Tesla doesn't do dealerships. But jeez, this kind of hostility towards new technology is insane.

And spare me the "Let the market decide". That works great if you are already in the market. Tesla has started from scratch and in less than 10 years has become a well known commodity. The technology is cutting edge. The cars are safer than almost any car on the road. The fuel is produced right here in the USA.
Hostile to welfare for the rich

You mean like bailing out GM?

And it is only welfare if you get money from taxes paid by someone else. This is letting someone keep $7,500 of the money they earned. And for buying a car that is good for the future, good for the environment, and good for reducing our dependence on foreign oil.

Since we are using coal to make the electricity for many of these vehicles, how does that make it good for the environment?
Throw some grids across Wyoming, the Dakotas, and Eastern Montana, and we can shut down those stinking coal plants down. Enough wind power to undercut the prices of the coal plants, as well as the natural gas plants.

How many TENS OF THOUSANDS of acres would you have to toss into eternal shade to do that?

What a farce.
Windmills make eternal shade? LOL What a liar you continue to be. Stood right under one in Eastern Oregon, in bright sunshine. LOL You are getting as silly as Silly Billy.
Hostile to welfare for the rich

You mean like bailing out GM?

And it is only welfare if you get money from taxes paid by someone else. This is letting someone keep $7,500 of the money they earned. And for buying a car that is good for the future, good for the environment, and good for reducing our dependence on foreign oil.

Since we are using coal to make the electricity for many of these vehicles, how does that make it good for the environment?
Throw some grids across Wyoming, the Dakotas, and Eastern Montana, and we can shut down those stinking coal plants down. Enough wind power to undercut the prices of the coal plants, as well as the natural gas plants.

How many TENS OF THOUSANDS of acres would you have to toss into eternal shade to do that?

What a farce.
Windmills make eternal shade? LOL What a liar you continue to be. Stood right under one in Eastern Oregon, in bright sunshine. LOL You are getting as silly as Silly Billy.

Not eternal, but flicker vertigo is an issue as is the noise. Basically where windmills are there is little else.
Is there any doubt that more EVs on the road would be good for the economy, the consumer, and the environment?

I get why the car dealers are pissed. Tesla doesn't do dealerships. But jeez, this kind of hostility towards new technology is insane.

And spare me the "Let the market decide". That works great if you are already in the market. Tesla has started from scratch and in less than 10 years has become a well known commodity. The technology is cutting edge. The cars are safer than almost any car on the road. The fuel is produced right here in the USA.
Hostile to welfare for the rich

You mean like bailing out GM?

And it is only welfare if you get money from taxes paid by someone else. This is letting someone keep $7,500 of the money they earned. And for buying a car that is good for the future, good for the environment, and good for reducing our dependence on foreign oil.

Since we are using coal to make the electricity for many of these vehicles, how does that make it good for the environment?
Throw some grids across Wyoming, the Dakotas, and Eastern Montana, and we can shut down those stinking coal plants down. Enough wind power to undercut the prices of the coal plants, as well as the natural gas plants.
Put those in your own back yard...ignorant fool... destroying the land and the wildlife is ok as long as it doesnt affect liberals where they live... F..k Off
You mean like bailing out GM?

And it is only welfare if you get money from taxes paid by someone else. This is letting someone keep $7,500 of the money they earned. And for buying a car that is good for the future, good for the environment, and good for reducing our dependence on foreign oil.

Since we are using coal to make the electricity for many of these vehicles, how does that make it good for the environment?
Throw some grids across Wyoming, the Dakotas, and Eastern Montana, and we can shut down those stinking coal plants down. Enough wind power to undercut the prices of the coal plants, as well as the natural gas plants.

How many TENS OF THOUSANDS of acres would you have to toss into eternal shade to do that?

What a farce.
Windmills make eternal shade? LOL What a liar you continue to be. Stood right under one in Eastern Oregon, in bright sunshine. LOL You are getting as silly as Silly Billy.

Not eternal, but flicker vertigo is an issue as is the noise. Basically where windmills are there is little else.
Good God, you silly liar. The wheat fields east of The Dallas are full of windmills, and they harvest the wheat right up to the base of the mill.


And, no, the flicker induced no vertigo when I stood directly beneath one of there, and the noise was a gentle swoosh, swoosh.
Since we are using coal to make the electricity for many of these vehicles, how does that make it good for the environment?
Throw some grids across Wyoming, the Dakotas, and Eastern Montana, and we can shut down those stinking coal plants down. Enough wind power to undercut the prices of the coal plants, as well as the natural gas plants.

How many TENS OF THOUSANDS of acres would you have to toss into eternal shade to do that?

What a farce.
Windmills make eternal shade? LOL What a liar you continue to be. Stood right under one in Eastern Oregon, in bright sunshine. LOL You are getting as silly as Silly Billy.

Not eternal, but flicker vertigo is an issue as is the noise. Basically where windmills are there is little else.
Good God, you silly liar. The wheat fields east of The Dallas are full of windmills, and they harvest the wheat right up to the base of the mill.


And, no, the flicker induced no vertigo when I stood directly beneath one of there, and the noise was a gentle swoosh, swoosh.

Nice strategic picture there olfraud. How about some others....

Oh, you mean they were growing crops there before they put up the mills? And you think that they could not graze sheep or cows on those nice green hills? LOL

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